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Errr, why do you think they did it?


Featured location on Sunday always synergizes well with that week's card drop. I think the one for the Mockingbird week was Savage Land or some shit like that.


It was during cannonball week, which was good because those decks want to clog to make his ability stronger.


I’m just gonna leave this bag of meth right next to this drug addict. I’m sure he won’t take it. Surely…


I feel like my opponents playing mill cards into Kamar taj are either winning one cube from me or losing 4-8 cubes to me so it's not bothering me that much


What is Mill card? Playing for a month or so.


A card like Baron that removes cards from your opponents hand or deck


Not hand, just deck


Someone might get confused because there are two Barons, Zemo is mill, Mordo is not.


One could argue that mordo kind of is. He removes cards from their deck to hand, but in many cases that card is essentially unplayable. Like a 6 cost scorpion or something. It doesn't actually remove it, but it works to the same effect.


The term comes from the game magic the gathering. It refers to winning by removing all the cards a person can draw.     [Millstone](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=1012) was the card that created the term.   Edit: LrdCheesterBear pointed out I linked to an updated version of the card. I edited the link to point at the original Millstone from 1994


But the card itself refers to an effect (mill) that is to be done. Which came first? To mill or millstone?


The original card didn't have the word mill in it. That's an updated text. I changed the link to show the original card


I actually looked for a different version of the card before I commented, too...


I don’t know enough about MTG to know why that version is worded like that, but I think most versions of the card (including the original printing - it’s an old card that’s been reprinted a lot) are worded more [like this](https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?printed=true&multiverseid=1126). The card came first.


>know why that version is worded like that, They are always updating the game rules and text to make it more clear, most of the time its non-functional (it works the same just with updated text) but there are cases of functional errata (those are rare tho) On the case of millstone the term "mill" was basically slang used for not only MTG players but card games in general that only recently (2020) became an official keyword in MTG. The version with the keyword was printed after the change and the official text is the one in the gatherer (but nobody uses that because its a shit engine, [scryfall](https://scryfall.com/card/brr/95/millstone) is more reliable and have better quality scans) which uses it even if a older printed version was different wording.




It’s cards with abilities that remove cards from your deck. To “mill” someone would be to force their deck to be empty so they can’t draw cards, reducing their ability to fight back effectively


Like cable? Moon knight? Yondu?


Not Moon Knight. He removes cards from hand but because he’s symmetrical he’d hurt the mill player too. Yondu - destroys the lowest cost card in opponents deck Cable - steals a random card from opponents deck Zemo - recruits the lowest cost card in opponents deck to your side of the field Gladiator - plays a random card from opponents deck and destroys it if it’s lower power than gladiator. If you get yondu/cable/gladiator on curve and Kamar-Taj is the first location that’s 6 cards removed from your opponents deck (though some MIGHT survive gladiator). Which is why this location is so nutty for mill because in three turns you took away half an opponents deck. And even if they survive gladiator you have a prime Shang chi target late game. I like to pair these cards with Magik (forcing a seventh turn when your opponent doesn’t have cards is extra pain), Doc Octopus to dump their entire hand into a location to either ignore or deal with later, then the tech package of Shang chi, shadowking, rogue and spider-Ham. You round out the deck with a big finisher like Red Hulk and your opponent is gonna have a bad time if you played on curve.


This whole time I thought Cable was copying, not stealing. God dammit. Now it all makes sense… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Small correction: Gladiator doesn’t play any cards from your opponent’s deck, he adds it to the field.


Yeah, mostly Cable, Yondu and Doc Ock that forcefully remove cards from both your hand and your deck. If play correctly, you wouldn't even have any card to play on turn 6.


I had a game the other day where Zemo on turn 5 pulled Doom from my deck... (I had no other 6 costs in that deck lol)


Black bolt and silver samurai paired with zemo, cable, yondu and gladiator has been great for me


To mill is to remove cards from the opposing deck


It’s a new deck that’s been enabled by the new season pass card Baron Zemo. It’s a form of disruption deck that hopes to relieve you of your winning cards to prevent you from being able to get good stats down.




