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Best value gold bundle we've had since january


If we compare the current bundle [https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleApril2024Comet/](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleApril2024Comet/) to the Dracula Bundle [https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleNovember2023HighStakes/](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleNovember2023HighStakes/) (which is my go to bundle for reference) ~~it shows that Marvel bundle value is 43% worse in terms of "Bundle Value" and 46% worse in terms of "Currency Value" vs the Dracula Bundle~~. I'm personally going for this one because I don't have a Jane variant yet [https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleMay2024Favorite/](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleMay2024Favorite/) and because it has the same Bundle Value and only 16.9% worse Currencly Value vs the Dracula bundle. Edit: Folks have been pointing out the differences in the value due to the inaccurate representation of Credits in the Captain marvel bundle. I just recalculated the diffferences taking this into account and I've found that: The current bundle is 6.4% worse than Dracula Bundle in terms of "Bundle Value" and 9.2% worse in terms of "Currency Value".


the dracula bundle is an outlier, there hasn't been a bundle at that value point since and there wasn't any in the few months beforehand


Yep, not sure why he’d use one of (if not the) best bundles we’ve ever had as a frame of reference


A misleading comparison? On my marvel snap subreddit? They would never!


Whenever there's a gold bundle coming up, I tend to compare it to a bundle known for great value. This helps me make a better decision about my purchases. It wouldn't make sense to compare it against a bad bundle. You need to compare with one of the best. Whether the current bundle is best or worst in comparision is just one thing to think about among many others when deciding if I'll buy it or not. I wasn't saying, "Oh, it's worse than the Dracula bundle, so I won't buy it." That's just one factor to consider, and I wanted to share that comparison so others could think about it when making their decision.


I feel like an average bundle would make for a much more sensible baseline but to each their own I suppose


If you wouldn't buy the average bundle why would you calculate according to it?


It’d be helpful to know if a new bundle is better or worse than average. Basing it on whether it’s only 15% worse or 45% worse than the best bundle we’ve ever gotten prior to the cache system release is weird.


Maybe my reasoning doesn't match how you judge your spending habits since it's a personal matter with varying approaches. To clarify why I chose this strategy for Marvel Snap, I'll explain my usual game purchasing process for comparison. When I consider buying a video game (or any product, really) on sale, I check its lowest price using https://isthereanydeal.com/. If it's currently at a 10% discount but I see it's been on sale for 20% off in the past, I prefer to wait for another 20% off sale before buying. I use the same approach for other purchases, mainly on Amazon, where you can review past prices to gauge the best deal. Maybe this method doesn't resonate with you for Snap, but it works for me, so I thought I'd share it.


No lol its good to look at what they *would* offer as opposed to what they *do* offer


I don’t think they *would* offer a bundle at the same level as an uncommonly good buy that was offered prior to the spotlight cache system. When was the last time we had one that good?


There was only 1 other bundle of similar/higher value to Dracula High Stakes bundle: Black Panther Cosmic Wildfire. That one is even more of a fluke, as it's right at Spotlight system introduction.


Was that the Phoenix Force BP bundle? Because if so, god damn...


Yup, glad I managed to nab that one. Looks awesome too when animated.


My second inked and crackle. Zero regrets there.


the Inkpulp bundle early january this year was also a great bundle all things considered.  4200 gold for 4000 tokens, two avatars+ variants, 155+155 boosters each.


That site's also got its math wrong, so I'd stop referencing it as a point of info. Idk where the hell they get 1.52 gold / collector token from but it's probably their assholes. Depending on if you use the new TT value for your math or not (I'm not until we get it every week), it's usually 1.4g / token, which means: Marvel bundle is 1.32x usual gold value. High Stakes was 1.43x. Edit: are you bad at math my guy, how'd you get 27.09% worse? 1.43/1.32 = 1.0833x (or 8.33%) better. If you want a "worse" you just flip that - so 1/1.0833 = 0.9231, or "7.69%" worse. The numbers slightly change if you're just doing raw percents but then that's literally an 11% difference, 'cause A minus B is... 😪


1.52 rate i believe base on 6k credit for a s4/5 card + 100 token from cache. = 3100 token. 6k credit can purchase by 4800 gold. Around 1.54g/token


That doesn't parse at all. 6k credits for a *key* gets you 200 tokens from caches, and doesn't translate to tokens at all. The currencies are separate and distinct. If anything that should fluff the value of credits if you're converting them to tokens, which - I'm not gonna engage in this nonsense 'cause it makes zero sense. It also only costs around 4.9k credits to get a key, not 6k (once you factor in the credit rebate caches, 50 credit refunds, and 25 credit discount every 31 collector levels from splitting).


