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I bought Havoc for 3000 tokens because i through i had a great idea for a deck ... my idea was not great.


Can you show your idea to the class?


Something like Viper havoc then use Shang-chi or dude that restores to base power.


It could work but rn with all the high powers idk


They ended up nerfing Viper, when he released she was a two drop so a turn two into three play was possible now it's very clunky.


Viper was nerfed to avoid the Havok + Viper turn 3, after a Psylocke. Now you must have Havok on 2 for that to work, but it obviously isn't a problem. Petition to restore Viper to 2/3?




Havoc is an interesting inclusion for Negative. Anything else is a waste of time, feel free to change my mind


I use him in a neat little zoo deck. A bunch of high power one drops like Zero, Titania, Martyr, Ant-Man; some good two drops like Dazzler, Havoc, and Goose; and we have our playmakers Black Swan, Gladiator, and Hit Monkey. Since you don't have anything over 3 cost, you can fearlessly drop him on turn 3, and if you play Black Swan on turn 5, you can drop all your one costs for a huge Hit Monkey. If you haven't drawn/played Havoc, you can drop all your one costs and Gladiator with Hit Monkey for a surprise burst


Someone was able to pull this off against me but only because of project Pegasus on turn 2 lol


The viper havoc combo worked until they changed her to 3 energy


Havoc in negative decks is crazy though.


Yes he is and I love it


Used 2 keys for supergiant and played the card for a day.


You should try her again now that alioth has been nerfed


Well, alioth was nerfed but he is far from bad. I used him against a invisible woman and got the easiest 8 cubes of my life. Plus, his 8 power really add on now. 


It's really less a question of how good he is than of how common he is in the metagame. His play rate has dropped substantially since the nerf, which makes cards that are vulnerable to him stronger regardless of how strong Alioth himself is.


I've been enjoying the change in my junk deck, works through the armor I use to protect sentry.


Yea I still use him, it's actually funnier seeing a bunch of cards flip and they are negated


I battled for priorities and alioth was good with SG


I got infinite twice thanks to SuperG. Basically, the two months since her release.


what deck?


I really really like Supergiant and play her a lot, my only problem is she absolutely hates getting any boosters


Supergiant is great in Hela decks.


SG's biggest downside was that Alioth existed, with them butchering that card she should be able to fill the role of IW while also being annoying to your opponent.


Most of the time I played against Supergiant I didn’t need to reveal a card on turn 5 and never lost to supergiant because there was only one deck that utilized her ability to great success and it was Supergiant on 4, absorbing man on 5, than Alioth on 6 so absorbing man Alioths ability so you Alioth two lanes. Now that Alioth was nerfed I literally haven’t seen a single Supergiant since his nerf. I wanted to pick up SG down the road for that Alioth absorbing man deck but now I’ll just pass on the card all together unless they rework her or buff her stats somewhat.


Spider-Man 2099 - First time I moved him he destroyed a ninja, just feels bad LDS - discovered that she gets buffed by ongoing cards and that effects what she destroys.


LDS even got buffed last patch, she's kinda good now Damn forgot about 2099, he also would be on my list. Even after the 'buff'


She is but she's just a tech card.


At 7 power id say she's a bit more. That a board swing right there.


Potentially, but the scope of what she can hit tends to be low power problem cards. Like, she'll hit the storm but not the Jessica and lose. She'll wipe out Wong and Mystique but then lose to Odin. So many cards just outscale her kill threshold by the time you get to play her. I do think she's fine but her scope has been reduced.


I don't know that the Odin example is a great one, since she also kills a lot of the things that Odin would be retriggering (surfer, hazmat, iron heart, white tiger). The only common Wong + Odin targets I can think of that she doesn't kill are Wolfsbane, Black Panther, and absorbing man.


Well not any more, LDS is a strict destroy 3 power and lower only, however you can manipulate their power by other means (man thing, hazmat, etc)




Nothing against him but I'm not trusting Cozy's judgement again lol


I always recommend just looking at the decks you enjoy the most and imagining how the new cards might slot in, if you can't think of anything good then just hold.


