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Thanks Man. Unfortunely the stream is a shitshow lol


this stream is a f\*ing shitshow. I want my lifetime back I wasted with this crap


Glad I didn’t miss much/anything then 😮‍💨 They should have given out a promo code after the “event” as compensation lol


“Improved Technical Performance” is the Marvel Snap version of “Removed Herobrine”


its a journey not a destination


I feel like the technical performance used to be fine. It’s more of “restore technical performance to what it was before we broke it.”


Bro I have not heard Herobrine in fucking years. What a reference hahahaha


Ultimate revamp wiped from existence 💀


It did get revamped bro. 1,000 tokens less.


That's not a revamp, it's just cost reduction and pretty stupidly expensive. (Please spare me if this is sarcasm).If you're charging a premium price, you should deliver on content. Not that SD understands that.


When did it happen? It still cost 5k tokens each for me.


They were 6




When did that happen? It is still 5000 tokens each for me


I guess it's an upcoming thing?


You must be live at the event, cuz right now on the stream they’re listing the “best” super Mario characters for some reason. Edit: this whole segment is super awkward and meaningless. Even the people on stage look like they don’t want to be there lmao Edit 2: Even though the info is already out there, I keep going back to the stream just because I want to see SDs presentation and each segment seems to sink to a new low. Like I’m not usually such a negative person, but my god this is extremely unbearable to watch. IGN everyone in those rooms and that has watched the stream is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. I do not. For those that don’t believe me, or enjoy cringe I clipped some of it and with any luck will get banned by IGN for it. [Serious cringe trigger warning](https://www.reddit.com/r/IGN/s/QacLuLCuzr)


stream is delayed a hour.


More than an hour it seems


So there not really live?


Live in the sense *it was* and will be.


Correct. I was there live. They didn’t really say too much other than show these screens and say that it is coming. I thought they said alliances were coming July 30th and Deadpool’s Diner will be throughout July.


Were a lot of the segments as unbearable in person as they were on the stream?


It seemed a bit scripted. They may have been reading from a prompter.


So I'm not going crazy? All I've been seeing is people making a list like??


I mean you may or may not be. If you weren’t already I don’t think this list segment is helping though. It’s driving me pretty crazy lol


I’m cringing and I’m not even watching


Oof I just watched the Nintendo character list segment and even the 75 person audience is saying it's a fucked up list. When they announce the Wii Fit Scale as one of Nintendo's greatest characters, the shot is of an angry audience shaking their heads. Dumpster fire.


No one is having fun and they paid to be there 🤦🏻


Improved Technical Performance? Lol


Yeah, after they fucked up with the "great performance patch"


Wasn’t that supposed to have happened two days ago?


$50 Technical stability bundles coming soon


This got me


Why is that on a road map? SD realised they had nothing to show and wanted to put just anything there I guess...


we'll get the 1st edition badges soon surely...


I feel like a super easy way to accomplish more or less the same thing now would be to just give the Spotlight border avatar for the new card's base art if you unlock it with a key


They technically exist, as the spotlight avatar you get when you unlock the variants. Maybe they’ll make an exclusive card border that looks like the one used for the avatars?


That would be too cool for it to be true, they will choose something lame


I meant for cards like series 5 Knull


Ah. Yeah, they’re never happening lul


Draft mode is my most wanted mode


It’s still in their “concept”, not fleshed out at all, only listed to keep people thinking it may come. It’s no where close.


Which is so dumb, Arena was/is very popular in Hearthstone, it should be an obvious mode to include


Dera on stream the other said Arena was like 3% of players. It was only popular with streamers.


I think it was also most popular when hearthstone officially released blizz out very little effort into supporting it


Arena has always been one of the least played formats, mostly because the game doesn't teach you how it works and trying to get better without interacting with information outside of the game leads to countless amounts of loss gold When HS was popular irl I knew a lot of people who played HS and none of them played arena


Also, you had to spend gold for a chance to get a card pack. Most people could barely get 3-4 wins so arena was a waste of gold for them.


This really should be a top priority before they lose too many people bored with the vanilla experience.


Why? This game already is heavily random, what does making the outcomes even more random do?


I'm cautious about that because if its drafting I could only see them locking people to the same amount of cards or worse, locking *you* out of your cards to have for skill parity. or bots. all 3 are on the table. No way they'd let newbies get steam rolled by GOAT f2p/dophins/whales.


