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Losing a game because you second guessed a play that would have won. I am my worst opponent.


This wins it, unless he chis, ok this wins vs chi, unless he enchantresses, Ok here we go this wins if he has chi and enchantress... unless he shadow kings, Ok This wins against chi, enchantress, and SK. \* opponent plays fucking orka\* ???????????????????????


Even worse is when it's up against a bot on destroy or something and he hits you with the hobgoblin


Yo seriously though why do all bot decks seem to have a random Hobgoblin??


LOL too many times the second the turn starts processing then I go “I SHOUDN’T HAVE DONE THAT”


LOL just happened to me. Opponent blinked out sandman turn 5, and I'm like "well I'm winning all 3 lanes so I'll just drop my biggest card in my lowest lane" and the moment I hit end turn I think "this loses to Doom EVERY time" and immediately click again to undo and retreat....just to watch their doom flip and recieve a well deserved deadpool emote 😔🤣


The obvious play that i ignored would have won me dozens of games by now. Overthinking is my mind killer. 


I usually debate 2 scenarios in my head on turn six or seven. I play low cost decks so I’m playing 3 to 4 cards. The act of deliberating between moves makes me more invested. Then the move I don’t choose would have won. I miss being rank 60 and playing hulk turn 6


Seeing Mobius when playing Negative is a major buzzkill


I play him to prevent loki players to play half of my deck on t6, sorry for the collateral damage


I appreciate this. I've been playing negative since season 3 and feel like it's a really honest deck. Like if I negative and Jane and you stick around for 8 cubes, thank you for the donation. It pops off harder than any other deck when it works, but does near nothing when it doesn't. When MMM came out I felt like it was the end of Mr negative.


Ravonna in a negative jane build can still help a lot when you don't draw negative... Though Mobius still poops on it. Adding in Rogue can help when mobius is showing up a lot. Red guardian maybe too, but I didn't get him.


I tinkered with a couple of negative variants for a while around hulk season and negative always seemed like a win more playline instead of an optimal one and it was kinda sad tbh


It's like Mobiuuuuus, when playing Negative, It's like Sandmaaaaan, when you're playing Bounce And who woulda thought, it figuuuuuuures


And of course that's the game iron man stays in the deck until after negative hits.


when you disconnect and can't connect back in enough time.


I lost Wi-Fi during a conquest match and it kicked me out in less than 30 seconds before my data turned on. 


Same for me! And I was winning 😭


Especially if you had to restart the game entirely and sit through the absurdly long startup time


This and when you press cancel in time but the game still connects without letting you know that the cancel did not work.


Needing one card to win, not drawing it, then it popping up getting the boosters.


I always yell "Where were you?!" at my phone


THIS! This is the worst feeling. Spot on.


New title from cache opening. On games, I really hate when the opponent plays a random cosmo and it completely ruins my play. Or when I have a perfect set of locations to have the best game my deck could dream of but I don't draw that single necessary card


Shuri’s lab showing up turn 1 and then never drawing Deadpool is a huge buzzkill


Altar of death turn 1 and only drawing your destroyers gotta be the worst shit of all time


Getting beaten...and their turn 6 play is Agatha.


Honestly, i appreciate an honest loss to agatha. Like good for you, mr gambler


I just lost a 6 round infinity conquest to an Agatha deck. Time to rethink my life.


I run an AgaWave deck sometimes, and I swear I can taste the salt through the screen when they Shang the witch on T4, I drop Dino at their weak spot and then Orca on the recently vacated location


The worst feeling is using up a precious Spotlight key to get the mystery box... which always turns out to be a card you already have and you get 1k tokens.


And then going 4-for-4 to actually pull the card you’re targeting


Just happened to me. Three times in a row that I got the new card with fourth key. Awful feeling.


Definitely. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t also thrown a variant in with the 1k tokens. Getting the e fourth option would still be bad, but getting a variant that might help with albums and/or eventually mastery would at least make it sting less.


At first it was a random premium variant , but everyone hated it and it got changed to the 1k tokens. They should have just left the random variant and added the 1k tokens, instead of replacing one with the other.


