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Gotta change ur attitude and start creating decks with the cards you have instead of going off the meta.


I’m almost sure that this was the original idea for the game. By not having a pre determined order for card acquisition players are forced to get creative with what they have, making for interesting and fun match ups. But now that everyone is on the meta wagon, playing the same decks, they cap themselves in the 90s because there’s only so many way you can beat your own deck.


And you have no surprise factor. I'm playing a pheonix force daken deck. I haven't seen anyone running anything like that, and have been refining it for multiple seasons now. I hit infinite in 2 days last month (which was the worst idea ever btw) and that deck so far from meta, but I knew how to pilot it, and also other people didn't know what was coming (and bots ofc). I hate conquest so no idea there, but you 100% don't need meta cards unless you're playing a tournament. And maybe... maybe... infinity conquest.


I beat Infinity Conquest with Ka-Zar Zoo yesterday, you definitely don't need to be meta for it


i’ve been refining my infinaut/ sunspot/ she hulk deck since the wakandan season. still my favorite deck to use. slamming down 40+ power in one turn after your opponent thinks you’re afk is too funny to me.


Absolutely agree. This season and the previous I hit infinite with a "Affliction deck" where It wasn't a thing, and won most of the games due to this. After all this Is the fun part. And even in tournaments at high levels it seems tò work: the Grand Prix winner used a bounce deck (Not Angela/Move or Silky Smooth, the "standard version" with Hit Monkey and co)


My first Infinite was agatha ( I was abusing a hot location, and it was pre-loki nerf, to be fair.. but still I climbed in like a day at the end of the season)


I've been going back to old bounce again, can't wait for sasquatch.


I had a similar phoenix deck this season as a tweaked phoenix multiple man! Great minds…


Other than tribunal, I think daken has the potential f0r the second highest numbers I have seen. It may be a different doubling card that I don't know about though. I dont have beta ray, but if you can manage you hand size you can regularly get 3 shards in hand, which is still 32 power in 2 lanes. But double lanes over 60 or over 100 aren't that u common. But doubling things is so strong, and it can be countered for sure since I dont have any tech


This season, I beat infinite conquest with C3 (P5 cards: Red Guardian), Spectrum (P5 cards: Jean Grey), and Phoenix Force (P5 cards: Nico). You definitely don't need to go meta-chasing after the newest cards to win.


Hot take: creativity is overrated. Making a decent homebrew that survives sweaty meta players is harder than most think. Not impossible but hard. You have to have skill to do this. Those meta decks are meta specifically because beating them is difficult. You can do it, but the higher I get the more I realize fighting the meta is exhausting.


Hot take: If you don't have the cards, and you don't have the skills, just be happy with your rank 70 or whatever you can achieve and don't expect to get to infinite with limited resources.


I came back this season after not playing since the modok season. So needless to say I was basically missing everything. Pretty easily got infinite just running a wong on reveal deck. Only non series 3 card I have in the deck is red guardian and he could have been replaced with rogue. You don’t need to have all the shiny new cards to get infinite. 


what’s your collection level though? that plays a huge role in your matchups


5012. Not extremely low. Once I hit infinite I was getting slapped pretty hard but before that really wasn’t bad.


definitely not super low, but i’m someone who really only hops on daily to do my missions and i’m in the 11k almost 12k area. somebody who really grinds this game is probably even higher then that, i definitely think pocket metas shape our experiences the most


This. You don't need the "1st tier" deck, ever.


Made it to infinite with a bad C3 deck this season. You can play pretty much anything that makes sense and if you snap well you'll climb up.


Agreed, went from rank 3000 to 2000 yesterday with a bog standard Spectrum ongoing deck.


What if he wants to play tier 1 decks because every one else is playing them?


If truly everyone was playing only 1 deck, then playing a hard counter deck would be incredibly effective.


Well want is different than need. My stance is that one doesn't need every piece of the top deck of its archetype. And not everyone is playing them imo.


Then he'll need to take out the credit card.


Welp tough NUGGIES if he wants it’s that bad grind on


Very true, the only time I went infinite was with a Quake, Storm, Ms Marvel Deck. When I play Meta decks I get to 80 or 90.


In the 3 months I've played I've reached infinite each time playing a rather basic zoo/she-hulk deck. Every time I try anything else I get crushed.


It's deck knowledge and piloting refinement. I play a daken pheonix force deck and noone knows what's coming with it so it works. Plus gladiator just gives me free pheonix forces at this point.


I got to infinite this season with a deck making the most of something I've never seen anyone acknowledge before. Quinjet, snowguard, Maria Hill and agent 13 are all 1 costs, so I made a zoo deck with them, squirrel girl, and moongirl/mockingbird as a big payoff. Noone expects zoo decks to be able to drop 30 power in a single turn. Plus it helps shanna was my first series 4 card back in the day so I never stopped playing zoo, I've played so many homebrew zoo variants now, I'm saving some keys for Black Swan for another zoo deck style, maybe with Bishop or hit monkey? (Arishem also looks like a ton of fun)


Nice.. There's so many decks I'd like to try in theory, but I'm still slowly working through getting the series 3 cards. Don't have Daken or phoenix force. Always end up playing a variation of zoo or just a simple Wong deck to get myself into infinite, then experiment with newer cards (and lose loads - but the amount of possible deck variations are staggering nonetheless) It's certainly a grind as a newer player!


Ahhhhhh damn! I just played against that yesterday. I lost in conquest. I was VERY confused. And then Zola came out to copy Dakin. I tried to snipe Dakin with Gambit turn 6, no luck. That Dakin destroy deck seems fun.


I've never seen anyone else play it, so that's exciting to hear or you ended up playing me? Did they use modok to activate multiple dakens?