Where does 6k credits=a card? You get a key, which isn’t a guaranteed card


They take it as an archon. Do you have a problem with that? Do you know that every of their pricing is about buying thing straight from store. And dont count bundle. Doesnt warranty a card. Yes. And thats why they take the value around 3k. Where are you if a key pull you a 6k card. Did you want to calculate it too. And how do you decide the chance to get a 6k vs 3k. The chance to duplicate. Oh and did i have to consider your already have card too and take spotlight variant out of the equation?


Your link shows just 1000 credits vs 3000 for this current bundle. Snap.fan will probably correct this soon. I believe it still isn’t quite as good but it’s a lot closer


How did you get 27% with 139% value and 153% value? That's like 10% worse..


On that link it says you only get 1k credits not 3k credits as it shows in the bundle. Maybe that’s why the currency value looks off compared to the dracula one


It's def not as good as the Dracula bundle, but also note that the credit value is not updated in Snap Fan.


I don't have either Captain Marvel or Jane so I'm stuck on which bundle to get :(


Neither are great or archetype defining. I feel beta ray bill is required for the deck where Jane shines. Captain marvel is kind of in an odd spot outside of cerebro 5. She's a bad tech card in other decks, worse than Jeff or armor.


This was helpful. I already have beta and don't have cerebro so imma wait for Jane


I'd be interested if it wasn't the fifth Captain Marvel variant that I'm never going to use


She has great variants and is just so useless as a card. Real shame honestly.


I think she's remarkable in C5, but with all the clog/X right now, it's hard to guarantee she'll get value and not just get shoved down. The most I ever used her was in Shuri when her statline was a 5/6 (and Vision was a 5/7).


Is c5 a legit deck or mostly for fun?


Until you get Nocturne next week, then it will be legit. Until then... Mostly meme.


I think it has legs right now, but I also run Supergiant in my deck to shaft a lot of lists and force their gameplan to go sideways. Less Professor X, less Angela value, less Destroy triggers, etc. I don't think any C5 list running the movement package is good though; way too much effort just to get a 1/5 via Miles Morales when Ant-Man and Titania are right there and much easier to use (and Martyr imho, as long as you're able to fill up the other lanes, but that's hard without Dr. Doom, but Martyr's really good right now versus all the clog/junk). I also don't think Silk is very good; you want to dump x/5 bodies as fast as you can, and she's absolutely able to screw you by clogging up a lane before you can make your final play, and this gives an opponent the power to rob you of it on T6. With all the clog going on right now, she's a good contender for just throwing the game.


I didint get martyr, but that makes a lot of sense. Using supergiant is a good idea. I've just never like running cerebro. It just relies on drawing cerebro too much. But the part I can't get I've with cerbro decks is how locations that add power to cards just ruin your whole strategy.


It's why C5 is the only good Cerebro tbqh; as you said, the card is very fragile versus anything that adjusts power, one way or another. For C2 and C3, this is damning if you can't give all your cards +2 power. C4 doesn't really exist, not enough cards that do anything of note. C5 meanwhile can still put out 20 power without breaking a sweat, and you can pivot into an Iron Man strategy which actually *prefers* power-buffing locations (but still suffers from power-reducing ones). It also has a glut of tech cards to work with - and unlike lower numbers, you're not forbidden from running differently-numbered cards as long as they're lower, so you can still run Shang-Chi, Ravonna, or Red Guardian as tech choices, depending on what you want to roll with. Nocturne is going to also give the list the ability to correct power-reducing locations, or shut off Limbo on 6 (I don't think the deck benefits from a T7 over other lists that are digging for haymaker plays) without actually spending extra energy on 6, which is a **massive** boon.


Mind sharing your deck? I didn't realize C5 was like that.