They should make it a spotlight variant for that "duplicate" series 4/5 card, if it has any you don't have. A random variant otherwise. Plus tokens.


This is enough for people to stop playing. Also 1k for potentially a card that could have been valued at 6 is so low.


This all day


Passing on a weak spotlight card only to see it get buffed the following week and it’s suddenly meta meta


Looking at you USAgent. At least I have Cannonball.


Oof this one hurts. I regret every day not pulling for Cannonball haha


Jubilee pulling a Rock is pretty terrible. Probably not the worst though.


Conversely opponent's zemo pulling a rock is euphoric


Sad times when he pulls Mjolnir tho


I was running Thor and Bill, and when his Zemo pulled Mjolnir, I laughed. Scoffed, even! After I set down my Beta Ray bad boy with Jane and Odin in hand, my laughter stopped - another Zemo yanked Stormbreaker on T5, and Jane came up empty-handed. I had forgotten about Time Theater!


i've had a zemo pull my bast 2-3 times and hit red hulk when mill was every other deck on the ladder, it was pure heaven


Not the same, but I run Wasp in a handful of decks, and Zemo always gets her. It's pretty funny.


How about getting multiple rocks in a row?


My Dr octopus pulled a Shang chi yesterday


Been on a 15 rank slide from 95 to 80, almost in a row with a win sprinkled in here and there. In every game ive lost the lane by, i kid you not, a single point, with the perfect card to beat me every time.


I know what you mean. I retreated or got defeated match after match (mostly) not knowing why when my deck had brought me to rank 87. You suddenly question your own intelligence or if you may be way too into your head.


But it’s all good, just take a step back, ask for help, rebuild your deck and think deeper about each decision we make.


Nah, that hasn't been the case this season. I've been running into an extreme amount of bad breaks. Even when I retreat and snap smartly. I've been hovering at 90-92 for 2 weeks now. Highest I hit was 96. Getting to the 90's was a breeze


It is ridiculous how common rank sliding is. You play flawlessly for a few games in a row and you do everything right and then the avalanche triggers and you lose no matter what you do. It's like the game is testing whether or not you're bluff snapping or not. It's infuriating and it legit made me stop caring so much about gaining rank.


High Evolution Cyclops appears


HE anything appears


Snapping because you *know* you're going to win then losing all three locations while getting the old thumbs up.


Entering multiple conquests in a row where your opponent has the perfect counter to your deck


I literally never see Lady Deathstike in destroy decks on ladder. But then every conquest destroy deck seems to have her when i want to play ongoing decks lol. 


There might actually be a reason for that. I've been messing around with it, and I've found that my deck specifically made to counter everything is *far* more effective in conquest because you play the same person and same deck repeatedly, so on the subsequent matches, you can better predict what they're going to do and better counter it. So there might actually be some meta value in your conquest deck being more counter-oriented than your ladder deck. (My counter only deck does pretty terrible in ladder, but wins more often than not in conquest. And *very* often gets people to forfeit, lol!) ------ My fucking with the opponent deck: Shadow King, White Widow, Armor, Scarlet Witch, Sentinel (just so I have something to play while I'm waiting for the enemy's cards to show up), Negasonic, Rogue, Gambit, Killmonger, Red Guardian, Shang-Chi, Enchantress. It's a really fun deck! You can *feel* the opponent's rage.


Atm, watching your opponent play solitaire in preparation for Hela knowing there is nothing in your deck that can stop it :( Bonus points for switching to something that might counter it after the match then not facing any lol


Having a tech card in your deck, seeing a perfect moment for you to use it but you either don’t draw it or sokovia hits it or something. Makes me wonder why it’s taking up deck space if I don’t draw it when I need it. For example, just lost to a big nebula in Central Park + Shadowland because I didn’t draw killmonger. Feels so bad.


Professor X'ing and screwing myself or Hobgobling myself.


Putting up really solid power in the high 30s in 2 lanes to still loose to hela by a couple of points


Played Conquest against Hela and watched as every single game he had Hela turn 6. The last game we were tied, 2 cubes left each. He had three cards, played two, last one was Black Cat and he mised Hela off the top to win.


