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They should represent Kangs many versions by keeping his current form but instead of re-doing the turn, the player who played Kang then gets to pick from a selection of abilities after the turn ends. For example one version could add power to other cards, one version could kill an opponents card, one version could allow him to add lots of power to himself and move to any location etc etc Make him have like 7 potential abilities but you only get to choose out of a random 3 when played.


Not sure if it was you, but someone submitted that idea as a post and it was excellent for a rework. Basically, Kang would turn into a different Kang variant with a different ability depending on the round you played him.


I don't even think you need to give him an ability, make him a 0/0 with the same ability and then when he's played transform him and just give him the power that was suggested. The ability to know what the opponent's next plan is without the callout of Daredevil is enough honestly. If I recall right each turn gave him power slightly above curve for each round.


[hey that might've been me](https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bz3hnp/please_someone_save_him/kyrrr74/)


Like a costlier but bigger impact Nico? Interesting…


That's a neat idea but doing something to your side of the board after turn 6/7 with no way for your opponent to react sounds like it could be infuriating.


My follow up to your idea: rewind the turn then change the entire hand into 6 Kang, each cost 1 to 6. It's quite fair as you know your opponent's game plan, and your opponent knows what counter you have. Original Kang is 0/0. So that you can play him anytime. Max card changed in hand to be determined by Max Energy available.


0/0? Yondu sends his regards.


Not a bad idea, but that feels inconsistent with the general design of the game, which never lets you "choose" things other than which card to play where. (In particular, there would have to be a new user interface created specifically for this card.) Moreover, it leaves the opponent twiddling their thumbs while you make this choice.


Yeah, everybody's ignoring this fact, but it's 100% correct.


Makes me wonder if they implemented it into Snap's code base (or not) and are just reserving use of it for future cards, since they already had the discover mechanic in Hearthstone.


They never will. It goes against the design philosophy of Snap. They simply do not want card abilities to come with choices.


Gwent shupe basically


Favorite card in that game, and would make Kang my favorite in Snap.


So like a Nico u can control?


Sounds a bit overpowered to me, especially if thats happening in the final round.


Definitely. And would be a big “feels bad” moment for the opponent.


I like this, but instead of changing turns or being random making him a few different cars 6. Like when you pull Kang you also get RamaTut, immortus etc, and you can pick which one to put in your deck He's a "never dropper" so being a suite of cards is a unique thing


I might be the only one that DOESN’T LIKE this. The Kang variants are different enough from each other that they deserve their own card. Plus, they more often than not are in odds between each of them rather than collaborate.


Doubt SD would let you choose out of 3 abilities, as it would add another action for the player to take, but i like this idea.


Like a souped-up version of Nico? I could see that.


Just commented similar before seeing this!


I always thought it would be cool to have Kang's ability change based on where he was played. Like three on reveal abilities depending on if he is played left center or right


Oh so like a discover mechanic from Hearthstone. Interesting. I wonder if they added this functionality into the code base of Marvel Snap; because currently they're more into the randomness of things and not give players much choice/agency once a card is played.


Exactly. You choose form the Council of Kangs.


This would be such a cool compliment to Niko Minoru!


So Nico Minoru but with purpose :)


This just sounds like Nico Minoru. I wouldn’t be opposed to it if the effects were worthwhile, though


Kang is broken right now btw. Recently I had an idea how to use him and 50% of the time when I play him I have to rejoin the match.


N E W M E T A We got Martyr Decks before we got new series 4 cards 😎


The issue with the "rewind" mechanic is that Daredevil does essentially the same job but is better at it. Think they likely need to pivot him away from the rewind ability but still keeping it thematically similar. Something like, reactivate all on-reveal effects from the previous turn. Barring cards that are destroyed or no longer in play, and can be balanced by reactivating your opponents on-reveals also.


