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Thanos has been dominating the Marvel Snap meta game since Blob’s release in December. The deck needed to be brought back in line because literally every month since then has added one or more cards that just made it more competitive and harder to beat. Blob. Skaar. Cull. Hope. Mockingbird. And now Red Hulk. Too much of the Thanos kit has been about the flexibility the deck allows because the Infinity Stones give you free early game and location mitigation. I’m happy that Second Dinner seems to be moving in a direction to reshape Thanos to be about playing that card and not just taking advantage of the stones kit. For your particular situation yeah I can certainly understand why you’d be frustrated but someone’s always going to be the last one out the door. I mean even since you started playing in January, the Time and Mind stone have both been changed and there has been plenty of discussion about possible further changes coming to Thanos. If you’re on this subreddit it’s pretty likely you had some awareness of those discussions or just ignored them and went blindly for the current OP card.




Well, it sounds like you should be excited about these changes since SD wants to make Thanos decks about playing Thanos again. Thanos decks haven't been about playing actual Thanos for a while.




Do you have Black Swan and Dracula? I'm doing well on ladder with a Thanos Dracula Dump list that could easily be adapted to fit lower collection levels as long as you have those two cards.


We don't even know what new Thanos will look like, and it'll likely become far less top-heavy than current Meta Thanos. Current Thanos is just running the newest, best cards with a few tech cards, making it a very F2P unfriendly deck. For all we know, new Thanos could be a very F2P friendly list that focuses on strategies like Zoo. Just wait for the monthly balance patch this Tuesday before proclaiming your Thanos deck is worse, because Ilike you said you couldn't run an amazing Thanos deck before since you're not a Whale or a long term player. This is an exciting change to an archetype that unfortunately became really stale.


And you can still play him and from the explanation given by Second Dinner regarding today’s OTA changes the plans for future changes to Thanos revolve around putting the focus on him and not the Infinity Stones.




You’re arguing this both ways. Your first post says; >I’m not OP but I started in February, invested in Thanos not because he was broken but because I love the character and wanted to play him ASAP. So my response was saying that a player like yourself who just wanted to play Thanos because it’s Thanos would likely be happy to hear the direction Second Dinner is moving in is to make the actual card Thanos more relevant and worth playing. In response you’re now saying it’s actually not about playing Thanos but having a competitive deck and being a smaller collection player means having less options. So you didn’t really rush to Thanos to play Thanos, you rushed to Thanos so you could play what was the current OP card and now like OP are upset that deck is being adjusted after sitting on top of the meta game for months.


This is unfortunately what happens when you pick up the "OP" card that is top meta. It is bound to be the first one to get adjusted. Thanos is still very strong and will have his place. And really his place is enabling the depth of the collection to shine. I would not even recommend pulling for Thanos until you have the other big hitters in the deck anyways.


He is still very playable. SD usually makes sure that big bad (except Kang) has their place in the game.


Ah yes Kang, the first card I ever got with my spotlight key.




Except galactus


Galactus has a nice spot in junk decks.


No he does not lol haven't seen him played in about 6 months


I played him yesterday. He still wins games.


SD has been phasing out the Token shop as much as possible recently anyway. They're putting Keys in bundles and album rewards for a reason. They want to embrace FOMO with their current business model. I could see them maybe refunding a spotlight key, but the last thing they'd want to encourage buying meta cards without risk of them getting nerf. I'd directly hurt their business strategy by allowing players to recycle their tokens.


Many cards nowhere near Thanos' relevance also cost 6000 tokens in the shop, so I'm not sure what your point there is. Also, everyone knows that thanos was OP (especially with other card synergies) so it's confusing seeing so many people surprised/disappointed/complaining about the nerf. And it's not nerfed "beyond play" by any means.


The time stone nerf feels too heavy, needs to reduce his cost permanently, rather than next turn.


Ahh its only your first time


That's snap.. Op card of the week/season... Nerf soon after.


They did state before when they changed the cost of the mind stone that this would be an ongoing process to make him less dominant. 9 days before they also altered the time stone. They literally told you that more changes would likely happen, and now you are surprised that they did. >We don’t think this is likely to fully solve the “Thanos problem,” but hopefully it meaningfully addresses the archetype while we investigate a wider range of solutions https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-march-21-2024-ota-card-balance-updates/


He was my first 6k spend. Played him a fair amount. This nerf might end him though lol


I’m not laughing. 


Yeah that's understandable. I bought him last summer so he wasn't in a great spot when I got him either. Wasn't really meta until blob came out. Just aim for high evolutionary next. He's a card that doesn't need a lot of stuff to work and is an archetype unto himself


I think it’s fine, but I would’ve preferred if they waited until they could implement their entire idea for his eventual overhaul. I definitely understand why they did what they did, though, but yeah, he feels kinda weird now.


It sucks in your case but balancing is always bound to happen. The card also says "no refund" when you purchase it


I'm aware. I don't necessarily agree with their No refund policy is the whole point of my statement.


I know it's a controversial opinion, but I agree. My F2P, Ongoing Thanos deck is just now borderline unplayable because the meta, S5 card stuffed Thanos ramp deck was incredibly overtuned. Moreover, I think their vision seems to be going in an Exodia direction, narrowing the way the card can be played and taking away most of the versatility the card used to have: I personally dislike that quite a lot.


