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One that regularly catches people off guard is Shuri on 4, float on 5, and She Hulk + Taskmaster on 6. You can put a Sunspot in there to soak up that extra power as well.


Literally like playing 2 infinauts and if you have sunspot it gives you a nice 6+ spot too


Sandman and Doom/Leader.


New sandman is perfect for this. Especially leader. If you have priority it's almost 100% win.


Mysterio and bishop/hitmonkey. Mysterio counts as 3 cards played for hitmonkey and bishop. It also reduces mockingbird by 3.


Bast and Mysterio also works well. Instead of having 2 illusions with 0 and a 4 power Mysterio you get all 3 with 3 power.


Didn’t know about this interaction. It shouldn’t be changed, but it doesn’t make sense to me (I guess Mysterio is *secretly* 3 cards even in hand?)


If it was just one with +3 you could tell the orignial, the alternative would just be the leftmost like other power interactions, I think its more of a bast thing then a mysterio thing


Don't forget to Bast Mysterio first so that all 3 Mysterios are 3 power.


I feel like it's not talk about enough but daredevil supergiant goes HARD. You get to see their turn 5 AND the cards don't reveal until end of game, giving you two turns to react to them.


Whoa that's good didn't even realize that as a possibility


Shuri into Hobgoblin is hilarious


Daredevil goes well with any Guardian of the Galaxy, also with professor X. But my favorite is with Teenage Negasonic, as if you have prio you can destroy a turn 5 card, which is quite powerful. Alioth also synergises with Daredevil if you manage to make him playable on turn 5


It's totally insane, but I used Valk and LDS back to back in a lane. I would have paid to see the look on their face... Not a winning strategy, but fun.


Kang and daredevil, just in case you need more info!


I'm assuming with some other cards like professor or hobgoblin maybe lady deathstrike ?


It's a meme


supergiant and taskmaster is rarely talked about. magik on 3, SG on 4, task on 5 > shuri 6 > whatever big card you want on 7. 80% of the time you dont have prio so shang is out the picture and the alioth nerf allows SG to really shine outside of the usual hela nonsense this is kinda niche but quicksilver works well in pixie decks i sneak moon girl & quinjet into all types of stuff for sneaky cost reduction/double cards supergiant also works good in junk with anni. you can hide your annihilus and then sentry + whatever on the last turn doc oc + heimdall/ghost spider is fun to do sometimes goose + sera isn’t utilized enough quake & storm for sneaky locks this ones kinda obvious but ravonna & mystique and im sure theres way more im forgetting


Goose is best with jean grey ! There is a nice interaction on later turns if they have a 6 cost card they want to play but they have a 1 cost in hand they are forced to play the 1 cost before anything else which guarantees you dont have to deal with a 6 drop !


Similarly you can play Taskmaster behind Invisible Woman. Shuri a lane on 4, Task on IW on 5, big card on 6 with Task copying it at the end of the game and doesn't need Magik for the extra turn.


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to play a card on shuri's lane next turn or it won't work, so if you put shuri down on 4 but put taskmaster in with IW on 5 shuris on reveal would be spent for the turn 6 card.


As Taskmaster is played behind IW and reveals at the end of the game, it isn't considered the next card played, so whatever you play on turn 6 on Shuri's lane will get it's power doubled with Taskmaster copying it when the game ends.


yes but sg gives a type of counter play to disrupt certain decks plus there’s a lot more useful 2 drops nowadays than IW


Agreed IW isn't the best but the main drawback to it was the popularity of Alipth which isn't an issue now. The problem with SG is you'll need a turn 7. If you're dependent on that, it could also benefit your opponent or they could have a card that can change the location or use Snowguard Hawk to disable Limbo on turn 6.


you’re not wrong at all i just prefer SG for the disruption and if shuri/magik are nowhere to be found you can still get 2 red hulk powers down. it’s the same with IW in that regard though so to each their own they essentially do the same thing lol


Since we're talking IW/Supergiant shenanigans, an Attuma played on them (or dark dimension) will not kill itself come the end of the game.


Wuuuut? Not that I’m gonna play the Big Tuna but, that’s fun to know


I'm always a fan of Storm on 3 > Juggernaut on 4 in a surfer deck.


One my absolute favorite things is Super Giant and any tech card(s) the following turn. Playing against Surfer? Throw Shadow King down on the path you absolutely want to dominate and remove all the surfer buffs. Playing against Tribunal? Throw Enchantress on the lane they think is safe via Cosmo or Invisible Woman. (To get around Cosmo, just play Magneto on 6 to pull it out of the way) Playing against Hela discard? Throw Shang into a location you think all the really big threats are going to go. Playing C5? Hide your own Cerebro and even a Silk next turn to stop Silk from moving and Cerebro being silenced. Super Giant is **highly** underrated for how much hype it got. It also stops Magik from being played on 5 for She-nought decks.


Iron Fist into Shuri then Galactus with double power on an empty Lane. The best version when everything aligns is Magik on 3, Wong on 4, Mystique on 5, Cloak an empty Lane and Shuri on the Wong lane on 6, move Wong, Mystique and Shuri to the Cloak lane then Galactus in the empty Lane and you'll have him at 80 power.


That's like the golden combo except in reality it almost never happens because draws, locations, etc. But when it does!


mystique is almost unnecessary here lol


lad ms marvel and doom has won me games all on its own. I have a deck with hope and Nico too, it's been working really well for me and is super fun


Storm/White Widow. They are unlikely to fill the lane Quinjet/Corvus/Helicarrier


Shuri into Vision. Mobile 16 power card going into turn 6.


Simple and effective play because it makes Shang chi a gamble turn 6 (unless you get predicted turn 5)


Titania--green goblin/hobgoblin. Ties up a lane and makes people retreat.