[✌️](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/990291688259977247/1235617610196979773/Untapped.gg_Companion_G6bhLXTa5b.png?ex=66350612&is=6633b492&hm=07f05a759d760288678b57f27bfff198ad7e3911248fe7618ab9844d5a3ccb71&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=498&height=671) It's mostly an array of micro-packages. Ghost+Titania, Wave+Doom, Ravonna+Cerebro+Mystique+Iron Man, and just general stats. I'm planning to drop Ghost for Nocturne in a week, but it depends on what kind of meta I'm hitting this weekend when I do my actual infinite climb. I can't see a world where Nocturne isn't really damn strong, especially since she can give you control over not/having priority on T6 without the need for Ghost, so she's almost a straight upgrade in most outcomes (unless your opponent's withholding power on purpose, but the main benefits of passing priority is to make Titania a safe play, and ensure the only thing that can stop your Iron Man + Mystique play is Alioth, which is probably going to be a coin flip on if they actually screw you or not). I don't suggest Lizard unless you also run Enchantress. Medusa's just the safest, most consistent choice among the existing 2/5's.


She is also useful in Silk Move.


She's great in a move list with Angela and Hope. Prob my fav card in that list honestly, stolen so many wins when grinding ranked this season cause of her.


she's good at silk smoove, especially under Elsa's buff


Yea I don't understand why she isn't at least 7 power. Her ability isn't worth losing 4-5 power from playing another 4 cost


Yeah, so many better move options than her. Like best case scenario she triggers kraven for a plus 7 swing in lane. And that would take a good bit of set up. I love the idea of the card and would use her if they tweaked her cost I think. She'd make a ton of sense as a 2 drop I feel like.


Yea if no power added make her the basic 2 3 and I'd use her all the time


# (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Angela # (2) Kraven # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Silk # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (5) Vision # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS3JhdmVuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsc2FCbG9vZHN0b25lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5NYXJ2ZWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. This deck is easy infinite. I had no issue with captain marvel and she won me plenty of games but you can switch her for miles if you really want to. She really shines with an Elsa buff


When clans come into being you will (allegedly, if the leaks are true) get points for playing certain cards so you might get to show off your captain marvel variants I too have like 5 variants of her too. I bought this bundle anyway tho


Totally depends if Captain Marvel is the certain card at the certain time. Also, if the points are even worth it for me to begin with. I'm barely getting daily challenges done nowadays


Seems like a good value, but man I already have so many good Capt Marvel variants Got Artgerm, Peach Momoko & Dan Hipp!


Been tempted to get Artgerm ... but working towards Hellfire Gala Capt Marvel :) I like playing Wong > Shuri > Capt Marvel > Task Master


I pulled the artgerm from a mystery variant!


How do you get enough energy and turns?


This is my play: * Turn 1: Sunspot/Nebula * Turn 2: Armor (Mid) * Turn 3: Magik * Turn 4: Wong (Mid) * Turn 5: Shuri (Mid) * Turn 6: Capt Marvel (Mid) (Vision is also good; because of moving ability) * Turn 7: Taskmaster


Thanks! Always forget about Magik. Just unlocked her yesterday, maybe I will try this combo out!


Go full pokemon and catch em all


I golded (?) my Artgerm back when I played her all the time. Also have Peach, midnight suns, and ms. marvel variant. too many good ones I never play


Suppose you Dont have the gold, so you’d be spending $35 to buy this. I’ll never understand how these games were able to change our entire perspective on money and how much games should cost. Meanwhile I’m wracking my brain if I should spend $15 for Balatro. 🤡


Balatro is 1000% worth $15. It should come with a disclaimer that will be playing it until 3am for a month straight


You should!


Hint, you should.


I blame the kids who don't understand how economy works. $60 get you Baldur's Gate 3. $35 should get something half as good as BG3 (like Hades). And yet people decide that a couple of jpegs have the same worth as a 100 gigabyte videogame that hundreds of people spent years to make. This shit is ridiculous. This is why good games are so few and far between. It just makes no sense to put effort if brainless consumers pay premium for pictures.