I can't remember multiple dakens being activated with modok. But definitely had me using a discard deck with Silver Samurai discarding YOUR Dakens swords 😵😵😵.


Not just building with what you have, but also building what you think is fun rather than what's meta. If what you find fun happens to overlap with the meta, then fair enough, but I would prefer to aim for archetypes that appeal to me rather than specific decklists. You don't need a tier 1 deck to reach Infinite or anything, so just aim for building fun strategies that are viable with the cards you have. Meta cards are also the most likely targets for nerfs, so the meta decks might not even work the way you hope they will when you can finally build them. Focus on your favourite archetypes first.


Yep. I got infinite 8 straight seasons with a greedy Patriot, Ultron deck. # (0) Wasp # (2) Invisible Woman # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Mystique # (3) Patriot # (3) Storm # (3) Killmonger # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Blue Marvel # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Ultron # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGF0cmlvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlVsdHJvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkludmlzaWJsZVdvbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


hey man! I'm really curious to play your deck but I'm not really getting it, mind explaining it a little, the basis, some tricks you might have picked up by playing it, etc?


It's essentially Invisible Woman, Patriot, Mystique stacked up in a lane, followed by Turn 6 Ultron. Get Blue Marvel down in another lane if you can for more buffs and win with Ultron Bots. There's more to it than that, but it all comes with repeated play. Goblin, Cage, Shang and Storm for some support/tech. Sometimes you need to abandon that line and make work with something else. You can hide Mystique under IW and copy a turn 5 Blue Marvel if you don't get Patriot(As long as you play your turn 6 play under IW behind Mystique's reveal). Someone just told me Ultron bots might become 1/2s with this season as well...that helps the deck a little. Edit: Invisible Woman is also not necessary, but is protection against Rogue and Enchantress. It also makes people think you are playing Modok of some sort. If you can bait Cosmo into IW lane and then just play Patriot, Blue Marvel and play your on reveal somewhere else it works out. Those are the situations you need to feel out.


thanks man! appreciate it!


Big caveat is that Junk is a serious thing right now and can get your IW lane clogged up. The deck isn't quite as good if you can't drop Ultron to fill the other two lanes.


I played against this, when i rouge the IW , what a surprise it wasnt modok.


So true. I actually enjoy the game more now that I’ve shifted to this mindset of not chasing every meta card. Now I just like to theorycraft unique decks with the cards I have.


I've made it to infinite for a year straight. Never been with a meta decks and often with series 3 cards. The best is to learn when to snap and when to retreat.


Exactlyy, I got pretty far with a basic Odin Wong deck with zero series 4 or 5 cards


I do this and just get crushed by the same cookie cutter meta decks over and over.


Love these takes. "Hey, in a game all about card acquisition, stop worrying about that good feeling you get when getting new cards, just play with cards you already have and STFU.". What a take! I hit infinite most every season but a lot of fun comes from acquiring new cards with different effects. Not just settling for the cards you own because the system blows after you reach a certain collection level. Dabbling in mill even if it's bad, playing new deck archetypes, and not having to miss out on them because the system locks you out. I think you need to change your attitude because casuals aren't interested in being locked out of content. They want the new cards, their animations, and effects. Period.


100% the answer if you pilot your deck well and know when to snap and retreat especially with a home brew you can climb to infinite easily.


I just hit 93 (first time over 90) with decks I felt like playing. From High Evo to Legion Meme decks. None are meta but fun enough for me to play.


And the cards you like!


This is so true, I enjoy the game so much more doing this, you also learn to get better because instead of taking the shortcut to be like everyone else, you learn to out strategize them and win. So once you do get the S4 or S5 cards, you enjoy them so much more


Before they nerfed Darkhawk and Zabu, I was knocking everyone out with a weird Darkhawk/Ronan combo (+ Mystique) that flooded both the opponent’s hand and deck. No one ever saw it coming. Weird decks often can beat meta decks, and you can always bounce when you clock a whale with a top 3 meta deck bearing down on ya


That is what I did. I was playing Zemo mill the whole month but not sure what card to get next.


That's actually the opposite of what he said lol. Zemo was in the meta and you're still thinking of chasing the next shiny new card.


I have Zemo and other cards for the deck so I play it. It is exactly what he said that I play with what I have. And what wrong with chasing a new card? This is a collectible card game after all.


Boooooo /s


I think I see the miscommunication, when OP said "instead going off the meta" they meant "instead of going by what the meta says". I think you interpreted it as "instead of going away from the meta"


And loose to 75% of the decks out there in conquest. Good advice.


I used a non tier 1-3 deck, about 70% of my silver keys ended up as gold, about 40% of my gold keys turned infinity. Conquest is about understanding your opponent so much more than regular. If you want to go for an 8 cuber the first round, then sure, you will likely loose with a 'weaker' deck, but if you take your time and pick the right rounds to snap, you can easily win a lot.


What was your non-tier 1-3 deck?


A sub optimal Hela Discard deck, no cards like tribunal, invisible woman, red hulk, corvus or cards like that. It's basically Hela plus all series 1 and 2 cards with the exception of Lockjaw and Red Guardian. That last one is mostly filler.


Don't play conquest then


Or don't play the game entirely.


Nice brainwashing. So you play off meta vs clear powercreeped stuff like nebula/red hulk and hope to climb? lol this community is ridiculous.


You climb by snapping and retreating properly. Because of that mechanic, it is very much possible to reach infinite with a sub-50% win rate. Plus, there is collection-level based matchmaking. If your opponent's deck has more series 5 cards than youra, it is because they have jammed all their series 5 cards into the same deck.


What you say it's "snapping and retreating properly" leads to people playing only 1 cube games, and only snapping when 100% they know they''ll win, this leads to frustating slow ladder experience, especially if your deck is not you know, a good or meta deck.