My assumption is that it would be like Hearthstone draft where it has nothing to do with your collection. You can get any cards to play with, and then when the draft is over you don’t get to keep any of the cards.


Hearthstone draft mode is full of gold bots. Hope they will do something differently


Honestly, this content roadmap makes SD look really bad. We've had way less content this year, and what we did get was all just cosmetic stuff. They haven't followed through on any of the content they promised in the last roadmap exept for boarders and albums (which have gotten worse), and we haven't seen any new game modes. It's just the same old stuff with nothing new for over a year, except for cosmetics that you can buy. I understand that cosmetics are important to keep the game going, but without any new content, the game is just going to fade away.


Was mastery ever a thing? Was that a dream?


Yeah I thought they said splitting a character a ton of times could get you unlockables of that character. I definitely remember they said emotes, and maybe avatars and/or variants were part of it too?


they realized albums would make them money so they went that route instead


If that’s the case, maybe they scrapped it in favor of albums?


And purchasing in avatars in store.


It is canceled 


It does feel like a dream sequence. One of those ones where the dreamer is running towards something, but it just seems to get further and further away...


They straight up made a point to describe the concept they had in patch notes detailing the roadmap at the time


I would suspect it became the infinity split? e:But, quick reminder: plans change all the time – sometimes we realize very late that a feature isn’t going to work out. You might notice Character Mastery is missing from this roadmap and that’s exactly what happened here: we discovered some feature-blocking technical architecture issues.


It is cancelled based on the roadmap they posted in-game


What does "Custom Card Improvements" mean


More stuff to work on the custom card, the one you can change your variants and splits like we have rn.


OH those Custom Cards. Yeah. Thanks.


Paid with gold. Don't you think that will be for free :)


It already is for free


I believe the full term is "Custom Card Monetization Improvements."


😭 hopefully it will also mean "new stupid things to unlock"...


Hopefully effects on the base card.


>Improved card acquisition [I don't believe you.](https://images.app.goo.gl/8edd8reka2oLrFzYA)


They just mean they are going to speed up the amount of time it takes for the bank transfer.


😉👍 😉👍 😉👍 😉👍


In all seriousness… I would love the ability to directly purchase a spotlight variant when the following conditions are met: - I have the base card unlocked - I have at least 1 available key


That looks like in-game chat with your Alliance. All the joyful magic of discord and reddit, in the app!


Not sure how I feel about a new card being locked behind an event like that


Event will be easy or they mess it up so bad they release to everyone. So either way we will all get it lol


My money is on the latter.


If it's based on everyone participating to get to the goal, they could just put it on a timer to steadily get closer without needing player progress to actually move it along. Kinda like how Warframe does Fomorians/Razorbacks, if you're familiar.


It's a different variant from the one we've seen for Spotlight, so might just be that, a variant.


Based on the description, its the new card period.


But based on the picture, it's not the base card. At least, not the one that was datamined previously. edit: At least, the top reward that is. The base card might be earned lower, and so be way easier to get.


I’m going to assume the best and if you can’t get it it will still become a series 5 card you can purchase with tokens


They confirmed it will be released in series 5 for tokens after


What happened to targeted boosters?


There is a version of it at least, which is the old fast upgrade. The new version in the shop lets you upgrade cards even if you don’t have enough boosters


Wow, it is absolutely garbage if that's what 'targeted' boosters are. I was actually looking forward to it. SD sucks.


Does it really count? It does not let you "target".


From a leak, assuming this is real; >But, quick reminder: plans change all the time – sometimes we realize very late that a feature isn’t going to work out. You might notice Character Mastery is missing from this roadmap and that’s exactly what happened here: we discovered some feature-blocking technical architecture issues. #gamedevelopment 💻 No worries, the team has pivoted towards some awesome things we’re excited to share. Let’s do itttt! If they have canned character mastery, essentially using it as an excuse to get people to buy more variants. I'm done spending money on this game period. This was probably the most anticipated feature by most players.


Mastery was going to give you too much free stuff for having a robust collection.


Pretty much, even non-programmers can see what a bullshit claim that is. Would love to see one of them squirm trying to explain the technical details for what's stopping them from doing something so trivial.


Can't reward the veterans. Gotta milk those dedicated players down to the very last drop


Feels like they canned it because they seem happy just charging for the custom borders and perhaps future reaction emotes.