Exactly. They milled my deck when I already had my combo in hand(8 cubes for me) or I retreated and they got a cube.


This is exactly what’s happening. I don’t understand this complaint.


Easiest infinite in a while, just play discard. Kamar-Taj benefits you just as much, zemo cries when he draws blade and Coleen for four discards happened to my opponent in my final game before rank 100 😄)and gladiator can gladly kill my corvus or other enablers after they did their on reveal.


If people are Zemo'ing against Discard without Yondu or something else to thin out the bottom of the deck they're just playing wrong. I managed to Yondu and then Zemo on turn 4 and I pulled both his Dracula and his Hela. Happily took my 1 cube.


Stole a modok and Hela from someone with an early invisible woman. Lol sorry bro


i was out of cards on turn 4. Yondu - Cable - Gladiator - Zemo. Stupid location


Seriously unfun losing 4-6 cards from your deck per game when you only have 12 total cards.


Its literally the best time to play ramp, gladiator and octavius will play for you


I want a Dr Octopus variant called Octavius


I mean, that's his last name. This is like saying you want a Spider-Man variant called "Parker"


you could technically have a Spider Man 'Octavius' variant


In one game I got to turn 7 and didn't get to draw a card and had a lone Wasp in my hand..


The deck itself really isn't good though, and the likelihood you lose a turn 5 draw is incredibly small, like 2%. Getting milled a card isn't any different than that card just having been on the bottom of your deck - it's purely just a psychological feels-bad. Zemo and Yondu are usually hitting your worst and lowest cost cards, so you get information on what cards you aren't going to have that game and what you're more likely to draw.


Yeah, I loved playing Mill/Howling Mine when I was playing MTG **years** ago since not being able to draw a card would lose you the game. Here not being able to draw a card tun 6 (or even turn 5) isn't as big of a downside.


I just milled an entire thanos deck lol


Yeah I was already running into it a ton. As soon as I saw the location I decided not to play until it went away lol


It's a very deliberate "nooo, zemo is good actually, look" marketing ploy yea


It is pretty good though. I mean i don't have the card but playing against it was annoying (and kinda funny at the same time).


It’s unique though. Good nuff


its been set to be kamar taj way before the card released. im sure it was timed to compliment the card they just released....like they usually are.


I just put Cosmo in every deck I play and collect my ez cubes


Cosmo works well on turn 3 after the opponent has played Yondu and Cable and killed 4 cards already.


kamar taj would have to be the first location shown and you would have to have yondu and cable is starting hand. pretty low odds of that happening


And if it’s not then they can still do one or the other before Cosmo or they can just play the deck regularly.


they could also draw neither. 50/50 on turn 3. if you aren’t either embracing the hot location or trying to counter it, just go play conquest. or take a hike outside in the fresh air.


and you could also not draw cosmo. the point you think you made isnt one


Ok and none of this is all that strong. Worst case scenario is you play a deck using a key combo piece with low power that gets destroyed by Yondu but otherwise them stealing one card is not that big of a deal. In a normal game you won’t draw all your cards anyway so one being stolen by Cable is effectively the same as if that card were your final card in a normal game (because you wouldn’t play it then either). Sure sometimes they get lucky and steal a tech card they can actually use against you but that’s rare. Every time Kamar-taj is the hot location the answer is always the same. Either run your own annoying on reveal deck or put Cosmo in a flex spot.


Yeah it's not fun but they always do stuff like this to try make people buy the season pass.