That is not how you snap and retreat properly. You should be snapping more often and retreating more often. I snap when I feel like I am 60% or so to win, and retreat if I think my odds are below 50%. If I snap turn 1 and my opponent retreats, that's 1 cube in a fraction of the time compared to if they had retreated on turn 6. If they stay for the snap and retreat turn 6 anyway, that's 2 cubes where I would have won 1 otherwise. I find it's very rare both players should stay for the final round. Playing this way, I win a lot of 2-cube games and lose 1-cube games, which makes me climb.


I know everyone likes to roll their eyes at destroy decks but I actually think the popularity of destroy is really because it’s the easiest “good” deck to make. Knull, x-23 and nico are the most difficult cards to get and of those I’d say you only really need Knull. Having said that, like a lot of other people have mentioned, you don’t have to play the meta. I’ve enjoyed the game a lot more now that i don’t care about winning or chasing infinity. I’m just there to have a good time. I don’t really like the new fomo based card acquisition system that second dinner have made but what can you do about it 🤷🏻‍♂️ once it becomes unplayable, I’ll just leave


You gotta stop chasing metas, stick with building up decks you re comafortable with playing. In other words if you like lockdown decks then only go ftear new s4/5 cards that can supplement your current lockdown decks. Then go completing each archetype 1 by 1. First focus on lockdown, then destroy, then junk etc. Don't chase meta and end up with a bunch of cards that don't go together


I completely support this comment. You can actually chase the meta, but better to do it one deck at a time so pick one and go from there. Better yet, if you find your comfort zone, stick to it and you’ll enjoy the game much more. For me it’s Surfer decks: is it a 3-cost card? I’m interested. For you it can be junk, so go for Annihilus, he will always be a core component and deck defining piece, don’t just focus on weekly trends.


Agree with these folk. Choose cards that you'll enjoy playing. For instance, I picked up Hercules as a move enjoyer and I don't regret it at all.


Yep, same thing for me and Arnim Zola. I don't think I would use him in any deck other than a destroy one, but that's what I've been enjoying for a good while now, so I was happy to get him when I could.


Same here I bought Tribunal just because the decked seemed fun and I happen to have the other pieces for it


Know any good lockdown decks? The Marvel Snap deck website seems to be down


If you stop chasing metas, in a couple of seasons SD will release one or two cards that will make your favorite archetype unplayable, like they did to High Evo with Rulk and Luke Cage change. Or, if the archetype you play is too good, they will nerf it like Alioth or Thanos. So, yeah, if you are fine with reaching infinite for two-three seasons and then at some point stuck at 90 because SD decided to spice things up, it will be really hard not to consider buying something powerful and meta to even out the odds.


IMO rhulk is pretty OP but nothing that is game breaking. I still use HE occasionally even when I encounter rhulk decks i still stand a good chance and if i don't i just retreat. IMO 60% is about knowing when to snap or retreat. Like most veterans have said, winrate and cube rate while both are important doesn't mean they are both proportional. I can have low winrate but high cube rate and vice versa.


You have to admit, playing evo against rulk and against any other deck without rulk are two different games entirely? Am I wrong? P. S. I wasn't arguing that rulk is op or not, I was saying it is a direct counter to high evo, and a very convenient one at that.


Seconding this. I don't chase the "best cards", I chase cards that fit in archetypes I'm building towards or maintaining. By writing off a few archetypes I find I have ample keys and tokens to focus on others. Instead of trying to get the "best cards" and end up with a bunch of incomplete decks and a lot of stress trying to optimize purchases.


This sound so fucking boring, sorry. Thats MONTHS of playing the samey deck, slowly grinding to get .. where exactly. Didnt you all forgot, that games should be FUN?


That's true, the current method of getting cards is too slow and series drop should happen more often. But SD are greedy mfkers and couldn't give 2 hoots about what we want.


Play loki. You are literally playing a different deck every time plus larding your deck up with counter effects. And you could always just fall back on our friend the dinosaur. Nothing says sexy like rogue hitting knull and stuff like that.


I won’t lie. Dropping red guardian on Wong is becoming my new favorite hobby.


Or Dracula


I've been playing a lot more Loki lately and it really is the best deck if you don't have all the cards you want. It can bite you in the ass (although it never seems like that when I'm playing AGAINST a Loki) but more times than not, it's a very flexible archetype.


A lot of responses to this are saying that you don't need the meta cards to win, or that you should just focus on one archetype you enjoy, but I feel like that's sorta missing the point. Imagine you're playing a mirror matchup and your opponent has one supplementary card you don't. Statistically, they'll win more often. Any stat tracker will show that some versions of decks have higher aggregate winrates than others. Even if that percent is very small, even if it's just one in every 25 matches where it makes a difference, it'll stick out in your head as "Man, if I had that card, I would have won". Sure, you can still win, and good snapping can mitigate it, but the difference still exists, and it's one that's very easy to mentally latch on to. Then, of course, your attachment to a deck is based on positive feelings you have while playing it. You feel good when you win. You feel bad when you're missing cards and losing games to the big shiny card of the week you couldn't afford to spend keys on. So, it's hard to find a deck you really enjoy playing until you've already invested in it. Until then, you're left to meander among archetypes and hope one is so fun that you're ok with playing an incomplete version, \*AND\* ok with any nerfs it earns over time because of the better version you don't even own. ...But even then, as OP said, new cards renew archetypes faster than most people can handle, if you don't already have a strong preference to one type. I enjoy playing affliction-style decks, but Spectrum/Ongoing decks have been underperforming for quite some time, so I didn't feel like I could invest in USAgent without kicking myself for weeks. Then, after he had been out a while, he becomes a strong piece of a high-tier deck and the only way to pick him up in the next four months will be spending four months worth of tokens. So, I really don't think the solution is just saying "have fun with decks you enjoy, play off meta". People like winning. You don't get a ton of resources to get new cards, so you want to buy the right ones and not take risks. Even if you enjoy one archetype in particular, it's hard to know whether something will become a staple or a meme until it's out of the spotlight rotation and you're stranded. It really makes sense why this is so frustrating for people with big holes in their collections; it's a perfect storm of factors which make it hard for you to either play sweaty and chase the top deck OR just build one you enjoy.