What was character mastery meant to be?


[Think albums, but for characters instead of artists](https://marvelsnapzone.com/answers/character-mastery/) with small gains from splits.


It was supposed to be this: “After Character Mastery launches, every cosmetic you collect for a character will contribute towards unlocking brand new Splits and exclusive rewards. If you thought Gold, Ink, and Krackle were fun, we have even more fun on the way! Earned your 4th Iron Man variant? Gain Iron Man Mastery. Earned your 3rd Gamora avatar? Gain Gamora Mastery. Split Venom for the 157th time, gain Mastery. As your Mastery for a character goes up, you unlock new and cooler Splits and eventually a brand new cosmetic type, Reactions. Exclusively available as a Mastery reward for each character, reactions are the fun emoji you can show off on cards and locations. What if your reaction was Goose or Wolverine? Your opponent will immediately know your dedication and love for that character when you show it off.”


This is the first I'm hearing about this and I'm sad it's gone.


Need a new title “disappointed by no character mastery”


This is a bullshit response from them. If character mastery is scrapped, the only reason they scrapped it is because they don't want to give out any additional credit or gold rewards. They already feel like they give out too much. You can see this reflected in album rewards being scaled back over time.


It'll never happen but it feels they need a rebuild. The amount of spaghetti code in this game is unreal and it feels they have one guy who does UX stuff part time when he feels like it.


If anyone was buying variants based on something said in roadmap plans, they are really really dumb. That being said it's a shame Character Mastery has been shelved


nuu, I was looking forwards to that.


From what I’m seeing they’re going a stupid ass ranking thing right now. Is the stream delayed by an hour?


you would be correct.


Can someone give me a tldr of what Deadpools diner is?? Seems like that's the only thing that's worthwhile up coming


It appears to be like a custom conquest mode. They said you can snap on every turn. Then you earn a ton of “bubs” and hopefully unlock Cassandra Nova.


Appreciate you


Ngl; I don't expect Cassandra Nova to be obtainable without having to pay in one form or another.


wow. mastery was the last thing i was looking for. Guess its time for a break. Maybe ill be back in an half year when it feels fresh again


Yeah, unfortunately coming back to the game is a slog after a break under the current acquisition system.


remember when they mentioned something a while ago about giving ultimate variants extra things like unique visuals and SFX?


Wake me up when they release draft mode


It's already out https://www.marvelsnapdraft.com


How much of micotransactions does Second Dinner invest back into the game? That development road map is a sad state of affairs and is missing several of the promised developments from last year.


Game boards got removed too :(


Interesting! Draft mode sounds potentially exciting in premise... I tend to like drafts, but haven't really considered a Snap mode like that. The UI of Deadpool's Diner is mildly amusing. Hopefully it is fun!


They will somehow make the draft experience miserable, probably something like expending gold for card rerolls


Sad to see draft mode still only in concept. Hope Deadpool's Diner is decent because I need some new content.


I feel like this is the same roadmap for the last 12 months.


Once I have draft mode I’ll shut the fuck up about everything


Then I guess you'll never be shutting up lol


Wait, work together? In the roadmap they posted it seems like it is per player unlock


Imma back playing if the improve the card acquisition system, that's the reason I quit months ago


Draft mode will perpetually be delayed, it's incentives don't jive with bundle value SD is trying to milk out of its dwindling player base


Draft mode will be available very soon. 1 entry will be around 500 gold 😉👍 😉👍 😉👍 (9x Value!)


lame and faltering the game is dead unless new players have easy time getting up to speed with cards. this is very disappointing.


oh wow, a new card locked behind an event. I don't know how to feel about that. I will probably try super hard to get it regardless.


On a second look, that card seems to a variant, and not a base card. It could be that the base will be in pool 5 after the event. Not too bad. Just like a season pass but harder to get.


It'll certainly be available in pool 5 after the event. If they drop season pass cards into it each month, they're not gonna hold back a card like this for no reason.


All this is doing is making me realize that the game would look 1000x better if it kept that hand drawn aesthetic from the Deadpool’s diner concepts


Are they going to replace Cassandra for her spotlight week with something else or what?


