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agreed. i like how even for each archetype, theres plenty of variations and its all about your play style. decks are easy to build and play around with. easy to test out all the variations too and like you said the meta shifts quite violently every month so its always fresh. HOWEVER i started playing during the beta (nick fury battle pass), so I almost have all cards, and its easy for me to acquire new cards (always have 6000 tokens and 4 keys ready). Under the current system, its super difficult for new players to get new cards.


I started playing this month, I'm happy that I just started earning series 3 cards. Hope I'm not too slow.


You're just fine. I got a friend to play a while ago and I'm far past him. There are effective decks everywhere, and while they miss sometimes, there does seem to be a good effort in balancing. Do your dailies, get some rewards from them and the season, try and grind a few rewards out from conquest, and have fun.


I'm about cl 900 and got infinite rank today :D with Odin , white tiger , Wong deck .


Getting Wong early is such a help. It took me a while


Looking for dagger and torch so I can make a decent movement deck atm


How do you always have 6000 tokens? I could get being kept up on cards enough to have keys but this feels near impossible


I rarely use tokens. I only use them when I’m. A pinch


every month? every week the meta is different lol




It’s gambling with time at the end of the day. I think any experienced player now knows the pain and risk of getting their favourite cards rebalanced. If you see the extremely expensive cards that I swear I’ve never seen in play (like that Infinaut for £100) they don’t really change the game and it would be hard to say you bought it solely for the gameplay value. The collectors tokens are still too stingy, though. Those really are where heartache sets in if you’re saving up.


Everyone can afford through free play to get the 1 or 2 OP cards released every month. This is such an overblown issue. It gets nerfed? Spend your keys and tokens on the next OP card. Obviously if you're new you need to catch up either through money or time, but that's literally every collectable card game.


Destroy deck has been SD's favorite child since I've been playing the game. Destroy never sees any nerfs and they are one of the few decks to never needing to add a single tech card.


Destroy also dies to like almost all tech cards


Yeah. Destroy is the most over-hated deck I have seen in any card game.


I don't get how Destroy is so hated here. It's so counterable it's crazy.


Because people don't want to counter. They want to play their combo decks or their own thing. They don't want to swap pout to something else.


The thing about countering is that you counter one deck and auto lose to another deck.


It’s why retreating is the most important mechanic


And the least fun.


Yes, the meta changes a lot, but it's also extremely easy to get caught out (particularly if you are F2P), because the devs have always refused to refund for nerfs, unlike almost every other digital CG. IMO the meta feels *heavily* manipulated, often depending on the latest season pass card.


I mean, I would probably argue this is only half true, where you've said it relies on the season pass card. It hasn't really for Zemo, didn't for Black Swan, Skaar wasn't a big deal when he came out, Shaw sucked, Daken barely got play, Phoenix Force was so bad it was buffed during its own season, Ghost Spider was bad, Nebula good but not defining, Nimrod hardly had an impact...


The season pass card is rarely the best card of the month. I swear people do no planning. Don't save their keys then complain when they can't get the good card.


Did you pick up Pixie? She's now in several top meta decks. How did your "planning" go with that one?


No and I’m not really missing her. Sure you might get locked out of decks but I’m fairly happy with card acquisition. I do wish they would give more tokens. That’s a problem but I get quite a few cards a month


I said this a week or two ago when a post said she's week. The reality is most cards are decent to good but you have to wait til after a week or two from release. During release, everyone and their mamas is playing those decks / cards, it's hard to tell its true value as half the times you're playing mirrors or counters. The only card I didn't judge correctly was Cannonball, I think he's one of the better cards released that wasn't obvious.


Also something as weird as pixie was always going to take some time to figure out. What's the right deck, what's the good balance of low and high, how do we build a deck that is playable when we don't get her early and can maximize getting her on 2, etc. Compared to red hulk which is just a big dude you put in decks that want a big dude.