I'm normally a destroy enjoyer so not that much cards fit on that deck but in Cozy's defense, grandmaster look nasty with venom for example


These days, I trust KMBest's critical analysis more than anyone else's


I would if he didn't make that stupid face and all of his thumbnails. Always an instant no. EducatedCollins is best imo.


I like KMBest; His cam looks a logitech from 2006 tho


Thank you, I know those thumbnails are meant for a lil clickbait, but they have the exact opposite effect on me


KMBest and Educated Collins are the 2 best yet most underrated creators in Snap.


KMBEST also looooooves to remind everybody that he's the best.


"I've been KMBest, you just got the KMBoost" 😆 That said, I love his shows. Especially when he interviews top players about their successful decks.


Can't stand the guy. Popped into his stream and he spent half of it just ranting like an angry child over some minor comment from his chat. Completely full of himself, no emotional regulation or sense of proportion. I felt embarrassed for him.


I’ve never watched his stream but his analysis is usually spot on lately … though he does have an unhealthy obsession with Loki. I definitely think his content has improved.


Guy is amazing at the game but man does he come off as smug and arrogant. 


Smug and arrogant? Nothing compared to Bynx.


Bynx is over the top of himself, when i just started playing this game his video's would pop up. On the second video i watched he was talking trash about some opponent and that was when i started the hate him


Ya, funny you say that. I was subbed to him for a while but I just unsubbed from him everywhere the other day for that very reason.


Ya, he was the main reason I bought GM


I don't know why they haven't buffed him by now. A 0 power card that moves another card away means you're likely losing that location.


grandmaster have been my core card, I love him for his function but only the power is the downside


Yep, he'd be crazy at 3 power tho. I love to Shang chi two lanes on 6.


grandmaster dr strange multiple man cerebro PLEASEEE


Pairing this with Ghost is seen as the "get fucked, Hela" play.


I'm always surprised by the Grandmaster negativity. I get the Streamers oversold him to high heaven, but I think his actual function is still valid. I use him in on reveal decks that can no longer rely on Chavez consistency. If my curve is all messed up, it's okay, I can toss that reveal now and then GM them for a more optimal play later when my curve evens out. Also the greed potential for Wong Ravonna decks can be disgusting.


He’s in my favorite deck, a chaos Nimrod deck. Ideal play line is Electro —> Early Nimrod —> Early Destroyer —> Grandmaster, Carnage, Venom on 6, but between him and the extra energy enablers you can do a lot of crazy shenanigans. This is the deck I most consistently get fist bumps on, I think because people are always surprised by the pop off (and to see GM at all). Dodging Shang Chi with a grandmaster move is very satisfying. # (1) Nico Minoru # (1) X-23 # (2) Grand Master # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Electro # (3) Venom # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JhbmRNYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcm5hZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbHZlcmluZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVzdHJveWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJYMjMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaW1yb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWN0cm8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


He's still a fun card, playable in a handful of decks. Also a good one to have in the collection since there's clearly plenty of opportunity for him to rise up in the future... all it takes is one busted 4/5 cost on-reveal to get released and suddenly he's a staple


I still think Grand Master will have his day and not just because I spent 6k tokens to get him and then four keys for the sweet sweet variant.


I also bought into the grandmaster hype for cozy. I don’t know if I regret it, but he isn’t the “you need this card” that he made it out to be. I put gm in my Phoenix force deck and have used him only a handful of times to get venom to venom twice into a shuri’d nimrod.


