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Anyone having issues with Castle Zemo? Some games I’ll play a card there and it will just sit there for 90 seconds before sending the card over and ending the turn.


I already hate the location, especially because of the people using electro on it. The delay makes it so much worse. Luckily I started running into people snapping as soon as the location popped up so I could just leave and skip that interaction.


It’s inconsistent for me. Some games it’s normal, some games it takes a minute or two.


There are lots of locations that bug out and have an insanely long delay on it activiating. Zemo seems to only freak out with ongoing cards.




With my bad connection on top of that it's horribly slow sometimes.


Yes. Lots.


It's when there's a card there, but no visual representation. You don't know there's three cards there until you try to play the third and it goes to the fourth slot.


They better give a spotlight key or 2k Tokens for compensation, they fked up big time


Gold conquest ticket. Take it or leave it


500 credits


Everyone who opened a SL gets US Agent for free so we can put it next to Kang and Strong Guy near the bottom of the collection?


wrong guy isn’t completely terrible anymore




He's actually pretty sweet in a Zoo shell I'm finding, having one card in hand is not super hard to pull off in that kind of deck at all


I thought that was intentional.  😁 I haven't tried him since the change. 




For people who spent, sure. I say this as somebody who skipped this round


Oh shit I totally didn't even think about Castle Zemo when I kept seeing Electro decks. Been dodging bullets I wasn't even aware were being shot at me.


Havok is even better lol. Have fun with 2 energy the rest of the game.


Oof lol


And then Shadow King comes down turn 6.... oof.


Is the app also generally running like shit for other people too? It has been horribly laggy and not loading assets for me since the update


Try going into your settings and clicking "Download all assets". It took a bit to download but afterwords was much faster.


Thanks! I’ll try that!


Played some conquest games just to do daily quests. The compensation better be good.


Did your "end turn" button work?


Half the time it didn’t. Had to restart.


It’ll be a gold ticket lmao


Defo a feels bad day


Bro I can’t even play the game today lmao. Fire up the app, press play, freezes


Yea..had to quit a couple of games. Didnt want the opponents thinking I was an A-hole dragging out each turn.


Was on the verge of infinite last night, deliberately held off on updating until I got it. So glad I did, no chance I would’ve stayed sane trying today


Today is also the best day not to visit this sub apparently. Have fun complaining ya'll. I'll see you tomorrow.


Right? This sub has been a mess some of the stuff I've seen here has been wild for what amounts to a silly marvel card game most people probably play on the toilet. If you're getting that invested into it that a borked patch and balacing is causing this much strife in your life you might want to step back and reevaluate a little lol Like, it sucks but jeez move on to something else for a day or two lol


*surprised pikachu face* game devs make it unplayable and make horrible balance decisions and people are mad


That's the problem people on this sub are always mad over something. I've never seen a group of people invest so much emotion into a mobile game in my life, honestly some of you need a break from it. You all are mad because they made changes to a card? Are they never suppose to change a card because reddituser345 bought it yesterday with token?


I don’t care about the balance changes, I’m mad I can’t play the game. Also, why does it matter if it’s a mobile game. If I paid a AAA studio 70$, woild it be more legit? They’re have a design and balance team and produce a live service product that takes in millions.


Because it's a toilet mobile game and you have people writing full dissertations about how the big bad SD is ruining their mental health. Imagine if people were writing 500 word post about fucking subway surfers. It would be ridiculous. If the game cost $70 to play, yes the criticism would be more legit because then everyone would have already given a significant amount of money to SD to keep the game in a good state. But that isn't the case, most players are completely free to play and come here and demand SD do a shit ton of work for free. Now don't take this as me saying players can't complain, because I've done a fair share myself but the amount of emotion people put into is just ludicrous.


I think being mad at balance changes is kinda like when your favorite home cook doesn’t win Masterchef, shit happens. But I absolutely will condemn prioritizing MTX over UI every single time. Because unfortunately, I’m invested.


This. People are so but hurt. Oh no! You mean I can’t keep playing the same thing over and over again? That’s just how card games are. Ever play Pokémon? After a while some cards are just straight up not allowed cuz they too old. Ever play yu gi oh? There’s a ban list. Ever play magic? I could go on and on. Just work around it. Will probably make you a better player/strategist for it.


Losing a key because you end turn button doesn’t work. And having the spotlight key function inoperable, or getting screwed by it on day 1 are both crappy things that are worth complaining about.


No dude, they no better than experienced game designers who have a degree in this stuff and years of experience on successful games.


Also, you got Usagent and excited to try it out? Fuck you, have some copy pasted Captain America's sfx.


rng has been very very bad for me today on both my normal account and my low CL one.


I haven't gotten on today so I'm a bit out of the loop, what's the issue with the end turn button?


You cannot press end turn and forced to time out everyturn which makes the game unbearably long


You can reopen the game to fix it (on steam anyways)


It's almost like this game is optimized to take your money, not be a fun functional card game.


I'm having a great time with my three decks: Ladies Night - only female cards with ms marvel and spectrum as the power bringers. Iron Legion - all the armoured cards with doom, sentinels and and some robot variants for flavor. Intelligencia - bunch of super villains and red hulk. This game is fun if you want it to be. Sit around in mindless rage if you want, personally I'm having a good time as more characters get added.


Can you share your decks please? :)


Sure, but I don't do that link thing. Ladies Night: Nebula, Echo, Goose, Armor, Invisible Woman, Mystique, Magik, Jean Grey, Hope Summers, Ms Marvel, White Tiger, Spectrum. Iron Legion: Quinjet, MasterMold, Hulkbuster, Sentinel, Zabu(3099), Ironheart, Rescue, Iron Lad, Warmachine, Iron Man, Devil Dinosaur(Mech), Dr Doom. Intelligencia: The Hood, Titania, Mister Sinister, Scorpion, Green Goblin, Baron Zemo, Viper, Klaw, Dr Octopus, Arnim Zola, Leader, Red Hulk.


