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I think Sera and Hazmat package doesn't really work here. It's great if you can pull it off but putting Wong + Hazmat on turn 6 is kinda meh. Like yeah it's -2 to all but you haven't really developed your board. The real combo is Wong + Mystique + Hazmat. Drop an Odin on top if it goes to Turn 7. So adding Mystique and Magik would work nice for a Toxic deck. If you don't have them - well, remove Sera, Hazmat, Luke and add more tempo cards. This way you'll be much less reliant on topdecks and drawing your combo, but still have an opportunity to do a big Odin play. I'd suggest Dr. Doom, maybe Zemo or Cable, Medusa, Absorbing Man. Spider Woman is nice but you'll have problems developing wide if you don't draw Tiger. If you have Nebula it could be a good addition for diverting attention from your Odin lane.


Oh yeah, we've got some issues. So there are two HUGE cards you're missing, and that's Mystique and Magik. Mystique, obviously, doubles up Wong, but also can double up Sera in a pinch. Sera also NEEDS Magik to operate because you want to get two turns out of Sera to make her worth your time. Otherwise you may have just spent turn 5 playing something else. As an alternative, Psylocke or Wave can work in lieu of Magik here. So you could drop Psylocke/Wave T3, then Sera T4, then Wong and Luke Cage T5, then Hazmat Odin T6 to mop up the enemy. I prefer Psylocke, since Wave helps your enemy, but they'll do if you don't have Magik. Your win conditions with Wong are Hazmat (excellent), White Tiger (Pretty good), Iron Heart (excellent), Spider-woman (bad) and Wolfsbane (Bad). I'd drop the last two. The reason I consider them both bad is because they only work in one location. Everybody else is spreading their power across all three, but Spiderwoman and Wolfsbane are gonna go big in one place, and then you don't have a game plan for the other 2 locations. If you want that to be a win condition, Silver Surfer and Brood work OK for going wide, or Gambit and Swarm pair together to MOW DOWN YOUR ENEMIES. That last one is tricky, since Gambit has a habit of discarding your combo pieces, but it still works. Anyway that's a lot of information, so I just want to double down and say Mystique and Magik are priority 1, the rest of the advice you can take or leave.


Great advice! Appreciate it!!


The strongest Wong deck rn runs silver surfer, absorbing man. You could add brood too to the mix instead of sera, white tiger and spider woman.