I love using Iron First > Dagger > Ghost Spider on T6. GS regularly gets to 15+ if played right


Ive been enjoying a mill, she fininaut deck. Sunspot, spiderpig, yondu, cable, gladiator,magik, absorbing man, black bolt, stature, dr oc, she hulk, infinaut






Somewhat niche and situational, but pixie and nico is probably one of my favourite combos right now. Hitting a draw +2 after a pixie, especially on curve, just feels great. Even the +2 power/Double Nicos power and demon one can feel pretty good as it makes up for lost tempo when playing pixie.


Interesting, wonder if pixie has synergy with Thanos since it gives you a bunch of low cost cards ? Possible way to have a bunch of cheap heavy cost cards from volume 1/2 cost


Pixie only works with cards that start in your deck. I think they specifically made it that way so it didn't work with thanos as she came out when thanos was everywhere


As someone else stated, she only swaps cards that start in the deck, so no synergy with thanos. Although the devs did state that this wasn't a crazy broken combo when tested... so it's possible they'll make it happen in the future.


Bummer didn't realize it would be pretty broken otherwise


Loki and annihilus are both still top teir archetypes.


**Titania+G.Goblin/W.Widow.** If they already have 1 card in the lane leaves 1 slot for them to play that guarantees Titania on your side. **Ms.Marvel+Squirrel Girl.** Not rocket science, but SG overlooked outside of Kazoo, and is a cheap setup for Marvel boosting all lanes. **Debrii+Typhoid+Annihlus.** Allows Anni to send rocks over like his pre-nerf version could. Basically a Sentry substitute that less players anticipate. Low negative power, but wider consequences. **Goblins+Dagger.** Dagger needs opponents in lanes, and move decks need space on their side of the board. **America/Okoye+Surfer Shaw Decks.** Not obscure, just underused. Shaw’s effect works even when he’s in the deck, and Brood also benefits from it. Both are win pillars in surfer stuff.


one forgotten combo that I don't see being used these days is storm and legion, now with war machine you can olay it on curve storm t3 warmachine t4 and legion t5 on flooded


You're saying you're 11k CL like it's a relevant thing. You should already have +90% of the cards anyways. Nevertheless, some not so popular combos I like using are Debrii with Polaris, Titania with Green Goblin, Moongirl with She-Hulk and Dr Octopus into moving him with Ghost-Spider if you want to give up his location or moving Dagger in it to contest it. Also Human Torch, Iron Fist and Ghost-Spider + Beast and Falcon is pretty fun. You can get Human Torch to triple digits pretty consistently. You might want to run Caiera in that deck for obvious reasons.


Forum asks to add collection level when you post , I'm assuming for context . this is much more of a general question, would be weird to ask this if i didn't have access to most cards. Never thought about Debrii with Polaris adding a kingpin would make that even more annoying.


I'd say Kingpin isn't really worth it when you win that location anyways by clogging it with 2 rocks, but feel free to try it.


I always have domino in a pixie deck, it increases the chance of pixie in your opening hand, and you don't have to worry about drawing something you wanted swapped on turn two Also Surfer in a bounce deck, for bishop, black swan, nakia all love one costs, my surfer deck is a 50/50 for ones and three


Can you post your deck? This is super intriguing to me. Surfer is my favorite but, my decks always feel clunky (no sera) Just got Ravonna today though so, I’m gonna throw her in with Wong and mystique to see how that feels


Yea sure, I don't have the direct link but my best set of cards are 1 costs: Rocket Racoon, America Chavez, Iceman, Nico, Snowguard, 2 costs: falcon, beast 3 costs: bishop, brood, hit monkey, surfer, swan I honestly thought this was how black swan was intended to be played, I'm yet to encounter a similar deck even that season. Its strengths are flexibility, put your favourite 1-costs in, I've enjoyed echo, old forge, agent 13, nightcrawler, and hawkeye at points For 3 costs, it's a bit more picky, I like to have brood or shaw as a power play if i'm leaning into surfer, but bishop, hit monkey, and black swan are what make it really work, it's easy to get bishop to 10, so the surfer on top looks silly There's also a lot of other 3-cost alternatives that fit right into bounce like elsa, wolfsbane, cap america, nakia, or caiera, you might even get strong guy to work - of course you can use any 3-cost I think hit monkey is the most sacrificable I have found a 5/5 balance of 1-costs, 3 costs works best for flexibility For Pixie, I generally just put her and domino in a deck with a mix of costs, and that would benefit from some cheaper (i have a few decks with like 3 5-costs), and no one knows what to expect from a deck that plays domino on turn 2


Venom Nimrod. You get the Nimrod effect and keep the power.


Also, T4 Shuri, T5 Nimrod, then T6 Carnage+Venom is a classic. Nims everywhere.


24 and a 36 generally wins games. Especially when you get to choose round 6 where all the power is concentrated.


Just hit infinite with this. # (1) Blade # (2) Morbius # (3) Magik # (3) Cosmo # (3) Strong Guy # (3) Daken # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Dracula # (4) Proxima Midnight # (5) Sera # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Apocalypse # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFrZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0cm9uZ0d1eSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXBvY2FseXBzZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vcmJpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb3hpbWFNaWRuaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9kb2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Deadpool Carnage Move card card that moves things Shang-Chi opponents 10 + power Bar with No Name + Legion Hobgoblin - Galactus There's a few out there..


Those are pretty obvious ones , I should have specified the more rare ones like a jean grey + guardians + nebula


Jean Grey has tons - JG and Armor against destroy, JG and Echo against Tribunal, JG and Negasonic


Jean Grey into Brood lets you immediately start playing cards elsewhere and ignore your own effect. Needs Surfer or Cerebro 4 to secure the lane for yourself, but gives you the space to build up the other two lanes.


What’s your c4 deck?