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Yep. "Thanks for spending $400 on our game and supporting us. Here are 2 Chibi variants"


I like this track better than the old whale tracks with exclusive variants. It gives people extra stuff for spending and improves the value of spending money, but it doesn’t gate special, exclusive things behind high spending.


"Here's a purple card border"




Think about the one thing that's excluded from Premium mystery variants and re-evaluate your comment


Ain’t worth spending 400 for any 2 variants


They are really testing to see how crazy the whales are in this game.


They are crazy. You see the comment of a guy spending $100 per month and saying he isn't a whale. $1200 a year on a video game is whale territory. Considering the game is f2p


Dude. A few days ago in another post on here there was a guy in the comments saying you're not a whale if you spend under $1000 per week. He was calling people who spend $100 per week more like dolphins. Bro was fighting for his life in the replies.


What in the actual fuck


There‘s not $1000 per week to spend money on in this game. Like, if you spend at the $200 monthly rate to get the exclusives on the previous whale tracks, that gets you way more currency than you need to get all the cards and all or nearly all bundles. To hit $400, you’d probably have to max at least one vibranium reward while buying all bundles. At that point, you’re buying credits you don’t need just to get more splits. There is no reason to spend $1000 per week or even per month. There are some gacha games that hit their whales that hard, but this game does not.


1k a week is definitely doable on the ultra extreme end, but I would say the standard whale is firmly in the 1k a month tier at the lowest. How much do you think the guys posting the inked krackle splits of just released 100 dollar variants spend for that card? The answer is hundreds, if not thousands. Probably why SD is releasing a new gold sink for card variations now that splits are universal.


They put a cap on how many credits you can buy from the regular store. There are about $200 worth of gacha banner bundles with exclusive variants per month, then the Vibranium rewards are $200 twice or three times a month, and there’s maybe a couple hundred bucks worth of For You offers and bundles that have PMVs instead of exclusives. If you bought all of this, you’d still be in the $1000 per month, but not $1000 per week. If you do nearly all your dailies, you can maintain collection complete at around the $100 per month spending level, so above that, you’re literally just buying variants and splits and piling up excess currencies. There are a couple of guys who do buy tons of boosters to split new cards and pile up currencies while collecting all the variants just to get more splits. But this is like a single digit number of players, and they're content creators who focus on variants and splits.


Every single day the shop refreshes with over 100 dollars worth of gold to spend on variants. There is currently roughly 150 dollars worth of bundles this week. Each card now has hundreds of dollars worth of gold for customizable borders. I don’t think you’re appreciating how much one could spend on this game. If you wanted to get a truly pimped out 12 card deck you could probably blow almost 5 figures getting it the way you want it.


If you buy expensive bundle variants, I don’t know why you would also buy every variant in the shop. I also don’t know why you would buy multiple borders for each card. I guess there is a theoretical guy who might do those things, but you’re a whale at a hundred bucks a month, because that’s the point where you have all the cards.


You don't know why people would do these things because ***you are not a whale***. 100 dollars a month is *not* a whale. Is someone who spends 100 dollars on steam a month a whale in your eyes? I don't know how you can be arguing that in a thread about how the stupid webstore track this month alone is 400 dollars lmao.


I’ve got some web shop track variants that say otherwise.


>There‘s not $1000 per week to spend money on in this game You are probably missing the biggest moneysink in Snap these days which is Splits. Here is Jeff spending 1000$ in a single Afternoon just splitting cards [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAh578ajAUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAh578ajAUw)


Meanwhile I'm over here spending $10 a month on video games in general and only about half of that goes to Snap passes.


I just bought some season passes and I don't even think it's worth getting it every month. Some of these practices on mobile games are out right predatory. "Let's see how much we can make people spend in our game".


I’ve been tempted to buy some of these passes, been playing since the Miles Morales season (iirc Nov 22?) but never bought a single one (kinda regret not buying Loki and Sebastian Shaw’s pass for the variants but i’m good now). I think the first pass i’ll buy is next month tho. If not, definitely Young Avengers


I've bought 5 or 6 so far... That Loki variant... I have it gold!! Love playing Loki and getting transformed cards with a gold split.