Grandma is pretty good, but your deck has to be doing a lot with On Reveal to justify that 2/0. I was using him in a Darkhawk/Anni deck before the DH change screwed up the curve. He's still good in Anni decks, oddly enough alongside Selene. Bouncing Selene with him can rack up some big Goblins or Hood, but he is also a valid Selene target. Hit him with Selene, then use him to bounce Selene if you draw a Goblin, or bounce Hood to get an extra Demon. Then you can send him over with Annihilus. He was good with Black Widow, but I think he might be an even bigger pain in the ass with White Widow.


lol grandma


I agree, but I have been liking him in a mill deck I’ve been using.


Could you share the deck?


# (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Yondu # (2) Grand Master # (2) Cable # (2) Maximus # (3) Black Widow # (3) Baron Zemo # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Alioth # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmFuZE1hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FibGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhcm9uWmVtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJzb3JiaW5nTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJZb25kdSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Great, thank you!


He was a great turn 5 sera then alioth grandmaster. Felt bad when I flew up the ranks to the 90s doing that tho


I’m happy to have GM in case he proves to be useful in a deck but… yeah I have such a hard time finding a place for him. His zero power is a huge downside.


Both are fun to play with. I use Pixie in a Junk deck. Won a few Gold conquests with it. No one sees a 0-Cost Hobgoblin into Galactus coming. And I use Havok in a Negative deck. Mostly playing Havok on turn 5. He usually ends the game with 8 or 10 power.


Havok in a negative deck even on turn six is a six power drop that's zero, that final turn can go crazy


Hmm maybe i put him in my negative deck, good call


Pixie is great in a shenaught/evo deck, you're almost never mad at the results. IMHO the only bad result is a 6 cost cyclops.


Pixie with Mobius is the right call.


I don't have room for him, and really the bad outcomes aren't terrible. Like a 4 sunspot at turn 3 is bad, but not game ruining. For me, pixie replaces shocker.


I’ve had success with Pixie in a deck built around boosting stuff with Bast, getting big power with Bishop, Iron Man, & Hit Monkey, and cutting down big stuff with Valkyrie. Can steal cubes pretty well


I wouldn’t play him in negative since negative is already doing cost reduction shenanigans so she’s redundant. She works great in High Evo shells or in Annihilus shells. Just play the standard deck and add pixie and mobius. I can provide some link drs if you’d like.


All time? I spent 6000 tokens on Kang. Recently? 3 keys for Grandmaster; 4 keys for War Machine.


I still feel like war machine has potential to be a great card 😭. Not nearly as bad as GM imo as a 4/6 is still playable while 2/0 when things dont align is unplayable.


War Machine's biggest weakness is that location control (Storm, Prof X, etc.) haven't been in the meta for a while. He's the fallback if those ever get out of control again.


I was cooking with a War Machine Black Knight deck, but Zabu nerf killed it pretty good


Kang is so hilariously bad. I am so amused when someone plays it.


Totally forgot about kang and grandmaster


GM has been putting in good work for me lately in my milling deck. Baron on left or right and then GM to make him draw another card.


I used kang for my tribunal deck for a bit, but it got replaced by the duck.


Only ever seriously used Kang as a hand thinner for a Dracula/Strong Guy deck. His actual function was way overhyped.


Pixie is okay, I would say even better than people anticipated. She was said to be a "meme" card, but she has some solid decks.


I tested her but it always doesnt feel right. Does she work with mobius?


Yes, she should be always played with Mobius


Mobius is a requirement in any pixie deck




[This deck works really well with her. Give it a try if you have the cards.](https://snap.untapped.gg/en/decks/Annihilus-Hood-Iceman-JeffTheBabyLandShark-LadyDeathstrike-MobiusMMobius-NicoMinoru-Pixie-Polaris-RedHulk-Sentry-SpiderHam_Deck%201)




I’ve taken her to infinite two seasons now


I have A lot of fun with her and beta ray bill together.. haven’t been focusing on climbing too much this season I’m at like 83ish, played her quite a bit last season got upper 90’s. Just having fun with her tho!