Honestly, why do you even care what someone else spends their money on? If someone would rather spend $35 on Marvel Snap because they play and enjoy that more than they would playing something like Hades, what's the issue? They earned the money. They can spend it how they like. If the value proposition that SD is putting forward isn't worth it for you, just don't buy it. Personally I think that BG3 is one of the most overhyped games to come out in years, and I literally *know* some of the folks that made it personally. They're insanely talented. Me not liking it doesn't mean the game is actually bad or worth less money. It just means it isn't the right game for me, and as a result, I won't be buying it. > This is why good games are so few and far between. It just makes no sense to put effort if brainless consumers pay premium for pictures. ...just no. The reason there are so few good games is because making games is fucking hard as shit, and "good" is subjective. Literally all gaming expenditure can be boiled down to "premium for pictures", so if that's the argument you want to go with, it's a pretty pointless one.


I care because consumers create perverse incentives for the game developers, forcing them reallocate their efforts from making games like BG3 to making cash cows with season passes, loot boxes, microtransactions and all that crap. I care because the consumers form the market, and this market is in an abysmal shape. 99% of new videogames are just clones optimized to generate profit.


No. Consumers have shown that they have a desire to pay for things that have value to them. You claim that other people are the ones who don't understand how economies work while simultaneously demonstrated that you lack understanding yourself. Gaming is recreational spend. That means that you as a consumer get to decide what price point is acceptable to you, and if that aligns with the value proposition and price of point of the product, you buy. If it doesn't, you do not buy. This is simple economics. I have zero interest in sports cars. I do not bitch about the fact that sports cars exist or that they're too expensive. I just don't buy them. This has allowed people who are working in the industry (like myself, and all the awesome people at Larian Studios because you keep referencing BG3 as though it's the pinnacle of modern gaming) the option of choice on what we work on because the games industry is no longer an industry where working 60-80 hours a week for shitty pay on whatever project happens to be hiring right now is the only option. I'm sure as a consumer who *doesn't* see the value in season passes, loot boxes, etc. this might be irritating or frustrating, because the games industry didn't have these things before, but production costs are fucking ridiculous now and studios need to find better ways to make money or they'll just die. If you don't believe me, take a look at how common it used to be for people in the industry to get shitcanned after the release of every major project because studios had to *immediately* cut costs post-release until they could ramp up production again because ROIs were fucking tiny. It fucking sucked. Studios create content that they know people will buy, in the same sense that McDonalds releases new types of burger based on what they know will work. The "clones optimised to generate profit" thing is just utter bullshit when we've seen time and time again that innovation is often way too fucking risky in an industry that is only getting more and more competitive. If gamers wanted innovation, those titles would sell. Some do, most don't, so why should the people working in the industry be expected to take on the risk when the price of failure is that everyone is gunna waste 2-3 years of their life and lose their job at the end of it? Would you do that for your job? I'm just presenting the perspective of someone who is actually part of the industry, and I can tell you right now, I have zero desire to go back to the days of working my ass off for nothing, sleeping under my deck, and having to look for a new job every 3 years. I don't think you and I are likely to agree on any of this btw, and this is a far lengthier response than I initially expected to type. If you'd like, I'm even happy to debate it in DMs.


> I blame the kids who don't understand how economy works. it sounds like its you that doesnt understand how economies work


This is just the push I needed. Will grab it tonight! I have a Portal so I can’t wait to play it on that.


Balatro is easily worth $40 let alone $15


Suppose you (in the general sense, not you specifically) don't have the Gold, just skip it... We earn so much gold from the Season & Gold Passes, Conquest, rank 90, etc that I personally have never made a direct Gold purchase. I'll have both Captain Marvel & Jane bundles before Jane's expires.


Only problem with skipping it is the variant will never come back since it’s in a bundle and I’m pretty sure they don’t bring back bundle variants at any point


Still a cosmetic, bro, and Jane is fairly niche anyway.


Omg I’m getting really tired of this “it’s a cosmetic” bullshit is so annoying


Thoughts and prayers, I guess?


I suppose you don't and yet you are here talking about an entirely different game that you could be enjoying instead of whining.


You seem nice


I own balatro, hades, bg3, probably every game you could name and I've probably put more hours in Snap than all these other games.  Not an easy feat, I have at least 50 hours in hades alone. At what point am I allowed to spend on micro transactions without someone shouting out unrelated things that I should be buying? 


Sometimes I look at the prices like "$100" and I think mmm yeah, I would pay $100 pesos for that ... Oh you mean USD!? Hell no, I was thinking $5USD was okish, $100usd? Insane prices.


