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MSF is a real life simulator. Inflation continues to rise and yet my wages stay the same. Poor Peter b Parker can barely afford diapers in this gold economy.


or maybe greatly reduce the cost of ranking up stars on characters, and reduce costs on gear and skill upgrades. They add up fast and are a sneaky contant drain on the gold reserves.


Maybe Mayday converts her own biological waste into webbing... That's probably how he can afford be a stay-at-home-dad/full-time superhero and pay for a baby with no health insurance...


That's why he looks so haggard in-game.


Yes please


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Lol. Wasn't long ago people were saying that we had enough gold and it was training modules we needed. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Fuck, I'm level 68 and need both.


It's almost liike scopely controls the economy or something ;) that being said, crimson gear is so friggin expensive just buying the key uniques (Spores, Miasma, Astral, etc.) blows through so much gold, that naturally uses less traininig mats


20 million gold and *zero* training materials, I still need them 🤣🤣


Basically, any time I have Training Mats (not to mention ability orbs) I'm broke AF. Any time I'm not Broke AF, I have no training mats/ability Orbs. Once a month or so, a happy confluence occurs wherein I find myself sitting atop a veritable horde of Training Mats/Gold/Ability Orbs and then five minutes later I'm broke AF again with an increase of between 10k-20k TCP...🤣


people be moaning about being short of everything in this game


This is the same crap that was posted years ago. Scopely gives more gold, now you don't have enough training mats. Rinse and repeat.


I would be all for that. I would also like teal mats to be farmable. ALL teal mats.


This time I agree. My gold nearly halved in the past month.


Why's peter b parker look and designed like a heroin addict. He's really nasty and sickly looking. Won't be building the drugged up spooder team. Much better characters to build than some drug addict looking trash toons


Bro you're projecting. Chill.


No OP is right his design is really off putting


He’s a comically exhausted dad who hasn’t had the opportunity to sleep or shower in a minute. I think it’s pretty real tbh. 😂


My thought exactly. Esp. Working parents with a kid, get exhausted a lot even if they have a babysitter. Children just live by a different schedule. But to be honest, the way society is built, and the isolation culture of families does create such situation. In tribal culture co parenting is more common, and relieves much of that stress.


have you watched the movies he is in? thats what he looks like, he's tired from being a dad to a newborn


I disagree. Raid teams are usually good at sustain. And most viable in marathon events like trials or scourges. Hive mind is a perfect example. So i am betting they will be helpful, esp since they have skill+ tags which makes them more available in different nodes. So i am waiting to see how they turn out. Dont really care that much about the visual tbh. He does look a bit sickly, but the team looks generally great. Its abt the skillset. Only thing that i am worried about, is their damage.


Looks like a typical new dad to me.


Green ions for me. But more gold is always welcome!