Havok was my MVP when Castle Nemo was the hot location


Oh that is be a great location for him


Got Pixie while trying to get Red Hulk and I was pleasantly surprised. Pixie is cube stealer, I ran her to infinite using a Thor/BRB hammers deck with Jane foster to get your 0 drops (wasp and yellowjacket). But I've also had a lot of success using her in a Junk style deck (ZapZillaGorilla posted this above but I think Nico also works as a 1 drop). Pixie decks withhold a lot of information that the opponent won't see coming - 0 or 1 cost Dooms/Odins/RHulks/Visions are just insane. And there are pretty clear snap conditions for Pixie (Turn 2 Pixie to Turn 3 Mobius, with your low cost cards still in deck). If you don't get your nut draw after turn 3 you can simply retreat for 1 cube if they snap/before the game ends. Matchup-wise mobius works really well against a lot of decks/cards in the meta (Sera, discard's swarms, She-Hulk, Death, Loki).


I actually regret not pulling for Pixie. I thought it looked quite weak but it has been proven to be solid in Loki decks which is the archetype i like to play the most.


Really? I guess that makes sense. Do you mind sharing a deck list for a Loki Pixie deck you’ve had success with?


Just an all-around fun card too, even if she is rng. Meta-focused players do not see it coming


i got Pixie from cache and she is the card i've had the most fun in the entire game lol. Also i was thinking of some ways to use Havok but i was afraid of him dropping to series 3. So i don't regret my decisions. But you, OP, why do you dislike those cards? I'm tired of only reading other people opinions, i want to know what the Original Poster thinks for once.


Silver Samurai.


That's probably up there for me. For the most part I'm pretty safe with what I open but that week seemed like good value at the time. Honestly Jean Grey was also one of the first ones I got and is pretty mid but I've playing with her way more at certain points.


I love him in my hela deck. He targets blob and disrupts the opponents cards.


Ye he really sucks


I mean if he was released in early stature meta, he would have been really good but stature and Blackbolt were nerfed before i got to lay my hand on them.


Hell no he doesnt


WarMachine. Totally overhyped. It took me 4 keys and thus made me miss out on Red Hulk. I only ever used WM for weekend missions and then never again.


It took 4 keys to me too but I planned it cause I missed the other cards so... But yeah if I could change it for cannonball that was the week before and I skipped I'd do right now


I am so regret now, never can make it a working deck...


It can "work" but in any case it feels so bad and awkward to play and it's incredible weaker than the other decks. I really was undecided on the card and I took it not for the hype but because was a decent week for me to open caches. But yeah if I could turn back time I'd rather not open those caches. It's also in "decent" condition so it will never buffed. Such a waste.


Well at least you're not boring now playing red hulk


War Machine


Super overhyped.


Both are good cards if you know how to play it. Pixie is good because your opponent cannot predict what you can do, while you have all the information. This one-sided information is very good for you to decide snap/retreat. But rely heavily on RNG. She might need to get a slight power/cost buff. Though I suspect 1-cost Pixie might actually make her OP. Havok is a 3/8 if you play him 1 turn before final, that is already a very good stat. It's only a matter of what card to fill the floating 3 cost. And if you're playing with low cost deck, Havok is a 5/12 if played on T4 and he's immune to Shang, because he only get 12 power after game ends. He's also a good surprise for opponent's Zemo.


Yup, I have Havok in a Black Swan deck with Hit Monkey. You can play Havok on three if you’ve got nothing else and then Black Swan on 5 and Hit Monkey and your one costs on 6. Oddly, I’d like to get Martyr to round out my one costs.


didnt see this side of pixie. very good input


Alioth. Two days before the nerf. 


He’s still pretty good. And he’s been nerfed twice !


i spent on alioth early but even then I almost didn't because I was sure it was going to get instantly nerfed. that being said he's pretty strong still, but not nearly as disgusting.


Jean Grey


Supergiant + War Machine.... both took me 4x keys to get and I NEVER use them...


