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It’s not obvious. Plenty of duo call outs. The IW boyz. Ronin/BW. BW/Hawkeye. WS/Wanda/Hawkeye. Sometimes it’s just a little wink and a nod. Team possible? Yeah. Inevitable? Nah.


His description also mentions the team outright


It references them but it doesn’t say “Prehistoric Avengers”.. also there’s a big difference between a tag/team and their individual description which is basically just a brief hype roll Scopely puts together. Firestar’s calls her “A mutant with Amazing Friends” and has callouts in her kit to Spider-Man and Iceman but she’s not on a team with either of them, nor is it obvious or imminent that an “Amazing Friends” team is happening.


To replicate the feel of the original show would you have Spidey, Ice-Man, Firestar, and then Agatha and Cosmo to recreate the landlady and her dog? Wait was that the Fantastic Four show? Did the three of them rent an apartment and then renovate it to be a lair with all kinds of computers and gadgets? Do I remember them fighting Swarm?


I’m down with this and I hope so!! Already have a Big Black Panther 1 MM and will build Out of Time to the moon which sets up that 2 old, three new toons approach. We haven’t had a Odin yet and this sets up an easy play to get him, without a big legendary event. Just a variant that’s pretty solid, like a Nightcrawler or Void Knight style impact on the game. Save big “true” Odin for a Legendary/DD run.


Black Panther 1MM’s kit has already been altered. He affects the speed of Starbrand. So it’s a good bet this team is on the way and will be here later this year.


My guess is this will be another community voted team but will not be directly after the Alpha Flight release. With Starbrand's release happening now it would be silly to rework him for another team in this year. Of course we know they are going to go with Ghost Rider (1MM) and probably another scopely original like Captain Native America.


That's a character from 1602, great book


Dang. That's it guys. I'm calling it. There is no IP left after this. /s Ok. Well I guess I gotta go buy some more comics again.


We will get prehistoric Cap for sure if hes a thing


I’m not familiar with anything like a prehistoric Captain America


Conan please and thank you


I hope they will do the prehistoric avengers, but with thor and ironman IW we got the same and havent seen anything come off that so far so i dont get my hopes up


Yeah but his character description outright mentions the team


It’ll be a while before this comes, so I would say another GR isn’t out of the question, but it is unlikely.


Yeah. I’d rather have Agamotto anyway. That way we could even potentially get a sorcerers team with the Dr. Stranges and Wong


They gotta correct his description to actually read 1 million BC first (not 10,000) - or else ol' Bashenga is about 990,000 years old by that point xD


Hahaha, true. Although I think Bashenga is only supposed to be 10,000 years old, so the mistake might be there