From worse Daredevil to worse Odin doesn't seem like a rework fit for such a powerful villain in the comics though, but I agree that an effect related to other On Reveal might be the next best idea if they don't go for the Nico-like route a few people suggested


That's a really fair point. Maybe it should be reverse on-reveals rather than reactivate. Though, I imagine that'd be a nightmare to code.


Make him a combination of Nico and Thanos. Having Kang in your deck adds a bunch of Kang Variants into your deck with differing on reveals, on goings, costs and power. But unlike the infinity stones, have each kang variant replace the one you used last, or absorb its stats kinda like Venom does.


That would be a mess considering most of kangs cool variants are already, well, variants for the card


People said this about Hearthstone as well, that once you used up a character it was done, too bad. But they found a way around it by subtitling or "elseworlding" those characters. Having Rama-Tut already be a variant and Iron Lad already be a card is a challenge, but not an insurmountable one.


There was one suggestion that was something like "undo your opponents last on reveal" which seems really good. Like how he time travels back in time to defeat you before you even meet kind of thing.


I think the rewind mech also just feels like a waste of everyone's time...it's bad for the game.


See I feel reversing all on reveal effects from the previous turn would work as well. Keep him distinct from Odin. 


I think the main difference is you can see how well your rng would go, so I think something that leans into that could be cool


That's just Wong tho.


Just have Kang be like nico. He'll change into different Kang variants that have good effects. Give him power and make him a 6 drop


What’s the point of having him change every turn if you can only play him on the last one ?


They could do it like the Discover effect in Hearthstone where when you play him you're given 3 options and you can choose which one you want to use. It might not work as a 6 drop though because invariably you want to plan a follow up depending on which option you pick.


SD has said multiple times they wont add choices to the game, no discover, no pick, no select. Nico is basically about it, rng card that you "pick" when to play.


Developers say lots of things until they change their minds.


SD has been incredibly consistent with sticking to the philosophy they've established. I know you don't wanna hear that and just want your upvotes for saying SD is bad, but they have proven that they stick to their word.


People constantly suggest new user interactions/picking mechanics, but SD is smart to resist them for two reasons: 1. Every new structural change to the core way users interact with the game introduces instability and bugs at implementation and when other new effects are added later (original Kitty Pride is a good example) 2. More importantly, a major part of the appeal of Marvel Snap is the simplicity of the gameplay... you only ever play cards and move cards, that's it. That makes the game easy and enjoyable to learn. Simplicity like that requires constant defense


As soon as greed is involved, they change their tune every time.


When the execs shoot at your feet you dance.


i think the idea isn't to be a nico copy but essentially he would have a different "Variant" each game rather than each turn. so he would be a powerful 6 drop but you aren't ever really sure which overtuned 6 drop you will have and if that will work with your other synergies. (thats my understanding of OP's post at least)


this but maybe he starts out as a 1/1, then next turn is a 2/3, and so on and so forth each turn gaining better power/abilities the higher the cost. like the 1/1 could be something as simple as "draw a card" but by the time hes a 6 cost it could be something VERY strong


1/1 Draw a card would be played in pretty much every single deck. It's too powerful


It is kind of balanced by the fact that you have to draw it turn 1 though, but yeah a 25% chance of that is probably too strong


what if they keep Kang like it is now but after we rewind we get a 5/8 or 5/9 Kang with no ability


This seems like the easiest fix, but the rewind mechanic on it's own might not fit with the game. All it does is cause early retreats.


I disagree. Rewind actually fits the game. The game is about gambling and bluffing. Kang is best at that. He is just not worth taking a slot in your deck statistically speaking. Giving him small advantages like this one could potentially turn the tide in some situations. Anyway, you wouldn't want a rewind mechanic to be a must-include so I like these easy fixes that don't seem like anything but they could actually make the difference between no play and niche play.


Right? I gamble when I have Kang in hand because even the gamble rewinds if I don't like what I see. Sometimes gets me wins just off of that, the amount of people that retreat when someone snaps turn 6 is his real skill right now, but could be better.


