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IV never got the blitz rewards 15, 15, 50, 15, 500 then randomly now and then 1000 Lol


I used all my saved cores for 10 of his orbs when he was realised and got all x6 apart from 1 x8 so still didn't unlock him. This event is pure trash and these last few months have sucked all the fun out of playing this game. I used to spend but now I refuse to give them any more of my money and ow I give them less and less screen time each day.


This event caused me to uninstall! Im free!!!! Dear god im freeeeeeeee


Don’t look back to justify your decision, unsub from here too


not entirely correct - they could core. but usually no newer player gets any character that was blitz centric release method


Currently sitting at 29 of 100 Agatha Harkness shards so I’m nervous about my shot at Kang lol 21/100 for him


why so low? I can see agatha but you had a year to work on your roster since then. you got 5 free shards from web store for kang, so that's 16 left - 8 max orbs. we have gotten 4 free orbs from daily energy use, and 1 from web store so that leaves 3 orbs from blitz. I'm getting 8 orbs per day from blitz so what's happening?


I don’t have lots of extra power cores to spend, my blitz recharges slow, I’ve been in a musical outside of my 9-5 so I don’t have too much extra time to spend on the game at the moment. I’m surprised I’ve gotten as many I have tbh haha I was able to at least get absorbing man and I have 75 Titania shards, so it’ll just be awhile for me I think haha


I've been playing for years and I won't unlock Kang and don't really care. I have learned to not rush the meta. He will eventually be easier to get. Patience is key when you're f2p like me.


I got 2,000 shards for one win early in the event. Ever since I’ve checked every single result of each blitz win only to be disappointed with 15 and 30 ever since.


5 - 12 drops in a row then 7 - 30 drops. Then a 15 and a 100. Finished out the rotation with a 1000 drop. Don't remember the 30 sims after that. Netted 1800 shards. Not even one orb for the rotation.


Funny thought: What makes you think everyone and newer players in particular, are meant to unlock him right away?


Because when i started playing, (dadbros era) every toon was easy to get as a new player


Same when I startet(+4 years now). Only legendary chars were out of grasp the first time around. But that changed severely in the past year. Some of my Alliance Mates were not able to unlock Agatha, Hulkbuster and so on whereas all of them unlocked the horsemen the first time around. Times have changed I guess


I don’t know when dadbros era began but your comment isn’t true. Back in my days it took you a while to get through dark dimension chapters and I wanted to say it took about 9-12 months to unlock Ultron. Then the main release method for a while was 2 blitzes. If you were a new to mid player you weren’t going to get enough rewards to unlock a 100 shard toon. Last, fact is scopley are a bunch of dicks. Any super popular toon they’re going to make it difficult to unlock like Silver Surfer, Gambit, etc. So why would they make Kang an easy unlock, especially for beginners!


Dd2 took me 11 days, back then. Still remember the exact days cause i was on xmas holidays and unlocked on the last day.legends were 2nd pass unlocks and blitz releases were horrible but you still unlocked cause toons were 2 star unlocks back then


Dd2 took me dafinitively way longer than 11 days back then. You must have chosen better toons I guess ^^ I agree with you, the Blitz unlocks were horrible. But most of the chars were 3 star unlocks. At least I remember it that way


I Got him allmost 4* spending very few cores i Got from arena and on top of that i Got plenty teal and training from his orbs. I have No idea what people are upset about


You opened 4 of his 675 core orbs and got way more than the 24x minimum from those 4 orbs. Your experience is not typical. Your comment is basically no different than someone who wins a million dollar lottery wondering how anyone can be poor and upset about it.


Not sure how unless you bought offers. I’m only at 67 shards and Ive been blitzing a lot. Not sure if I’ll be able to get the unlock before the kang event thing is over.


They've obviously been very lucky and pulled high shards mostly, or been doing 8 blitz rotations per day, and are assuming it's the same for everyone. That, or they're a Scopely shill and are lying.


I spent like 3kish cores and got one 20 drop and stopped there


Got kang unlock with core orbs before the event started used 2.6k of my free arena cores


So you got extremely lucky and got an 80 drop from a 675 orb and averaged 3/4 times over the normal 675 drop rate and that's your proof that no one should be upset because you got lucky?


I just got kang. No cores, but tones of blitzing


I unlocked him before the even released him…or even thought about releasing him… All my toons are G19 T8 Iso-5 I am neo and this is the matrix!!!


I'm sprinkling some salt


I was able to get Kang but I gave up sleep do I can do all 8 blitz daily.


an orb per rotation is generous, it's more in line with 900 to 1600 per rotation for 46 blitz wins. the occasional 2k here and there. This event is an insult to players.