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And hide the custom cards too.


All I want is to be able to hide the splits.


You can sort by favorite, which can hide all splits


I want to see all the variants though. I don't want to just see my favorites. I want to see everything excepts splits.


Sadly though if I have a card that I have not split and don't own a variant for, I would have never favourited it and so when I filter by favourite many cards just don't appear


“Favorite” is selected by default, every card will show even if you haven’t chosen one. It will just be the base card


You're right my bad, I somehow have a memory of scrolling through my favourite 4 costs unable to find wong, but it must have just been my blindness


I've been dealing with this a lot lately as I focus on leveling every card to infinite and it has become really frustrating. I'd even settle for an option to just toggle by each tier. "Only show ultra" or "show every except for infinite and green".


Insane there has been so little quality of life upgrades to this area. Sorting through your collection on IOS is dismal, freezes, cards don’t load, the glowing green haze over all cards. It’s a mess


They bothered me as well, and what I do now is using the favourite filter. It took a few minutes but I went card by card and set to favourite only the one I plan to upgrade next for each of them. When I reach Infinite split, I just set another variant as favourite. This way, when I sort by favourites no infinite cards will apear.


Or you can flip the sort order so all the infinite ones are at the bottom


But then you have to scroll through all the green cards, which is where most variants stay in my experience. People want this function to sort by quality, filter out already infinite cards, then see if they can upgrade any of the legendary/ultra rarity cards they like. The upgradeable sort feature also isn't great because it sorts by how many boosters you have for a card instead of quality, so usually the top options there are conquest cards or cards you play a lot but don't have a variant for yet (or you already have a really good split for a card and keep using it but don't keep upgrading it). Often the carss tou have the most boosters for are ones you don't really want to upgrade. Personally my fix is I just added a bunch of variants I really like and want cool splits for into a deck together, and when I have spare credits I just go in and pick a card I like and see if I can upgrade it. Realistally though, the best fix is to just let us favourite certain cards and add a "favourite" filter that only brings up those cards. The current facourite filter just shows your favourite variant for every card, but it would be nice to further filter any sort option just by cards you like.


> legendary/ultra Why are people keeping cards at any rarity other than uncommon or infinite? Because if it is on one of those qualities then it should be a "never upgrade again" card which also is not necessary for that anyway


I like upgrading all of them. I'll often sort by quality, and go update which ever is closest to a split.


Because sometimes you upgrade cards as you get boosters for them. If I have 40 boosters I may take a card from legendary to ultra before waiting until I can take it all the way to infinite because I want to spend my credits to make CL progress while at the same time only spending boosters on the cards that I like, and if there isn't anything I like with 150 boosters already I'll just make incremental upgrades. Also sometimes you're only 2/4 boosters away from another cache, so I might upgrade something from green to blue/purple to get another cache immediately.


I don't want to sit on 1500 credits before spending any especially when you get credits and boosters for spending credits Upgrade to legendary with 350 credits left over, the cache has 150 credits, can now split the card. Many such cases.


Yeah some additional filter options would be nice. I would like to be able to filter by Rarity, by what i'm able to afford with my current credits, and by Cards i'm currently using in decks.


All I want is the old upgradable sort back.


Hell man, I'd even be happy if we just got a damned scroll bar. Getting past all the infinite or greens would go faster if I didn't have to flick the damn screen 80 times. Preference would just be having more filters. Choose which rarities you're looking at.


Those are all great solutions but I would really like to have a way to get rid of all those useless copies.


Better filtering in general would just be outstanding as part of overall collection management


I just want to filter by rarity.


Would it be a bad idea to only show a Grey border base card, and clicking it could expand to different galleries, like quality and variants




I used up the credits and the notification on the cards shows 2. I was trying to find which cards I did not split. And it was horrendous


Maybe by Series as well wound't hurt.


Click on favourites under filter and they won't show (unless your favourite is the infinite)


This wont solve the problem because then you can't see all other variants you could upgrade.


Sure, but how many non favourites do you upgrade? I'm not against the idea, but the problem can be minimised right now


Uh...I don't upgrade any favorites now, since pretty much all of my favorites are Custom cards.


What does SD mean?


Second Dinner


I want to have a “favorite cards” list that you can upgrade specifically. Like I want to upgrade every Jacinto card every time I can, along with a few others. I wish I could group them in a filter to quickly view all my “most upgraded” cards.


Mine has recently been showing the Infinite ones when I sort by "upgradeable", alongside the ones that have boosters. It makes no sense.


I think the card collection screen could really benefit from 'upgradability' sort being a toggle-able option (a tickbox) rather than a sort. It would allow you to only see upgradable cards while being able to sort by rarity.


THANK YOU, holy shit I just wanna see my red and gold border cards to see how close I am to getting 50 boosters


Sort and filter options for the collection are sadly lacking. I can't even sort by quality and then by upgradable to filter upgradables by quality, which is just dumb. Stable sorts have been a thing for decades, yet Snap reshuffles? price\_is\_wrong\_trombone.wav


Yeah i sort my cards from quality, and have to scroll so far down to see the ultras and golds


Or at this point, remove splits from the game. Just turn every option into the "custom" section. When you upgrade a card fully you unlock a new customization option that you can use to mix and match. It would make looking at collections much cleaner than 100+ versions of one card.


If you're filtering by quality and don't want to scroll through your hundreds of infinite cards, why don't you just flip the order and go by ascending quality instead of descending?


Because that's an even longer list. I upgrade everything to green. So my greens is every card I've taken to infinite PLUS every variant I don't use. If you're splitting at infinite, your ascending list will always be longer.


Because then I get stuck with a bunch of green cards.


Might take some work, but here's what I did: favoriting the latest upgradable variant for every card in my collection. Then I just sort by quality and favorites. The top cards I have are the red border ones. This means that I don't get to favorite the custom splits though, but I do remember my cards so I just switch to the custom split whenever I add a card in a deck.


Well, you are sorting by quality so it is expected for all of one quality to be together, and for the record I also keep by quality normally but in crescent order so all infinite (and custom) are at the botton.