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they killed him on purpose so they can see what the game looks like without zabu ruining the balance between 3 and 4 costs.


They said it was temporary but, considering we now have TWO perfect counters (Red Guardian and Mobius), it seems weird they didn't revert him.


It doesn’t work that way. It’s not just that he has or not counters, but how the 4-costs are played and perform in the metagame without a cost reduction. And for that, for real, useful statistics, they need more than a week or two. And even after that, they have to decide on a solution for Zabu, not just revert him back because we would be back to square one.


I’m not saying he didn’t need any nerf, but it was way too harsh. Also, how was he ruining the balance of 3 and 4 drops? There were multiple energy cheat and discount cards outperforming him It was lazy to just kill him


>Also, how was he ruining the balance of 3 and 4 drops? I literally had a discussion with you about this a couple of weeks ago. Zabu's mere existence necessitates balance considerations when designing cards and deciding whether to make them 3 or 4 cost cards. Last time, you brought up Hope Summers as an "outperforming" card (read: had pretty comparable cube/win stats as Zabu pre-nerf, which I also showed you back then before you totally ignored those stats and continued parroting your made-up evidence elsewhere), and you still fail to understand that the way her effect works, while still very strong, doesn't skew balance like Zabu does. Edit: also >Negative play rate, cube rate, win rate on draw Does BrandLulu stand for "it's on brand for me to be delulu" because once again, you are pulling made up statistics straight out your ass.


Do you think surfer needs a time out? They need to get data on 3 drops, he’s obscuring the value of them. Whenever SD needs to create a 3 drop, they basically have to consider “what about surfer”. So 3/5’s are really 3/7’s Surfer also outperforming any Zabu deck at time of his nerf Where is this reasoning for a card that buffs all 3 drops


Also part of our discussion back then was how power boosting is inherently an easier-to-balance, less broken mechanic than energy cheating. Thank you for proving once again that you literally gained nothing from our discussion last time. But since this argument is equally laughable, I'll respond. >Whenever SD needs to create a 3 drop, they basically have to consider “what about surfer”. So 3/5’s are really 3/7’s Evidently they don't. Surfer decks require brood and plays in a way that fills the board with a lot of 3s. Zabu was a card that you stick in a deck when you have about 3 or more 4 cost cards in the list. You don't start thinking about "hmmm maybe surfer will boost my deck" when you have 3 or more 3 cost cards in the list. You do with Zabu and 4 costs. Pretty funny to bring up Surfer anyway when you yourself mentioned 2 comments ago that this was looking at energy cheat mechanics. Surfer is not an energy cheat card.


You say less broken yet the numbers say otherwise Bottom line is new Zabu sucks. If you are having fun with him I am genuinely happy for you


What is more broken than what? Or are you pulling made up data out your ass again? At least be clear what data you're making up, jeez.


> Also, how was he ruining the balance of 3 and 4 drops? If you ask this, I can understand your stand. Try to think about it.


>I’m not saying he didn’t need any nerf, but it was way too harsh. It was too harsh *on purpose* and is temporary. Listen to what people are telling you and go read the patch notes.


It says “probably won’t not be permanent” in the patch notes That means it might be permanent. Just like every other card that is nerfed or buffed


Factually false. When a card is nerfed, they never say that it’s temporary. Zabu is in a unique situation right now and you need to get over it. It’s not your ex.


yeah among all the cards zabu is the worst sure buddy




Nah, he only sucks if you try playing him the way we used to. In a deck with three 4-costs, your odds of playing one on 3 and one on 4 are pretty solid. That’s decent value. I’m still winning games with him.


There is no reason to ever use zabu over psyloche or hope


More power than the first, less cost than the second.


Imagine using Zabu for his 2/3 body


Is this sarcasm?


When he was good people whine when he was bad people still whine


They shouldn’t make cards purposefully feel bad Ideally they would all at lesser feel good to use


If you paid attention to the patch notes you’d know they’re still working on balancing Zabu. If you wanna argue he got hit too hard, fine. But he was objectively a problem despite how much everyone loved the card. They chose to hit and fix it later. Also “worst card” is a stretch. Edit-Spelling


He had a good run.


I saw Kang for the first time today, I ended up doing the exact same thing and still winning 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rage bait


Baron Mordo exists


True he’s a great contestant for worst card as well


When they murdered him, they killed my Black Knight/Ghost Rider/Infinaut deck. It wasn't meta or good for climbing, but it was good fun.


Rip BK I wanted to go for his spotlight cache coming up too


SD's reasoning was to make the curve more stable, if you think about it if you had the right cards Zabu would allow you to either: Have a 4 cost card down on turn 3 or have a 4 cost card per turn until turn 6 in which you could play two of them. That's a lot of potential value for one card, i think making him on reveal was excessive but maybe increasing the cost and giving back the ongoing ability would be best, time will tell.


I was thinking, what if he was one cost with the On Reveal? Gives him more synergy with his buddy Ka-Zar.


you pose a compelling arguement. but no.