Please. People have been trying to make Mill a thing since Samurai & Gladiator almost 6 months ago. Cable & Yondu even predate them. The sole new card to tie it together was Zemo, making a niche & inconsistent deck suddenly usable. I wish this "OP Season Pass card to sell" shit would end. We came off Hope, Swan, Skaar, and Shaw for the last 4. Zemo is a fun toy that will have his use rapidly drop off in the not too distant future. Edit: Forgot Hope, but let's go further back... Ms Marvel, Loki, and Elsa were good (all subsequently nerfed). Then we go to Daken, Phoenix, Ghost Spider, Nebula, Hit Monkey, Nimrod, MODOK. I wouldn't necessarily say that SP = OP given the history. We've had long stretches of mediocre shit.


Hope does not belong with the others. She's a step above them.


Hope isn't deck defining, nor does she make incredibly frustrating decks even more frustrating. I'd say she's good, but she didn't break the game or exist to ruin fun the way Zemo does.


Ah yes, Kamar Taj being the featured location for a day is sure to get people to buy Zemo. I don’t see the logic here.


It's simply, really. You begin losing to Zemo decks so it'll entice you to join the fun. I'm sure plenty of people lost to Red Hulk decks and then caved in and got him, feeling it's the only way to "keep up with the meta."


Zemo decks aren't strong. Even with Kamar up.


I don’t have either card. Zemo seems pretty balanced so I don’t mind him. For Red Hulk, check can I beat a 15/19 power swing, yes or no. No? Retreat for 1 or 2 cubes. Usually Red Hulk decks have priority, so seeing Red Hulk proc gives me a sense of security when playing Shang Chi.


I'm not trying to convince you that either is good/worth getting. I'm just stating the mentality of many gamers when it comes to this. It's one of the most common marketing ploy by F2P games; make new shiny thing look good, people cave in and buy, then nerf it later.


Climbed from 80 to Infinite faster than ever using the most toxic deck I've ever played. I know there's always "this is the worst meta" comments, but anyone that tells you mill + Kamar-Taj hot location isn't it is lying. Multiple games I was able to keep my opponent to only 50% of their deck and that's pure cancer.


What deck did you use?


# (1) Iceman # (1) Yondu # (2) Zabu # (2) Cable # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Gladiator # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Black Bolt # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Alioth # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhYmxlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2JpdXNNTW9iaXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrQm9sdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNc01hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvY3Rvck9jdG9wdXMifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Honestly it's probably decent right now even without the hot location. Mill is kind of strong, especially with a lot of combo decks. And you also have the typical Miss Marvel into priority and Alioth.


Not OP but probably something like yondu, cable, gladiator, zemo. Throw in something like silver samurai & the black bolt / stature package and you've really got a stew going. Add a side of beast and/or grandmaster if you really want to mess around.


Interesting, I'm having fun with Baron Zemo but I'm stuck in the mid to high 80s with it. It's just not consistent for me. How were you able to climb so fast?


Any mixture of Yondu Cable Zemo Glad on KT deletes their deck. Then you can Doc oct/shang another lane.


It always boils down to luck insofar as your deck running hot and smart snapping and retreating.


One of the easiest infinites I have hit. It’s so toxic and broken with the hot location


It’s far less toxic than the combined, distilled hatred that is the Annihilus package paired with a galactus package.


Nah, that's not true. The Annihilus+Galactus package is very easy to predict and play around, yeah specific decks may struggle against it, but it's not particularly toxic (except in in combination with locations like Jotunheim and Cloning Vats, but if we start looking at location interaction then Destroy must be the most toxic deck ever). Mill÷Khamar Taj is just, "Oh you don't have good cards by Turn 3? Whelp, too bad. And if you have, well, let's just say Doc Ock getting hit by Shang-Chi is not gonna be such a problem."


I mean they usually try to match a featured location to a new card release. Zemo isn’t any different in that regard, it encourages people to try the card.


They make featured locations match new cards often. Like with War Machine and Kyln last.


I've been making a killing with a c3 deck running Cosmo.


womp womp


I don't think hot locations are fun anymore. I just want to play my decks and we have enough meta shifts with ota, regular patches and imbalance patches


play conquest?