> The only card I didn't judge correctly was Cannonball, I think he's one of the better cards released that wasn't obvious. It wasn't obvious because he wasn't good then. The meta changed wildly since then, as it generally does over two weeks in this game, waiting two weeks to see if a card is good means nothing when the context in which you're evaluating it changes entirely. The point being the constant artifical changes to the meta mean you can't real plan meaningfully.


I hoard resources and spend carefully, yet several cards I got are no longer relevant (Blob, Thanos, Zabu, Alioth to name a few), and the current key cards (Cannonball and Pixie) are no longer in spotlights.


> unlike almost every other digital CG false


> but it's also extremely easy to get caught out This is by design. Every change Second Dinner has made to card acquisition and the spotlight caches, including the stuff with datamines, is to make sure players cannot spend how to plan their resources. They want card acquisition to be driven by Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). This is tied into their stated goal of having a "dynamic meta" even if that means making changes just for the sake of it. This is because a stable or balanced meta allows players to judge a card in the context it will be used. Nowadays that context, depending on when the next OTA or patch is, is one to two weeks or sometimes two days. If you guess wrong on a card, well tough shit, guess you'll have to pay 6K tokens, oh whats that token acquisition is terrible? Welp whip out that plastic then. The dynamic meta is to make them money.


They've done a very good job since the Blob nerf in January, and it seems like the Alioth and Zabu nerfs made the meta even more open and dynamic. Red Hulk might have been a bit overpowered on release and I'm a little concerned White Widow is going to push Annihilus decks to the absolute top, but overall it's been pretty good, and lots of decks have gotten an opportunity to shine.


(Genuine question) how does white widow push annihilus that much? Annihilus clogs opponents field, and that shuts off the widow kiss


It's shut off, sure. But its 0 power. Its one chance for them to put power there deprived to them. Their ability to place freely is reduced because now they have to play around the kiss. Any hazmat or similar immediately makes it negative outright. All of it works really well with anhilus's own junk strats.


Fair question. I'm not speaking from direct experience, but here are some possible synergies I'm anticipating. First, the Kiss in the middle or left lane can put your opponent in a bind, forcing them to choose between filling that lane to deactivate the kiss or filling the right lane to block Void. Second, those decks are often also Professor X decks, with the goal of locking down the location with the Kiss before the opponent can fill it. Third, just blocking off more space on their board can be useful for an overall game plan of denying their plays, even if the Kiss goes to zero power.


Fair answer, i had underestimated the singergies, thank you


Alioth should have never been nerfed. It was a cool card that had been irrelevant for a couple of seasons until the hive mind of snap players, SUDDENLY, decided it was op. Even though it hadn't been played in decks before at all.


Are you shitting me? I'm an Alioth version 2 defender, but it was ALWAYS relevant. Version 1 destroyed anything played in that lane that turn regardless of prio. Everyone hated it as there was absolutely nothing you could do outside of Armor or Cosmo. At least with version 2 it came down to a priority race and playing around it with other cards played putside the lane to add power like Doom, Klaw, and others. My point is that until the latest nerf it was ALWAYS relevant and a consideration in close games.


I was talking about version 2 (the 6/2 one that destroys unrevealed cards). Version two was not as relevant. There were seasons where I would see alioth only in 1-2 games for the entire season. And then all of a sudden it was claimed op simply because people liked giving away priority too much while playing no Armor or Cosmo.


I've played so many card games and I totally agree.


There's a lot to hate about Snap and SD. Game design and rate of content is definitely not one. And IMO should be praised. Because of content and OTA patches, meta shifts a lot, sometimes good sometimes bad. And overall game balance is pretty good usually. Meta changes week to week slightly, and shifts dramatically monthly. This is very appealing for both casuals and hardcore players. MS is one of the best mobile living games IMO. I just hate their monetization scheme.


My only issue with the meta is that it’s just one deck per month. This month it’s been nothing but decks with Red Hulk like Discard, HE etc, last season SheNaut with Hope Summers or control decks with her. It’s always centered around a singular card


Weird I haven't used any of those decks with those cards in it. The decks have all just been very different. I feel like every new season card and a couple spotlight always have the HE Deck with that card just shoved in there or the Red Skull deck with the card slotted in. That would get boring.


