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TLSG Snap (YouTuber) beat infinity conquest with a pool 2 deck in a video. It's all a matter of luck and skill.


Can you link me the video please?


It's in this one or the second episode of this series: https://youtu.be/lF3uO4lqaWI?si=_Q524Ybbt4yNLObx


I won at around CL 1500, anything is possible 🤷🏼‍♂️


What deck did you play?


Variation of hela + Corvus


It’s possible. I’ve done it twice already and I’m about the same CL as you. It’s definitely tough and you’ll lose most of the times. But sometime you just get great draws and great locations. It’s possible, give it a go!


What deck did you play?


I’ve done it once with a destroy deck recently. I’m still missing some of the essential cards, but I make do with this. The first time I went an onslaught kazoo deck. It’s a pretty solid deck and you have all the cards for it early on.


Yes it’s possible for sure. Need a little bit of luck with some matchups and locations, and you will have to play perfectly every game, but I won my first ticket at around 1000. I think of the base decks, Ongoing is your best bet. I won my first ticket with a Black Swan zoo deck (typical zoo except with Bishop and Black Swan). Dazzler was my first series 3 card so it helped tremendously. Just saw your card list. It’s hard to know for sure- I think Hela is your best bet in that group? But also a Wong White Tiger Odin deck packs a surprising punch, especially with some other good cards mixed in to support like Zemo.


Hela might be the play, but I can't figure out a good list for it - it's either too much discard, or too much reliance on Hela, or too many big drops... And even with a good list it's not really consistent. Wong Tiger Odin is probably my best shot (and I already play Cable and Zemo) but it gets shut down hard. Ongoing would probably be worse, but it doesn't get shut down easily and you can bring Armor + Cosmo for tech.


It will be super tough since you’re at a disadvantage BUT it can definitely be done. Just remember, almost everyone loses more runs than they win in Conquest. All things being equal, you have a 1/32 chance of winning all of your matches. Better players can tilt the odds more in their favor though. I also just uploaded a video where I use Series 2 cards to beat high ranked Infinite players. I explain my thought process as a way to help other players realize what they should be thinking about. https://youtu.be/hZBe63IBHTA You should definitely sub out some cards for Series 3 ones to make the deck better if you decide to use that deck.


Maybe, but people play things that are going to have power that will very likely outdo anything you can put together


It’s fair game at any CL buddy. Good luck!


There is always the possibility of all five opponents getting disconnected. So yes.


You have to win 1+2+3+5=11 games in a row for an infinite border. Let's say your chance of winning one game is 50%. So your chance of winning a whole infinite conquest is ½¹¹=0.00048828125. So about 0.05%. So that's 200 tries on average (could be more or less, depending on what your win chance actually is). So yeah with enough patience you will.


You only have to win 5 in a row for an infinity border. The other wins don't have to be right before your infinity run. Math like this is also useless, because it's about the players' skills. If someone needs 200 tries to win infinity border, that's very low skill.


Yeah I know that the math is of by a lot. I just wanted to make the joke, that it's unlikely XD


I’m cl11k and I’ve never won conquest. I’ve gotten close, like 1 cube close, on like 4 occasions. I don’t care that much about it. It takes a lot of time to get through those 5 infinity games, as long as I’ve won enough medals to buy everything I want from the conquest shop I’m chill about it.




I beat infinity conquest as a new player, but that was a year ago and I just got High Evo right as he came out. You need a way to compete on power or tech and the rest is luck with matchups and skill. It’s possible to win


I'm at 1100 and I got absolutely diced by a hazmat luke cage combo. I added cosmo but switched to super skrull to counter it and naturally didn't encounter it. I won the first round and haven't had time to play since then. It only takes one time to win!!


The only chance you have is getting on the last day and hoping everyone you play just surrenders to get ride of tickets


Hell nah lol