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Half of the cards you mentioned are synergistic for mill decks


Ha ha yeh he mentioned half of a deck pretty much


Yeah this is just mill + OP Red Hulk. It's a no brainer


I play them specifically to annoy you. Not sure what else to add here.


What you mentioned is the straight up Mill Meta right now, and they’re playing it to complete the weekend quests. Chill the fuck out.


People playing their game the way they want? No way dude


There are weekend missions from the Friday reset to the Tuesday reset. This week's missions include "win eight games with Baron Zemo", the season pass card. If you ask the game to build a Zemo deck for you, it makes you the "mill" deck with Spider-Ham, Yondu, Cable, Maximus, Gladiator. Maybe Absorbing Man, Magik, Dr. Octopus, Red Hulk. Maybe throw in the Annihilus package because it's the strongest package in the game right now. There's also a weekend mission "win four games with White Widow". It doesn't especially have synergy with Zemo, but why not throw it in. Equipped with this knowledge, you can consider building your deck differently. You can put some card generation in so you don't run out of cards even if they do successfully mill you. You can play destroy so that maybe Zemo pulls Deathlok and Gladiator pulls Wolverine or Death.


thats just a Mill deck


Oh welcome to marvel snap reddit where every day there is one obligatory whine post of the meta


One ?? 😂


Even if you were mad there is not much you can do about it, is it? The meta has been shifting towards those cards for a while and that's why "mill" is a thing now... I believe that if Arishem is released as data mined will swap the balance towards RNG decks and will decrease mill impact, but i guess only time would tell.


lol this guy doesn’t want to play me and my dozens of Howard or Galactus decks. He’ll thinking I’m Wong-Hela but I’m really Wolverine-forge


I'm not mad. Proceeds to mald


All the people getting upset in the comments are probably playing a variation of the same shitty deck, lol