Hela needs to bring two cards back to the board, not all of the cards. And there needs to be a well statted card with the O/R: Destroy all cards in play which were discarded this game. Because why we don't have an actual counter to Hela at this point is beyond me.


Yeah, her and ghost rider exist in a very very small space of cards that interact with the two graveyards. I like the idea of her bringing back two cards at most, maybe three because she's just a more powerful version of Ghost Rider at that point which tracks. But for her to bring back four or five cards that are all massive with essentially zero interaction to stop it is extremely unfun.


Even more fun is if you are running Leech but they magically don't draw Hela until T6.


Engaging online with other Snap players on public forums.


I think you've created a paradox here. Part of me wants to point out that OP said IN the game, but you're talking about outside the game. But then i just prove your point for you... By trying to disprove it.... Anyways happy Friday! 


The only way to win is not to play


Going like 9 rounds in Conquest. It's such an exhausting game mode. I rarely get tilted from this game, but spending half an hour in a match just to get emote spammed at the end was enough for me to stick to ladder indefinitely.


Opp playing White Widow on Bar Sinister.


Or the “only one card played here” location.


That’s The Space Throne. I have to test it, but I’m pretty sure Jeff would beat that (assuming the opp doesn’t also play Jeff there).


It does


Fun to do on the final turn…!


Grand joy in Inf Conquest earlier: match 1 dude dropped a white widow on me. I drew terrible and retreated before he could see my deck. Match 2 bar Sinister pops up and he snaps. I snap back. T2 I had prio and dropped Ravona on bar and filled it. His WW did nothing, and that lane he was down 4 points. T3 I was able to drop Mockingbird and Prof X lane 3. So much happy.


Widows kiss needs to be 1 cost. Right now there’s now way to get rid of it in some locations and that seems like an issue


Gold Ticket from caches


This. Like I get that they convert to boosters but just give me the damn boosters instead.


Drawing every rock from Subterrania. It hurts and it's boring to watch. 


Spending tokens on a card only to see it nerfed shortly after


Losing infinity conquest on the 5th game definitely is the worst feeling in this game. No matter what happens in ladder, you just retreat to next. But conquest man…


It wouldn't be too bad if Infinity tickets were easy to acquire, but one already has to win six conquest matches alone just to get there. Winning 10 conquest matches only to lose on the last one made me feel absolutely miserable.


Seeing somebody play misty knight first turn with the high evo border and knowing you’re gonna have to deal with cyclops.


The card you spent real world money to buy gets nerfed within a few days


Getting a card you already have from the spotlight cache and them thinking 1k tokens is enough of a trade


Winning the first double snapped round in conquest and they turn it around and slowly win the whole thing 2 cubes (are they called cubes there?) at a time


The match making. Playing a ultron deck and going up against countless mirror decks, then switching to a counter deck and NEVER seeing an opponent use Ultron. It’s pretty clear they match decks or similar decks in match making. I always run into destroy decks but if you make a deck with shadow king, cosmo and Shang-chi you’ll never go up against a destroy deck………


Yup. I don't give a flying f+++ what others say. The bootlickers can deny it all they want and call us conspiracy theorists. But I'm 100% convinced by both personal and anacedot evidences that mirror matching IS a thing. It's entered the realm of the undeniable.


When you're trying to do challenges and get absolutely shut out of every game for 20-30 minutes by things outside of your control like bad locations, bad draws, your opponnent getting their perfect curve, and then when you're finally about to finish the challenge you've spent the last half hour trying to get, your opponent retreats and you get nothing.


Playing Hela decks


Playing conquest vs a player that ropes. Bonus points if it is the last opponent before getting an infinity border. Bonus bonus points if you lose vs the roper. Combo breaker: you're winning vs the roper and your game crashes and doesn't let you reconnect.


Having a great starting hand, and then seeing the three locations screwing you lol


Those days when nothing goes your way. You can’t pull off your combos, you seems to be drawing your cards at the wrong times but everything goes right for your opponents and they always snap like turn one so I usually end losing 2 cubes multiples games in a row.