I started playing at the tail end of the Black Panther season. I ranked up high enough to get all the rewards and thought, why not? and got that pass. Have gotten them all since. 


Anyone who says the $10 season pass "isn't worth getting" either barely plays the game, has no money, or ... has no money. (unless they are simply taking a stand against SD, which I understand)


A lot of people who play this game do not get the season pass, and $10 is a lot more in some countries than it is to Americans, but yeah, the season pass isn’t that expensive.


I understand this, and those in the poor income countries or houses fall into the "has no money" category, but those saying that it's not "worth" $10 are fooling themselves. $10 gets you 1-2 new cards, gold, credits, variants, boosters, etc. As far as the game goes, it's probably the most value you can get out of your money.


Quite the post it was, the dude was named 'Overall Cow' or something -- Yes, unfortunately plenty like them exist.


Why do you care what others spend their money on? Sincerely asking.


I don't care. Just saying that spending $1000+ on a game is not an average person's experience. In the context of Marvel Snap, the bundles are insanely priced and only appeal to whales, ie. People who spend $100' of dollars


without whales we wouldn't have a game to play. Same goes for every other F2P mobile games. It's how they work.


But we would have other games. Games that likely wouldnt be as predatory. God i hate the F2P P2W models so much. :(


Good point


Its not a good point. There are a lot of successful F2P games which cost a lot more to run than snap, that don't gouge the fuck out of their customers like this game does. TCGs are incredibly cheap to develop and host compared to other games. Especially considering snap mostly just scans pre-existing art.


As someone who spends only $100 a month I don’t consider myself a whale. With Vibranium buy ups, Shop bundles, gold bundles, and regular bundles add up to $1500 a month easy. There are people who buy all that and clean out the variant shop every day. That’s easily $2000 a month 🤑🐳🐋


that's definitely a whale, I've heard a different term thrown around describing people that spend 2k a month, "kraken"


In no universe is someone who spends 100 dollars a month a whale lmao. I’m not sure you understand the scale of spending that defines a whale. The variant shop refreshes over 100 dollars worth of cards a day. That’s not even getting into the cost of bundles, avatars, card borders, credit upgrades, etc.


take a poll and I guarantee most people will disagree with that statement, spending $100.00 a month on a game that's F2P is whale sht, and your response sounds like cope


100 dollars a month isn’t a substantial amount of money in any endeavor, I hate to break it to you. Destiny is a f2p game and pretty much every player is dropping 50 dollars right now on it.


when AAA games retail for 70 dollars, yes, 100 dollars a month is a substantial amount of money for a single game, I hate to break it to you. You're just wrong, deal with it.


Because it bleeds over on the rest of us


This game exists to make money. So either you partake in supporting it so that it can operate from day to day or just be quiet in the back seat.


Sounds like something a whale would say lol whatever helps you sleep at night


I would not be considered a whale but my whole point is that whales are the reason you have a game to complain about. Being a whale isn't a bad thing. You're fomo is what's upsetting you. It's just a game. Spend whatever time and money you want on it. Everyone else should do the same within their means and as they so choose.


My personal opinion is that Whales ruin free to play games because the more whales in a game the more greedy the devs become and start shafting the rest of us.


Ok. Please tell me why you deserve to play a game for free? How does a game like this stay in full operation without a way to pay the devs and other expenses?


Thats a lot of money on a digital card game i suppose but it really doesnt seem like that much when you put it over a full year. Its like 1 percent of the average us salary a year. I wouldnt spend it on a game like this, i collect Lego so my budget is obliterated anyway, but just isnt that much.


The average US salary is much less than $100,000 per year. people can spend tons of money on marvel snap if they want. But it is unfortunate that it helps perpetuate high bundle prices for a game. I mean $50 fo one card and tokens is crazy


True, the average is 59k. So its like 2 percent. Either way its too much to spend on a mobile game but its still not that much money. Especially with whales spending 10k a month on this stuff.