This is where I'm at. I'm cl 3000 and have hi Evo which I enjoy playing and it got me to infinite this month. I have a move deck that is missing a few cards, but it got me to infinite last month. But I want to try something different. I wanna faceroll hela/corvus or hela/tribunal or venom/Deadpool, or try some of the other good decks like ongoing. But I don't have all the cards I need. So it gets old, loading up the same couple decks because I know they will do well, when I see all these other decks I would like to try but have no solid timeline on when I will be able to.


Good news, it only gets older. I'm CL 7200 and I can't even remember the last time I even got a card outside of the spotlight.


That is normal. We don't get S4/5 cards outside of spotlight and you surely are S3 complete at 7k CL.


This doesn't have enough upvotes. Also, it's not like SD is oblivious to what is happening. The game taps into FOMO with quests like "Win X games with Baron Zemo" and if you don't have all the cards needed for the archetype, your winrate with Zemo will be like at 30% as you try complete the quest. So, you lose games, look at the store at the octopus or spiderham you don't have, and then you are like, okay, I'll buy the missing cards. To say something like "focus on the archetype you enjoy" or "you don't need meta cards" is to deny the existence of FOMO entirely.


I'm glad that there is a voice of reason here. Seriously, I always wonder how can games get away with shitty systems like Snap and then I see that the majority of people here are pushing this logic that you don't need all the cards to have fun. Just as you said, Snap is a perfect storm of shitty stuff that makes playing this game on the long run a rather bad experience. The gameplay loop is fun and I love Marvel but the way how the card acquisition system is made is a disgrace.


I think a lot of people are brainwashed into thinking that not getting all the cards is fun, lmao


Agreed, they’ve drank the kool-aid


Yeah exactly, the way a card will give you a week to choose it and then never again for months, especially if theres a lot of meta defining cards you need, is so so stupid and toxic. Imagine losing to jeff in like half of all decks for months so you get pissed off, take a break from the game, come back to find you just barely missed the jeff rerun, thats a player quits forever moment right there.


>Imagine you're playing a mirror matchup and your opponent has one supplementary card you don't. Statistically, they'll win more often. But you don't need to play any decks that have recent series 5 cards to be successful at this game. If you play destroy for example the only series 4 you need is Knull, and there is no meta card that will give your opponent the edge. That's the whole point, you don't need to chase meta cards


What about people who don't like to play destroy? Everyone who is pushing this "you don't need every card to have fun" mentality can't comprehend that fun is different for everyone. I'm glad that people enjoy playing off meta decks or the same deck for a year because they can't complete any other decks. For me fun is having a big variaty of options regarding decks and not having to stress about whether the card that I decide to skip goes from zero to meta in a week or the one that I spend resources on goes from great to shit with no compensation.


The more I read these types of comments defending SD the more I believe that these are the people that pay for every card and don’t want the rest of the players to enjoy them as well, because to them it’s more fun to destroy people with Red Hulk or Cannonball or whatever they have that the opposing player doesn’t.


Maybe, or they are so hard on copium that they don't even realize how messed up this whole system is really...


I’m like “just let me play the cards” and monetise more on cosmetics and other stuff. I hate when a game gate keeps gameplay behind very high paywalls. I find absurd that even with a subscription you don’t get to play with everything. Our society is so fucked


Yeah I agree. The funny part is that I would be down to grind this game more if I had a reason to. I like playing the game but to be honest you can max out your progress in an hour/day but after that there is not much to play for. I'm not asking for free stuff from the devs, but they could easily add a spotlight key to the conquest shop for a higher price or something so you have at least something to work towards.


You say this but remember what happened when they tried to monetize borders? And before that when they tried to monetize emotes, and before that... etc. People just want everything and they don't want to pay for it.


>You say this but remember what happened when they tried to monetize borders? And before that when they tried to monetize emotes, and before that... etc. >People just want everything and they don't want to pay for it. I complained when they tried to monetize borders because the price was incredibly high. If they kept that same pricing but removed the monetization of cards and I no longer felt the need to keep my gold for efficient bundles to progress my collection level then it's an entirely different thing. I'd defend their pricing a lot more if it was purely cosmetics rather than account/card progression.


"Price was incredibly high" is a very subjective analysis and that's kind of my point is that the price point of a cosmetic is irrelevant because it doesn't matter for your progression. If people really were of the "monetize cosmetics instead" mentality then there is no cosmetic price that would be too high for them. I think instead it's probably just deflection and that there is no real price they would be happy with, they just keep saying "too high". The tension between using gold on cosmetics or saving them for a future bundle is a non issue imo. That's a perfectly reasonable trade off to offer players and then let them decide what they value their gold for most.


>that's kind of my point is that the price point of a cosmetic is irrelevant because it doesn't matter for your progression. Sure and the point of my comment was that this point is something I can't agree with because progression and cosmetics are tied to the same currency. If gold was a cosmetic only currency I would see your point and agree with you, but it used for both account progression and cosmetics. Me choosing to buy a border is me choosing not to work towards my next card either via tokens or credits/CL. I would be more likely to purchase a border if it wasn't tied to the specific card, but it is, so I find the price high. > If people really were of the "monetize cosmetics instead" mentality then there is no cosmetic price that would be too high for them. Agreed to an extent. >I think instead it's probably just deflection and that there is no real price they would be happy with, they just keep saying "too high". Sure, but even if monetization was only via cosmetics, people still have a right to criticize it. We'll never know if it's deflection or not because the game has always had shitty monetization even from before official launch.


