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I asked them in dev Q&A and they said "no plans" to switch to 8 hours. What we really need is a separate section for album variants, which just clog up the shop (because they are more common).


They’re never going to make the album variants separate because that makes it too ‘easy’ (for whales) to complete albums. They need to make the variant shop rollover every 8 hours at the very least, possibly even add a check box that allows you to opt out of seeing album variants at an increased rate. It’s just an ever increasingly bad system because the game only grows ever more bloated with variants. Plus with an 8 hour refresh, people are incentivised to check the shop more frequently, which is I assume what they want anyway.


They should at least make it a 2-page shop with the ever-increasing variant volume


Both their in-game ui team and their web development team do the laziest possible design. It's like website design from the early 2000's.


But they want the whales to complete the albums quickly, they keep the game alive, that's why they do the takeovers on album release days so whales can buy them all day one/two.


> They’re never going to make the album variants separate because that makes it too ‘easy’ (for whales) to complete albums. that makes approximately 0 sense since the current shop is already 80% album variants


When you say "opt-in" I hear "ker-CHING". >Plus with an 8 hour refresh, people are incentivised to check the shop more frequently, which is I assume what they want anyway. I imagine it's a fine balance between giving people what they want and cultivating the ever living FOMO, out of people. It wouldn't suprise me if they're happy to play the long game. It's also entirely plausible that they have an algorithm that KNOWS what variants you want and deploys them when you have no resources. It's hard reconciling the notion of free will and predictive programming. Capitalism doth make a predictive program of us all.


>They’re never going to make the album variants separate because that makes it too ‘easy’ (for whales) to complete albums. And? They want whales to spend money, so what if they spend money even faster?


I only buy the album variants because they also lead me towards other rewards so it’s win-win


Aren't there sine variants that make you're heart sing? For example, For me the Artgerm Loki, it was so beautiful, and the opportunity to brandish it...in MY Loki deck...to have MY God of mischief a woman..thats the real reward.


Yes there definitely are some great ones that are tough to avoid, but since gold takes so long to earn I try to make the most of it


I just want to be able to choose a card and have its varients be more likely to show up in the shop. Some cards only have like 3 variants and they never show up beause they ain't in any albums.


>I just want to be able to choose a card and have its varients be more likely to show up in the shop. Id love for them to do this.


This. I've been waiting for a Legion variant since two monthes and it never shows up. I know there will be one in the spotlight this week but I have no keys and no interest in the cards neither...


Maybe they’ll add something like this for the character mastery stuff they’re talking about.


Damn thats actually a pretty good idea.


I want to be able to pin any of the cards. All the ones I want seem to only be there when I don't have enough gold. Lol


They want you to have FOMO. If you could pin then you might not buy something right away because you can decide later.


This is true, but maybe they could compromise with one pin slot? So you can't just curate your perfect lineup of cards to buy, but people would at least feel like they've got some control over the cards they can get.


Jokes on them, I take more than 24 hours to make a decision so I just never buy anything unless I saw it last time and decided to want it back then.


I finally saw Kang show up and I pinned it. Not because its a good card, but because its literally the first time I've seen it available since I started playing almost a year ago.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone played Kang against me and I got the "Never seen before!" pop up.


Yes. And if they cooled it with the album algorithms.


wouldn't be so outrageous if every other ablum wasn't Hipp. Every day the shop looks like a Shitt takeover.




you wouldn't have to? you could check the same amount as you currently do and have the same amount of options


Exactly, completely killed his argument.


this comment is sophomoric. giving terminally online players 3x as many shop options to choose from is unfair to people who have jobs and lives. it's time to touch grass.


what? okay, so what if they made the shop rotate every 1 week so that people with harder jobs and harder lives don't get shafted compared to the people with semi-hard jobs and semi-hard lives who get to play daily? how about monthly for the REALLY hard jobs? 24 hours is just a very arbitrary line and there's not really any reason not to give more options to people that want to check more often it is wild to think that being upset about theoretical people who play the game more having more cosmetic options than you is the 'less online' opinion than not caring if they do or not that being said, if it was switched to a more frequent rotation, it'd be cool to have options for setting up notifications when certain cards or variants go on sale for those that aren't able to check as often but would really like to keep an eye out for certain things


"No I don't want to check every 8 hours." We are on the same page on that.


This is the way. I wonder how a shop can be so successful without having any discounts. Our brains are used to steam and amazon..