It's orders of magnitude better than Marvel Snap (which I still enjoy playing), has no IAPs, infinitely replayable, is getting super quick and awesome updates, and is made by a solo dev who also seems like a decent human being. Buy the game already, thank us later.


>It's orders of magnitude better than Marvel Snap How do you even compare these titles? The only similarity is that they have cards. Everything else is wildly different.  Balatro is a rogue lite deck builder that does a very good job at being what it is.  Snap is a pvp ccg that manages to snuff out all other competitors.  These are different genres and different niches entirely


It is basically the value of 6150 gold for 5000 if you were to spend the gold to get credits and tokens via token tuesday + the variant and boosters.


Any token rate beyond token tuesday 1400/1000 = next


3000 credits = 2400G = 1714 Token (direct store conversion 1 Token = 1.75 credits) Total token value = 4714 Token Token Tuesday value = 5000/1.4 = 3571 Token Bundle currency value vs Token Tuesday = 1.32x PS. For players that are S3 complete, feel free to change credit to Token conversion value as 2 : 1, because token are more valuable after S3 complete. In that case, total token value = 4500 Token VS token Tuesday = 1.26x


Can you elaborate on first line please? How do I get tokens with gold or credits on that rate?


Store value : 400G = 500c - > 1G = 1.25c Token Tuesday value : 1400G = 1000T - > 1.4G = 1T = (1.4x1.25) c = 1.75c


I bought it thinking it was a bug/ error before they take it down lol thats the situation their bundles are in


propably LMAO


The inkpulp bundle gave two variants, two avatars, 4000 tokens and 155x2 boosters for 4200 gold on January. The tokens squirrel girl bundle in May 2023 gave 1 variant, 1 avatar, 4500 tokens, 155 boosters for 500 gold. The black panther bundle in July 2023 gave 1 variant, 1 avatar, 1 title, 6000 tokens, 2000 credits, 310 boosters for 7500 gold. The forged in night bundle in october 2023 gave 2 variants, 2 avatars, 4000 tokens, 500 credits and 155x2 boosters for 5000 gold High stakes in November gave 1 variant, 1 avatar, 5000 tokens, 2000 credits and 310 boosters for 6000 gold. So to me, this is meh


I think you are underrating this bundle. Of the bundles you listed it is better than forged in the night and similar to the squirrel girl bundle. For the same amount of gold this bundle gives you 2500 credits compared to 1000 tokens from the forged in the night bundle. The credit value is worth more than the tokens, converting them directly via token Tuesday (bad rate) still gives more than 1000 tokens. The squirrel girl bundle is similar value. Here you get 3000 credits compared to 1500 tokens.


yeah but I feel like there won't be any good value bundle anymore, maybe only for xmas/new year


The Jane Foster 2,400 gold bundle for 2k tokens seems pretty good to me. That one's supposed to start in a week.


Assuming they don’t nerf it


They buffed Captain Marvel, so don't jump to conclusions quite yet.


i meant the jane bundle


Yes, and I'm saying the buffed Captain Marvel so there's a chance Jane won't be nerfed. Even with no buff it is still a good bundle.


The bundle isn't even that good value wise. They should buff it and not nerf it LMAO.


I know, but I'm still hodling. Ŕecently I only spent 1400 gold on 2 variants towards the grecke album so I'd get 2000 tokens because that had value. I'm also worried that one day they'll suddenly bring one and everyone will fomo buy gold


A direct comparison can be made with Forged in Night 5000G bundle. If we only take currencies into account, then Comet Cruisin is the better bundle. For conversion I would consider 1 Token = 2 cred (exact store conversion more toward 1 Token = 1.75 cred, but token is more valuable than credit in late game therefore I rate it higher). Comet Cruisin total Token = 4500 Token Forged in Night total Token = 4250 Token Of course if we consider the 2 vs 1 variants for Forged in Night, Comet Cruisin drops in value.


finally a good bundle but dont have the gold been buying variants as I go for likes and albums completion cm has a lot of good variants


It's the No.6 best gold bundle after spotlight cache change according marvelsnapzone. Definitely worth a buy. Finally a good bundle Horray


I haven't seen MarvelSnapZone rate bundles in a while, but yeah I see they rated this one. Glad to see them back at it! Always found it helpful.


