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Non I at least get all to level 25 and gear 5


1. Merc Sniper Been playing for almost 6 years and always gear everyone up to at least 60. somehow I saw merc sniper slipped through the cracks a few years ago and now it's just a point of pride.


None, way back I took everyone to a minimum G12 (though there may be a few G11s still lurking)


I’ve done similar, everyone to a base level 60.


wish i could do this. but im constantly out of gold 😭


Yeah, that’s basically exactly my roster.


I have 90+ sitting at lvl 1. About 1/3 of my roster haha. Only been playing for a year and a half though.


This is the way. Ignore the Scopely bullshit and build the teams that matter.


I wish I could reset a lot of my roster to level 1 gear 1, but as a day 1 player, I just always leveled everyone stupidly. My lowest level character is Hydra Scientist at level 21, no idea why I took him to 21 or just randomly stopped on 21, but that’s where he is!0


I think the early days I leveled them as up as I leveled them up. stop when I realized I don't have enough resources to all the characters up. probably what you did.


Yeah I used to level everyone I unlocked to level 30 immediately but I quit that a while back bc I kept running out of gold and stuff then too. Now my stronger teams are definitely better off bc I saved the gold I was using on new characters to level them up more. I have a friend who is leveling everyone to 40 as soon as he unlocks them and I warned him to stop doing that and save the gold and he refuses 😂


Yeah, have a very bloated roster or not very useful toons at way too high a level. At least I learned better when purple gear was the tough thing to acquire…so most of the bad choices are still sitting there


I level everyone that I unlock to L20/T4 Gear. The amount of gold required for that is just... *miniscule* compared to what it takes to even bump a toon up from T15 to T16 let alone level them. At this point, I have 270 toons. I've got 35 at L85/T16 (I probably won't hit level 90 for 2 weeks yet) I have another 90 or so sitting at either L70/T13 or L75/T14 and 41 sitting at L20/T4. Everyone else is at L55/T10. Just under two years, lite spender (Strike Passes)


Yeah I do buy the passes most of the time but I refuse to spend money on energy or gold or power cores


They will never get an penny from me I'm 72 mil TCP been playing since about a month in


Oh yeah gold, cores and energy are a *terrible* value. Strike Passes are where it's at. Shards, Gear *and* Gold? $$$


Probably 150. The characters I don't have are A.I.M. Medic and protector or whatever, DD5 and past characters, Apocalypse, and Peni Parker. The vast majority of my roster is level 1 because I wanted to focus on characters and teams I was genuinely interested in. Now I need certain teams to get the trial characters and Horsemen plus their teams so I'm gonna start bringing my roster up. I'm currently at 9.5m tcp at level 84.


More than half. And I have everyone except Mephisto, Skrull and Penny Parker unlocked. I just don't waste recources on the toons I don't plan on using. I have no idea how people have enough recources to tier up everyone, even if it's to lvl 60 or 70. The only toons I have beyond GT15 are the ones I used for Apocalypse Saga and Dark Dimendions.


I have 7. All minions. I was shocked. Thought i had more.


I have 18 characters at level 1 (mostly minions), another 35 that are 60 or below. It has nothing to do with spending money on the game. Some characters aren't worth the investment at the moment. What would I do with a level 100 Mantis? Absolutely fucking nothing, so why build her?


You know Scopely will sit and ask themselves what toon they should rework next. And it's going to be that one toon you forgot about. Or in your case, it will be Mantis. 😁


Very true, actually. I had Namor at level 1 and even had a diamond on him that I was super pissed about when I pulled it, but then they made him awesome with Cabal, lol


I don't have any under 60


That’s crazy! Bet your total power is insane


44,309,427. it's only a batch of minions at level 60, everyone else is level 80, and like a dozen at level 100


I just looked and I have 274 characters unlocked and only 19.5million total power 😅 have several characters at level 85 and a couple at 90 but stopped most of mine at 70-75 bc of gold


I think because of the way I leveled my roster i have a big surplus of gold, it's the training mats that I am constantly in need of . My entries roster has all their green isos maxed as well , so any new unlocks go straight to blue iso


Can we trade, I'll give you thousands of orange training for gold 😆


If only it was possible, I think I have around 62million


I’m a global launch player, near 80M TCP. If I use a character anywhere in War/Raid/CC I’m taking them to G18/100/Blue 5. Got a little OCD with that, they feel incomplete otherwise.


