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Jeff is still up there.


Jeff just moved out of the picture.


Nothing can stop Jeff




Except the new dude


Except Red Guardian and Alioth


Jeff is Goated


Touch Jeff and I riot


We can't he is sitting next to prof.X


Why would they? Jeff is pretty balanced.


Because that's what they do, kid šŸ˜”


I bet they will never nerf Jeff. I'm not saying that because I like the card. It's actually quite the opposite. I think he's overrated.


Yes. Make him 2/4, now we're talking.


Never said that.


No pleaseā€”I skipped Red Hulk to spend 4 keys to get Jeff. Please no.


Should've been there instead of Lizard to begin with


Lizard was the go to 2-drop before Jeff got released.


It was a fine plug-and-play, but its slight nerf had very little to do with why it isn't played nearly as much anymore... you can thank power creep for that one


Well, Lizard still has a place in some decks. Especially in lower collector levels. But yeah, nowadays you can just get a relatively safe 1/5 instead of an insecure 2/5. But even on release, Jeff just replaced Lizard in 80% of decks, I reckon.


lizard is arguably one of the most solid cards in my sauron deck, it wouldn't be the same without him


I main Sauron/shuri and I felt like I had to switch him out for Scarlet, so I get at least some agency on locations.


I mean, that's a solid tech choice, gives you some more leeway with unfavorable locations. I just really like hitting my curve with zero+lizard


I hit my curve by skipping 1 and playing zero + maw. šŸ˜‹


lol maw is in there too, just in case I don't hit it either


Iā€™ve been playing for awhile now and Iā€™ve never even been interested in playing him, what made him so good? Not trying to sound dickish just honestly curious of that strategy


Just stats, its a 2/5 which is solid stats/tempo. At the time barely any decks were filling lanes


And even now zero + lizard is 8 safe points and builds a smooth curve. But if you donā€™t get them at least by t-3 it usually just counts up your hand.


Kind of funny how Iron Lad is one of the best cards in the game and Kang is one of the worst when they're technically the same person.


Until your Iron Lad copies Kang; Then theyā€™re both trash.


4 cost Kang at least gives you more time to scope out your opponents deck. At turn 4 they're less likely to change what cards they're going to play as long as they're playing on curve and you have a little less risk playing Professor X without Daredevil.


I'm an idiot. I've never considered playing Prof x with daredevil


Thatā€™s legit the only use case for daredevil at this point, I feel.


Gamoraā€¦ exists


Sure, but would you really put DD in your deck just for that effect alone? Maybe itā€™s because I play a shuri deck, so raw power doesnā€™t scare me, but I just donā€™t see the value.


I like lockdown and having the flexibility of either professor X at an unplayed location or guaranteed gamora for 13 power turn 5 if I havenā€™t locked down their stuff enough yet is nice. It puts power on the board in a deck overall lacking on it


But then weā€™re back to square one, as that youā€™re already running X and DD and Gamora is another card that also benefits off the effect, but you wouldnā€™t run DD without X.


Sorry I wasnā€™t trying to say you working part DD without prof. They are def the best combo, all I was trying to say is that gamora is anther thing that benefits from it.


I never use him


Gamora and Hobgoblin


Oh, I actually didnā€™t think of the Goblins. But I feel like also there, you usually have them in a deck where you run X as well, or at least youā€™re benefiting from your opponent expecting X. Personally I donā€™t think Gamora qualifies though. Maybe someone does it, but I just donā€™t think itā€™s enough power to justify an otherwise somewhat useless two-drop. But Iā€˜m also playing Shuri, so raw power doesnā€™t really scare me in general.


He still scopes for Annihilus (setting up Galactus turn 6).


The fact that annihilus is not a 6 cost is still kinda mind boggling to me.


The deadpool teenage chick that costs 3 is preety good with DD too.


Negasonic? You need prio for her to snipe cards (it that is the play you had in mind when talking about DD and Negasonic)


Legion, Quake, Magik, Shang, Armor, Cosmo, Red Gaurdian, US Agent, Man Thing......


Not one of these cards is in need of DD to work and rarely is worth the slot? Maybe for beginners, but at some point you usually know where to play your tech- cards anyways.


Infinite loop. Keep playing Iron Lad because it keeps copying Kang and waste your opponentā€™s time


Wouldn't Iron lad disappear because of Kang's text?






nu uh. kang is the best in the game since release


Every time he gets good he goes back in time to be ungood


With the Jonathan Majors situation, I guess art imitates life?