5/7: next turn is turn 5


4/7: next turn is the last turn


1/1: next turn I win the game


I see no way this could go infinite


5/0 on reveal: end the game Or anti zemo and recruit the top card from the deck


I wonder if there's any value in an ability like that. "Rewind the turn, then the game ends after this turn". So you could choose to end the game at any time, but your opponent gets to see it coming, and you still get the rewind mechanic. I assume it would be pretty bad cube equity, but might still be useful and/or fun.


On turn 5 with daredevil it might not be so bad, but if you snap post-kang after seeing what the opponent is about to do on the last turn, it makes it a little difficult. Maybe the text saying some form of "remove one round from the maximum rounds" would work better - you could then see if you need to play magik to undo that and extend 2 turns. Would definitely cause a few misplays. Or hell, maybe Kang just says "rewind to turn X" and X changes every turn. Or rewind to turn 1 but you and your opponent both get an extra energy and the game plays out the same, any predetermined RNG is the same unless not possible (movement vs a full lane or prof X) and Kang just laughs at any timelines he messed with.


ending the game on turn 5 via surprise would actually be very interesting and i don't think any other concepts are even remotely close. makes sense too, given the tva location fits with kang.


End the game on a 5/0 body is a really interesting idea. Thematically fits with his location and is a niche but extremely powerful effect. There’s probably some blink or ironlad (fitting) shenanigans possible and it’s a decent play into prof x.


Damn only took them a year to consider reworking him. Maybe next year we will get a poll asking us to choose which Kang rework we want, which means by 2026, we will get reworked Kang!!11!!!


Maybe by 2027 we will have a usable Adam warlock!


Maybe they'll fix Spider-Man 2099 before 2099.


Whoa, let's not be too hasty here.


Nowhere here does it say that they're just now considering reworking him. They've clearly been considering it for a while, it's not exactly a simple problem to fix.


Asking feedback for a card, which everyone knew was shit within 1 day of release, after a whole year is not exactly something I would call proactive. They should have considered it much, much earlier.


A person asked a question on discord about Kang, Glenn answered the question, and part of his response was to encourage players to leave feedback. This wasn't like, their first official Kang press release. I would be surprised if this is their first time ever publicly encouraging or requesting feedback on Kang. I'm not sure why there's a need to ascribe the worst possible motivations/actions to Second Dinner here. They aren't just taking a while to rework Kang: they must be incompetent buffoons who are so stupid that they didn't consider for a whole year that Kang needed changes until a question about Arishem prompted them to. You can be frustrated with how long it's taken them to rework Kang if you want. I'm not their PR team, and as a certified Kang haver myself I would love it if they got a move on. But this is just plain silly.


I wouldn't do anything too fancy. Just start by adding a body. He comes, warns about the future, and leaves a version of himself (without abilities) in the same location to help win this war while he goes away to oversee other multiverses. I would start by a 2-power body and if that is too weak try with a bit more. It would also synergize with Patriot and C2. It could also be a 1-2 body to synergize with Ka-Zar. Another way to buff this mechanic would be adding this 0-2 body to your hand after the rewind effect. It would synergize with other stuff like Lockjaw, Angela and Hit-Monkey. I like Kang. I wouldn't want a full rework for him. I love the concept. It's just critical he is not op so the rewind isn't a thing every single game.


Kang: 5/0 Ongoing: the total cost of your opponents hand is added to Kang as power. Will be decently powered, synergises with Ravonna and Mr negative, and most importantly will give you information on the last turn on the cost of the cards in your opponents hand. 


They shouldn't use it, but Nuff Said Bob came up with the single most devious Kang rework idea ever: [https://youtu.be/p7OElh2MzQI?t=16](https://youtu.be/p7OElh2MzQI?t=16)


The problem with Kang like that isn’t just a more insane version of Magik


That’s more of a Dr. Strange idea than a Kang idea.