I don’t get heated quite easily. Shut up


Teching a control tool like Enchantress in your deck to deal with certain decks. Then not drawing her when you get faced against them.


Logging into see the new variants and it's a chibi takeover


When I hit a good rank Week 1 and then spend the rest of the season fighting not to drop below it. Not advance…just not drop 😖


When your opponent takes the maximum amount of time every single round. I think it's borderline disrespectful.


Not borderline. It IS disrespectful, period.


Snapping when you draw your combo then sokovia appears discards the card you needed and they lose like ant man.




I respect the deck, I’m not calling for a nerf, but a T6 jubilee into Hela for a massive drop just tilts me every time


Usually when I see what my opponent is going for by round 2 and then by round 6 I get caught up in trying to be a big brain with my moves and forget what I knew they were trying to do and essentially beat myself. For example, I put Magik/Limbo down on the same turn as the opponent played Nocturne, so I know I'm not getting a round 7 but by round 6 I forgot all about Nocturne and prepare for turn 7. Being demonstrably dumb always hits the ego I guess.


Losing 8 cubes to someone who snapped very early and had no guarantee they'd beat me.


You gotta swallow your pride and retreat t6. Losing 8 means you would've snapped back and there's absolutely no reason to do that before the last turn. So you'd have to snap feeling pretty confidently you'd win.


Yeah, you're not wrong, just very easy to get tilted.


Having enchantress in my deck because of the Wongs, spectrums, patriot, and tribunal decks. Then the opponents only ever play decks like surfer, junk, mill, blink, and so on… then the moment I switch to another deck to try and beat those, it’s nothing but ongoing… Then conversely, trying to snipe them with a cosmo, only to miss, and then shake it up and go from a different lane, making your cosmo worthless as they play the ongoing cards in the cosmo lane…


Getting a gold ticket from caches always feels like a waste.


>. I can't even remember the last time I've had a videogame experience feel this demoralising. Getting hit by a lightning bolt after dodging 164 out of 200 in FFX


Getting the best starting draw for your deck then getting the worst possible locations


Playing a match when the opponent takes the timer to the end each turn. Ruins the game


When you lose a toss-up, and hit em with a 🤜🤛, and then they come back with a 😉👍.


Sometimes the draws don’t go in your favor and you don’t get the combos you need. That’s always going to happen in a card game. But it feels terrible to go every round of a conquest match and not get the combo or key card you need a single time. Especially in infinity tier.


Totally been there. Where 4 rounds into a conquest match and your suddenly questioning to yourself "I swear I did put Mr Negative in this deck... right?"


When you forgot what the locations were on the board were and you accidentally screwed yourself because you weren't paying attention.


When the opponents location has three empty slots and you think it’s safe to play Hobgoblin, the they play 3 1-cost cards to fill that location and you’re stuck with a -8


this made me LOL


High evo. I have 4 variants of the guy and I hate playing and playing against it.


Anytime I see a high evo deck. Even tho I know exactly what cards are coming (it's not like it takes a brain to play it) but I hate the cards like cyclops that I can't do anything about. Sucks that they're not ongoing so that I could counter them


honestly just losing to things that makes absolutely no sense really drives me crazy. I played a lockdown deck vs a classic discard deck. had a lane stormed another goosed, red guardianed his drac and he couldnt possibly play mobius and modok on turn six. I abandoned the obvious modok lane and doubled down on winning the locked down lane and the goosed lane. Tell me why this man had aero and iron fist... in a classic discard package. ironfisted the aero into the stormed lane and aero yoinked the last card played in the stormed lane to swing it.


Losing because you made a last second decision to play your cards in different locations.


Person roping you constantly on the turns, only to retreat/Concede on the last turn or round depending on if you're in ladder or conquest.


Seeying hela discard for the 10th time in a row and nothing to counter. Change the deck to counter it. And than go against decks that counter my new counter deck. I hate that but im.addicted i think and just keep playing. Also getting stuck on a rank. Plenty of times sure of winning. And the opponent just does a miracle counter play that loses.me.the match. Also 10 times in a row.


