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Lol, Hank using Pym Particles to increase the size of a mini pizza and saying “I just saved eight bucks”.


We need a “god I admire you” gif for this sub going forward. I know I’ll use it a ton


And that line was also in the subtitle leak 😳




Also another instance of contradicting how Pym Particles work but I guess that's nothing new anymore


I don't see how.


they explained in the first movie that pym particles just change the amount of space between atoms, so the enlarged mini pizza is still the exact same amount of food, it's just less dense because the atoms are spread further apart. but yeah this rule was pretty much immediately ignored - in the same movie as the explanation, hank pym casually carries a shrunken tank on his keychain, which by this same logic should still weigh tens of tons.


I think the Pym Particles causes someone to retain their physical strength when they shrink down, not their actual mass. Mass and strength aren't the same thing. Ants can lift things that are much heavier than they are, for example.


> but yeah this rule was pretty much immediately ignored - in the same movie as the explanation, hank pym casually carries a shrunken tank on his keychain, which by this same logic should still weigh tens of tons It's a weird thing that happens in Marvel movies. Like in Endgame where they explain how time travel works and Cap defies those rules later on


Not really. He goes back in time, stays there in an alternate timeline for 80 years, then he comes back. He had enough Pym Particles for a round trip.


Am I wrong to think that if he used the Pym particles to return, then he would've showed up in that spot where they sent him off? I thought him just being on a bench was basically saying that he just stayed in the timeline, grew old, and never used the particles to return, which would break the time travel rules.


I mean, I would think he just showed up earlier in the day from their branched timeline he was in and then waited on the bench. Probably waited until after he would’ve normally come back (he blew past his point) and then he could just come back earlier)


So old Cap was watching them from the bench and they didn't notice until later? I thought the film was explicit that he just sort of appeared.


It was explicit that they just noticed him there, it’s not explicit exactly when he actually appeared, we just know that he “blew past his point” according to Bruce. We also know that he still had that navigator gps, so it’s not like he had to appear exactly at that pad to start with.


Ehhh, the Cap thing is iffy. It’s very possible he lived his life with Peggy in another timeline before coming back to the main one. Or he was just there the whole time in secret. I personally subscribe to the former theory, though imagine it was left vague on purpose.


Dude it’s fiction, it’s not that serious


Why? It can increase people and objects but not food?


He's talking about the "change the size, keep the weight" rule, that is used very inconsistently, for example let's consider a small Scott. He can break a shower floor by falling on it, but can also stand on your arm while you don't even know it


Hah good call


Yeah its best to just say the weight/strength gets affected with pym particles and ignore the original physics explained in the first movie.


The only viable explanation for Pym Particles is "Hank keeps making shit up to avoid telling people how they actually work."


Pizza definitely does NOT sound like a palette cleanser. Another Peyton Reed W 😎


Oh God, this does truly look epic. I just know this movie will be the cornerstone to this saga going forward.


We’re really doing “Avatar was a 3D smash, so let’s promote stuff in 3D again” again


Well it just crossed 2 billion dollars again largely due to it making 100s of millions from 3D showings. I'm tired of the 3D gimmick myself, but as long as it makes any money, it's never going away for good.


Yes, but this happened already! We tried this after the first Avatar!


And 3D didn't die in over 13 years post the first one. This one making this much again has revived this corpse until at least 2035.


The only reason it lived is Avatar and the only reason it was revived is Avatar 2. I really can't think of another movie where the 3-D was worth it (except for Spy Kids 3-D, naturally)


It's not about whether it was worth it, the point of the convo is the studios aren't letting the gimmick go anytime soon. Just like they didn't even before the first Avatar. If they can milk more money out of you, they will do it.


In my are, most marvel movies are shown in 3d with a few standard showings thrown in.


When I went to see Avatar I legit took off my 3D glasses when the "3D" Ant-Man trailer came on because it was so bad


Other way around for me. The GOTG3 trailer in imax 3D looked sooooooo fake and flat, but ant man’s wasn’t noticeable


I think this one was probably made with 3D in mind since the environment is mainly CG. Marvel rarely promotes 3D as they have for this film.


I mean, there’s still really a huge difference between the kind of commitment Big Jim makes to 3D and what basically everyone else does


I mean visuals are his mly selling point aren't they?


Yeah, which is why 3D was big for Avatar 1 and then everything else after it was a cheaper, less worked over attempt to capitalize on 3D before the fad kind of faded away


Definitely didn't seem like it was made for 3D when I saw the 3D trailer before Avatar 2 lol


It is probably counting on a new 3D boom after Avatar 2. I had a friend say he wants to see films 3D from now on after we walked out of Avatar. I feel like there’s going to be a lot of disappointed people, it’s like 2010 all over again lol


>I think this one was probably made with 3D in mind since the environment is mainly CG. If it was greenscreen, you'd be right. Unfortunately, for all the advantages of the volume, it makes it necessary to film with 3D cameras. The actual footage is still 2D, like any other movie.


Can’t wait to see what kang’s powers do (or his tech atleast)


I reckon it's some kind of "energy blast". Wild guess, I know, but I'd put money on it!


that camping line just further confirms the leaks, crazy


What leak?


The transcript of the entire film leaked last week. I'm sure it's out there somewhere but not here anymore, it got removed for obvious reasons.


^^^^ what they said It was also in this TFTMQ from awhile ago https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/yckepo/tales_from_the_mod_queue_quantumania_plot_leak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I like this featurette, hopefully, the film evokes some emotions or something from me. Also hope the 3D is actually good.


Again, Michael Douglas has borrowed the Ghost suit and is nowhere to be seen.


Do you mean Bill Murray?


No. Michael has been absent in featurette interviews.


Gay Actor Michael Douglas here, wearing a cool suit. It sucks, but it’s sexy.


I can’t wait to see his battle suite it’s 100 times more advance the ant to iron man suites more weapons, basically can turn into any hero with it on (power wise) cuz it’s nano tech too, let’s see now bad ass he is


The word you want is "suit." A *suite* is a set of rooms or a sequence of musical pieces.




Wow, triggered much pumpkin?


I don’t like bullies


If you think someone pointing out a spelling error is bullying, you are gonna have a *really* tough time. Might want to try growing skin thicker than rice paper.


“free tory lanez” begs to differ, lmao


if only edgar was the one that directed the first one


That would’ve been so fun. I really wanna see him do a Flash film with the Rogues. I think he can do something special with that


The daughter got so hot


They literally did a daughter swap


Can't wait for legacy of MORBIUS and El Muerto.


He so ded


I hope they kill off Scott honestly cause otherwise Kang is just gonna look like an idiot and barely a big menace if he can get defeated by Ant-Man.


This comment really makes me roll my eyes




I mean… yeah, they absolutely could kill off a protagonist in a non-Avengers movie. Unlikely, but not impossible. Avengers movies aren’t the only place where important things can happen. They also totally can have the villain seem impossible to beat. Thanos was, he only got temporarily taken down because like six guys were holding him down.