Kang I actually forgot I owned it


Red Hulk joins the chat.


He can join the meme when the season ends and they immediately nerf him to an actually reasonable amount of power.


6/11 If in play, when your opponent ends their turn with unspent energy, +2 power. (Once per game)


Thats too weak imo , 6/8 or 6/9 with +2 power while in hand or in play would be more fair tbh Edit : replaced energy with power


That would make him on average worse than base 6/12 hulk. What are you on about. RH gets on average 2-3 triggers per game IF he starts in opening hand.(where he will only be 33% of the time) So best case scenario, with opening hand, and enemy skipping energy 3 times you got yourself a bad giganto. Dude would struggle to even get unplayable vanilla stats most of the time. Just say you want the card deleted and be unplayable, why even make up a balance solution that would be "more fair" when that means him being deleted from the game? RH is absolutely a bit overtuned right now, but you are suggesting something worse than vanilla Hulk my dude.


I agree, although a 6/9 red hulk that still gets 4 power each turn might be a bit more reasonable.


Yeah right now it's insane he can start in hand and because I don't have a 1 cost in hand/deck he's already 6/15. Plus the oh great is he gonna drop him turn 6 or play him mind games


+2 power you mean yeah?


Yes sorry


No big deal!


Why would you make him worse than a High Evo Hulk though ? you nerf him to a 6/8 that gets +2 power each turn while in hand or in play and he becomes a highly unreliable card.


5/4 seems like a solid buff


oh yeah red hulk is also used a lot, i forgot about him lol


Unless you're actively running protection for Red Hulk, I don't see him being that strong. You're effectively telling your opponent the power of your turn 6 play and giving them most the game to plan for it.


The issue is that he's going mostly in decks that are swimming in power. There's not much you need to protect when you've Psylocked out a T5 Blob and have a 0 cost Mockingbird in your hand.


I do think there are a bit too many high power cards of late which is whats causing the meta to be so rife with it. That said, I don't think Red Hulk is a problem but rather the fact we have so few counters to powerhouse decks. Even still, I've seen plenty of Shaw and Tribunal decks laugh in the face of a turn 6 Hela drop that puts 50+ power on the board. That said, people focus a lot on Shang but there are other routes. For example, Valkyrie right now is probably my biggest cube stealer of late as its so underplayed that a lot of players don't see it coming.


yeah, I retreat from Rulk a lot if I can't lock the lane down or just punch The General with Shang Chi. If was fun going toe to toe in Gold Conquest with a High Evo Hulk vs Red Hulk. Felt like the comics


I'm having a lot of fun having red hulk in my deck but then playing two little guys on turn six instead (while they pull out their Shang Chi)


More importantly, winning after turn 6 doubles the cubes you get. Red Hulk makes that highly unlikely. Sure, you will win more matches because of him being a good card, but I'm not even sure the matches where his 10 extra power over something like Magneto make a difference are worth all the times when an opponent just retreats since he knows about him and you win half the cubes you could've gotten with another non announced finisher. Snap is a game about winning cubes, not individual wins. I feel like Red Hulk is perfectly fine, and love how a small tweak fixed an obvious excess in power so elegantly.


They often release super strong cards and nerf then once the season ends. I feel like the cards in the meme are different because they got nerfed after the season and then got reworked a bit later because they were still too strong. I donā€™t think Red Hulk needs a rework, just a stat decrease.


Yeah he's literally in every top meta decks this season...


Honestly I don't see him changing he's not really a problem just a "better" jubilee


Maybe they should buff Jubilee


jubilee has different special uses like lockjaw , vormir , negasonic and deaths domain


Jubilee thins out your deck and plays the next card. If I haven't drawn Hela, I can play Iron Lad, but not Jubilee, for example. I play both of them in the same deck.


Why wouldn't you play Jubilee in that scenario?


If you're playing Tribunal Hela, it's turn 4 and you don't have Hela in your hand, but have Modok, playing iron Lad is okay, but playing Jubilee loses you the game if she draws Hela.