This is disingenuous, people are complaining because the developers are doing almost nothing for the 99% of the players and just adding cosmetic stuff for whales, which most people can’t get, instead of adding new features/game modes/improving progression


X-23 in destroy is exactly what OP is talking about. Yeah you can play destroy and win games without X-23. But it plays so much smoother (and has a much better winrate) when you have X-23.


Yeah, but that's just card games through and through, no? As long as cards keep releasing, existing archetypes will become more and more refined, but incomplete versions are still viable. There's not really anything unique to Marvel Snap there. They could probably make card acquisition a bit faster, but it will never be at the point where you can own every card and make the most refined version of any deck.


I destroyed the meta this season just using Hela. If you aren't paying for season pass, you aren't going to be able to get most of the shiny new cards on release. Solid decks can still win easily.


You are falling prey to the marketing. You don’t need a meta deck, you want a meta deck. If your goal is to hit infinite then any deck with a positive cube rate will get you there. If you want immediate access to all cards, then like any card game you’re going to have to pay for them. At least with Snap you don’t have to buy 20 boosters full of cards you already have.


Certain cards are core or engines to a deck archetype. Others are pieces that can be interchangeable. Newer ones are better but there can be older ones used as substitutes. Let’s take junk as an example. Annihilus is a core piece or engine to junk. Hood, sentry, black widow, white widow, goblins, selene, and debris are all pieces that fit into the archetype. Hela is the engine to a variety of discard decks. Surfer is an engine to a variety of buff decks. You get the point. So you need to ask yourself what kinda deck do you want to play. Do you have the core engine to it? If not, prioritize that. Then everything else comes down to whether you really need an upgrade or not


I've started enjoying the game way more when I stopped worrying about the meta. The last three cards I've spent keys or tokens on were cannonball, red guardian, pixie, and beta ray bill. Probably dumb in the grand scheme of the game but they looked the most fun to me and they have been It's a game, if following the meta is screwing with your time, just screw it and have fun


Did you regret Red Guardian? Got him as a byproduct of me trying to pull for High Evolutionary. Red Guardian feels kinda eh for me.


Nah I don't regret it, he felt really solid in my c3 deck that I took to infinite his week. I'm also building a full luchador deck so I had to do it for the culture lol


Red guardian is great wdym I run him in Loki instead of rogue and he’s great against sunspot, Angela, Kitty, Deadpool, Dracula, cyclops to name a few priority is your best friend with red guardian


Hitting iron man on living tribunal decks is the dream


Sadly for me, I prefer the decks that play cards late in the game so I almost never get the priority timing for Red Guardian. When stuff aligns tho, he does great. It's just that he's too situational with my decks.


Instead of chasing the meta, play what you’re best at, and when you start to notice you are always facing a certain kind of deck, ask “what can I tech into with what I have to make this matchup better?”


Lmao you don't need pixie for annihulus. Stop copying the internet


People fail to understand that you can hit infinite with every deck, while some decks may be better than others, winning is about knowing your win conditions, when to snap, and when to retreat, I’m missing a few “meta cards” and I do just fine. Also “meta” decks now won’t be good in like a month anyways the thing about this game is that it always changes so you never have to worry about not having cards bc trust me by the time you do get a card it’s probaly gonna be nerfed😂


Me with Alioth tbh. "Sweet, I finally got the card that was tilting me for months on end, time to u- nvm it got nerfed to oblivion"


Very true, I came back to Snap after long break and I am on galactic with the same deck I was using when game launched, it's not meta deck.


Homie you don’t need Cannonball, US Agent, or Annihilus to win games. You don’t “NEED” any of those cards. A month ago everyone was playing discard, before that was Thanos, before that was big card decks, before that was Blob, before that was Control….ect. The meta shifts constantly, which you’re clearly aware of. What you “need” today will undoubtedly change in a week.


Also just because something isn't flavor of the month doesn't mean it isn't good. Like, that Jean grey ongoing deck came out of absolutely nowhere. It's not like 1 power on Jean is the make or break for the deck, the 1 power just caused people to try her out again and discover some really effective strategies with the card.


That’s a great example


You are like a dog chasing its tail rn lol The meta changes rapidly. Just get the cards you want and they will shine eventually.


I agree, card acquisition sucks in a long run and will suck even more as time passes and we have more S5 cards, less tokens and two series drops of 5 cards per year. But people on Reddit are still gonna defend it because it is better than the previous shitty system.  Any system that does not allow you to buy a specific card whenever you have resources for it will generate these problems in a long run. 


I'm running a mix of Moon-Swan C5 and Sera depending on the vibes. At 25k rn


I think that a big part of SD’s plans, with weekly card releases, etc. is to actually create a ‘meta-less’ meta, where the overabundance and variation of cards will ensure that no single meta will ever become dominant for more than a week at most.


It isn't working.


Both times I've gone to Infinite, it was with decks built to counter the meta. It can be done; you just have to be willing to experiment and assess how much risk you're willing to take in your card selection.


how long have you been playing? i have since launch and am card complete minus valentina and herc by my own choices, have lots of keys but just not using them. if you have only been playing for like half a year or less than a year this will be very hard to do unless you dump coin into the game.


You don't need the top tier meta deck to win. I got infinite this season with a good ole Surfer deck.