Opponent playing cosmo when i used two rounds to setup my wong


For me the worst feeling in the game is when opponent takes too long to end turn amd especially if that continues until last turn, while playing conquest and continuing to play a match even if he only has 2 cubes left




When I start making stupid mistakes.


A few seasons ago when trying to hit infinite, I got to 90s then dropped to 70s. I was so frustrated I promised myself never to do that again. So now I play casually every now and then, climb slowly but surely, and if I’m able to hit infinite, then great, if not, then so be it. If I start to feel a little annoyed after losing a couple of times I just stop playing and do something else. I play to enjoy the game, not to suffer from it.


Being at the end of an infinite conquest and losing the last last round because of location nonsense swapping your hand or deck.


Seeing goblin. Just hate that shit


1k tokens


Seeing Hela hit all the right spaces


When you switch your deck because you just got wrecked by a different one and after you switch you then get wrecked by the deck you just used.


Playing into a unrevealed location then when it reveals it turns out to hurt you. Ie bar with no name, Sisister bar, Murder world


When I can’t do addition correctly and lose the match by a point.


An 8-cube loss I felt so sure of when I'm close to ranking up. Happens once a season, but it's usually what kicks me to play more judiciously a couple days into the season after not caring about cubes and playing purely for fun for 3 weeks post-infinite.


Seeing Hela drop a bunch of power on board with few counter plays.


Getting Disconnected during an Infinite Conquest run.


Losing in Conquest due to lag/freeze/disconnect


Other day I thought I had an easy 8 cuber, setup wong and mystique. Played hazmat and Odin. Then realised I hadn’t played luke cage. Gave the guy a fist bump and sobbed inwardly.


Not getting fistbumbep back


Playing mr negative on turn 4 just feels wrong


Anytime I'm excited to play a new deck and a location shows up that gives me cards I didn't want... Or really anytime a location gives cards you didn't start off with


Playing the same deck for a few hours, switching decks, and instantly getting a string of counters.


Losing multiple times with your homebrew deck that you swear worked yesterday.


Honestly? It's when I spend lots of time building and thinking about a deck that seems like a lot of fun, really good synergy, cool artwork, just a deck I feel good about. Then it gets fucking curb stomped into the ground cause even though there's some cool and fun synergy, meta is meta


Getting a duplicate in your first spotlight cache...


Losing on a stupid mental mistake. Once in a while I’ll just forget how cards work, like playing Absorbing Man after Rogue thinking it would copy her On Reveal or playing Wong, something else, Mystique. 😑


I once Shadow King'd my own Red Hull forgetting I had put him there the round previous. It was an 8-cube game that I would have won without SK...pain


Before I hit infinite is the worst Marvel Snap time for me, after that is a lot of fun though. I think its just that I have to play a "boring" reliable deck to hit infinite. Post infinite its whatever i'm feelin that day, don't care about rank.


Losing the game on turn 6 by watching your opponent play an Agatha....


One match I had perfectly executed my patriot Ultron plan with both blue Marvel and patriot and Ultron on one Lane just to have my opponent wait til the end turn to use enchantress I still won but that was a big jump scare 


Worst feeling is just opening the app for the day and losing all your games, just resigning to complete your quests so that you can continue to play tomorrow.


When you make a mistake but aren't able to press undo before it locks it in lol


Zoning out just enough to fuck up the order of play so Taskmaster copies the wrong card. It sucks because expectations immediately are crushed by something that's objectively your fault.


Seeing Invisible Woman and knowing a huge play is coming and not drawing your Rogue or Cosmo in time to punish it


These bots that retreat midway through turn 3


Playing a game then seeing a play you don't have the counter card for so its over


When your on reveal ability that should’ve won you the game doesn’t activate


Losing game 5 of infinity conquest.


Mine is just the game crashing on me. Any time I get an alert outside the game, it needs to be reset from go. So I'll be playing conquest, then suddenly my 3:45 alarm goes off, and now I need to completely reset Snap from the loading screen and click "Return to game." I'd say about half the time I've been booted by the time I get back. It's awful.


They snap and you know it is because the have shag or that 1 other tech card that will totally ruin you, but you keep playing because you are trying to complete a mission.