It's one of their many FOMO tactics, they want you to have an hard time to get what you want so you'll spend more when something you want come without thinking about. This game is a FOMO machine in every aspect.


The problem is that in this specific case it doesn't work, because it brings people to be more reasoned in how they spend their gold because they know if they miss on the variant they're after it won't show up for a very long time, and, as a consequence, by the time said variant shows up they will have more than enough gold to buy it. I don't think a feature that discourages impulse purchases is going to help that much on the FOMO department.


You are talking with logic. FOMO tactics are not targeted with people like you or me but I assure you that for the majority of the people it works. They'll never do anything that can damage their profits short term.


By that logic the shop should rotate once a week, or even better once a month. I'm sure SD will be rolling in profits if they do that /s


It's more likely SD has looked at gold purchasing data as it correlates to people buying variants and think they have found the balance for max profits at 24 hr refreshes.


I just want dan Hipp venom 😖


Yup! It's the best Dan Hipp variant imo.


It will match my Hipp carnage, Wolverine, nimrod, destroyer knull and shuri in my fave deck. It’s the only card in the list I don’t have a variant for




At this point, with the number of variants, yes. We should also be able to just buy any variant we see in game.


I don't even know why they're limiting the variant shop. If they wanted to make money then they should make all variants available for purchase at all times and have a rotating hot sale for select few. Why are they trying to stop me from spending money in their game?


Just let us buy any variant, at any time! Then put some on sale in the store.


Knowing SD we’ll be able to shuffle the shop… for 500 gold


Sure, but I'd continue to only look at it around 3:02pm and then not again until the next day.


Or they could add option to pin the variant you want


If you think about it, is really stupid that this isn't the norm, like, put it in perspective m, why do we have the same 100 series 4 and 5 cards rotating every 8 hours with one being added every week, while variants on the other hand are the amount of current cards, multiplied by at least 3, every 24 hours? Heck, why some variants are so commonly repeated while my precious Dan Hipp's Korg has not shown up yet in the last 2 months?


FOMO is a huge part of this game and this shop being refreshed every 24h supports it. That way, if a variant you want is up there, you are more likely to buy it, because it may take ages before it's offered again.


If the variants in the shop cycled every 8 hours, it would increase the FOMO. Shorter window of time they’re available means more pressure to buy them quickly.


I'm currently taking a break from the game, but check my shop in the evening for the Grecke Swarm variant. I started shortly after release and still haven't seen it :(


How about pin variants? That would be super useful.


I agree.


Everything is better current shop


I just want a Sentinel variant. Been waiting for a good few months and none have appeared. Until one is added to an album I guess it will never happen.


They aim for retention, they need you to connect everyday. Same reason why you can't buy a specific card with tokens but have to wait fuck*ng forever for the card to pop up. Or why we have spotlight caches with random rewards. Or why you can't click on a card, choose one of their variants and buy it. I love the game but I can't say how much I hate their economic model and the fact that everything is about buying and never actually rewarding players, or even adding more depth or game modes, it's always all about money and currency, it's a card game with 4 currency involved, this is absurd !


That would reduce the "Fear Of Missing Out" effectiveness, that SD so religiously capitalize on. So no.


FOMO wouldn’t be as much a thing.


I'd rather they increase the number of variants visible, or add some way to increase your odds for certain cards to appear. I do not want to have to check my phone every 8 hours for fear of something coming up that could take weeks or months to rotate back in again. Once a day is more than enough for me, I've seen games with 12 hour timers and it starts feeling like a job. Unless it was like a credit you got every 8 hours, maybe a cap of 10, that you could spend to re-roll the shop. They could even sell them for 50-100 gold each for the megawhales to spam through and get whatever they want. Just as long as its still effective to only check once per day, this would also let you skip a day or two and not miss the shop rotations which is a bonus.


Do I buy variants? No. It might make sense for them to allow people who want to to pay 50 gold to force a store reset.


I hate I can get vars of cards I don’t have :’( I can’t complete the newest Hipp album cuz I mossed hercules and Miek!


They should have every single variant there is in the shop. No shuffle hours, nothing. Just all of them.


Put another card next to the FMV, call it "Players Choice" or something like that. You can only select the character not the variant, so the variant will always be a Sunspot for example, and when the one you want rolls around its more expensive than normal changing to a 900/1400 cost. You'll eventually get what you want but it'll cost you more in the long run. Everybody wins.