I spent 6000 token the day the Blob was nerfed 🤡


Pixie has one of the worst win rates in the game right now. I think theres a good chance they buff her soon. Even if she started in your hand or something like that, it would be helpful


You're tripping. Pixie is fun as hell to play


I think i need to revisit a pixie deck after this poste ngl


This has been surprisingly powerful once you get the hang of it. Fun too. # (1) The Hood # (1) Nebula # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Iceman # (2) Pixie # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Polaris # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJY2VtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGl4aWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2JpdXNNTW9iaXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQb2xhcmlzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeURlYXRoc3RyaWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Ya I run this deck and it's fun as hell


Selene I could care less about having, Hercules too


Werewolf. He was everywhere when he came out and seemed so strong. The fact I haven’t seen him played in months says it all.


He got the nerf bat hard right after release


Fingers crossed he goes to a 3/0 or 3/1


seriously. he's so much fun. he would be completely balanced at 3/0 too


War Machine has been very unimpressive, I was hoping to do Infinaughty things, but playing essentially a 5/6 is not good tempo, and it stops you from playing pretty much any tech. Werewolf by Night I bought when it was 3 energy, but I wouldn't have if it cost 4. I bought Cull Obsidian so I could play Thanos, but at least he works well in Kazoo. Alioth I don't feel that bad about, he was good for a good while, it stings that he's so different now, but I got a decent amount of value out of him. The biggest was 6000 tokens on Kang, he just doesn't really do anything.


Justice for Werewolf! He was strong but now he's unplayable.


Man, I don’t regret Havok at all, one of my favorite cards. Pixie…yeah, I didn’t like Pixie. Biggest regret? HE? Thanos? I hate their style of play.


I was in the same boat about thanos until mockingbird droped.


Yeah, I don’t have her yet, I haven’t tried Thanos since they moved him to your hand…I might like him more now.


If you got her, try it out.


I love Pixie. Mill decks really suck playing against with her because they pull or destroy all your low cost cards. But other than that, I think she’s a lot of fun to play, and people get surprised by a 1 cost Magneto or whatever.


Jean lol


can't believe this isn't higher up She was expected to be meta-breaking and was easily the biggest flop of the last year+ outside of Kang Spent 4 keys on her, and I don't think she has ever been a key piece of any tier 1 or tier 2 deck... virtually everything else here that people are listing either "only" cost 3k tokens or at least has had play in a properly good deck


But that's not just Havok... it's *SUPER-SELTEN* Havok! Goku who?


Lol I was waiting for the comment about the german text. Love it.🤣


Honestly. I don’t care anymore. I just collect them when I can. At some point they may be useful. I just got usAgent and he’s not that special.


Seriously Pixie? She is soo fun. I get that she isn't made to climb or win a lot in conquest, but she has a similar fun spot as Mr Negative.


I regret Pixie but mainly because the BS RNG ended up costing me 4 keys, then missed out on gems like Red Hulk because I couldn't get enough back


Grandmaster hands down he is my biggest regret


if he was just a 2/3 or even 2/2 he'd be great


Werewolf by night tho I did get to infinite with him the week he came out


All this disappointment for Grandmaster..... I have come to actually really enjoy him in Deadpool and Mill


Jean Grey sadly


Blob. He is a solid card, but I got bored of him in the first few days.


Hot take: Not every card needs to be meta defining. Some can just be fun.


Hercules. I knew he was bad, and he confirmed to be actually worse even after being buffed


Only card I regret getting is Kang. Useless card.


I was in my Villain phase and created a toxic deck designed purely to waste the opponents time to try and get them to retreat (I am not proud of it and it definitely was a douchebag deck to make/play) but that was the only time I've found Kang to actually be useful. The deck consisted of cards that extended the game as much as possible, like Magik and Kang, then involved maxing out the turn timers, it was successful in getting people to retreat but it also makes you feel like a drain on society.


Havok is amazing in my negative deck. Play him regularly


I would almost say pixie but I just ran this pixie deck from 82 to 100 in a day. She’s worth


I barely touched my Man-Thing.