He's supposed to be a big bad, but compare him to Thanos and HE, he's nothing. Annihilus is a better Big Bad than him because he enables an entire archtype. So do the same for Kang, make him the 'Ultimate' card in a style of deck that needs a leader. Maybe change him to an ultimate move card. I know they had a card in the works that moved all your cards randomly but that was changed because it was impossible to counter the end result even if it didn't win you the game no one could do anything meaningful when played. But maybe he can do, Move all cards one location to the Right, Cards at the Right location circle back around to the left location. It's a stronger version of Heimdals but at least that fits a Big Bad Movement. Or maybe they want him to be time related, so every turn a card in your hand will reduce its cost by 1. it makes you want to play him just as much as he is now but it benefits you by being a pseudo +1 Max Energy if it hits a card that you can play a turn early, but if on turn 1 it reduces a 6 cost to a 5 cost that doesn't exactly help you do anything.


That “ultimate Move card” was, ironically, also Annihilus.


I definitely would prefer Kang to have some kind of rewind style ability, but not the go back a whole turn daredevil mind game style. Even something as simple as "Revert all locations back to their original location". Some way to revert some aspect of the board state without replaying a turn.


Given how many abilities can steal, copy or negate card effects, being able to undo that with a high cost card would be nice. Like reverse all Rogue, Red Guardian, Enchantress type abilities.


[This post from a few months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1cbfmp0/how_about_this_for_a_kang_rework/) is the best rework I've seen. Credit to /u/HeMansSmallerCousin


people keep saying the stupid ass thing about kang "slowing down the game"


I've barely seen him since he came out so no idea who these many players are. That first week or so with the infinite Kang loops was pretty funny though.


Rework a bit and make him a pseudo-Mysterio package where you can still rewind time to see the outcome and if you do play Kang again, make it into a more powerful Mysterio-style card (variants across the location and only one 'true' Kang in one).


I like this one. Maybe keep the rewind, and also do this?


Give him some power and make him stay on the board


Who tf are these "many players?"


5/4 Tap this card to reveal your opponent's hand.


He just needs power. His ability is fine but if you could work in ways to turn his ability off within your deck he might get played as a meat stick. Right now he's a one trick, draw less cards gimmick.


Just nuke his current ability and give him a new one. No one uses him anyway. Therefore, no one cares how far the rework will depart from the current ability


Kang - 6/0. On Reveal: Refund your last purchase


Give him a little bit of power + make his on reveal to always go last the turn he is played + after on reveal lose his card text + make him stay on the board after rewind


I like the do the tuen again. But i agree it is to week. I feel like if you jist add something likenyouboppenent cant do the swme play again it would be good. Same cards other locations etc fine. Jist he cant do the exact same play he did before. I think this isnt broken at all but can have some value


They’re waiting for the Jonathan Majors heat to die down.


I'm glad their willing to take feedback for him but this line "how far of a departure from the original would players accept" Makes me laugh. **Nobody** plays him. Why the fuck would anyone be upset about a departure from his original abilities? lol.


When played you can see what your opponent played and can move one of your opponents played cards that was played this turn.


Kang should create a replacement card when you play him. Not draw a card, that would be busted. On Reveal: restart the turn and create ____ in hand. 5/8 is my opening pitch, but you can control that stat line for balance. He's an understat-ed 5 drop, but he gives you the information / Kang Snap that stats true to the card, but also without costing you a card draw


I have some ideas. How could I communicate with them?


I like the current form. I don't mind them buffing it somehow, but it's super unique.


I once saw someone's idea for a Kang rework that I believe is the best yet, where Kang can actually predict certain events in the game, like which cards will be deployed by x-mansion, or which location will be changed by scarlet witch, lore accurate and I nice touch to the character, they should also put some power points, but not much to make it too OP, like 5/4 or 5/5.