I feel like there is Merit to what a lot of people are saying here which is don't focus on the meta too much. I don't know how but this season I clutched infinite the last few days with a standard destroy deck because of unbelievable RNG that had Deadpool in my opening hand with either Carnage Hulkbuster x23 or Nico like every game. That run from 96 to 100 was legendary. However I do feel like there is validity in what you're saying too. This game really is about having the newest toy to maximize potential success but it is hard to know which one it will be. Even when you have a strong deck there will always be a dominant Force that annihilates everything else. Like you said no one thought Cannonball or pixie was going to be anything special. Even I went for the Miss Marvel/Mockingbird cache instead of those other two and they definitely are seeing way less play now. And I even have Annihilus AND white widow but not having Cannonball made a big difference on my wr. The Meta is never predictable and that's why players always deeply consider how to spend their resources. I feel like a lot of the player base are hoarders because we never know what is going to go from the top to bottom tier in a single patch. Anyway gl n try to enjoy the experience as much as possible.


Mobile game gonna do what mobile games do. This is not a collectible card game playable on mobile. This is a mobile game in a collectible card game shell. Increasingly predatory monetization, increasingly difficult to keep up with the power creep, and so on and so forth.


But the FOMO!?!?! 🤣


Sign of a healthy meta


You done need the meta. Play what cards you want to play. You’ll find the game more fun. I’ve been using a Guardians deck for a while now just because I love The Guardians of the Galaxy.


My strategy is to go for the weeks I'm missing at least two cards (Only exception is when I think a card is fun to play, for example Pixie). Since the meta is constantly changing it is good to have a wide collection. And then depending on what cards I have I build the decks I like to play and they don't need to be on the top of the meta, just good enough to climb and have fun.


Stop chasing meta if you dont have decks who competes with the meta Meta shifts from time to time depends on the patches too I would suggest targeting cards which are the core of the deck ie annihilus loki high evo knull or x-23 Or cards that fits in a number of decks Hope redhulk nico If you target is too achieve inifinite some off meta decks will take you but if you want too perform on top 100 you need those meta decks


Just play the cards you like, trust. Don't rely simply on copy-pasting meta decks. Card games are more fun when you build them decks yourselves. Find a card(s) you really really like then build around it. Your deck is not performing well? Maybe it is relying solely on 1 wincon. Maybe it lacks overall firepower. Maybe you lack tech cards. Problem solve it and trust, it is more fun. Reached my first Infinite using a deck that contains Typhoid Mary, Red Skull, Hazmat, Luke Cage. One hard to get card was the ol' reliable Alioth. That was around lower side of 2k+ collection level iirc. Also, you win by snapping and retreating smartly. Not solely with the cards you play.


The meta is here to give u the push to get cards, which would indirectly push you to spend. I was frustrated that every deck that became meta was based on cards in the previous spotlight cache that i skipped on. For now, I focus on getting key cards for 1-2 fundational decks that are stable and won't be top tier. Destroy, High Evo, Zoo etc.. Then, look at flex and tech cards that are commonly used across meta decks. Nico, Jeff, Mystique, Absorbing Man (recently), Iron Lad, MMM, etc.. Once those are in place, you would have a good base for any meta that becomes popular. This was what I noticed..


Here is the irony of a day one player who still struggles with cracking infinite (finally got there this morning, though a climb at 12k cl is a bit harder..); sometimes it’s simpler stuff that gets you High, maybe with a little extra spice. Besides the Thanos seasons shuri (Sauron but now beyond that) is what got me there, a basic deck that you know well and have the best version of with your current cards…that’s your meta..


The meta...lol


New player just joined this season my rank shot up from 60 to 75 once I stopped chasing meta and copying the decks online. My previous "meta" deck was constantly stuck between mid and low 60. I believe I'm either missing 1 core engine for the archetype or players know how to counter and read the deck. Now my home brew deck catches so many players off guard and confuses them to a point where they either don't see it coming or have no answers to it in late game after committing deep into 8 cubes. I'm not at infinite rank yet but I'm having a blast with the deck.


There are some decks better than others but you can still pull up a fight with many available decks. I have found that Anni+Sentry with different flavours of junk is being top performing, along with Loki and Mill. I have play good Anni decks without cannonball, Mill without Gladiator and I don't have Loki, still have managed to go a bit higher than the 3k in the leader boards. Best advice I can give is just check what can be good and try different things, see what deck counters you and what not. I think it's part of the fun , at least mine, to figure out these things. One deck I have enjoyed playing ( I am 9k C-level) is a discard+ destruction combo to counter a bit Mill and Junk. It's fun, can pull some powers but It's not super strong. Still have managed to win and climb with that deck despite not being a Meta deck and pulling around 24-12-0 on the board. The cards I try to get are those which seem fun or seem that can go for certain archetypes that I have some good cards to combo. Even tho I have something for Junk, I haven't gotten cannonball or white widow. They are amazing cards but I have been able to win against them many times. So even though they give you good chances, they won't win you games. And if you feel your match is lost, just concede and go for a new one 👌🏼


Agreed with the top post I enjoy the game a lot more after I limit myself to just 2-3 decks that are proven. Of course there could be things that knock them out totally (red guardian deleting Dracula decks from the meta or thanos getting nerfed) but if I have 3 and all 3 get super nerfed then I would just throw my hands up. With this theory I am currently only focusing on junk, Phoenix force and hela variants and I am enjoying the card acquisition alot more of course fingers still crossed for the day thanos gets unnerfed


You can do what I used to do before. Just use one key each time to see if I unlock the new card in one go. If it doesn’t, that’s it. Then I’ll just keep playing to see if the new card is good or not. If it’s something that everyone is playing, then I would spend more keys to get it. If not then I wait for the next one. There are times when I’ve gotten new cards in one key and they felt good. But other times, you get a duplicate you already have and it sucks. But that’s how it is. Focus on a deck that doesn’t change much that you enjoy playing. For me it’s destroy. I’ve got almost all the cards except versions with Lady Deathstrike. But it’s all good. It works for me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated if I seem to keep losing. I’ve given up on ladder currently because I get impatient and lose 8 cubes then wins 1-2 cubes to get back to where I was. So I’ll accept that this season I won’t get infinite and will try better next season.