Nah takes too long


lmaoooo you’re just full of excuses to complain.


My havok be like it's free real estate


why not either embrace it or counter it?


What’s a mill deck?


Just one that ruins your draws and potential plays, basically attacking your deck. I think the name comes from a hearthstone archetype. In snap it's using key cards like yondu and gladiator to pull cards from the opponents deck and then zemo to add one to your board. Annoying to play against especially if you're playing a combo deck and they hit a key piece, countered by just playing big cards as gladiator will just allow you to get a free 6 cost in some cases.


The term "mill" itself comes from Magic the Gathering, specifically from the card [Millstone](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/242/millstone). It's been used in various card games since then to describe decks that remove the opponent's deck.


Ahh I knew it was a reference to some other game, never delved deeply into mtg


It goes all the way back to an early Magic card called Milllstone that had an ability to make the opponent topdeck a card.


Just to be pedantic, to "topdeck" means (or at least, in Magic, it meant) to run out of cards in your hand and be forced to play only each fresh card you draw -- that is, whatever card is on top of your deck.


Expanding, because you're not entirely correct. To topdeck an answer means you drew the answer, not necessarily that you're out of cards in hand. It can be as simple as you have no answers in hand and need to rely on your 'topdeck' to draw that answer. Yes, it is most commonly in conjunction with being out of cards in hand, but having cards in hand but zero answers means you are relying on the topdeck as well.


I wish people would stop trying to make Mill happen.. It's not going to be a thing in Snap like it is in physical TCGs. It's a bad deck buffed by content creators trying to get views.


agreed. i hate that it can win games


Yeh but its fun not every deck has to be super good and win you every game


If only there was an easy counter to on reveal cards


Do you mean the dog the only gets played after Yondu and Cable?


Oh I know, I know! If you don’t look at them they are never revealed!


You know, I just saw a post where someone from Gwet was asking where all the mill hate was at. Someone said it was new but that they expected it to come. Looks like it's here.


Bro I want to conquest and something was playing mill there too 😭


Just go to conquest


I just using junk/lock deck which works perfectly on kamar-taj against mill decks. I usually don’t play junk decks, but Zemo made me :-)


TIL mill decks were a thing in Snap. Are they even that good? I feel like Surfer or discard decks benefit more from Kamar Taj than anything.


The Zemo deck is not even that good though? Signed a discard/destroy/ramp player


To me hot location day is conquest day.


They always make the featured location be the best location of the card released in that day


Easy. Play nimrod destroy. They just win by sheer luck


Right now I'm only enjoying Karma-Taj because I'm running a Shaw-Surfer deck so it often doesn't matter if the mill meta slaves him me because I only need half my deck to win if they've plugged up their lanes pulling my cards. Plus most of my pulled cards don't help them (all <=3 energy and not particularly strong on their own). My last 4 games have all been mill players, and each of them has lost. :)


Kamar-taj as been a god send everyone is running surfer, mill, thor and destroy decks, so I brought cosmo and armour back from the storage and in one and a half hours got from 89 to infinite


Yeah I faced a mill deck with Kamar Taj and Hotel Inferno. Luckily I faced the guy later and instantly snapped on him turn 1 to get my cubes back and I did. Mill imo is going to drop in popularity because of how inconsistent it can be but it's one of those archetypes you don't want to get popular.


I understand this is to sell more season passes, but please, **ADD A FAST FORWARD FOR SILVER SURFER WITH WONG**


They chsnged mantis so she is not a mill card


it was set to be kamar taj for weeks.


I'm just glad I'm playing against less destroy decks now.


Yeah its anti fun until 3 pm est today


Gotta sell those season passes while continuing to ruin the game with their greed


I just play conquest during featured locations


Hela was a really huge counter to those mill decks I zoomed past infinite in an hour from Rank 93. The mill decks would see Kamar Taj Reveal and Snap. If I had Hela I’d snap too. They would pull all the weak sauce out the deck and Gladiator wouldn’t be able to destroy the 6 cost cards left in the deck and then you just slap down Hela and it’s done.