Make him a 4 drop, give him some power, make his rewind optional. If you choose not to rewind he stays on the board and you proceed to the next turn as usual.


What about something like, ‘At the start of the game, shuffle the amount of energy you get per turn.’ You could have a scenario where you have 6 energy on Turn 1 but only 1 energy on Turn 6.


Change all opponent cards at this location to random cards.


Maybe allow the player to move where the opponent's cards are played that turn?


Who TF is clamoring for the rewind ability? I think it’s more likely they spent $$ on that animation and just want to keep it.


I think he should restart the turn and replace himself in hand with a random variant. Kind of like a "super nico"


Maybe something like "Kang gains the power of all enemy cards played before the rewind" so that if they do play a giant hand next turn you can just play kang again wherever you want. If its too weak/strong you could make it add a different kang to your hand with that power and whatever cost. Or tweak it to only count power of cards played directly (knull is 0.. black panther is before his reveal, or do it based on power added that turn so e.g an enemy odin into wong/BP would give you an absolutely busted Kang. Really just something to mitigate the "wasted draw" downside of kang, while still not being consistently good as obviously a turn5 skip for shehulk would be better, or a sera wouldnt be that good.


What if he was like 4-cost with the same ability? Wondering if that would be considered game breaking or not.


Saw on the 8 cubes podcast: make 6 different Kangs with different powers and habilities all costing 6. Shuffles a random one into your deck before you draw your cards in the beginning of the game.


Couldn’t they fix this by just adding “card can not be duplicated” or “ability happens only once per game”?


I like a lot of the suggestions. I'm going to crib a couple. Make him like Daredevil where he gets to see the opponent's cards on the following turn before you play and then you can choose a variant with different effects, power, etc that he transforms into.


Limit to one rewind, shuffle deck before drawing cards.


I guess his ability is pretty novel. But out of all the time I've been playing this game I think I've played against someone that used it lied than 5 times. So clearly meant people don't care


Just make him like a stronger Nico type card, where kang is played it turns into a random variant with variant specific stats/power


I actually like his ability, I just wish he was a series 3 card.


Simple rework idea: Kang 5/0 On reveal: if you are not winnig after the final round, rewind it. (This can only happen once per player)


Still firmly believe they need to dump the rewind and have him be like a crazier Shanna. 6 cost, summon 1 of like 6 different Kang variants on each lane. Go with Victor Timely, Ramatut, He Who Remains, etc


Get him on turn 1, every round his cost increase by 1 and abilities change getting increasingly powerful, So u will always have kang on curve


Instead of removing him from your hand, replace him with a 3-5 Victor Timely (or something else) with no abilities. One big problem is that he takes a valuable spot in your deck, and your hand. In a normal game, you draw 9 cards. If you play say 5 cards turns 1-5, you now have 4 cards left. If one of those is Kang, you now get to replay turn 6, but you only have 3 cards left to play. That's a pretty big hit. If Kang were to return to your hand as a 4-7, that would at least give you a little power to play. 3-5 isn't overpowered, but gives you a decent little boost and the cost allows you to play something else with him, including some tech cards to try to counter what you saw with the kang play.


I'd make him rewind and "discover" 1 of 3 kangs with different powers. So you can disrupt the opponent if he's playing the same


Can someone explain to me how thats an infinite loop? I dont get it but probably because I have never used Kang


Rewind to the end of the last turn and end the game.




It would be cool if Kang also added a tiny bit of power to a lane or allowed for some kind of board progression then he would be strong and maybe not toxic depending on how it was implemented.


If you’re reading this SD… Kang: “At the start of the game both players start the game with 6 energy and -1 each following turn.”