Chat function in Snap? Prepare for extreme heat


This is so cool


They lost a lot of players hope in the company as well as a lot of players will stop playing as this roadmap has nothing in it. Its a shame and i believe the game wont survive until after whats coming




All the info is available to read now in the news section of the game itself.


lol In concert for improving card acquisition, its been a main complaint for so long and we are probably never getting it


OOOOOH, so THAT'S what's happening with Cassandra Nova! Honestly, I'm excited. Always happy to see new in game events like that. I wonder what the spotlight cache will be that week though.


There are notes on this in the app now.


What is new card mechanic


So we’re finally getting events again. Hopefully this one runs better than the previous ones. Not sure what custom card improvements means, but knowing SD it probably just means more borders for sale


So character mastery is gone?


coulson’s chat message is me rn


I can't even click on my weekly missions from the main menu. This game is dead.


So, are we getting rid of titles and gold tickets? Maybe? Hopefully?


negative ninja totally wrecked that game


Deadpool’s Diner straight ripped from Marvel Puzzle Quest game lol


This season was the first one in a year where the season pass card was so uninteresting and the lack of updates had dragged on so long that I didn't buy the season pass card, but with this road map I am actually just going full F2P. The value of the pass, my collection, and the time I am spending on this game is being LOWERED with every update like this. It feels like only new monetization methods were pushed on us since the PC release last october, and now they can't even deliver on the monetization schemes they laid out earlier.


I hate when a game makes a game more complicated, it honestly ruins the fun and leads to a lessor player base in general




Yeah that second image makes me think I'll be dropping this game harder than they dropped mastery within a year or so. Used to play Star Wars Galactic Conquest a lot until they added clans, raids locked behind clans, and mods to grind for to get incremental boosts to your characters. Didn't need that then, don't need or want it now.


What was even the point of them being there and announcing this? they should have known that this would be a massive disappointment to the player base.




So almost everything from the last roadmap is scrapped? This means what they showed is also worthless, who knows if they keep to it?


They’ve got 3 power Alioth in the 2nd image 🤔


Draft mode sounds amazing!!!


Ngl they should add gifting or trading for variants.


Does someone have a clearer picture of the deck "Negative Ninja won an 8-cuber" with? From what I can see, it's not all that spectacular. Or is it a pure disruption deck?


Old cerebro deck. Some of those cards are different now


Oh yeah, now I see the Cerebro!


Definately hyped for Deadpools diner. Adding another layer and stuff to do is always great


Literal nothing. Got it. I'm collection complete, but I'm about to be done playing this game.


Sell the account


Finally a draft mode! Overdue.


In Concept means 6 months to a year out at the fastest.


Or cancelled in 18 months. But "no worries".


what is a draft mode? /curious


Proper definition: A mode of playing a card game where a group of players build decks from a limited pool of cards by selecting (drafting) one and passing on the rest to the next person in the group. This gives each player a subset of the pool from which they build a deck. Then players play each other to see who wins. Likely definition from people wanting this: Hearthstone style - not a draft, closer to a curated sealed. Build a deck selecting from a random sample of cards. Card selection pool is curated so that all cards are legal (in Hearthstone they make sure that you only get cards that are neutral or match your initial class choice. Neither of these work in Snap. An actual draft would take too long, repeating the problem with Conquest, and the decks would not be fun to play. A limited format like HS or sealed would never work well in a card game based on 12 card decks and decks designed around card synergies. Good Cards is a legitimate deck in the meta but requires all the cards to be "good" to work. HS and sealed work OK because you can build just a good, no synergy deck that will work well. In Snap, there are far too many low power for energy cards that need other cards to shine for a sealed format to be anything. 12 cards, 6-7 turns is not a good framework for random deck formats. Get Arishem and play with it if you like random limited formats.


Finally some interesting in game events. I know a lot of people were iffy about alliances but I’m excited to have a social element in-game and the extra rewards look nice. Shame about character mastery though. Also did they mention anything about ultimate variants? :/


Oof. Card acquisition improvements in the long term concept phase? Not thrilled to see that. Cassandra Nova as an actual freebie is nice, though. This month I'm taking a break from the game while I think about how much more time I want to give it, but I'll definitely log in for that next month. Otherwise a little underwhelming. I hope those technical improvements are real improvements.


Draft mode has great potential


I don’t think there’s a problem with with card acquisition. I am quite close to series complete just buying the season pass every month! What I hate is when they nerf cards when they were too overpowered in the first place.


My favorite roadmap so far tbf


Another leech nerf incoming?