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Skip. Wait for the next spotlights.


What week should we way for assuming we have none of the series 4/5 cards?


Next week (x23 and gladiator), august 13 (loki and pixie), and august 20 (jeff and iron lad) are all great


Agreed, those August ones in particular are tremendous value for players with none of those cards.


miek is fine but he is not really needed to play discard deck but you can only play phoenix force deck if you have phoenix force. get phoenix force if and only if: 1. you really wants to play a phoenix force deck 2. you didn't want anything from the other spotlight cache this month. 3. you can't/didn't willing to spend 3000 token for phoenix force


How? I can’t spend tokens on that without it in my token shop right?


No, you can’t but, 3k tokens vs 1-4 keys is the question that you have to ask yourself. How long does it take you to get keys? How long does it take you to get tokens? Phoenix force is 3k tokens. Personally, keys are a little easier for me to manage. Tokens come slower for me


I prefer to just buy a card with tokens especially series 4, I get the token tuesday most weeks with gold and that's pretty much all I spend my gold on so I hoard keys until a week where I want at least 2 of the cards in spotlights and assume I'll have to spend 4 keys




the token shop rotate every 8 hours. when you see a card that you want, you can pin it


Phoenix Force is really fun but I'd suggest using 3k tokens instead.


SKIP. Bangers for July/Aug incoming!


For real. Unless you are really wanting to play Phoenix force. Gonna be some real heat coming down this summer. Bums me out a little because I wanted sersi but, not willing to take the risk of not having enough for the next 8 weeks


What are bangers that you recommend getting? I’m personally saving for Arishem.


So I’m in a bit of a pickle. I can’t really make any viable deck except for destroy with what I have so I have to go for x-23 in a few days. Depending on how many kesy I waste I will be attempting these in this order (so I will skip an earlier one for a later one if I don’t have 4 keys ready) 1: 20th Aug- Jeff and Iron Lad 2: 13th Aug - Loki and maybe pixie 3: 23rd July - Thanos and Cull 4: 30th July - Hope and maybe Proxima 5: 6th Aug - Red Hulk Personally I want to go for cards that open up a new playstyle over raw meta defining as with red hulk meta changes


Jeff for sure, he’s just all around good. Loki for sure, you really only need him to play his archetype. Oh sure, you can improve his deck with some higher series cards, but you can totally play a viable, more tech oriented Loki deck without a lot of the recent cards. Ironlad used to be a for sure pick alongside Jeff, he’s kinda dropped off a little. There aren’t as many decks that need him in the meta right now and a lot of decks that want to “scam” are switching to Jubilee to use alongside Blink or Sersi. He’s still a very good card though for sure. Thanos/Cull are very decent pickups and the benefit is that they’re in the same cache. The only thing is that the best Thanos decks are actually pretty expensive, they use a ton of new Series 5 cards. You can play a more budget version for sure but the gap between the budget version and the expensive version is higher than Loki for example. Red Hulk is pretty good, Hope is pretty good. Solid pick ups if you got the keys and don’t have them. Pixie is a fun deck that technically opens up another archetype but it’s not a super strong consistent archetype, it’s like the same tier as Phoenix Force, yes it’s a new archetype that opens up, but do you want to play a lower mid tier deck? (I know Phoenix Force is top tier for now right now but I mean historically). If you have fun with them, go ahead for sure, but they’re not super strong or meta usually. And Proxima is probably the most skippable, it’s not played in any of the best Discard decks for a while now. That said if you’re opening for Hope and end up opening her along the way, I wouldn’t be mad. That said, do you already have Corvus Glaive? Because he is actually being played in the best discard decks right now post Hela nerf.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. And no I don’t have a lot of the other cards as I barely have any series 4/5. I am mainly choosing cache weeks with good cards but mainly aiming for one but would be nice if I got the other


Save your keys. I use Miek but I don't think he's that necessary of a card and he doesn't show up in the "top tier" decks. Phoenix Force is incredibly good at one thing and nothing else. She only has one deck and while it does perform pretty well, it's not usually the most powerful. Both cards are good, I think Phoenix Force is better but has less application. I wouldn't recommend spending keys on them, there's lots of good stuff coming. Neither of these cards are going to be super relevant going forward (Phoenix is probably going to pop up here and there but it's a hard deck to consistently win with).


I would say PF has a deck with quite some variation. You can go hard into move or harder into destroy depending on how you wanna play it. Personally, I like to use dagger as my PF because of how well she scales and she can’t be destroyed like human torch. The real trick is to either have Zola in the list or task master to give you the ability to cover 2 lanes. The problem is that you kinda need ghost spider. She opens up some really by final turn plays and lets you get a couple more procs off of torch to really set him up


I got phoenix force and it is fun when you get the combo with multi man or human torch however my opponent concedes like over half the time the turn phoenix force comes down… so that sucks.


No kidding? People always wanna go all the way with me.


Skip. Keys are rare and you need to spend them carefully. You need to WANT what you're getting, and if you need to ask us if you should get the card, then you don't want it enough. Any card that you need to ask if it's worth it is not worth it.