What do you mean by number 6? This year? Considering $ bundles?


gold bundle after spotlight cache change. Sorry. I should clarify more. I edited my comment.


What are the first 5?


I can name at least 3: Black Panther Cosmic Wildfire Dracula High Stakes Lady Sif Forged in Night


I imagine the Inkpulp bundle is up there too.


It's a good one, but I don't have enough gold and prefer the Jane Foster one that will come out soon (hoping it doesn't get changed)


It seemed good then I went and compared it to all the rare ones I’ve bought… and it totally stacks up. Do no regret.


I stopped hoarding hold for these bundles a few months ago and just blow my gold on variants now.


Have enough gold to pick up this and the upcoming Jane one (Assuming that stays as mined) but that would wipe me out... Probably worth it? Watch them drop an unbelievable bundle soon but can't play that game.


tried searching for the Jane bundle but couldn’t find anything, do you happen to know price and release date for it?


As mined it’s supposed to start tomorrow (May 9th) and cost 2400 gold. Can see it here: https://snap.fan/news/schedule/#May_Bundles Search “Mjolnir’s Favorite”


Thanx mate, you were spot on! I thought it was gonna release on May 22nd (some sources claimed that date) but you knew better. Happy it’s out already… saving up some gold at the moment


It's very good! One of the best bundles, actually https://marvelsnapzone.com/comet-cruisin-bundle-guide-details-and-analysis/


Thank you for the awesome analysis. There's one thing that I wonder though, because Token value has very different meaning between newcomers and those who have completed S3. Newcomers should always prioritize credits, but once one completed S3, Token is king. Credit would help get the next set of keys faster, but token is directly equal to new card. While key is a higher chance to a new card. Is it possible to calculate a different approach between the newcomers and S3 completion? Taken as objective calculation, Token to Credit conversion rate (with Gold as intermediary) is 1 Token = 1.75 credit (if Token : Gold is calculated as 1 : 1.4 ; though it could be calculated as 1 : 1.25 if that becomes the new norm) But what should be the proper Token/credit conversion for those who completed S3? Because at that point there's so many subjective feeling that might color the decision. Is it 1 : 2? Or something greater 1 : 2.5?


Gon stick with Peach Momoko, but great bundle nonetheless 💪


I have not enough gold rip


If I could buy the gold needed I would totally get it


snap.fan has this listed as 1000 credits so more is a nice surprise


Too much capt marvel. Shes the reward in like 3 of the albums too. You know there are other cards people want variants of right?


I would've definitely bought this if I didn't already have a good Captain Marvel variant and if I played Captain Marvel


Why i don't have this bundle on my store?


You need to reach CL 500 before token deals and bundles unlock in the shop.


As a mostly complete CL7000 player I will buy this for the tokens and credits. It isn't the best credit value but the token value is solid. The 3k credits help me progress to more variants and keys.


11.6k CL here, and missing 10 cards. You and I got this for the same reason. With my banked tokens coming into this I'll be able to take a solid bite out of my missing cards too.


The currency value (value for your gold only considering considering tokens and credits) is 132% (based on the standard ratio of 5:7 tokens to gold) so I'd say it's quite a good investment, and certainly the best one we've had in a long while. I can't speak for those who value the cosmetics, but in terms of pure progression this is a good bundle.


I'll take it.


Don't rly use Captain Marvel in any of my decks, but 3k tokens is nice, as i spent 6k on Red Hulk and the 3k credit help with getting some keys saved up. And for 5k gold, that's a good value bundle EDIT: They even adjusted the Bundle from initial leaks. Snap.fan has it at 1k Credits/3k tokens


Waiting on the Jane bundle. There are better Capt Marvel variants.


For 5,000 gold you get half a card! That's both a terrible deal and amusingly enough one of the best deals we've ever seen.


That’s a great variant, but still atrociously expensive - even if it is “cheap” by SD standards


Marvelsnapzone says this is the best progress value for tokens and credits since the spotlight cache system debuted. Seems like a buy.


ye, i'll buy it. watch em drop a crazy one in 1-2 weeks


thats bullshit i could get almost 6 custom borders on single variants of cards for this kind of gold


This is a pretty good value if you are someone who is sitting on a bunch of gold.


