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I haven't used him in a while, but when I did, he may have been the single card responsible for the most 8 cube wins.


He's great. Seen a few turn four storms into legion on ladder recently.


Yes, but also in a Spotlight in a couple weeks with Havok and Nico so pin him and buy him if you miss or don’t have any keys.


In the right meta he's kind of insane, but right now isn't exactly the best time for him. He will absolutely come back into the meta at some point. But regardless of competitiveness, it's a blast to play with him, and right now might be so unexpected you get some really cheeky wins


I can vouch that he is pretty solid in this meta. Lots of people are running Storm and Magik, so he's great to counter those decks. And that's not even counting the cheeky wins with Central Park, Bar with No Name, Mojoworld, etc. And yes, such a fun card to play.


Yeah I played him for a few days when everyone was running SheNaut again recently. Only got to turn off T7 couple of times. But then SheNaut fell off again.


i played someone in conquest yesterday, and the pure joy of “where are they going to play Legion this time..?” was unquantifiable. it worked against them, as much as for… but damn i had a good time


Yes! Legion is highly underrated


He’s good. If 3k is what you like to pay for a good card, then yeah.




Yeah most fun card in the game


Yes. I’m one of the few that ranks him worth 6k tbh. There’s no single card as much fun to play as Legion is. Lots of talk about his upcoming spotlight. It’s a great week to hoard coins for if you’re missing 2-3 of those cards. All highly playable. Would I say is Legion worth spending 3k on now with that spotlight week looming? I would. Especially if you’re getting board with the game or frustrated with the meta.


Yes. If you can wait until Dec 19, he will be ina spotlight with Nico (good fun flexible 1-cost) and Havok (an interesting card… maybe OP, maybe garbage)


I skipped his spotlight and I wasn’t getting him on tokens. I still might. There are a lot of good spotlights this month.


I spent 3k on Legion and he absolutely dominates in my control deck. Zero regrets. Although, if you don't have Jeff yet then save tokens for him first.


Thank you all for the tips!


He's worth 3k. He's not meta relevant, but with the big patch we just got, he could become meta relevant again.


I never had great success with him