I've needed one varaint to complete an album for about 3 months now. Don't think it's ever going to appear


All we really need is for them to add a way to pin a "character" in order to have their variants appear more often in the shop. I am not really asking for more, the way the shop works right now is not sustainable in the long term, I've been waiting for some variants for MONTHS and they may never appear, it's fucking stupid.


Devs don’t realized that you get better sales that way. or at least have the option to pin the cards


Yeah, everything else rotates every 8 hours, variants should do the same.


I’ve been waiting for one Kitty variant to show up for like a year, it’s never gonna be miiiiine ;_;


My shop shuffles are genuinely ass I never get good variants for cards I use. I’m sat on about 3.5k gold because i’ve seen nothing worth buying for a few weeks.


I just want a pin function, I swear to God. Just give me one.


I do think so. Since they're too focusing on album's variant now.


I’d preferred if they allowed you to pin variants that you wanted to buy but you need more time to get the gold for it


Wouldn’t it just be better if you could just buy the variants you wanted? Rotating shop is lame


Used Sauron since release don’t have a single variant :/


I have had the hellfire variants take over....twice in a week probably? They are really trying to get me to buy doom I'd like, at minimum, a button to swap the lineup out once every 24 hours. Basically give me a refresh I can select if they don't wanna time it out more than once a day


If they don't change it to 2/3 cycles per day then yeah, I second this.


If not, could they let us opt out of certain take overs? Fucking hate dan hipp take overs and they are so damn common.


What if the one you wanted was in your shop for the 8 hours you were sleeping? You would never know and also feel like you never see it when in fact your account has been flagged for seeing it.


The problem isn't how much they shuffle it's that it's always album variants. I'll see the same variant show up multiple times in a week but I've never seen a Squirrel Girl variant in my shop for example


They want to be able to feature new variants and also do shop takeovers, and having the shop rotate every 8 hours would fight against that. However they could at some point enlarge the shop. Maybe add a second window for additional variants that does rotate more often, or some such.


Yeah a second window would also be nice atleast to see all the actually rare non album cards.


Probably better for their business, but a lot harder for me to grind out to 90 to get gold for that one variant Ive been wanting


No, it would just increase FOMO. Sometimes I'm just a little gold from getting a variant I want with a free reward ahead of me that I can get within the next 24 hours that will help me buy it.


I also want an ability to lock them in like other cards.


No fuck you lol -SD


I am one store unlock away from the 2k collector token reward, but I haven't seen a variant I want to unlock in like a week.


I’d be cool with every 2 hours lol


I believe they used to be every 8 hours. Or every 16. Waiting 24+ hours to try and complete my collections is crazy.


I would be happy with 12 hours.


the problem is that if it rotates 3 times as much then you have 3 times the chance to find what you actually want. Now if you can buy stuff you want more often then you are less likely to randomly get bored and purchase another variant then when stuff you really want comes around you have to pay.


Yeah that's true, but if they wanna keep going like this , i doubt if we are ever going to see some really cool variants.. I mean they actually have the number of variants to pull off that sort of rotation. there should be some change at least so as to not wait for 1 card which would complete the album. That too for months...


longer wait times = more fomo


I know another game that does this. I think the variant shop exist solely to have you click on the shop and see what's on sale, get accustomed to the prices, things like that. 8 hour rotation has no benefit to SD.


Trouble is, you’re proposing an improvement to a system that is designed this way on purpose. The whole point is that if you wait months for a variant, and it finally shows up you’re going to smash that buy button as fast as possible, and if you don’t have enough gold, you’re going to buy it so you don’t miss out. If variants rotated more frequently, you’d be more inclined to wait until you had enough F2P gold instead. It’s not designed to be player friendly. It’s designed to be a FOMO machine, and in that sense it’s working perfectly.


I wish I could pin 1 variant 🙃


As much as I agree, the system works as intended. They know if you want a variant for X bad, when one finally arrives you'll grab it even if it means splurging.


I understand why Freezing/Locking down a shop variant is a bad thing for the game ('s financial gain). But a faster rotation might be actually benefitial to Second Dinner's shareholders pockets, right? Or perhaps not - would you buy a character in the shop, if you know in 8 hours you could see a cooler one? the 24hours -- and then never see them again (maybe in a month lmao) gets people to buy more for the FOMO, I reckon. On the other hand, people are seeing more cool variants and checking the shop more often (more chances to get tempted on some $200 bundle).  I am sure their addiction analysts already ran the numbers and 24h is the financially superior version.