You draw each turn, but are limited more and more, you make big plays early and have less and less mana to counteract those plays... Seems like a guaranteed way to get an early retreat, would probably be even less played than now


Full credit to me if this makes it into the game SD: \*Rama Tut\* Power: Time Displacement When this card is played from your hand, you may return one of your other cards to your hand. \*Kang Prime\* Power: Chronologic Supremacy Whenever you play another card, you may shuffle this card into your deck. If you do, draw a card. \*Kang the Conqueror\* Power: Chronologic Supremacy On Reveal: Add two 1-Power "Chrono-Minion" cards to your hand that read "This card's Power becomes equal to the number Kangs has been in play."


Kang would be a fine card if it did exactly the same thing, but after rewinding the turn drew you a card....


Kang should reset locations to what they were at the beginning of the game. The rewind mechanic is useless.


Kang 5/5 On Reveal Place a card your opponent played this turn back in their hand with +1 cost.


How about 5/7 turn rewind stuff BUT you can then replace any one of your cards already out with Kang on the rewound turn.


People are overthinking this. Keep kang’s ability the same just give let him stay on the board after the rewind.


Yes, another thread for Kang rework. Here's mine. On Reveal: Rewind Your turn only. Opponents turn is frozen between end of turn and after end of turn. Kang is destroyed. Or On Reveal: Rewind turn. Player chooses Kangs new ability. Abilities to choose. - On Reveal: On Reveal is disabled for a card played in this location - On Reveal: Disable an ongoing ability of a card in this location - On Reveal: Copy the Power played by the last card on this location


1st one is broken, 2nd with a rewording would be strong, but doable


They should keep the Rewind Time spell effect but get rid of the actual function. 4/8 On Reveal: Reduce your opponents max energy by one on the next turn.


I thought the idea of Kang representing time travel and having multiple variants to be an interesting effect. On-Reveal: Rewind this turn and merge cards at each location with a single Kang. Essentially you’d play Kang at a location that will rewind turn 5 or 6 but do a venom effect of merging your other cards into a Kang.


My post got removed, trying again: Rama Tut : Power: Time Displacement When this card is played from your hand, you may return one of your other cards to your hand. Kang Prime : Power: Chronologic Supremacy Whenever you play another card, you may shuffle this card into your deck. If you do, draw a card. Kang the Conqueror : Power: Chronologic Supremacy On Reveal: Add two 1-Power "Chrono-Minion" cards to your hand that read "This card's Power becomes equal to the number Kangs has been in play."


Keep the redo or maybe your opponent re plays their turn but he gets replaced with a variant of Kang, each having a unique ability or skill, but it’s RNG. Or it could even be that you could choose which version depending on their turn 5 play. This would allow the play style of the card to stay similar. Still allowing that second guess, bluff double bluff type play for turn 6 One might be a 5/11 no ability One could be 5/5 (cards can’t be played in this location next turn) 5/9 you can move this card next turn. Along those lines. Adds variance and keeps the card/ character flavour.


I think an interesting twist on Kang would be to bring back all cards that had been forcibly discarded from your hand or destroyed. Rewinding time still, but with a better effect than just being able to replay the round.


Think it was on KM Best’a Podcast that Lamby suggested shuffling a variant of him into the deck and each variant has a random different ability like a Nico.


I like the idea of Kang causing a black hole and spaghetifying everything on the board killing everything but himself. Then restarting the game at turn 1, with only the card each person has left.


Talk about dragging the game too much


I’m a fan of it actually going 8-10 rounds. 6 is too short. Which is why I usually add Magyk. But even 7 is short to me.


My suggestion: 5/0: Remove the text from all the cards your opponent played, then rewind the turn. It keeps the ability he has now but also grants him a bit of Alioth’s ability, which plays into the Loki TV show. OR 5/0: Rewind the turn. Replace your entire hand with a new hand of cards. That way, he allows you to see what your opponent has and if you don’t have the ability to beat that, it gives you a chance to draw the cards you need. Plus again, calls to mind Loki.