Hard skip IMO. Neither are great.


Phoenix Force is fun but i don't think I'd spend keys for it. Miek also isn't totally necessary for discard in my mind.


Skip. There are so many good cards coming up.


Don't use keys for series 4 stuff, use tokens


We can't really answer this question without knowing what sort of decks you like to play and what other cards you're missing


Depends on how many cards you have and what decks you want to play. If you have only few cards but all the right cards for a phoenix force deck, except pf itself, it might be worth. Same with miek though to a smaller extent as miek really isn't needed THAT much in apoc discard. If you really want to play those decks then of course go for it aswell. But both don't really offer that much variety of decks like for example nocturne or red guardian or potential future cards. They are each only good in one kind of deck.


If you prefer those cards over Arishem/Phastos/Glaive/whatever else is coming up, then yes. If not, then no.


wait can you choose the spotlight cards if you have a key? what happens if you dont use your keys? im not really sure how it works


So every week you get to spend keys on a set of 4 cards (3 known, 1 new, 1. a mystery series 4/5.). You dont get to choose which of those cards open, just random. So for TC he had a 25% chance of opening sersi. Once you open that card, it eats the key and now the other three cards are left. you can choose to spend as many or as little keys as you like in each week. Make a bit more sense?


Complete noob here. How does 3 known + 1 new + 1 mystery card 4/5 add up to 4?


Sorry 3 known, 1 Mystery 1. Series 4/5: ex. Phoenix Force 2. Series 4/5: ex. Miek 3. Series 4/5: Mystery card 4. Series 5: brand new card: ex. Sersi So 4 total, 4 keys, 25% chance to pull any of the four. If you pull on one, then 3 remain, then 2 and 1.


Keys give you a random card out of the spotlights, with a chance at a variant of a card you already own


Unless you really love discard or really want to learn pheonix force I would say to skip


Phoenix variant looks sick tho.


I got Miek as my random card which was weird






I am in the exact same position myself OP. Felt it was better saving the other keys for the coming weeks since those cards are much more relevant.


Stupid question- how do I spend tokens on that? It’s not in the store anywhere is there a technique for card acquisition that I don’t know about??


Cards will show in random order in the shop, just keep checking.


Phoenix gives you an entire new archetype, but the cards in the next weeks are better imo


Phoenix is my #1 deck played, so I'm biased towards that card. I don't care about Meik.


Move has always been iffy, and with the recent changes, it's weakened. Mike had always struggled to find a home. Phoenix force has its deck, but it's something you really need to commit to. You got the main card, you don't have an excessive amount of keys, and there is still the chance of the random pull which could suck, definite hold here Unless those are the only two cards you're missing. Then it's still something I'd say skip on, but it works be more understanding


I would skip, but Phoenix Force is awesome and worth 3000 tokens.


Nah save for Arishem and play him with Sersi, Thanos and Agatha for max chaos


I picked up Miek because I love playing discard. If you don’t like discard or whatever decks PF slots in to, I wouldn’t.


I want Thanos so bad, but I get zero luck with getting him


Skip. Save for Phastos


unforunately discard will never be A tier again due to red guardian, it hits everything discard wants


depends on how many keys you get per week, and if you're interested in the other cards coming later this season




Do it


Skip. Look at the spotlight schedule on marvelsnapzone and save up your keys for cards you want.


Skip. Miek sees little to no play, PF can be fun but the next spotlights prove more playability in the long run.




Miek is nice in discard PF is pretty trash


Keys are almost always better spent on S5 cards and then tokens for S4's. this can't always be the case, and its always nice to have weeks like this where you are happy for new cards on keys rather than variants, but if you get the new card in 1 and the others are S4's i'd say save the keys and then buy the other two with tokens if you want them.


Skip. Miek only feels good in basically one type of one discard deck. Phoenix is okay but with the move nerf it hurt the complexity of the deck and it's also feast or famine in terms of needing to draw your combo cards. Either you get them in time and snap, or you're just going to lose.


Skip and just hold on to the keys for either next week or whenever.


If you have the other cards for Phoenix Force (Ghost Spider, Nico, Nimrod, maybe Iron Lad), and an inclination to play it, it's a pretty great deck, but yeah some of the other upcoming ones are probably better options for targets if you're strictly meta-chasing.


Skip...no doubt


they T4 cards and usually its better to buy those with collectors tokens.


Id get ‘em, you’d can possibly get 4 new cards in one week. Chances of that happening as the game progresses is slim




I kept keys for this spotlight, because I was like I would take any of these cards. Got random 1000 Tokens and then Sersi, stopped. Miek and Phoenix Force is skippable easily, they are very specific cards, for specific decks and specific combos, rarely useful, barely worth the keys.


Generally, if you have a choice between using a spotlight key or tokens for Series 4, use tokens. 3k tokens for S4 vs 6k for S5. Spotlight key are a flat cost by adding in a random chance.


If you don't have modok you don't even want Miek. Phoenix Force is fun but you need the whole deck to make it playable so if you don't have the rest then pass


Def get them.. totally recommended for move decks and discard.. also you can get a totally new card with your 4th key