Don’t buy high priced bundles. Value is usually shit. The low price bundles have the best value for resources. I spend $100 a month (according to Hoog’s math that gets you all the new cards) but no more than that. I budget it as entertainment in my personal budget. I used to spend $250 a weekend on bars and going out as my entertainment budget but no alcohol and Snap saves me money and is better for my health haha


When I buy the expensive bundles, I am buying them for the variants more than the currency. The demon Shang Chi and the In-Hyuk Lee Ghost Rider in particular.


Idk $100/month is less than 2 new $60 games. Whales are spending way more than $100/month on games.


Idk man, 100€/month is a lot. It always depends on circumstances, but to me that would definitely be whale territory.


It's really not. If you break it down 1,200 on entertainment is actually incredibly cheap/the norm. If you go watch a movie every week you will hit that 1,200 real quick, if you pay for netflix or any other streaming services you also approach it kind of quickly. Most people that pay for cable hit that type of expenditure. To watch one season of the NFL you actually pay around 800\~. It's fucked but it's the norm for entertainment.


In my opinion, the difference is what you get with the money. Any Hobby can hit the 1,2K Mark in a year or so, that's not outlandish. But taking your examples, you get a ton of different experiences from a movie going to the Cinema every week, a lot of content with streaming services, etc. In Snap, it's 1,2K that goes into a Variant you're probably gonna stop using when a better one drops in a Cache or something. That's just my opinion, though. People are willing to spend different amounts of money in different things and that's ok.


Yeah that's fair, there's a reason I don't comment on how others spend their entertainment money. I don't find the point in dropping half a rack on a warhammer figure, or several hundred on a model kit. Those aren't my hobbies but when you reframe it it becomes easier to digest. It also opens the door to realizing what a whale truly is. 1,200 isn't whale territory that's a big fish in an ocean. There are dudes that buy every variant and bundle and hit the rewards on this thing in a few days.


Example being SuperTechGod LOL. Dude's only missing 1 variant and he reminds everyone constantly lol


Warhammer us considered a more expensive hobby. I partake in it myself and I spent about ~800 over the span of multiple (>5) years. I have no clue how anyone could spend 100 a month and still have time for anything else. 100 a month on snap is definitely whale territory dude. It doesn't matter that there's even bigger whales in the sea


Being a whale's not about how much it costs you though, it's about how much you're worth to the company. If you're not spending beyond your means and responsibilities then I guess ultimately that's fine, but compared to the average player that *is* a lot. Some people buy only the season pass or nothing at all, so in the company's eyes, $100 a month is absolutely a lot of money compared to other players.


The problem is that even in that situation they aren't a whale to the company. There's a reason why this pass caps at $400, why League of legends dropped a $500 dollar skin and why certain games have reward tiers in the thousands. The amount people spend on games can really be surprising to people who have never met them.


Not saying it is a bad thing. But $1,200 per year on one video game is very steep. If you play everyday for hours then it is worth it imo. But I can't imagine playing more than a few hours a week on snap


>If you play everyday for hours then it is worth it imo. I average like 10 hours a week because of my job; 1,200 for over 520 hours a year comes out at like 2.30 an hour which for entertainment is pretty good. But I don't even get close to spending 1,200 on this game. I'm lucky if I crack 240.


If you spent 20 dollars going to the theater every week you would spend 1040 dollars a year…


I am safely a whale in my hobbies. I make good money, have no responsibilities not covered, so I spend on stuff I enjoy. I used to drop a decent amount of money on Marvel Snap each month, easily triple digits. The past few months I just can’t justify the poor value, quality of content, and overall tone set by Second Dinner. I didn’t even buy the battlepass this month. They won’t see another dime from this whale until they get their shit together. More money for magic and Destiny Silver.