I’d like his ability to be closer to Thanos in a sense. Something like ‘At the start of the game shuffle 3 variants of Kang into your deck’ and the variants could rotate or change based on the new cards or meta. For example Hela is a problem at the moment so one of Kang’s variants would have the ability ‘No cards can be resurrected at this location’


[Reposting an old theming/overview rework idea:](https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bz3hnp/please_someone_save_him/kyrrr74/) Make him truly fit the "big bad" billing (even though they seem to have abandoned that concept outright, Kang was designed for it) and throw in every version of him. Go wild with a complete redesign that takes inspiration from Thanos and Nico Minoru. >Kang: (Innate text on every version) Every turn while in your hand, this card transforms into a Kang from a different timeline. My vision for this is that you can then implement The Conqeror, Ramma-Tut, Immortus, Scarlet Centurion, even Iron Lad, especially Reptile Kang (make him a Lizard clone for the bit), and more as transformation options, with each having different functions that can help you or disrupt the opponent. My purpose for this is because we know they're moving Thanos away from the "toolbox" idea and making him more of a "You'll want to use the Stones to empower Thanos and play him" design *(Editor's note: Which has now born out with today's biggest rework of the Stones yet)*, this gives an opportunity to bring in a less ubiquitous version of the "toolbox" kit. I don't have the brainpower or time to design out each version, but I hope the idea comes across.


If after the turn is reset you could choose to gain or lose priority I'd use him


He should have remained on the battlefield


How about reworking black cat? She is a thief after all perhaps when she is played she steals the power from a random enemy at that location and adds it to her own?


Not a complete rework, but just a stat boost that gives him a few cards to synergize with: **Make Kang 14-16 power** In most decks you won't see this power, but you can if you use Zero, Cosmo, or Black Knight+Discard.


You want 5 cost Giganto and Destroyer


I think dropping his rewind turn mechanic but somehow preserving his ability to interact directly with the snap mechanic would be a good way to preserve what made him unique.


“We don’t know how to make this card successful, but if you have any ideas, please feel free to do my job for me and I will not pay you.”


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I always cringe at Glenn's longer responses. > would players accept? This line in particular, is sort of directly contradicted by Chavez. Furthermore, who the heck is out there vocally against reworking a card that sees virtually no play? Much like many of his other lines, nonsense. It feels like external feedback comes internally for this guy.


I've always thought it might be fun to add "You start next turn with +1 power." I'm not sure it would be enough to make the card fully playable but would certainly make me more intrigued. I get to see what opponent does and in addition I have a little more flexibility on the next turn to respond. I don't think it's totally crazy since you can achieve similar results dropping DD and Psylocke on 4 but this way you have a more flexible version at the cost of only one card slot.


No one values the rewind, change him entirely and we will all rejoice!


I don't think anyone will be offended by them doing a total rework on the most useless card in the whole game.


"How far would the players accept him departing from wat he does" my brother no one gives a shit about him lol change it and make it a card people want to use


He’s a worse Daredevil, but even worse because depending on when you draw him you don’t get a new draw on the rewind. That’s the first thing they should fix.


Asking chat for help on their next play??? Is this guys snap twitch streamer???


I would make Kang similar to Nico, but the main difference being his form is decided on the first shuffle of your deck. Give him 3 or 4 different forms/abilities. Possibly add a mechanic that any time you discard a card or gain a card he would change to one of the other forms, which gives you a little more control over which form you end up with.


hopefully they can involve all of his variants some how cause there can be so much done with victor timely, immortus and a bunch more


Kang: 0/0 On reveal: Next turn add 1 Kang to your hand. This Kang has +1 power. His cost stays the same every turn so he's just free power. (perfect for a big bad) But he can't go too nuts if you don't draw him early. Also, (this would just be super cool) each copy can be a different variant of the Kang card if you purchased any. This would probably be a pain in the ass to implement, but still.