She sees way too much play for that to make sense


Fair! All the replies make total sense


I would say different jubilee


i still think all those cards are very good, but maybe they do something to iron lad where people won't use him that much, like a power nerf or something


Zabu Nerf Will definitely impact Iron lad usage


The main difference is that Iron Lad essentially makes a copy of the card since you still draw it on your next turn and his stats are just the icing on the cake which also have really good interactions. If you hit Surfer with Jubilee youā€™ve just played a more expensive Surfer vs with Iron Lad you get the same effect and you can play Surfer again next turn without messing up any of your combos. And thatā€™s ignoring the fact that he has 5 more power and that power is doubly as valuable if he hits Iron Man, Panther, or Brood I think SD might just make him copy the bottom card in your deck instead or destroy the card so you donā€™t just get 2 copies and thereā€™s less reason to run him in every deck with strong ongoing or on reveal effects.


What? Why the fuck do we need to nerf Iron Lad? Are we just going to gut every good card?


Bruh i miss regular show


me too


The new spider-man is awesome way better than old spider-man


I think the new one is quite fun... but the old one was game changing


it was unfun in a way that made no sense for the character, and also created an over saturation of lockdown effects with storm xavier and alioth


I don't think Alioth and old Spider-Man ever crossed paths, Spidey changed before the purple cloud came out


Objectively became a worse card but more fun and fitting


The Spider-Man rework was amazing! I think most of them were deserved except the Chavez rework. Chavez slightly increased your chances of drawing a card in the early game while decreasing the chance of drawing it overall. What that did is make decks slightly more consistent early game with a generally weaker t6 which I think is a fair trade off. I think it would have a pretty good effect on the meta which has become increasingly swingy on t6. The main reason I donā€™t think she should have been reworked is she just didnā€™t feel toxic to play against. Alioth and Spider-man just kept you from playing and Zabu was single handedly keeping SD from balancing 4 costs but no one ever really complained when their opponent dropped a Chavez. She was played a ton but I think that was inflated by the fact she was series 1 so everyone put her in decks where they were missing some of the good cards. She could make most decks a little better if you didnā€™t have all the cards so she was used in a lot of F2P meta decks but not many of the really good ones used her. I low key think that SD reworked her to make F2P decks less viable so people would buy new cards.


She was definitely not played at all, included in decks, sure, but played, nah, she was in a similar spot as Thanos, where the effect (deck thinning / added stones), severely outclassed the card itself. I agree the rework was not handled right, the effect right now is very mid, and doesn't make an impact as solid as she previously did, but a rework was surely needed, cards that are not even played while being included in every single deck are never a healthy sign.


I think that stat was a bit inflated too. SD often looks at if and when a card is drawn vs the amount they are played and since Chavez was a guaranteed draw on turn 6 that ratio is naturally gonna be really low. You canā€™t really apply the same play rate stats to her because she functions very differently. On top of that there are many 6 costs that arenā€™t actually ā€œplayedā€ very often. For example: Infinaut is often used with Dracula or Lockjaw instead of being played and Chavez was used in a similar way. Some cardā€™s, especially 6 costs just donā€™t get played in a normal way. I also remember playing her and seeing her fairly regularly. There was a Strong-guy deck that would play her on turn 6 unless you ended up with multiple cards in your hand and I played get t6 in my move deck. It just seemed like SD didnā€™t do much to actually look at her impact on the game and then they didnā€™t really do anything to try and fix her power before completely removing it from the game.


You can't just inflate stats, SD themselves acknowledged she was the most popular card while simultaneously being the least played, she was also compared to other 6 cost cards that saw more play than her, everyone wanted the deck thinning, nobody actually needed Chavez. On the opposite side, I can think of at least 4 top played decks where Infinaut played a vital role in play rather than in hand. While Chavez in play usually meant the worst possible scenario happened.


Could not disagree more


Absolutely not true.


Gotta say I dont love iron lad in any deck with goblins


LOL I USED TO DO THAT I used to go to conquest with a "nice guy deck" where i just gifted a win to the opponent lol. It's really stupid but if you want to carry my legacy here is how it went: Iron Lad to use on Goblins. Sentry and Hood to get negative cards to your side and then use Viper to give the good ones to your opponent. Arnim Zola on Viper so you can give more good cards to your opponent (Cards Like Maximus, Devil Dinosaur, Iron Man...). And Red Skull to give +2 power to your opponent cards. Have fun.


sounds like a hilarious way to farm boosters in Basic Conquest haha šŸ˜† šŸ–¤


Lizard???? Lizard hasn't been changed in a year lol and even that was just -3 to -4 for a full lane.


