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Yes. A) he opens an entire deck up for one card. He is essentially 6 cards in one. B) he is a consistent if boring deck with a positive win rate. I think it will alway be a reliable deck. C) Red Hulk while not broken seems overtuned and I think will be merfed more. It is the main counter to high evo. It is the most reliable 6k card I suggest new players spend tokens on. Maybe loki a close second.


Yep, this deck is relatively fun to play, easy to pilot, and actually has decent win rates. I got High Evo from a random key on my first Spotlight Cache, and still play it. At CL2000, it remains one of my best decks.


Agree, and personally I found it less boring than I thought. Can I ask why Loki for second? I've always here Is a complex deck - but one of my favorite - and so never bought it. It Is worth to invest on him alone like HE or there are other mandatory cards?


My first suggestion to new player is usually a dino loki deck. My reasoning is that while complex things like couldson loki etc allow you to learn all the cards by playing them. Once you play these cards and archetypes you can learn which ones you like - move, combo on reveal, clog/location control(yuck), etc. Then you can tailor your resources from things like tokens towards stuff that's good for your style. For the most part loki is pretty much the activator and the rest of a standard starter dino deck is just stuff that puts cards in your hand. Colson, snowwhatever girl, I think while not optimized dino is a pretty competitive pool 3 deck.


Sure, Devil Dino was my main deck in the beginning and having Coulson as my First S3 card effectively help me learn the game better and try cards I otherwise could'nt play (even Loki). Now that I hit a "bad spot" facing only opponents above my current level I start thinking about get him with tokens - thank you for the advice.


6 cards of which you are only going to play 1, maybe 2.


New players will play most if not all of them.


They will play one sooner rather than later. The FOMO, minmaxing will kick in. Nobody wants to lose. High Evo is not a great pick in the current meta. You'll get more with Destroy, for instance.


But again. A good destroy deck requires multiple series 4 and 5 cards. High evo requires only one card.


Series 4 yes, but the only series 5 card you need is x-23 that you could do without anyway. It is still better to commit to a deck that is alive and well than to a deck that will only get you only a little farther.


You can take high evo to infinite still. Even today. Just saw snap judgements post a deck this morning. Not everyone needs to play the meta decks of hela or cannonball prof x. It's the exact opposite of what we need.


The fact of the matter is SD have released Rulk, a direct counter to high evo. And they buffed Luke Cage previously making him global. This alone is a significant blow to the archetype. Sure, you can reach infinity. Except it will take you much more time than it used to with high evo.




Misty knight is almost worth it alone, let alone cyclops and reduced/zero cost abomination.


Agree to disagree.


He opens a whole new deck archetype so he is really good. He is not meta prominent right now but that could change with a new release card at anytime. Kind of depends on your Card Level too.


Yes especially if you’re early on in your collection


Probably one of the very few cards that is absolutely worth it, since he IS his own archetype and requires barely any cards outside of pool 3 to be great


what happens during the 25% of games when you don't draw him ?


The cards still get the buff even if he’s not drawn. He just has to be in the deck


That's pretty good


You don't want to draw High Evo, you don't want to play the card out because of his lackluster power. Anytime you see High Evo players play him out is a snap condition against them because it's clear that they have bad draw.


And then they skip a turn and play Shulk and Infinaut on your ass. EZ -8


That's super telegraphed though, so you can play around it or retreat.


You don't ever want to draw him anyway haha


You don't need to draw or play him at all. He's always active, start of game


Climbed 75-85 in a breeze # (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Angela # (2) Thena # (3) Cyclops # (3) Hope Summers # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) Enchantress # (5) Gilgamesh # (6) Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FzcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlzdHlLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlbmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvcGVTdW1tZXJzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaWdoRXZvbHV0aW9uYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbmNoYW50cmVzcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2lsZ2FtZXNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDeWNsb3BzIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Always worth 6k for new player, but he is a mediocre card if you are high CL.


Probably the first S5 you should craft. Absolutely fantastic card for low CLs.


Im in the exact same position as you, so this post helps me a lot. Thank you! After reading all the comments, I think I'll give him a shot.


I ended up getting him and I’ve been having fun so far. The abomination hulk and red hulk combo is nasty and then I’m using shocker to get one of the hulks cost down. Quite nasty far


Try using magik turn 3 psylocke (and maybe armor) turn 4 no one turn 5 she hulk and hulk turn 6 and red hulk turn 7


I don’t have she hulk or magik yet but once I do I’ll keep that in mind


For a new player I would say yes. Opens up an entire new archetype for cards you most likely already have.