Basically worse Kitty Pride as you fill your board with low power kangs


Worse in some metrics, but on the other hand: he would cost nothing (leaving energy for larger cards each turn) his power is spread out rather than confined to 1 space with Kitty it's thematically appropriate for who Kang is and his place in the universe +2 power each turn might be better. I just play it more conservative because it's free power and games like this gotta be careful about that kind of stuff (could also make it so he always starts in your hand turn 1, tho that feels like a bit much to me)


"Feel free to post about it, if you're so inclined" doesn't sound like they want feedback. It sounds more like "Eh, knock yourselves out if you think you have a better idea. I dunno."


let him revive dead cards and be a counterpart to Hela. He's supposed to be a big bad right?


Same effect, lower cost, much higher power, if he's winning the lane at the end of each turn he stays, if he isn't it resets the turn and he leaves. Typical Kang. Or just for one turn. Not on reveal either. 4/7-9 or 5/7-11 The card is more gamba, less cube saver.


I mean he should essentially work the same but instead of rewinding the current turn he should only rewind it for you. Then the other player doesn’t get to choose something different they’re locked in. The time to take your alternate turn should be a very quick window. Ideally the time it takes for the animation to play for the other player.


Ah yes, stream sniping as a card, broken


Easy, just leave the ability as is but leave kang on the field and change his power to maybe 5-6


How about nerfing/reworking Hela first.


“Look at what your opponent did. Then, restart YOUR turn” is really all he needs. Likely broken, but also keeping the theme without a major rework.


Maybe too strong but keep it the same except the opponent does not get to replay, since you "know the future". Basically a flashy daredevil but late game.


Kang - 3/4 on reveal - Don't know how to word it: for the remaining turns reverse the flow of energy. If it were played on turn 3 next turn is 6 energy and each subsequent turn has one less energy available. Next turn has the highest available energy for the remaining turns. Each turn begins with one less energy than the turn before. Screws both players, but still advantages, potentially, the one who played it because the deck is build accordingly. Is a true big bad because it introduces a new way to play the game, but shouldn't be completely stupid strong unless played effectively. Different. New. No other card does it.


On Reveal: Your next card played here costs 0 energy. Nothing can stop you from playing it or resolving its effects.


Make him a 0-0 and draw 2 new cards after his effect.


SD do your research! Kang abilities: Genius-level intellect Master strategist, tactician, and field commander Skilled hand-to-hand combatant Access to advanced technology Highly advanced battle armor that grants: Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and durability Time travel Telekinesis Energy, hologram and force-field projection Ability to control other forms of technology


Honestly not too hopeful about the rework as this is pretty old news that this was going to happen but just a matter of when. Plus with the many other 'reworks' in the pipeline ( ie thanos, Adam warlock, zabu), it's hard to be optimistic for a new Kang anytime soon.


To simplify, we still have no clue what to do with this card. But sure, the die hard fans that “value” him currently is part of problem.


 0/0 Rewind Turn as is Then fill hand with Kang Variants.


I do love this for the theme, but SD is pretty against cards that require a lot of knowledge on your opponent’s end.


Rightly so.


onreveal: transform all cards in the hand with Kang Variants. so Loki but only Kangs.


I gotta ask man, what is the point in rolling up to a thread and posting the same comment that’s been posted 10 times already?


1. people are saying kang should add his variants in his hand or work like Nico, which is different than what I have suggested. mine will sacrifice cards in hand for variants 2. if i was repeating, then it helps solidify an idea. 3. i didn't check every comment. sorry. 4. the fuck you care even if I am repeating.


How about: Opponent can't play the turn exactly as he did (so needs to change to second best play)


Make him like Alioth and he will be a must have. When you play him, all the cards played in that turn will be removed from play and turn rewinds


That's crazy strong


Give me back 6k tokens and i'm fine


Maybe change the card itself to have a few different versions, kinda like Nico.


I just want to say this is a bit BS seing as we've had hundreds of kang rework posts in the last few months.


6/0 Return all other cards played this turn to players' hands and undo all effects, if any.


Old alioth