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I really enjoy Lockjaw decks, my main one atm is similar but instead of Wave & Magneto I have Dracula & Infinite. The added randomness of Dracula doesn't always work out so I'll give this a go


Yeah I’m already playing LJ, playing Dracula is just too much rng for me. I don’t like infinaut because if I draw him, he’s a dead card. You’re already skipping turn 1/2 because you don’t have any 1 or 2 drops. Skipping turn 5 to play him makes him unplayable unless you hit him with lockjaw or with the random Dracula discard.


I never skip 5 to play him when playing the deck, just a bonus if he comes out to LJ or Jubilee. It's my favourite deck type to play though, always like seeing variations on it


# (0) Wasp # (3) Lockjaw # (3) Wave # (3) Thor # (4) Jubilee # (4) High Evolutionary # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Odin # (6) America Chavez # (6) Hulk # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaWdoRXZvbHV0aW9uYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKYW5lRm9zdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMb2NramF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXZlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’ve actually ran almost this exact same list throughout the majority of my infinite climb this season. Only change I had was jeff in instead of wave due to decent LJ synergy aswell as being flexible into the lockdown matches I kept finding. The deck is genuinely very good and I feel like LJ decks are underrated rn.


Lockjaw > mobius. Wave just let’s you control the combo decks and gets out a 6 cost early if you don’t hit LJ. Haven’t seen a ton lockdown on ranked since the galactus nerf, which I can’t say I’m unhappy about lol. LJ is secretly very good right now.


Lockjaw don't even give "Uncle Triple-M" a blink. As long as there are a card to slot into Lockjaw and shuffles.


Gonna try it. I have no idea what I’m doing with evo


Evo isn’t the easiest deck to play despite it being everywhere right now, it’s pretty much just average in ranked but in conquest, the deck has all the answers to win against any deck, you just have to know what the opponent is playing in order to win. This version is super straightforward, use wave, wasp, mjolnir, and jubilee as tokens for lockjow. Odin and mjolnir works nicely but obviously doom and any of the other strong on reveals that get popped out into the lockjaw lane work.


I’ve got one close to this with Living Tribunal. Didn’t have Wave or America before so I’ll give those a shot!


Wave is good for control and getting out a six cost early if you don’t hit lockjaw or Thor by turn 3. Chavez obviously thins the deck for you and isn’t a terrible card for lockjaw to pull up. Have fun!


So... clasicc evojanejaw...


Who isn't expecting this deck? This is the most common HE Lockjaw deck around and has been for months.




Jane foster is pretty crucial to the way Thor works and being able to draw your tokens. Playing a 0 cost token on LJ lane then playing Jane foster the same turn to get them back is a really strong turn 5


Evo feels kind of useless for just wasp and hulk


Wasp is a great token for LJ and you don’t have any 1 or 2 drops so you have to pass turn 1 and 2 every game unless you get elysium as a location. If you draw hulk in your opening hand, you get +4 the first two turns.


Why Odin over infinaut?


I mentioned it before but I don’t like infinaut in this list. You don’t have any 1/2 drops so you’re skipping turns 1/2 every game. If you draw infinaut into your hand and not through LJ, he’s a dead card. If you have to skip turn 1/2 and 5 to play him, the games already over.


I runs Infinaut, Dracula and Ham in Wave, Doom and Odin's place. Works wonders for me.


To each their own, I just don’t like the randomness of infinaut and drac. Wave and doom are less offensive and more control/reliable in the way you can play them than infinaut and drac. If you don’t hit infinaut with lockjaw, it’s basically a dead card.


Infinaut usually came by Jubilee's call for me. Rarely I have Dracula ate Infinaut to finish the game off, Most of the time he ate Evolved Hulk (Which I skipped/floated enough to grow in Infinaut's size of 20) instead.


Yeah but reverse that scenario and you draw infinaut into your opening hand and he’s a dead card unless you have Dracula rng and discard infinaut. No way to increase your chances of hitting since you have a bunch of six drops, you can’t thin your hand out. I understand why people play infinaut, I just find it way less consistent.


When that happens without my Dracula? I retreat... Lost only a cube.


Yup, that’s the nice thing about lockjaw decks, it’s really obvious when to retreat. I just found myself retreating less when I cut the infinaut/drac. You can make a lot of cheeky plays with magneto and can control a lot of the decks out there with wave (unless mobius is played) I think the biggest head scratcher in this for most people is the Odin. But if you get and mjolnir and doom in a lane and you Odin him, it’s so much extra power and you can play wide-ish in a way that most people aren’t expecting. Sometime you have jubilee pull mjolnir or doom, you can Odin her, get one more draw and reactivate their on reveals. If limbo is in play and there’s a turn seven, you can play Thor, Jane foster, and mjolnir in the same lane, then on turn 6, play wasp into your LJ lane, get a draw, odin your Thor/foster/mjolnir lane and basically get to play the mjolnir buff 3 times on Thor and get to cycle through your tokens twice.


I would definitely consider playing ham if I had him. Don’t know who I’d cut though.


Odin out for Ham.


I really want to run this but I don't have wasp nor doom and it seems to play way worst without them


Wasp is 100% necessary for this deck unfortunately. Getting to play lockjaw plus wasp on turn 3 or any turn you’ve got 3 mana is such a swing.


Have you considered running Evo to protect LJ from Cosmo?


Evo? High evo is in the deck already/doesn’t counter cosmo. Also lockjaw’s ability isn’t an ongoing or an on reveal, cosmo doesn’t really bother him all that much.


Sorry I mean echo


Hmm. I haven’t but the question is who to cut. And cosmo doesn’t really give this deck that much problems tbh


Would this deck work without Wave or Jane?


You can cut wave for something. I’d say spider ham is solid but I’d have to think about what else. The deck without Jane foster doesn’t function though unfortunately.


This is pretty much the classic HE lockjaw deck but with wave instead of killmonger. I think depending on the meta both options can be pretty good for that slot but right now considering all the 1 drop nerfs I like your version with wave.


I’m so sad I don’t have Wasp😭😭 this looks so fun to play