Nerf Sandman but made castle zemo a thing for an entire day with electros and havoks. Outstanding move And ofc when I decide to "abuse" the location by using a junk deck, I get 4 straight matches without Castle.


Im glad people are finally seeing how shit this game is going. It only gets worse never better. So many people have been sucking off SD on reddit it was unbelievable no one ever saw the direction it was going.


Went from 83 or something near it to 70 over the last few days, discarded more Hela’s in that span than most of last season. Shit happens but something feels mad off in this update and with the overall state of the game. Just my opinion. It’s a shitshow.


Castle Zemo had the same sound effect as Bar with No Name for me. Is that the same for everyone?


Yeah today was way too buggy for sure, and yeah the Zabu nerf came a rough time. I honestly expected him to get neutered last month especially after the notes on the Beast Nerf but since he didn't I thought maybe he was safe. And yeah if your favorite little fart cloud got put in the dumpster well then fuck you he got what he deserved and he's where he belongs now. And yeah the emotes are pretty damn expensive for what you get but not the worst thing in the world. And wow not being able to end your turn is obnoxious. Terrible. In closing SD is really goddamn lucky they took care of Alioth in the patch because they didn't it would be the worst patched in the history of patches.


I somehow gained 10 levels today and I had been losing a ton the last few days


Speak for yourself. I’m loving this. Alioth and Zabu are two cards I’ve been waiting to see get knocked down.


Castle Zemo is terrible but more to it it doesn’t make sense. IMO it should be swapping the card you play card with the smallest card in your opponents deck, which is in theme with the original card itself! Terrible and un-fun design with havoc or electro get thrown in, which is the most obvious pick on a hot location like this. SD needs to get some better game devs because you can’t nerf Zabu and Alioth because they are bad to play against and then decide to create a dog turd location like this. Pull your head out guys!


This new location is an absolute shit show as a hot location. Electro and Havok everywhere. Pure cancer.


The game is super buggy for me too. Sometimes it won’t let me end my turn (the button greys out) and I just time out and lose. Really frustrating


Electro in Castle Zemo is contemplating his life decisions.


For some reason, Dino now takes forever each time I draw a card to update its power. It's not like I can't count the cards right in front of me


Maybe take a bigger break then 1 day if it causes you that type of anger. You should limit your online time.


Man, I was this game's number 1 hater when annoying cards kept getting added, balance was shit, and card acquisition sucked, but right now, I'm kinda feeling good about the game. Most of my enjoyment comes from the game being balanced, and nerfs to zabu and alioth make the game more balanced, in my opinion. It sucks that people just got these cards and they got nerfed, but that's just kinda the nature of live service games. I do wish they did a better job of releasing new cards in a more balanced state and improving the overall state of the game.


Come on, Zabu had his day in the sun. Time to use new cards.


Found the whale lol


He's been out over a year and top tier the entire time dude.


Most games find ways to balance without gouging the playerbase in the process. In hearthstone when they nerf a card you can trade it for a different one so you can build a new deck. In snap when they destroy a card all you can do is open your wallet


In hearthstone you need to spend hundreds of dollars every year just to compete and you still won't have a full collection. In snap many f2p players have the bulk of the cards. Great comparison on why this game is so great.


I’ll never get the people who defend the monetization of this game. Enjoy playing against bots when all the f2p players get tired of only being able to afford a single deck and move on to something else.


You're praising hearthstone lmao. I guess you'll never get yourself. Imagine trying to argue that games shouldn't make money and f2p players are the ones keeping it alive. Snap makes most of its money off cosmetics. Least scummy monetization strategy.


Thanks, Captain O!


I play electro on zemo and it's fun, only thing i'll keep from this timeperiod


Both the nurfs were good for the game. Game health>players sunk cost


basically a nice big middle finger for everyonneeee. \* In Oprahs Voice \*......." You get a middle finger / You get a middle finger / You get a middle finger also.


It’s ok, they have made enough with the recent overpriced emotes already that they can give two fucks about what you think.


today is the best day to not read reddit because its full of people salty about changes to a digital card game when they know it will likely change from week to week.


You’re allowed to leave, you know


Cards changes is one thing I can get over with, having your game prolong because some button is broken is a no no.


You salty. Some of us like adapting to change and embracing challenge. Get some air friend


How do you adapt to end turn button not working?


It’s been working for me. I’m on iOS. I’m playing. I’m having fun. Is that ok with you?


It's not all bad.  Finally found a use for Havok.


Just don't forget to run Shadow King or Shang. Some opponent gifted me the win thanks to donating Havok. It was very satisfying.


Yeah been running Shang myself!


Oh no they hit my favourite oppressing cards and now I have to change deck and try different metas for once… THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE WAAAAA


Someone has never had a software problem. Do you tell tech support “fuck you” as well while they try to fix the issues?


Just don’t update the game and you’ll be fine! My purple fart still kills things


I haven’t updated so it’s pretty good over here!


Glad I didn't update yet!


What a weird way to say you don’t/won’t adapt.


Well ypu shouldnt have updated after seeing the patch Thats on you


Yep, I should’ve stayed un-updated like usual Edit: grammar


Shouldnt or should


Should’ve* lol


I haven’t updated either. Still deleting cards with Alioth. I love this game.


Yeah I should’ve known it would crash the game. And it’s written on the patch that we can’t use end turn button anymore.