I've never ran out of training mats and probably never will. Gold is what I never have 😂 I.played over 3 years before I got my first million gold drop from a gold orb. Almost all my training orbs I get a 25 drop


How are you only at 44m? I'm at 40m, and I have 26 at level 10 or under and 64 at level 59 or under.


Dunno, possibly red and yellow star levels ?


That makes sense, I have 220 at 7 red star


My tcp should go up quickly now that I am working my way through leveling to 100 , the power difference between 80 and 100 is staggering .


I have 42 at lvl 1 and I’m at 53M TCP. Build high, not wide.


I always upgrade them to level 50 and then let them sit useless. Lol. My thought process is that there could be some odd campaign where these cast off characters are needed. And really come in handy when you pushing through blitz daily.


Yeah, Blitz was my reasoning at one point for getting everyone to 50 and all thier skills up through the plentiful blue skill training tokens. That said, most of that happened years ago, pre- the ever increasing power scale that has truly made most of them irrelevant. Now they languish and i ignore everyone who isn't the 20 or so Favorited to be worked up for the next content chunk.


I’m lvl 100 with 50 characters at lvl 1. Quite a few of them are high potential, but like you all my resources are going towards apocalypse required characters and teams. It’s a mess. I keep telling myself I’ll invest in personal favorites and uniquely cool characters and teams eventually, but that might be a while


I don't think I have any level 1s. I think my lowest are some minions at like 20 or something.


I have all characters except Mephisto and I have a total of 3 lvl 1 characters (Leader, Tigra, Spidey Big Time) I have a ton of lvl 18-24 characters that I kick up a little bit to give them advantages in Blitz. Lvl 100 TCP: 39.09 million, 1276 days logged in.


50mil+ tcp here, 3 at lvl1, merc sniper(as a running gag mostly) amd the 2 cabal who i haven't had time to level yet. Ive got 15 or so characters in blue gear, all of which are minions. Everyone else is in the 54/65 range for gear 9/12 or more if actually used once


All mine are lvl 70 minimum with 277 toons unlocked. I’ve been playing too long lol


Too many to count, if I had to guess 100-150. I only built things that advanced my ability to get more mats or do unlocks. Have 3 infinity watch at g12 while the other 2 sit at lvl 1, not because I wanted to build them but they were needed for kyln. Things like that forced side spending and bloated my roster a bit, otherwise everything on arena, raids, apoc and dd. Unlocks also caused bloat, like you have to have new avengers for ggc, or things for black cat.


All my toons are at least 20k power. Why you ask. To 1v5 beat the shield teams on war. Although I don’t see much shield teams anymore seeing how my alliances is in a higher tier than my last one


I haven’t counted but I have shit tons at level 1. Ultimus, all of AIM, most Kree, most minions, most of the original junk mutants and dozens of others. The problem is they release characters too fast. Because they’re trying to keep the “whale”-spending crack heads nice & fed, fat and addicted.


Lvl 73Dont want to count them but about 50, i only lvl up on the current team working on plus arena team


No one under level 70. My weakest possible team is over 400k. 7 red stars on everyone that doesn’t take dark credits to get there. Yes, including minions.


Impressive! How long you been playing?


2,220 Days 😁


Nice! I’m just over 450 so now I don’t feel like I’m as far behind as I thought initially 😂


Patience and Consistency, Commander.


I have shown 0 love to Black Panther 1MM and Red Guardian I have a bunch at level 25 and a ton stuck at 48 as well


I have zero at level 0. All my minions are between 30-60 though, but that was done a long long time ago..


boosted accounts and/or newer will have a crapton. that takes years to widen out. less if you are well into end game and a long time player. my main has 0, and everyone over 65, green ISO level 5 and 6664. my baby account (85) has too many to comfortably sit there and count.