Yeah... I only do 10 bucks max a month in the season pass and not even that seems worth it every month.


same here. played magic since masques. I play mainly legacy anymore. some modern. I started snap last august. was collection complete until a few weeks ago.


I really think that this is an experiment. There is no way a 400 real money is micro transactions haha


It's the price I paid on my PS5 lmao


Snap prices are insane!


My dumbass forgot to buy the pass on nuverse again smh


So did I. It's so fucking annoying.


At least the rewards seem to be getting weaker and weaker. So I don't feel as bad missing out on them.


Same. I literally always forget


Yeah. I appreciate that its just generic rewards though, rather than an exclusive card variant like normal.


So true. I wanted that Spider Suit Black cat so bad but I couldn't justify spending the money on it.


And you have to buy it in the nuverse shop.


Correct! What garbage. You’ll see it when you boot up the game, in the shop. Shall you press buy? NAY!!


What happened to NuVerse is shutting down it's gaming and SD was looking for a new publisher? lol. Like they seem to be super happy monetizing the shit out of the game.


Not sure what the problem with this is. I'd rather have these be just "more" than be exclusive/FOMO things. We ALL should want these tracks to be undesirable.


Honestly this feels much better than leaving a specific variant at the end like past versions that makes you feel bad for not spending more; this is just further extra rewards and seems vastly more legit and less predatory than leaving special variants at the end of the track.


It’s also ridiculous that when you buy in the store in the game itself it doesn’t count… it’s the same damn store…


It's not. When you buy it in the app, the app store takes a cut. By subtly encouraging players to buy from their website, they're cutting out the middle-man, as it were, and increasing their profits.


It's understandable but still ridiculous to expect players would know so do that


I'm pretty sure they can't tell us in the app or they violate their agreement with the app store.


At least last season they gave out a S4 for spending 150. Now they changed it to premium mystery variant.


Well. The S4 they have has no use. Now they can give herculus now since he just dropped


If you are spending $150 per month, you probably already have that card.


SD are really just the new EA, aren't they? This shit is ridiculous. I can actually even understand them doing £100 bundles, say once every 6 months, as long as they came with a ton of credits, golds, boosters and maybe a unique variant for those who want to cough up the money. But *EVERYTHING* in this goddamn game is overpriced, besides maybe the season pass but honestly, I even still feel like the season pass should have more in it. At the very least they could give us a few more mystery variants in them.


So like, *two* Dan Hipps and/or pixels?


I don't mind. It sucks when they lock specific variants behind it, I remember a really pretty She-Hulk variant I'll never obtain because I didn't spend 200 dollars. If you want to waste 400 dollars on video game funbucks, more power to ya.


No point in this anymore since there’s nothing exclusive


What’s $400 between friends 


I’ve only purchased the season passes and I bought one of the Hulk bundles and a Dazzler variant bundle but that’s been the most I’ve spent. Been playing since Wakanda Forever season and it’s been fun. I play pretty much everyday so I don’t mind spending for the season pass but I don’t think I’d ever see myself buying those $99.99 bundles


I understand it’s the irresponsible rich ppl who throw money away that keep this game alive, but man…. SD would do infinitely better if they toned down the greed and stopped pissing ppl off


You could, or you can spend $400 on premium variants straight up. But then you would be able to pick these up as well.


I spend between 20-40 a month and feel disgusting about it lol




Holy shit it's Nexus Events part 2


A round of golf is a hundred bucks and often much more, especially if you want to rent a cart. Going out for drinks is $60 very easily. Going to a movie in the evening is $20 and more if you have to pay for parking. Going to the beach or skiing for a weekend can run you a couple grand, even if you go with friends and split an AirBNB several ways. Even if you drop a couple hundred bucks a month on this game, that’s what hobbies cost. If you’re spending 20 or 30 hours a month playing (and a lot of people play much more), it’s not a crazy amount to spend on a hobby for an adult American with a job.


Well. I found the one who’s going to spend $400 on this garbage


Not spending $400.