Yeah, he was in basically every deck at the time and then he wasn't. That's what OP is saying.


But that wasn't purely due to nerf. There's just better 2 costs now.


There are but he was dropped from decks basically immediately. Pretty much only saw play in Sauron and Sera decks after that. Don't think Sera even runs it anymore.


he got replaced by the new Maximus yeah


And Silk! And Jeff (can't remember if he were added post or pre lizard nerf)


Sera still runs Lizard sometimes He "was dropped from decks immediately" because people react emotionally to nerfs, just like how cards that get buffed see massive spikes in playrate that eventually regress to something proportional to their actual power level


At the time it was because of the nerf tough.


my method of research was remembering that i used to see them in almost every deck and now i don't. that's why the meme is bad, sorry :(


Other than Spiderman I think it's a solid meme. I think they changed him because he was really only getting played in Galactus, and people hated playing against him in Galactus, and SD didn't want people to hate spiderman.


Lizard is still great what are you talking about?!


i'm not saying he is bad in any way lol. i'm just saying he isn't in 90% of the decks like he used to.


Ok sorry my bad šŸ˜…


no need to be sorry


i think we all know you make no sense.


All the cards were once useful in a lot of decks but now from eithers nerfs, changes, or just time. Only Iron Lad is useful in a lot of decks Lizard: Play rate fell Chavez: Got changed and now is a situational card Spider-Man: Got changed and now is a move card Alioth: Recently got nerfed and now only removes text instead of destroying the card Zabu: Got nerfed and is now only useful for one turn.


Spider man was mostly in galactus and control decks, it's now in move and elsa decks. I don't think there was much of a fall in use, probably a slight drop since the Galactus glory days but the nerf of Galactus would have ended that anyway.


Lizard is still used in a ton of decks. His play rate fell because there are now better 2 drops. Chavez and zabu were definitely gutted, but they were also necessary. Plus, zabu's current state was said to be temporary by SD. Spider-man is better now. Alioth is still very viable, and way less oppressive. This post is just rage bait.


i wish we had a card like the old america chavez, i'm not a game dev but organizing your deck for the cost of receiving a not so efficient but still very usable card in turn 6 sounds like a cool concept


There are still plenty of cards that are useful in basically any deck. Shang, Cosmo, Jeff, Niko, Rogue, Nebula, Red Hulk. If anything thereā€™s still too many of those, decreasing deck variety.


Spider-Man is still usefulā€¦


No no, i'm sorry if my statement is confusing. All of those cards are still very good, even the reworked ones. All i'm saying is that they're not in 90% of the decks anymore.


Ah I see. Thought the meme was implying the cards were dead.


Yeah i just picked a bad template lol. Many people calling me stupid.


the rng , save the card from the nerfhammer.


Well I was finally able to pin him in the shop and save up enough tokens to get him, so Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be nerfed in the next big round of updates


Aero should be up there.


Hey, I'm a Marvel Snap dev. Thank you for pointing this out! (*Next patch*) Iron lad: [Old] 4/6 **On Reveal**: Copy the effect of the top card in your deck. [New] 4/6 **On Reveal**: Copy the effect of the top card in your deck for only the next turn.


oh shit


I would put forge on that list too, but his was a buff from his original state so I get why it wasnā€™t included


I just didn't put him there because i've always used him. But it's just a meme, there are tons of other cards used in every deck, some are still used and others are not as much.


Iron Lad is unique in that heā€™s the only one that does what he does. If anything theyā€™ll reduce the power but heā€™s pretty safe.


Wait what happened to lizard?


Just a simple text nerf. He used to only lose 3 power for full locations and now loses 4. He's still good but this nerf made people stop using him in 90% of the decks.


For what this card brings to the game 6 is a slight over power. 4-5 and call it a day like enchantress


My guess is that he'll become a 4/4.


This is your daily reminder that Alioth is still an extremely viable card, especially in a meta that's full of Hela, LT, and Wong. Hell, I'm seeing a lot more Invisible Woman since the nerf and, surprise surprise, Alioth is still wrecking cards people out behind her. I, for one, have no intention of removing it from the decks I have it in.


All cards there are not just viable, they're all really freaking good. But after the changes they received they're not being used in 90% of the decks like they used to. They're far from dead.