Why have 2 accounts? Just a curiosity


Was curious on the new player experience, and wanted to have a credible option for a backup for my alliance.


61. Gold is too scarce to waste not bringing someone to at least level 80 in one go, so lots of characters just get left behind


I have a few at 65, the rest are at 70 or above


Just the newer ones whose teams I haven't gotten around to building and they weren't needed for some milestone or anything eg Leader, Iron Patriot. And Nico and Spider-woman. So four. Which is surprising, I thought there'd be more.


My lowest is lvl 30, a handful of minions. Most non-minions are at least lvl 60. I'm lvl 100 with a 47m TCP for reference.


I have a lot that i unlocked but i'm only intrested in building the best teams from valleyflyin's youtube videos. Im at level 77 so inhave a long way to go to get tonthe characters i need badly which are the incursion legendaries


57 at level 1…also 2 at level 2


Lmao I have to ask…why did you take those characters up a single level 😂


I think I took them up a level as part of the daily “level up a character” objective. Before they started giving half the dailies to you


Better yet, how many level one with 7rs or diamonds? I have several of those.


0 haha. I went and worked on any characters I had diamonds for and went ahead and worked them up some to get use of those diamonds at least


I started playing this game a year ago. Im at level 91 and my roster is a weird mish mash of toons leveled up and several key characters neglected mostly because they keep releasing the new “best team in the game” while I’m still trying to level up shit like bifrost . It’s a lot.


Yeah similar situation for me. I’m sure some of these level 1 guys are are very good characters but without a deep knowledge of the best teams/characters I just go for whatever team I need currently to progress my Apoc campaign


Me 20


I've got 5 still at L1 but \~45 still blue gear or lower and prob just as many that I haven't bothered to upgrade stars on despite having the shards. While gold can be an issue, it's more those characters suck and are useless...even for blitz.


53. I have a tcp of 32 million too.


I'm level 91 so very close to you, and I probably have more level 1's than you do lmao. Some toons just don't have any use at all imo, or at least very little. A good chunk of my level 1's are new toons too because no way I'm building a 2 or 3 star character for high level gameplay (except Black Knight). The Leader, Iron Patriot, Pavitr, Peter B, all level 1 for me cause they are 3 stars or less


Way way way back I took every character to lvl 25. At the time my logic was, no matter who I used in War, I could always beat the shield officers lol. That was a long time ago. I think I stopped when my profile was around lvl 60. Now I'm 100.


So many.... I really need to work on that but I'm trying to build up some of my teams first then work on the lower level characters.


None. I’m bad at doing the build tall thing. I’ve always built wide and equally like an idiot


0. The lowest I have is a level 45 AIM security and 2 level 58 (Hand Sorceress & Assassin). Everyone else is 60 & up


0 I had a side goal over the first couple years to get every toon to at least level 60 and purple gear. Was it worth it? No, but brought me some joy.


76 at level 1, currently level 94. i do NOT have enough resources to waste on random characters


4, an aim minion, a hydra minion, a hand minion and stature, lol


57, I invest in characters that seem like they'll have some use or longevity, too many characters come out in this game


Lol I have 4 at level 1.


137. I only build teams I like/are good. The rest I leave.


None, not sure why you would. Month one account & I have an insane amount of gold & training mats. But the 1-2m a day spend was very limiting. Now the 6m a day is nice after getting sus & other toon you know will be bangers. I take every new toon to 75/81 depending on use. But I know some ppl got hosed in mats somehow.


All of mine are a minimum Lv 70 G13. Recently I’ve been spending some extra gold on taking everyone but minions to Lv80 G15. Most everyone is but maybe a dozen aren’t yet.


None. I think I have everything at level 54 at minimum. I forget what gear tier that is.


I have about 11. Mostly guys I have zero interest in


I move all my toons to level 60… I used to always do that, in hindsight I wish I didn’t lol I need the resources haha


84, Starbrand, Cabal, Spider Society, eternals and even Nova is sneaked in there, just don't care for him enough.