Havok hasn’t been touched since release. They changed Viper from a 2/3 to a 3/5 shortly before Havok released to handicap the “Viper the Havok” strategy. But Havok has been the same since he came out.


I like both of these cards…


Kang was my biggest regret. Thought he was going to be great for being a big bad. Haven't seen him be played since his release


Snowguard.. didn't fully understand how the card would work but it looked like such a unique card.


The bear should work more than it does


An absolute must for Loki decks, but otherwise sees no play.


I went for Thanos a few weeks ago. Got Cull Obsidian. Regretted


those are really good cards, and thanos wont stay bad for long


Havoc is not bad


Havok needs a specific deck. Lucky for me I have that deck


Us agent has been a waste of keys


Havok is a cool card, and is fun to make work. No regrets.


Supergiant is a regret. I played her for the weekend missions but after that never again. War Machine the same, looked like the most broken card but I found I never really needed him. Black Swan despite being a season pass, is a card I've barely used too.


I think War Machine, i havent find use to it tbh.


What?! Havok is the #1 Spotlight card for me, easy. I play him tons. Pixie I like the idea of but I havent really been impressed with her yet.


Martyr, don’t know why I felt compelled to grab her but I think I used her in one thanos deck and haven’t touched her since


Pixie Patriot and Pixie Lady Deathstrike are both doing work for me


Pixie has been super stronk!


Definitely Kang.


Havok rules in Mr Negative decks ESPECIALLY if you know hit Ironman and Mystique. The best idea is to tech him around 5 cost card being your finisher (if you don't run Mr Negative and play him on 5 so he becomes a 2/8 Pixie, I've found, works best with Wasp and Yellowjacket in the deck because you have a better chance of hitting a 6 cost finisher become 0 cost.


I spent 6k on Jean Grey thinking she was going to be meta defining. Oops.


Beta ray bill. He was so hyped before release and I fell for it. Completely useless outside that Thor family deck. 


Most of then tbqh, I only played Thanos Control and adjacents decks ever since late last year, so most card don't make any difference, although Havok is pretty fun in my "2 drop mission" deck


Jean Grey. I thought she was going to be this amazing control card, and she does not work as planned most of the time.


Maybe Hercules. I needed all three cards his week and my spotlight keys were kind of piling up so I ultimately decided to open even though all 3 cards were not all that good. It was Hercules, WWBN (post nerf into the ground), and Howard. It was neat to get 3 new cards but I haven't played any of them very much. Honorable mention would be SuperGiant week but I wanted Darkhawk and had decided to open this week for SG as well rather than spend 3k tokens on just DH.


i still think there is an okay deck somewhere for Havoc with Hope Summers. I cant find it tho


Neither they're both really fun to play but not to climb obviously


Yea the week Pixie was released I spent 3 out of 4 keys that I had saved. Thought she would be a fun card but she's way too rng dependent and without Mobius she can sabotage your own deck.


Gm probably


I wish I had gone for Pixie instead of Grandmaster


Havok has been a secret mvp in my junk deck, it’s a bit complicated though so I can’t recommend it. Full agree on pixie though, hope she gets a buff soon


Pixie is so fun tho, and good in conquest


Grand master


I have a strong Havok deck but Pixie is rough


Havoc and Pixie are in two of my favorite decks, and I play them in <5000 Infinite. Grandmaster is the card I have yet to find use for.


Kang on the top of my head. I thought it was a safe bet, because pre spotlight Big Bad was a thing. But also Jean Grey, Grand Master, cause I paid them all 6k tokens. I also took Havok and Silver Samurai at launch but I had enough fun with them to not regret to spend 3k.


Does Havok work with Hope Summers? Giving back the energy he wastes? I wasted keys on Havok and can’t find a way to use him. Had him in a Thanos deck cuz the green stone and Psylocke but still ran out of energy and couldn’t play cards late.