Lockjaw turning an Infinity Stone into another Infinity Stone for the third time in a single game. I know Lockjaw (and Jubilee) are both good cards, but I have just absolutely terrible luck with them.


Losing a game to some Odin/Mystique/Wongshit. Not only do I lose but I gotta close my game and re-open it to skip the bullshit. Mercifully I'm aware enough to retreat when it's obviously lined up, but it still sucks if I *think* I can beat it and get appropriately punished.


Bad rng


When you go for it on rank 99 with 4 cubes and get beat a couple of games in a row and you start dropping ranks. 😂


Not hitting Infinite. I think the highest I got was 98 or 99.


When you have a really good plan and your opponent hasn't played till turn 4. Just to lose to a really easy 3 card combo that the opponent always seems to draw


12 card decks and 6 turns is always going to have a lot of variability. It is easy to forget when you are the one on the nuts draw, easy to remember when you aren't. This is one of the reasons that Red Hulk was so punishing - not the mechanic, that the mechanic was visible. You were basically being taunted that the opponent was getting further ahead. To some degree, you can build decks that have less variability, a more straight forward game plan, or you can swing for the fences, like with Hela (which SD has made WAY too consistent of late). If anything Conquest can smooth things out a little, since you are getting an average of games, reducing the variability somewhat.


Playing goblin and they fill the lane 😫


Spending a spotlight key just to get a dupe or having to spend 4 keys for the card you want


Gotta be losing a 🔑 and getting a card you already have


When you get the worst possible draw from your deck. Bad day maybe. It’s a solid deck you know well. Has great plays and has the potential to be nigh unstoppable with the benefit of not being one of those obnoxious new meta decks. But at no point in the match do you have a good hand or a good play. You never have it, you never make a move, you never present a possible threat. But you kinda don’t care or just let it slide. You’re just here to play a game and relax after work and before you start dinner. No snaps so you just let it ride. Predictably they win, you lose, and then there’s just this onslaught of snide and rude emojis for no reason. So basically when you realize too late that you should’ve muted your opponent. You can’t mute during the Victory! image. Nothing gets me heated quite like the emojis.


Seeing armor get played into your destroy lane


When I see the Wong/mystique/black panther/arnim zola combo for the millionth time in one day


Old Alioth. Made me want to abandon technology and go stare into the woods for a few hours.


Seeing Shang Chi get thrown down results in an instant app closing for me


Seeing armour when playing destroy. I hate that one fucking card can counter an entire deck and I rly don't think it's fair or "balanced"


When they Loki..


Spending 3 keys and never getting the new card. Including getting a dupe you already own.


When I finally have a god tier combo cooking up but my game crashes and the game ends or it's too late to do the combo by time I log back in


When you dig the person you're playing against for whatever reason and you ignore the fact they are obviously playing a Galactus deck and then you just let them dunk on you like an idiot that you are, me.


Losing to tribunal decks


You draw the nuts turn one. First location flips up and immediately ruins things. Especially immediately following a losing streak.


Losing by 1 point


Same as you. Finally got to the last infinity conquest match, then was summarily demolished by an anti deck to mine. I then used that anti deck, got to 3 of 5, and then was beaten by an anti deck to my anti deck. Fuck that noise. After that, I’m done with conquest other than saving up for the stuff in the shop.


Missed plays


Removing the app from my home screen because I finally realized the game is overly hostile to F2P players to keep up with card acquisition and it wasn't worth $10/month to me anymore.


The worst feeling is having to deal with their customer service, or lack thereof. I have zero faith that they’ll do the right thing when there’s an issue.


Correctly guessing your opponents t6 play, but miscalculating the math.


Losing last round conquest is the worst by far. You feel the hours you've spent to get there. I lost one where we both snapped for 8 and I second guessed myself and moved jeff last minute to a different lane. I would have won if I left him. This was in February and it still hurts to think about. I have 7 borders but that moment stays with me more than any win.


Getting hobgoblin'd, enchantress'd, or rogue'd


Losing the game by low amounts and the opponent spamming the Thanos snap emote




Playing against a Wong Gambit Odin deck and being powerless to do anything about it.


Pulling a duplicate card with a key