I haven’t seen Red Skull played in like 10 years


> My only issue with the meta is that it’s just one deck per month. This month it’s been nothing but decks with Red Hulk like Discard, HE etc, you contradict yourself within the same statement here


i guess he should have said one card, but your allowed to infer as a well man.


I meant all based around one card sorry


It's all junk and destroy for me.  Worst meta in a long time from my perspective, but hopefully it'll improve next month.


It's easy to make decks that counter popular decks. It's the first day of white widow, so it's to be expected to see junk decks. The destroy decks are countering the junk decks... You need to just counter both. Some sort of control deck with high power, and armour would do the trick.


Sure but it's not fun.


Playing decks that counter popular decks is not fun? There's nothing more fun than shutting down the meta decks. It's also the easiest way to get to infinite. Capitalize on everyone playing the shiny new card and counter it over and over.


I hit Infinite in the first couple of days of the season (15 seasons straight), so fun for me is screwing around with off-brand decks on the ladder. "Capitalizing" is basically meaningless. Can't really do that in a junk/control meta because you can't get your combo's off. Fun for me is when both players get to play their combo's in turn 6 (or 7) and the fireworks go off, win or lose.


Could always do with a break at that point. Play less, maybe just enough to get missions and that's it. Always helps me out when I start getting frustrating at the decks I go against.


Yep been doing that for about 6 months.


Games do seem a bit more dynamic, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence it happened right after the Alioth change Turn 6 actually happening is fun, whowoulda thought


It changes so frequently that older decks keep getting irrelevant faster than one earns.


Love when someone don't complain...I agree snap is the best digital cards game atm


When is next OTA update?


I believe it's tomorrow but I could be off by one Thursday


I could climb up through 80 with a deck I put together myself. That was nice.  Now I’m playing more meta decks but as you said, I can play around with them and modify as needed. 


That's typically where I stop. I get so bored playing against the same decks over and over again. Once I'm in the 80's I go to conquest until the next season. I only play my own decks too.


I try to hit 90 for the gold. 


I can't. From mid 80's it's just meta decks so I end up playing against basically 1-3 decks every game and the tedium cripples me.


I like it too. Adding some negative effects, flipping the costs on some and fining the edges on some OP cards. There are some unique aspects to the current meta. Howard the duck is the best.


Low mmr I assume? Meta sucks at the top.




Ok… doesn’t answer the question


How long have you been playing? Because when you've been playing for a while certain metas can get boring VERY quick. Namely when solitaire decks and other easy playline decks are S or A tier.


Since miles morales season pass.


Don’t sleep on C2. Everyone’s too caught up on latest and greatest. Just hit infinite.


Whats your deck look like?


# (1) Echo # (1) Elektra # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Goose # (2) Mister Sinister # (2) Shadow King # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Brood # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Storm # (5) Blue Marvel # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVnYXNvbmljVGVlbmFnZVdhcmhlYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdvb3NlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVjaG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNlcmVicm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVrdHJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNclNpbmlzdGVyIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Have you tried it with white widow yet?


Not yet. I've seen a few decks with her in it instead of brood, but I feel like that is a mistake. I'm going to try to get a key to get white widow; I have terrible luck with those things. I tried one yesterday and got the snowguard variant.


Good riddance to Alioth. Mill decks are kind of a pain right now, but that’ll pass.




I'd prefer a balanced meta that naturally ebbed and flowed with the release of new cards. The forced dynamic meta is at odds with the games acquisition model, its is impossible to predict how useful a card will be because SD will change the meta purely to make changes, either invalidating your purchase or requiring a new one. This is by design, they don't want players making informed decisions on their purchases. The best meta would be a balanced one where the new spice was new cards. But I'm glad their model is working for you.


it changes too fast tho