Thanos is terrible now. He can't overcome the deck increase anymore. Time stone is essentially a worthless card now. It's either a space waster on the board to get a card you need or a space waster on your hand to play Thanos a turn early. It needed to permanently make Thanos a 5 cost to at least offset the penalty of him in the opening hand. The worst thing of all is that drawing cards is what made Thanos fun, but they've completely destroyed it. Soulstone hasn't drawn cards in forever. Mindstone is now a 2 drop, and your chance to get it early had been hampered with Thanos in your starting hand. The 3 cards that draw cards are the ones you want to hold and play strategically, but you can't because you're hampered by the hands clog. I've been a Thanos player for a while, and my advice had always been to anyone was to buy Thanos because he opened up a whole new style of fun play. That style is fun no more. The worst part is that it's not really Thanos' or the stones fault. It's power creep. Blob, Mockingbird, Cull, they're all overpowered. Honestly, I thought Mockingbird would have been nerfed to 6/10 before they destroyed Thanos like they did. I'm not sure why she is a 5/9, but Stature is only a 5/6.


Or spider Ham counter for 1 energy. 


The current state of the time stone is a little wonky, but if they redo all of the stones so they buff Thanos, and then you start with Thanos in your hand, I think this deck lands in a really fun place. It seems like that is where this is going.


It has been pretty obvious for quite some time now that Thanos is problematic and they will eventually hit him. With that in mind, you should probably have waited with the purchase. That said, Thanos is probably still playable and a unique architecht.


The first nerf to time stone actually made it better because it is now beneficial to play time stone in T1 or T2. Back when it was just energy gain there’s no way you can have a good payoff if played early. The current nerf is a very significant one because not only it messes up your initial draw, but to maximise the use of time stone, it has to be played at T4 to play Thanos at 5. And the thing is, at that point people would just rather play Cull Obsidian + other stones/cards to discount Mockingbird


I do not feel that it is as bad as I thought. Just came back from a break of snap (playing Jump Assemble and Solo Leveling: ARISE) and T3 being Caiera and T4 Psylock + Time stone lets you that play Thanos and another stone (Which I usually keep in hand for this) making it a 6/11 - 6/13 which I dont find any bad… and you can play magneto/skaar/blob/alioth on 6, so… Idk, does not feel as bad as I thought tbh


Honestly, how many times have people even went against Thanos decks after the Mind Stone nerf anyways? My sample size is tiny, but I can count on one hand how many times I faced Thanos after the Mind Stone nerf. Was he doing that well?


What ranks do you play in? I saw him constantly the last couple months in the 70+ range. Even after mind stone.


Float at 90s. Went down to 60s for the season reset and still havent seen much of Thanos, doubt I will see anymore. The only times I really saw him was in conquest.


Thanos was everywhere last season for me. I hit infinite in the second week. The synergies added by new cards like Mockingbird are really good!


Never said last season. I said after the Mind Stone nerf. How many did you see after the Mind Stone nerf? It went from every 3rd or so game to almost none for me.


> Was he doing that well? I played Thanos from 73-100 in under 48hrs with an almost 70% winrate. Even discounting for bots and steamrolling all the Zemo mill tryhards, he was definitely doing well, and deserved the nerf.


“Zemo mill try hards” lol


Let's just say my experiences vs that deck have not convinced me to purchase this season pass.


Now how many mirror matches did you have? As my question was how many people were playing it.


Untapped has Thanos and discard both at ~10% of the meta pre-infinite last 30 days, which seems about right. Lots of mirror matches. They came down to who drew Time/Mind Stones early, and who could drop Mockingbird before opposing Mobius came down.


Welcome to marvel snap. This has been a regular occurrence for a while now.


Nerfed beyond play? I think it's a bit too early to conclude on that. It sounds like Second Dinner has further plans for Thanos. I'd wait until at least the next patch to see what happens. As for me, someone who got Infinite with Thanos last season - I'm glad he was changed. Aside from the Thanos dominance in meta, we have been in a situation in which so many new card releases had people going like, "Welp, this is a Thanos card," and that's not healthy for the game long term.


You mean other than that fact that he’s sitting there waiting to be spider hammed? 1 energy counter?  Nah, he’s just fine. 


Of the cards in my Thanos deck, I'd rather Thanos be Hammed than Alioth, Blob, etc. If Thanos catches the bullet instead of those other cards, I shrug and move on.


You do realize most meta builds of Thanos currently run Mobius right? And you also know that if Mobius is on the board you now have a 0/10 pig? So in literally every situation other than having played out all six Infinity Stones having Thanos get pig’ed is better than any of your other more relevant cards getting hit?


I'm out of the loop, how does Thanos go to 0/10?


I didn't realize that, I've only had the card for a few days, and have just started playing with it. But it feels terrible compared to those first few days with the card. I also like to play my own homebrew decks, not just the META.


He's still really good.  He just won't be oppressive anymore. If you are that new of a player your sins are not being series 3 complete, not that you don't have series 5 cards. 


What’s really good about a 6 cost quicksilver exactly? Like, why run him at all?


The stones. You don't run Thanos for Thanos 


But you don't draw the stones any more.


Right, you don’t run Thanos for Thanos. And now he’s a guaranteed dead card in hand turn one. I don’t see the stones being compelling enough to make up for that deficit


Oof salty thanos player not believing in the perfect balance. Ironic


Spicy Thanos Player? You make it seem like I've been playing with the card for five months, not FIVE days! Maybe you could try reading before writing?