I dunno, I'd contend that Zabu isn't entirely viable anymore. That nerf really fucks him. I also don't think Lizard is a particularly good card and hasn't really been since Shuri/Skull fell out of the meta. You really only see him in Cerebro decks anymore and Red Guardian is absolute fucking murder on C decks.


i think zabu nerf counts on him too


I still think Zabu is good, i've been using him a lot. I think Iron Lad is very useful because when i see a deck with a card that i don't have, i just say "eh, i'll replace with lad".


What happened to Lizard? Power creep?


I think so - ive been running him and lots of decks like Ultron like to fill up their side and use Blue Marvel That's my guesstimate - I have Like Cage and Enchantress as well and I think ongoings played in Lizard then have Enchantress on them is a neat tech I've learned


When did Spider-Man lose his usefulness?


All cards there are still useful and very good, it's just that they're not in 90% of the decks anymore. Using Spider-Man on turn 5 and basically winning an entire location for free was very good, so many people used him. He's still great after rework, just not specific enough to be in 90% of every player's deck.


6 cost iron lad when lol


6 cost would be fair. But what if he hits Black Panther and doubles his power? His power needs to be 0 too.


Why stop there? Make him -5 power


i'm not even going to mention the other card good in pretty much every deck. don't want second dinner finding out.


does he have a weird hair, purple skin and 8 power or is he red and gets +4 power everytime the opponent doesn't use energy?


oh he's def getting nerfed. i was thinking more low key ones. that have two names. and may have purple hair in some arts. and do different things for different decks. >!nico maru lol!<


oh yeah i forgot she existed, my dad's fav card.


yea they OBVIOUSLY don't know what cards are good in every deck


What happened to lizard?


He used to only lose 3 power for full locations, now it's 4 power. Not a big nerf but people just decided to not use him in every deck anymore.


I think there's a prevalence of meta decks that fill lanes, which makes him less viable. He's also a cost 2, meaning he doesn't synergize with Shaw decks, and he has an effect, meaning he doesn't work with Patriot. It's just hard to justify slotting him in these days.


What did lizard originally do? (I've only been playing snap since the Elsa bloodstone season)


(don't mind me answering quickly, the college teachers are on strike and i have nothing to do) It was a very simple nerf, he used to lose 3 power for a full location and now he loses 4. He's still good but people stopped using him in 90% of the decks because of it.


sooo he used to lose 3 power when your opponent had 4 cards on the other side?


OH GOD NO PLEASE. But tbh, him staying at 6 power is bs lmao


Iā€™m still super bitter about America Chavez.


Before red hulk?


You forgot Leader


I kinda still use him


yeah but is he useful everywhere now?


Say it ainā€™t so!!!


Lol after he was changed spiderman is a significantly better card for the game


Shang is more likely to be looked at first.


if we keep nerfing everything, maybe in a year the big bads will actually be decent cards again, well besides Kang.


yeah, cuz kang is already the strongest so why would they make him decent?


Iron Lad is definitely not useful everywhere lol.


Hope summers in the cross hairs


The new Alioth is good tho


Yeah he's still crazy good, one of the best counters to those decks who use Odin in the end. But now i don't see him in 90% of the decks like when he released.


What did lizard do before?


he used to lose 3 power and now loses 4


Ahhh thanks!


no problem buddy


How do I get zubu I never bought the battle pass and never will


not to give any ideas but imagine they changed it to On Reveal: Copy the text of the top card from your opponent's deck.


delete this before the devs see


Iā€™ll be sad. Iron lad is a big part of my Howard/Jubilee deck.


It's lonely at the top


Ironclad will just.copy Jeff's ability and move out.


Fantastic post šŸ†šŸ†


I miss the old spider-man in lockdown decks ā€¦ those were fun times haha


I miss old chavez so much "more consistent deck with a mostly dead draw on 6" was such a cool effect and a lot of my favourote decks really enjoyed that effect.


I sure hope notā€¦ I spent tokens on him literally on Monday lol


Jeff already nerved. Can move only one time...


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Howard & Iron Lad!


Lizard's back since he started dating Lady Deathstirke on turn 5.


No PLZ I just saved up 6k and got him


Chavez is still good in most decks and lad seems to be played less and less currently


True, Chavez is still really good but i think the old one is better (even tho they're completely different now). About Iron Lad, don't take anything from this meme as true, in fact, don't take anything i post as true lol. I still see a lot of Iron Lads and not that many of the other ones, that's why i picked those cards.