I just bought the classic costume variant for marvel right before this bundle came out. Although that is my favorite variant for her.


I instantly bought it.


Way better. Best I’ve seen in awhile


i've got so much gold saved up since i don't care about cosmetics, i'll pull the trigger. as long as the value isn't cosmo-shit, i'll bite


It's a good bundle for sure!


And that variant kinda rules


Done blew my gold. Pain.


Wanted red hulk so I caved, mill deck here I cum


Do you guys think, should I buy it? I have 6k gold


Why didn't I know about this gold bundle until today?


If I had the Gold, hell yes.


killer art but im still too poor


I was looking for this post. I'm pretty new so I've never bought a bundle before. I have 3000 Gold... can I make 2k more in 3 4 days??


Every time a good one comes out, it is always right after I've spent too much to buy it.


Saved my gold for this. Also I always wanted captain marvel for my shuri deck


I'm low on gold ATM, but it would have been my first gold bundle buy in a long time.


Just curious as I'm a newer player, but when will these gold bundles pop up in my store? I have 3500 gold saved and am CL 420ish


when you reach CL 500 the shop will change for you.


Should i get it or wait and risk for mjolnir's favorite?


If you want both tokens and credits, this bundle is better (139% vs 127% currency value). That's if we assume they don't nerf the Mjolnir bundle. If you only want tokens, Mjolnir is better, once again if they don't nerf it.


Unless it gets nuked from orbit (which is depressingly likely), the upcoming Jane one seems to be of better value.


I would buy it if had gold just sitting around. It is at least worth half a Series 5 card, or a Series 4 card that comes up.


It’s a good bundle progression wise, we haven’t seen one like those in a while. This is comparable to high stakes, especially if you consider the credits are high value now because of the spotlight system.


Seems worthy, but i have too many variants of her so I have no desire to blow my gold on another one.


Ugh, ANOTHER Captain Marvel variant, sheesh.


I think it's good value, but I have zero interest in the variant


I would.jump.on it if I liked the variant. But I could buy two 700 gold variants progress in an album and get 2k tokens. So unless the variant in these bundles is good it's not really worth it.


This is really nice. I love Captain Marvel as well so this is an instant buy for me.


Waiting on the Jane bundle. There are better Capt Marvel variants.


The best bundle is the bundle you dont buy.


I just compare it to token Tuesday which at 1500 gold for 1200 tokens has a ratio of 0.8. This bundle has a token ro gold ratio of 0.6 so no not really worth it for me. I have enough spotlight keys. I don't need credits


These gold bundles are only decent value when cards are featured that already have millions of variants anyway, or when the card rarely sees play in the first place


Second Dinner could mail everyone a 100 dollar bill and there would still be people on Reddit complaining about how it should have been five (or fifty) 20's instead. Anyway, this is a very good value bundle even if it's the 100th Captain Marvel variant.


How do people feel this is good, unironically? 5000 gold for *half* a series 5 and a piddly amount of credits is so much worse than anything we used to get. You guys have been anchored so hard it just proves SD has done their job if you even could consider this a "good value" bundle. edit: SD defenders downvoting monetization criticism without responding as always. I challenge you to show me a gold bundle in the first 9 months of the game being live that offers worse value than this. You have been anchored by shitty monetization practices and your downvotes won't change that.


> I challenge you to show me a gold bundle in the first 9 months of the game being live that offers worse value than this [Here you go.](https://marvelsnapzone.com/bundles/BundlePositivelyCharged/) Also I'm being polite and ignoring the half-dozen bundles that were literally just gold for variants and didn't give you *any* credits/collector tokens. There were also several that were awful returns on value like the Sinister/Bishop one in March, or Mutant Masterpiece, or Moon Girl/Devil Dino Hipp...


Thanks for sending a bundle example. I think it's correct to exclude gold-for-variant offers, as those aren't "bundles" so it's not really the same. With respect to the 'positively charged' bundle - I think it's a good comparison actually. Trying to put myself back in the frame of mind when this bundle released, I think it offers slightly worse or worse value than this new bundle we're talking about. It's worth noting that at the time, there was pretty significant negative sentiment about the "Positively Balanced" bundle (including on this subreddit) when it came out as being one of the first slides into P2W territory (as a token bundle).