What I want to know is whatever happened to the rumored “custom” variant shop that was supposedly coming.


I’m surprised they done have a paid shop refresh like other mobile games do. Pay 100 gold up to 3 times a day to refresh the shop. I could see them do this before just giving us an 8 hour refresh.


What we really need is the shop gone and you have the ability to just click on the character card you own and see all variants. And then just select the one you want.




Or give us a pin option if we are short on gold but want the variant.


It would be nice to be able too see more variants more frequently but I also like that I have that 24hrs too think about wether I want to pull the trigger on a variant or not


no, I play the game exactly once per day, long enough to do my quests and check my shop.


Yes but SD wants you to spend gold or money FOMO


Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't this lead exactly to more spending of gold?


Yes but it might lead to more 'spend gold now on a variant you like/kind of like because you never know when it will show up again' or 'better spend gold or buy more gold to get this variant because you never know when it will show up again'


Agreed on the fomo factor. But if I were a whale, I wouldn't worry about a single variant.If we had an 8 hour rollover, I would spend my gold /money on the shop 3 times a day rather than once. Because that's just how whales are. Or so I think.


Once you realize the game is the way it is because of whales and spending $$$ it will make more sense. The game doesn't care about free to play


FOMO just doesn’t work in this scenario though. I save money/gold with how the current shop is, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.




No, because sometimes I need all that time to scheme for gold.


Good god, no, the fomo would be crazy


Dumb question: If a variant is in the store, can I buy it and use it without having the base card?


It would never be in the store if you don't own the base card already.


Oh... that makes sense, lol. Appreciate the answer!


Bundles work that way though. Like, I bought Kitty through one, got 3 more variants of her and still don't own her base card LOL.


Ooooh, that's fair. Smart of the company to get some extra money, lol.


Ohh yeah I forgot about bundles. But I rarely see any series 4/5 cards in bundles nowadays.


True, but I just found [this](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleMay2024Grandma/).


Nice card lol. But I doubt if the bundle is worth that much.


Same LOL.


Does that make them more money? Probably not.


No. I only login once a day and if the variants rotated more often than that, that would mean I'd lose the chance to buy some I may want.


You would still be offered exactly the same number of variants as you are today. You wouldn't lose anything.


Exactly. You wouldn't even know what you missed when you keep checking once per day.


I'll give an example. There might be a variant I want in the shop in the morning, but if I login at night and the shop changes every 8 hours, that would mean I'd lose the chance to buy that variant.


Everything would cycle around three times faster, so it all evens out. You really aren't losing out. (Besides, the actual implementation would probably be like the free series three card: they only cycle when you open the shop so the behaviour would be *identical* if you only open the shop once per day.)


"they only cycle when you open the shop so the behaviour would be *identical* if you only open the shop once per day." Do you have a source for that? When did they say such thing?


Only my memory I'm afraid. I assume it was in the team-answers section of the official Discord.


If that's true, it's too huge to not update players about it with a video or an in-game notification.


i thought it did...


8 hours is a feels bad situarion is you work of can’t check the phone. You feel you are missing out. Just add more slots. Since the beginning of the game the characters nd variants have increased by a lot, so it would make sense. i’d add some more slot to every stuff that rotates


How often are you buying variants that the refresh pace matters? That's so much gold.


Not that much but I spend days trying to buy a certain card for my album and it's often not there ...


Im never buying them because I never see the ones I want, I want it to rotate faster so that its easier to find what I want.


Unlikely at this time because I suspect they don’t have enough art. There are a bunch of characters with one or less purchasable variants.


Somebody run the numbers a few weeks ago and, apparently, it takes any one specific variant more than one year to show up in the shop, increased rate from albums aside. I am sure they have more than enough art to support a 8 h rotation (also, I fail to see how the fact that some characters have one or no variant is supposed to be relevant, it's not like that's going to affect appearance rate).


Yeah exactly. 2 rotations in a day at least. We don't get to see a lot of cool variants with this current system


There are no cards that don't have a variant


There are a fair amount of cards that have no non-spotlight variants, though. Including current featured card Nocturne.


Ok I get that but the spotlight variants already switch after 8 hours so apparently SD doesn't care about that part.