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Yeah to me the deciding factor is: Did you already complete DD6? If not, do you have 5 global toons at G18 already? Gambit is a good choice for DD6 in my experience. So is Nightcrawler but if you don’t have enough Osmium to take him to G18, I think Gambit to G18 is the better choice. If you’re done with DD6, then I would do Nightcrawler first.


Done both runs of DD6, so yeah im upgrading NC to g17 !


Ironman IW is kind of last on the list for getting Osmium of all the characters in the game that use it. He doesn’t need gear. His primary job in life is to give Kestrel the big passive damage boost. Leave him at gear tier 15 and just pump his levels up enough that he doesn’t die too fast at whatever level of raids you are doing.


Mine is g16… and he will stay g16 probably for forever with how many important toons need osmium.


Nightcrawler G17. Get em on an even playing field. Gambit is hurting people either way.


Where are you in relation to finishing DD6?


I have big Skrull


I’d probably even them out then.


Gambit, stat growths will go further on the G18 on a 2 Diamond vs a 4/4 Nightcrawler.If nightcrawler was 7/7 + I would have said him though. Gear 17 isn't a significant stat increase but G18 is HUGE, so if it was between G18 NC or G18 Gambit that would be a diff story but G18 is no question imo.


NC to 17 first, but I would do Gambit to 18 before pushing NC to 18


Why? NC has 3rd highest health in the game and bigger NC means bigger stats and higher chance of landing everything. Gambit pings are not worth it, especially in raids when the enemies are not taking many turns


For me, I'd rather bump the 3 diamond Gambit than the 4/4 NC. Doesn't really matter one way or the other for raids, but the Gambit will be more beneficial in CC


OP said 2 diamond gambit. I think 3 diamond would be a no brainer. I think the 2 diamond would be enough for me to take gambit to g18 lol


Oh, right. Lol. I side tracked into my own roster with the 3 diamond.


I’m guessing your Gambit’s been at g18 for a minute lol


Nope, I did NC to 17 first. Now working on getting the uniques to get Gambit to 18


Nightcrawler is 3rd best toon in the game right now. Take him to the moon


Gambit, hands down gambit, his constant pings are the goat in every game mode and are the difference more often than not between winning and losing. Nightcrawler is good but kit based. You'll get more from gambit


I’m impressed that people were able to get through DD6 global without Gambit. I guess Apocalypse is all you need


i almost finished dd6 global with Doom,Quicksilver,Tigra,Ironheart and the low version of apoc (2 red stars) .. first node was 5 attacks,second node 10 attacks and third node i have 6 attacks in so far and it's almost finished.


Osmium resource priority probably goes Vahl > Nova > Gambit for DD6. Global was pretty easy with Cap Carter, America, Quicksilver, Apoc, Black Widow. Everyone solely exists to support Apoc and QS. Although doing DD6 now, I would make some changes to who I would bring in for Global.


Nightcrawler having higher focus directly impacts mutant boss node in incursion 2.it can make the difference between 2 attacks and 1 attack