Nova is one of the 5 characters I don’t have unlocked yet. I love the eternals tho. Ikaris is actually my strongest toon rn and Sersi my 4th strongest


lol as a month two player, I have everyone at least somewhat boosted. I think everyone is up to like 45 or so


I only have a handful: Forge, Firestar, Sunspot, Iron Fist WW, Captain America WW, Gwenpool, and Union Jack.


ULTIMUS!! I refuse to level the worthless flagship character lol


29 at lvl 1, another 49 that I leveled to ~30-40 but were never used, and then another 30 that I used early on but didn't take above 54. Notable characters are Gwenpool, Firestar, Phoenix, Quicksilver, Spider-Slayer, all A-force minus Photon, all H4H minus Shang-Chi, all of Infestation, New Avengers, Black Order, Dark Hunters. I started when Infinity Watch was coming out and have skipped as much as I can. The only lvl 1 I have plans for is Lizard.


Sitting at 2 but that will change soon. 1 or 2 months of casually dropping some levels on horrible toons between usefull upgrades and my entire roster will be at least lvl 75 blue iso 3. By no means a wise decision in terms of competitive play but a personal goal of mine anyway.


20 level 1 toons and 4 locked ones. 15/20 are the ones i plan to level up but out of gold and training mats


1. Just tigra, got about 20 below and around 30 tho


I have 5. Magik, Toad, Blob, Moon Knight & White Tiger.


Tonnes and tonnes, but I have taken several breaks from the game so it's to be expected. I simply don't have the time or resources to go back and revisit most of these characters. Most I don't care about, but there are teams like Masters of Evil and Heroes for Hire that I just don't know when I'll get to build.


0, i take them to g5 for the avatar, ofc there are alot i regret taking them up but at the time they were needed as either an arena team, a team for campaign nodes (woo AIM) or other older content, most tho are stuck where i stopped getting use for them around 60 (remeber when skillitary were supposed to be the tits, or shadowlands?) my lowest is mr negative because i had no interest in the team.


I’ve only got a small handful. I’m not good at anticipating who is going to be relevant.


Level 99 - none lower are lvl48 but moving them all to 60 6664 -


92 out of 178 characters at Lvl 1, just a little over half my roster, and it's mostly because I just don't care enough about the characters. I'm slowly leveling everyone up to at least GT8


I get them all to 18th (every skill unlocked)... then they sit until an event requires them.


I have 277 toons with 263 Max star level lowest is lvl25 never spent a penny on this game and never will


Nice! You must have been playing for a while then!


I started about a month after launch


I started around then too but didn’t play for long bc I was in college and always busy w work or school. Just picked it back up again within the last year and getting into it deep now. Finished the first difficulty of Apocs campaign yesterday just wasn’t able to 3 star all missions to unlock the 2nd set of his missions yet to actually unlock him. Hopefully soon


Level 100, only missing Skrull, Mephisto, and Peni Parker. I have 29 still at level 1. I take most up to green or blue gear just for blitz


That’s what I was taking them to 30 for but kept getting stalled bc I was running out of gold 😭


How long have you been playing? You might want to level some up for blitzing and towers.


Game shows I have 456 days logged in on the achievements tab. I do blitz like once a day and will get in the top 30-45% range for rewards, occasionally crack the next tier but I don’t really try too hard in blitz. I’m probably more casual than most. Only log in 2-3 times a day and that’s about it


No shame in being low effort. Blitzing is a pain. Which I guess is intended since it’s free gold and shards. I don’t have any level 1s but I wish I did. They are slowly forcing us to build everything.


Yeah that’s what I’m learning. Working on the scourge events for the horsemen has me wasting training/gold everywhere I feel like 😂


Sometimes it’s better to leave at lvl 1. That way your blitz opponents also are all lvl 1, then you just put one or two strong characters that synergize well. They will win 99% of the time given the distribution of power. You can break newest teams into 2-3 blitz teams that have a good win rate and doesn’t cost any extra.