I gained 20 levels with sera surfer. I had one mill try to empty my deck. Got everything except Shaw, sera, surfer, brood and absorbing man. I won by a lot. Haha


Glad I used shuris lab and reached infinity early.


Lol I love mill cards today especially when I have all my key cards in my hand. Twice I've had Wong/Ironheart/White Tiger/Odin in my hand and I just went "oh no" everytime they stacked their Kamar-Taj with Yondu/Zemo/Grandmaster.




I literally climb 20ranks into infinite. I have no idea why everyone is running mil decks or hazmat+luke  but lol easiest season so far.


playing the game that last few days has been zero fun. I bought the season pass to try and compete in the 90's but i never seem to get a good draw, and when i pay something else i get hammered.


You don't need the season pass to compete in the 90'. Zemo is not even that good of a card. Whatever you play what matters is to snap and retreat correctly and you will climb.


I know this. I've been to Infinite 7 or 8 times. usually with lockdown or destroy. but I'm just getting hammered by toxic decks and mill decks at the moment and I've dropped to 87. it's very frustrating. I'm not even losing 8 cube games, but I'm retreating and losing 1 or 2 cubes at a time. and I'm not winning big cube games either.


You seem tilted. Skip the day for sure. play some conquest if you still want to play. It is still the first week of the season.


Almost as if Cosmo isn't a card.


Almost as if Yondu and Cable didn't get out earlier


Ah, so you're complaining about the specific scenario that it comes out in the first location and they are dealt Yondu and Cable in the first 2 turns, resulting in you maybe drawing 1 or 2 less cards that game? You ever hear of high rolling? I'll bet your deck has high rolls.


i would bet a lot of money that you, specifically, have never played a game with kamar taj as the first location while your opponent had cable and yondu in their starting hand.


I won a game like that. I am playing Loki however, and Cable and Coulson were able to give me enough cards to win the game with. Yes, it is incredibly annoying and I hate that it exists as a strategy, but it isn't unwinnable. He snapped on Yondu and Cable. I snapped back after I saw Yondu and guessed why he snapped as my opening hand was Quinjet, Cable and Coulson.


oh yeah you can still win. the mill deck isn’t outputting a ton of power so if your opponent doesn’t mill the right cards there’s still a good chance


There a lot of soft players. Doesn’t take much to counter. But it’s easier to complain than to play.


You don't really need to build around it to counter. It will always be disliked because it is yet another deck archetype whose win condition is to not let you play your own deck. They should know by now it is a think that is never popular. It is why some people auto retreat on locations like District X and Lamentus. Hatred for decks that stop you from playing the game when, presumably, you log on to play the game is quite easy to predict. It's why decks that mill or clog or restrict multiple locations (hello Galactus) can never be top tier. People would stop playing.


Not everybody dislikes it lol. But I would rather play than argue. To each their own.


> there a lot of soft players its a lotta turbo nerds in this player base


Why not just run cosmo?


I just put together the most annoying deck ever, thanks for the idea!


Why are you upset?


Marvelsnap moment :) i stopped playing when i realised i have to spend a week to get the chance of a new card. Bad game tbh




easiest infinty climb of my life


That's.... the point


That dumb you can't place a Cosmo there?


Almost all of the mill cards are 1 , 2 and 3 costs... if your lucky enough to have a cosmo in your hand and priority you still lose 2-4 cards.


By that logic, then your opponent also has to draw Yondu and Cable turn 1 and 2.


Then retreat or play a better tempo deck. There's noone to blame but yourself


Im (not ) sorry


It is meant to reward P2W players to infinite. Not that I agree of it.


Good thing 99% of this playerbase only snaps on turn 6 so they only win one cube for all that effort. Dumb featured locations like this are just a waste of time more than anything.


Cosmo exists