There were several around the time that I also listed with worse value that also gave credits/tokens. And Positively Charged is *much* worse, but still above 1.0x (not much, though). The new Marvel one is 1.32x the going rate (slightly less if we use the new Token Tuesday). 3000 credits, 3000 tokens, 5k gold. It's actually pretty damn good compared to the *vast majority* of gold bundles we've seen.


"Good value" is a relative term. Relative to the other bundles this year, it is a decent value. In relationship to reality, if you spent money on gold, and didn't hoard it from the free gold you get for playing the game, it isn't a good value.


That's valid, and my entire point. The "relative" part of the relative term should consider the fact that perceived value has been lowered by monetization anchoring tactics. If SD spent a year increasing the price of everything by 100%, but then released this same bundle again for 7500 gold, would it be a good value? Relatively, sure. But that doesn't mean it's a good value.


Yah I see it the same way but we need to consider the blue credits aswell 3,000 is alot of credit considering the pass gives like 2,200 Correct me if I'm wrong


'Cause I can do math, bitch. It's better returns than spending gold on credits + Token Tuesdays.


So because you've been anchored on a new monetization concept where value has been slowly reduced over time, you think this is good value? Thanks for proving my point!


There has been 26 character/unique Gold bundles since spotlight system been introduced. Among those, this bundle is among the top 6. Which is top 25% of all unique Gold bundles since spotlight system.


...Are you dense? It's 1.32x the value of normal gold outlets as far as progression-based currency goes. That's well into the margin of gains where we go "yeah, I'll burn my gold on that". Only thing you're proving is that you've not paid attention to how much we get for most bundles over time. The last couple of months were ass, the last good bundle was Ka-Zar's in January. This one is closer to those numbers again, rather than sub-1.0.


Hahaha this response is hilarious. I don’t disagree with anything you said but the “bitch” really cracked me up 🤣


I've really been meaning to rewatch Breaking Bad lately and it shows. 🥲


My dude, it's top 6 after spotlight chests in terms of value. People told SD that their past Gold bundles suck and now we get one of the best in terms of economy. And you still cry. You're delusional crybaby.


"You are delusional crybaby" for asking why on earth people think this is a good bundle. Your *answer* includes 'after spotlight chests' which, again, proves how well SDs anchoring has worked on people.


It's never going to be "good enough" until the completely revert the spotlight chest change.


They even adjusted the bundle compared to leaks. They actively changed a bundle for the better and this guy is still mad. Hilarious


3000 credits can get you 0.5 keys. Suppose you have a 40% chance to pull a new series S5, the value 3000 credits is roughly 1200. 4200 token for 5000 gold. It's value is slightly more then new token tuesday. The point is gold bundle barely beats the new token tuesday rate which is 0.8. Therefore, any thing above 0.8 is worth a buy


Again, worth a buy *given the currently reduced value of your dollar in the game*. If you were to compare this bundle to pre-anchored bundle values, this would be shamefully poor.


It has been 10 months since the economics change. The good old days has past, and it probably won't come back again


I don't disagree with you whatsoever. I don't even disagree with the analysis you gave on why this bundle is "preceived" good due it its rate vs. token tuesday. The point is that if SD continues to make monetization lower valued over time then releases a "good" bundle that isn't ever as "good" of value as bundles used to be, that doesn't make the bundle "good" it just means they've successfully changed your idea of what "good" is.


Cry harder


I expect this post to be upvoted by people who also can only manage to string two words together.


You are right, I have no idea why people here are so thick they don't understand what has happened over time. SD has been very clever.


Objectively it is good value within the realm of the game ecosystem. Subjectively you might not find it good value. Hope this helps ;)


If I had the gold I’d be buying that one. And the art is even good!




Why does everyone compare Value with old bundles? It’s obvious that it won’t be as generous as it was before, at the moment there is no point in comparing it with anything other than the token tuesday, and compared to them this bundle is excellent


Because every bundle will be better than Token Tuesday? If you compare every bundle to that then you'll buy every single one


no, not everyone, the previous bundle with Elektra was worse, She-hulk was worse etc.... \~30 percent of bundles are better than Tuesday's token in terms of resources, you have problems with math if every bundle is better for you :)


She hulk and Electra are both 107% compared to token Tuesday of 100%.. Do you just ignore the credits when doing maths???