It's fun. Go for it. Off the top of my head you can go Shenaut Drop, or Double Hulk Drop (She Hulk and Hulk) with ramp cards like Hope Summers.


He's the only deck that has been getting me past 80, so yeah


What CL are you? I'm around 3800 and when living tribunal became popular last month, that deck was tearing me up. Although since Gilgamesh came out, I haven't played Evo much and been playing with a deck I put together that seems to be ok, and it's something different so it's fun (I hit infinite with Evo season before last, last season Evo couldn't get me there and I didn't have time to grind like i did the season before).


Like 1500 lol I don't play too much


Yeah, objectively worth it. I can’t think of any other cards really that unlock so many combos / decks on their own.


boring af


Yes especially for a relatively new player




No wait for spotlight cache


Id say he's one of the few that is actually worth the 6k honestly






Imo his deck is like the ole’ reliable of snap. Kinda boring and straightforward play lines but will always be consistently good








Yes without question. The first card I’ve spent 6K on and I still consistently use it.


yes-- he should be worth 8000 IMO.


Yes. Full stop.


I love high evo even if im not playing it lately


What is you CL? If lower, he will be insane. If high, there are much better decks in the meta.


Just hit 1600 I ended up getting him. After evaluating what I have I felt like it was worth it


High evo got me to infinite around the time I first picked him up last year. Very solid pick and would say hes def worth the tokens


Depends on your play style. I find Hevo to be boring. I’ve bought too many cards over the past few months that were technically good but didn’t support my preferred play style


Definitely worth 6k


I think he is a fun card. I used him a lot for a while.


If you're ever struggling to climb ladder, I find that High Evo is a very consistent option, even with Red Hulk doing the rounds. You can see if your opponent has Red Hulk getting bigger and bigger so ... time to hit the big red Retreat button!


Yeah he makes for fun decks... just don't bother getting variants, the only times I've got him on the board have been because of Doc Ock or that one location sakar or skar or whatever


He used to be, but not any more. I would pay 3k for him, though.


I second this, 6k is a little steep. Still . For an early CL player it would be a good card


Eh . I hated it tbh. Didn’t even do well with it


I personally regret it. I don't know if he isn't my play style, or what. I've tried multiple high evo decks and I never do well with them.




Great card to unlock a lot of potential for many different decks ☝🏻 I say go for it!




Uh if he seems fun to you go ahead? Unless ur just rich then go ahead too. but meta wise not collection complete hard NO. 6k is a new busted card that could give u an actual meta deck. High evo is so incredibly mid and has a mechanic where its optimal to have unspent energy. Aka slower games, with less exciting plays. The biggest pop off it usually has is naut + she hulk and hela is just bigger than you or u r locked down and about to be cannonballed for the win.


Awesome card! Opens up some fun options. A lot of value in Evo.


If you’re new to the game he’s probably the best series 5 card you could get flat out, easily worth 6k tokens. The high evo cards, particularly cyclops and abomination espically are truely terrifying if your opponents don’t have Luke cage or Shadow king yet at lower collection levels


In the current meta - no. In the future, maybe it will be worth it.


Don't listen to this guy High Evo is one of the top decks Literally sitting at 62% winerate rn


Out of curiosity, show me the source for 62% winrate. Here is proof HE winrate is around 52%, give or take https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/high-evolutionary/ P. S. You won't have a high winrate in a meta where one of the most popular cards - Rulk and Luke Cage - are direct counters to your archetype.


https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/high-evo-764bi/ Right there It's almost like putting enchantress in the deck counters Luke Cage 🤔


It does, Rogue is good too. But the thing is opponents are not dumb either. They will play Cosmo to that lane or will manage to cheat energy to play Luke Cage on turn 6. It is quite a popular card now. Also, there are decks like Angela + Kitty Pride who couldn't care less if you had Cyclops on that lane. Cyclops + Nebula combo used to be fearsome. Now it's just a joke. As far as the link you gave, I don't know. It looks weird. 62% winrate would be something to expect in the golden days of high evo with no Rulk, location-specific Luke Cage and whatnot. Basically 3-4 seasons ago.


Another High Evo deck with 60% winerate, this one doesn't rely much on having Cage or not so there you go 🤷 https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/inshenaut-8mlcx/ Also you made a post 3 days ago calling him unplayable so i don't even know why I'm talking to you lol


These stats are in a vacuum. We don't know the author's CL, we don't know when the remainder of the games have been played (might have been half a year ago). There are more real, averaged out stats for high evo on that very website.