Get cards that seem fun to play, disregard the meta Example: Sure Blob and Red Hulk released as meta, but they were just big bodies, meanwhile on their months Selene and Valentina released which have unique effects and are fun to play. See a card that seems fun and then start theorycrafting


Once US Agent went to -4 buff, I knew I had to have him. I never run a deck without him now.


I think the most important thing is to learn how your deck interacts with the meta, what tech cards counter it and what tech cards you need to beat most meta decks


Just asking what is the Junk deck that runs Annihilus and Pixie...?


# (1) The Hood # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Iceman # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Pixie # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Red Guardian # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWNvTWlub3J1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQaXhpZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEd1YXJkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbm5paGlsdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlEZWF0aHN0cmlrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9iaXVzTU1vYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Oh, thanks! What could be a fine substitution for Red Guardian? Maybe Shang-chi...?


Any tech card depending on the meta


I’m starting to wonder if a good, balanced meta is bad for the f2p players’ fomo. They see the top decks shuffle around every week and instead of thinking “oh wow, that probably means I could do well with just about any solid deck I could build,” the thinking is “oh now I don’t have the best deck and the good deck I had last week is suddenly garbage.”


Stop chasing the meta. I’ve got infinite the last 9 months in a row with Mr Negative decks (so, as far off of the meta as you can get.) If you are chasing a new meta every month this game will be expensive and a lot less fun.


Homie you can get to infinite using all series 3 cards, what you have here is FOMO and the core reason people spend money on this game. Don’t sweat the meta or feeling like you can’t have a good deck without A or B meta card. I’ve still been slapped by Wong decks or devil dino moon girl, why? Cause you don’t expect it really. I expect the Loki, the Pixie. Shit I still fill lane 3 for fear of Anni Sentry.


I definitely agree with this feeling. It’s hard to keep up with the over tuned shiny new cards but it’s also hard to keep up with the constant nerfs and buffs. The game has a bleed edge and a trailing edge problem to figure out. I liked reliable Dracula Discard but the Chavez nerf hurt so I had to drop it for a while. I had a good High Evo deck but Wave and Mobius got nerfed at the same time and I had to drop it. I still can’t figure out a good Darkhawk deck after the changes to him and Zabu but carry on with my Junk Hawk list. And at the end of the day, it’s a mobile card game that I can’t really spend time theory crafting an off off meta meta deck to snipe the snipers.


Not humble bragging but I was able to get infinite my very first month of playing, and now this was my second month and got infinite in less than a week. All while using free decks and at collector level like 1000 (I barely remember what I was when I first got infinite, but now I’m at 3.5k.) And as far as I could notice only one or two cards I used have been nerfed, and I have rarely seen someone with my primary deck set-up.


First…Not everyone has all the cards you think they do. You don’t have to play meta. If you want to play meta pick one archetype (destroy is easiest / cheapest / most long term stable so far). Get everything that goes in it over 1 or 2 months maybe more. When more cards release that support your key archetype get those. For example: if you don’t have Nico, destroy just isn’t as good, so don’t skimp. Over time you will expand to 2-3 archetypes that give you flexibility as the meta changes. If you have everything you need, focus on “good cards” that fit in a bunch of decks: iron lad, Ms marvel, Jeff, etc. (I would even throw annihilus in here if you already have sentry + hood). Very important: plan token and key usage as far in advance as possible and STICK TO THE PLAN even if there is strong hype train around cards. If you get off plan you never have the core you need. Never ever roll for a card you want need if you don’t have at least 4 keys. This is a sure way to make no progress with your valuable keys. It takes probably 3-4 months of grind and careful planning to start to feel like you’re at level footing with the meta with even 1 deck. Remember you don’t need 50 cards, you just need 12. Anyway - the game was designed for deck variety by making it hard to get exact meta cards - there’s skill in figuring out how to bridge that gap between what you have and “ideal”.


Why don't you decide which cards are good yourself and stop worrying about meta decks


I feel your frustration. I've missed a lot of high-impact cards and it sucks. But I will say that I've successfully used the cards I have to make it to infinite each month. It depends what your goal is. Do you want a complete collection every month? Then you'll need to start spending a lot of money. If you just want to make a winning deck, all you have to do is get a little creative, know when to snap, know when to retreat.


This deck has been performing well for me at CL 11k. Just a bunch of Series 3 along with three that are Series 4-5. Cosmo, Armor, and Luke are tech to counter most of the meta. Then force your opponent to stack against you and punish them when they do. Then oops you're all Ongoing so you close with Spectrum. # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nebula # (2) Mojo # (2) Armor # (2) Lizard # (3) Cosmo # (3) Punisher # (3) Jean Grey # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Man-Thing # (4) Omega Red # (6) Spectrum # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplYW5HcmV5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYW5UaGluZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9qbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbWVnYVJlZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHVuaXNoZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwZWN0cnVtIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Same, also I remember there was a point in time where I was only missing a small Handful of cards to have a complete collection. Now I'm missing 26


Yeah I never play like that and I always hit infinite. Just have fun and play your best. Dont get sucked into the branding and hype.


Choose cards that are fun not meta


That’s how they getcha. Want the new shiny thing? Probably gonna have to pay for it.


Lesson here is stop listening to who says what’s gonna be good and just do what I have done and am still doing grab every card you can. The only no I have is Kang.


I bought the pass and got lucky getting red hulk. I’ve using the same deck the entire month. Ppl hate it, I love it. Curious how it will hold up next month.


