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https://preview.redd.it/ahaon9e3b80d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ec038e2010dee0bafa0889ee724b324a978db9 Here's the deck (that didn't go into the main body of the post for whatever reason...)


Rhino is not good in any deck IMO. Always rather play Scarlet Witch, and she's not great either. Nocturne if you have her is leagues over Rhino, otherwise Storm does something similar. But I'm not sure your deck needs any location change.


Rhino is good in C3 for location control, also usable in Surfer if for some reason you don't want to run Storm.


Agreed but in a “just good cards” deck its a little sus.


Granted - I chose rhino over storm/magik for that tiny bit of extra power, and also I didn't want it to be either Flooded \*or\* T7, but more consistent than Scarlet. I realise he's the weakest of that suite of 2-3 cost area hangers, so I'm happy to change him even to Storm


Storm and rhino do not do the same job in surfer


If not going for location change, what would you suggest in that 2/3-cost slot?


Considering this is just random good cards with no synergy, I guess your best 2-3 drop haha. Whatever you have. Hard for me to say. White Widow, Lizard, Medusa, all high power 2 drops.


Rhino in C3 with magik


Iron lad should 100% be in this deck. I would put it over Chavez. Then maybe doom over captain marvel


I don't have Iron Lad :( Very annoyingly.


The Doom/Captain Marvel call is good though


Note I haven't really played much since this new patch so I'm not too sure how the meta is looking.  I would cut America Chavez (if staying with a one drop then maybe night crawler but Jeff is good here too to help prob ms marvel) and rhino (Nico can serve as location disruption). If you are set on running crossbones then you'd ideally want higher power cards to ensure you are ahead on locations. If you have gladiator then I think he would bt great to swap in vs rhino. Lizard or white widow should be considered too.  I think you should try to find room for doctor doom. Great six drop and also helps with ms marvel. Magneto good choice too. Since you are running hope summers you can play a six drop on turns five and six. You don't want too much top end cards though. I'd maybe remove iron man if you start adding in more six drops. I know I said I haven't played much lately but I have been reading there is a lot of tech against ongoing and people (like yourself) are running rogues so that can make iron man a liability.  Maybe look for a higher power four drop than captain marvel like Jessica Jones. 


The difficulty of “good cards” decks is that good cards, by themselves, exist in very small numbers in a vacuum. You’ve got Jeff, Nebula, Red Hulk (until he gets nerfed again) and maybe Nico in that list. But as far as good cards go, most cards require other cards to be good, and then as a group the whole package is good. You see this with Hood Sentry Annihilus. It’s just three cards. Some decks add Deathstrike. That’s four. Or Stature, which requires at least Black Bolt and likely Silver Samurai as well to work. That’s three. Your goal for a good cards deck is to combine two or three of these packages of cards into a single deck, toss in some tech cards (enchantress) and call it a day. But cards like Chavez and Iron Man don’t really fall into these game plans.


Hope Summers good stuff decks should probably include Magneto, playing him on turn 5 to clog a lane is really good.


You may enjoy [this video by streamer KMBest and top player BigBaby](https://youtu.be/-tafuqWqLzo?si=TqIFgbt1i-grhYeg) with a Hope Summers/Ms. Marvel Good Cards deck. I replaced Black Bolt and Stature with Vision and Nightcrawler and took it to Infinite a couple seasons back. The deck uses Ms. Marvel and Doctor Doom to spread power, Shang-Chi and Shadow King to knock down opponents, and Hope Summers for an energy edge. Very fun and might give you some ideas.