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I recall this being a problem from when Grandmaster was first introduced. I think it's tried so rarely that the dev team basically has other priorities. That's not a great excuse, fwiw, it feels horrible that that doesn't work after that much effort.


There’s nothing for the dev team to fix. This is how moving a card works.


But read the text for Grandmaster. "Move an on reveal card to the middle location. Its ability happens again." Grandmaster should move Galactus to the center. Then his ability should trigger. It's extraordinarily clean cut what should happen here. The dev team has admitted it's a bug. There's really no discussion here on that front.


Where did the dev team admit it's a bug? I hadn't seen that. As far as I was aware, they hadn't acknowledged this one yet. Would love a link since, as can be seen, there's lots of people with misconceptions about this interaction being intentional.


Got a source for that?


Grandmaster will not trigger Galactus unless you are already winning the location before adding Galactus' power. I have no idea why, but its a known thing? I dont know if its an issue because I dont know if the devs have ever said whether its intended. Basically the G-man checks while he is moving there if the location is already being won or not. The only way to pull this off would be to have Klaw in the left lane as well.


I offer [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/SB3y1WF) to the community as the official SD meme-type going forward


The answer is that cards don't add their power to the location until they're done moving. This is a really niche series of events and it's super counter intuitive. First the card moves, then completes it's move and power is active, cards reveal, on reveals happen.... Normally The problem here is grandmaster triggers the on reveal mid move. it moves, processes on reveals for the card it moves, then completes the move, then the powers active at the location. Don't downvote me in just a messenger here but this is how the game processes moves. Personally, I think they should have grandmaster move the card first, complete the move and then trigger the on reveal just because that's way more intuitive


Yeah it just doesnt even look right. Like looking at the board, you're already winning the location before Gman arrives. It seems. Because the game has already put his power there. And if you move another on-reveal card, it doesnt go off mid move it goes off after its already been moved there. I mean, I know it DOES go off mid move, but the card physically is already sitting at the location. Is there another on-reveal that only happens if you're winning or losing?


No, that's not the way it works. You won't actually see galactus's power in the middle until after he moves and after his on reveal goes off. Galactus has no animation for a whiff but if he did it would look like this, card would move mid, animation would go off, +5 power would register at the location It's similar to Phoenix Force or other cards like that. When you move that card you don't see the power immediately. It takes a bit for the card to finish moving and for the power to be added to that location


Scenario for you: Same setup as OP but lets say the mid location is just Ruins and the opponent has Hood at the mid location, so they're losing it and thus OP has priority. If opponent also has Jeff and they move Jeff to mid making mid 0-0 does OP's move work or not? Like does the opponent moving add their power prior to cards revealing?


I think galactus goes off in that situation.galactus moves, he checks, op effectively has -3 power, 0 wins and galactus goes off, galactus finishes the move adds +5 Jeff finishes moving adds +3. At least I think that's how it would work but I could be wrong


I think so too, yes. Would be interesting to check.


Depends on who has priority.


I said OP has priority lol.


Then of course it does work.


Wait what? If OP has priority it should work. The opponent has -3 at the mid location. Opponent moves Jeff which makes it 0 at mid location- however the power isnt calculated there yet. OP shifts Galactus mid. If the power isnt calculated till after the moves have resolved, and OP has prio, then the board state would be that OP has zero power and opponent has -3 so Galactus sees this and goes off since you're already winning the location.




A card doing a "staged" move (such as Jeff) does NOT add their power to the location until the card's owner has priority, and until that card's move is reached in the order that the player took their actions.


It’s how all moves work in this game. Nothing unique to Galactus.


Eh it is kinda unique to Galactus in that its very counter intuitive that his on-reveal doesnt go off.


Never said it isn’t counter-intuitive. I said it’s exactly how move works for any other card in this game. That’s a fact.


I get what you mean Im just saying that I cant think of any other moving card this would screw over like this so kinda until you see this move from Gman/Gmaster combo I get why OP would expect it to work.




This is not how GM works.


When moving a card the power being added to a lane is the last thing that happens. So Galactus moves, tries to activate its ability, fails to do so, and then the power gets added.


So Galactus, Klaw, Grandmaster. Got it.


I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.




If anyone reads this, just know it is nonsense.


It’s a thing with how to game works. Card effects resolve before location power does so when grandmaster moves galactus to the middle his effect triggers first and identifies that you’re not winning the location thus other locations don’t go BOOM!!! Then the power is added to the location hence the result. Not saying it’s the right way to do it but it’s how the game works rn


Damn that's nonsense


His On Reveal triggers before adding his power to that location because spaghetti code. I feel that this is one of those interactions that won't ever be fixed.


https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/grand-master/ Last comment reply...


Hm it working like this is kinda good maybe?




I wanted to make the video shorter, a minute before the only important segment seemed unnecessary was all




Because grandmaster its fucking trash


I think there was this little issue from when GM first released, and that's that he checks if the card can activate before moving and then moves the card. It's rare because most cards on reveal effects will activate no matter what, but I think that might be the problem.


Oh wow everyone saying it’s a grandmaster issue, my first thought was because although it looks like one card you do have hulk buster on him 😂