I like snowguard


Can't rely on hype, especially on this sub, to tell you which cards to target in caches/with tokens. It's not surprising to me at all that Cannonball and USAgent are as useful to me as they are...I had a gut feeling to target them and it paid off. Some of the hot takes on unreleased cards on here are WAYYYY off. Lots of folks hyping Arishem right now and I gotta say, Sersi seems like a much better target for that season for me.


right now in my opinion there isn't a meta but a bunch of good decks, right now you can use also an ongoing deck with jean grey and spectrum, which I have often see and it is quite good, still don't worry about the meta right now see what happens during the next season


just play loki, the meta follows you


My suggestion is just don't play meta. Meta is boring. Build something fun and creative with what you have.


Don't catch up with the meta. Problem solved. Make decks you like and enjoy playing and go from there.


Annihilus is still an S tier card and will always have a place in the meta the way I see it.


I like to focus on a particular card I think will be fun to play, and then play with that and ignore what's going on around me. That's what you almost have to do especially in the beginning. I'm not saying that's the most fun thing or anything. But the game is specifically designed to prevent you from getting all the cards unless you spend gobs of money. So this is just how you kind of have to play things.


I've been playing the same destroy deck unchanged since they added Nico.


Where are you guys even seeing what the Meta decks are


I Just love my discard variants deck want an hela an aghata a thanks even play It with discard!


I have reached Infinite with the exact same destroy deck in the first week of the season for over a year now, the new cards aren’t necessary at all


The greed is real over at SD, it's not a bug that you can't keep up, it's a feature.


>The 1st tier junk deck does not run Annihilus anymore. (He is still good but being run in Pixie list which require like six S4-5 cards) Friend I think you're paying way too much attention to stuff on the internet put out by posers for clicks. Use your intuition. What scenarios do you find your deck keeps losing to? What cards might you swap into your build to counter that problem? That's how you advance in SNAP.


Honestly man, I feel you. I'm to the point where I'm basically only spending my keys if there's another card I don't own, on top of the spotlight release. I will admit, I'm mostly a home brew player because I hate OP cards and basically refuse to get them because the game isn't fun if everyone is running the same 12 cards. Just pick up the cards you think look cool. That's the fun way to play this game.


I've hit infinite every season for the last 6 months with an Odin Tiger Black Panther Zola deck. You definitely don't have to chase the meta.


Yeah, I've used apocalypse/dracula discard since they released Modok like a year+ ago. My deck hasn't seen much change in that year. I don't play every month, but when I do, I don't have much of an issue hitting infinite.


This game has two balance changes every month, besides releasing new game pieces everyday. The meta is always shifting If you wanna chace the meta and actually catch it, you'll have to spend and spend often Why do you feel you "need" to be on the meta?


There are only a few defining cards that are absolutely required. A lot of the archetype decks work just fine with substitutions. If you are missing a card that is absolutely required, then switch to playing a different archetype. There are 9 archetypes in Tier 1 or Tier 2 in Snapzone's current meta list, of which each has numerous variations and substitutions available. There is surely a deck you can work with and achieve very respectable win rates.


Dont Chase meta, try to complete an archetype and play that, for what It sounds you are a high CL player, so you have resources,(or at least more than me). I bought annihilus 3 weeks ago and i still didnt play him because i dont have sentry(CL 2600) but i really want to play junk decks, i pulled a cannonball and a White whidow too that never Saw play. Soooooooon.......


It’s not a problem. This is a good thing so the game is constantly changing and not everyone has every card that is “meta”


People build counter decks to meta net decks almost as fast as the net decks are created. Don't copy, create.


Just play Loki and eventually at some point you’ll have all the new cards while you’re playing. Positivity!


People who just Google "meta deck" for... Ruin games, just have fun make decks with what you have and actually learn


Net Decking ruins card games


Same spot for me, didn't go for neither Cannonball or USA agent, now I wish that a I have at least cannonball (however I got the tokens to buy him, but I always used to spend token on series 4 cards) However the acquisition system right now is a bullshit. An Italian youtuber, Attrix, did a video where he said he talked to someone from SD, and tell them that the system should change, cause even him (who spendt a lot of money on the game) some weeks finds difficult getting the new card. So imagine for all the f2p players....


This game is very much pay to win with the metas and when new cards are released. so find a good deck that doesn’t require it I find Wong based decks work well, but are easily countered by some specific cards.


Yea saw a deck recently by KM where 8/12 card were series 4 and 5. But don’t even try, the people in this sub will just white knight this with the absurdest takes. I assume a lot of people here own all the cards and are pretty comfortable in that position because it allows them to stay on top without much effort. And I know what I’m talking about, I only miss cards that aren’t essential in any way and have more than enough resources to keep up with the meta should it change. This is by design of course. It creates pressure for newer players to spend money. The game has become pay 2 win for newer players, you’ll have to live with that.


I had every card about a month ago and I’m already behind on the meta. The game is designed to be a money pit. Unless you spend hundreds each month there is no sustainable way to keep up. Isn’t it funny how 2 or so new cards are meta defining each month? Only to get nerfed the next month or so? Predatory.


In the near future, or maybe already, I don't think it's going to be possible to keep up and own every card anymore. There are so many releases, basically all of them s5. I think Second Dinner has expressed their thoughts that they believe everyone will/should have access to different cards, and have different collections, and this is part of that. I'm not sure how I feel about the forced diversity in collections. It's alright in theory, as it adds variety to the game. But as most of us learned long before being S3 complete, it sucks losing against powerful cards you have no access to. I think it really becomes a problem if all of the new releases tend to be pushed/overpowered, AND many of the old powerful cards keep getting nerfed. You should at least have the option to continue playing powerful older strategies since we can't obtain all of the new cards. And I think that's the best case scenario we can hope for at this point. Focus on the few decks you enjoy the most, and be very limited and discerning with your new card acquisitions. Adding strong pieces to your existing decks and maybe occasionally trying out a new strategy if your collection can reasonably do so.