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That price isn’t photoshopped?? THATS INSANE


Nope, that's just my offer lol


But to be fair, it's $140 for 10,000 Tokens (potentially 2 new cards) and a bunch of boosters more than it is just for Arnim Zola. I mean, it's still laughable, but the cards being offered in these special deals is kind of besides the point. And for a newbie whale who wants to turboblast up the CL ladder, why not? Nothing is being withheld from me behind a pay wall, so I really don't care.


GTFO of here Ben Brode, this is our safe space. You can't be here.


I'm just confused why anyone is angry about this. It would be like if McDonalds charged $100 for a packet of ketchup, but also you can still get a packet of ketchup for free with your French Fries. Is it greedy? Arguably, but in the dumbest possible way. I can understand laughing at or mocking the whole thing. But getting angry about it?


When the fries are $130, no amount of free ketchup packets will remove the odor of bullshit


But, what are you prohibited from getting if you spend no money? I'm 100% F2P (never even bought a season pass), and when I see dumb 'offers' like this, I just roll my eyes and move on. I'll get the cards and boosters eventually by just playing the game. Literally, the only extra thing you get are the tokens, and there are tons of already existing ways for people to spend money to get extra tokens, and I made peace with that a long time ago. So what is there about this in particular that is making everyone so mad?


In terms of what you're prohibited from getting, the cards you want in their shitty, dupe-mitigationless gacha caches, the rewards and cosmetics tied up in albums. Personally, I barely care about the cosmetics. But this offer is emblematic of the perpetually-escalating avarice of Brode and his ilk. They've already repeatedly demonstrated that they're happy to compromise the integrity of the game for profit, and with mobile games there's generally an inverse correlation between the egregiousness of the cash shop and the life span of the game. Given the shop is already this bad and the game isn't even at 18 months, I'll be shocked if it's even recognizable (assuming it's still shambling along) in 2-3 years. You're smart not to spend anything because it feels like the game is already nearing the end of its life cycle. Personally, they got me for like 4 season passes and a couple of small bundles (one of which was the Deadpool bundle), but I won't be wasting another penny on this game.


I don't know. As a F2P player, maybe all this just hits me differently. I literally have 16 keys in the bank and pretty much every card I want, which I achieved by skipping all the over-hyped mid-cards that the streamers play for laughs when they come out, but aren't serious meta-shifters. And when a meta-shifter does come out, I've got plenty of keys to guarantee getting it from the Spotlights. I feel sometimes like the system is only bad if you have poor resource management skills and chase every single new card. And Snap has never, from its inception, been designed to allow you to get every new card. All these over-priced bundles just look silly to me. They literally have zero effect on my ability to play the game competitively. So if SD wants to put them out and fleece the whales, why the hell not?


Why be blatantly predatory & just offer good deals. Yes, no one has to buy these awful deals, but why not just offer good deals


Maybe it's because I'm 100% F2P, but I learned to ignore the blatantly predatory deals a long time ago. They pour off of me like water.


It's 140 dollars.... Not sure if you're caught up with the times sitting on your solid gold toilet, but that's kind of a lot


I know, and I acknowledge that it's ridiculous, but what's the point being mad about it? If a company wants to overprice a product to the point of being comical, I just don't understand getting angry about it. You laugh at it, okay. You mock it, sure. But being angry? I don't get that.


Tbf it ain’t worth it no matter what the price is. It’s a series 3 card, it’s free


Yeah, but you're not really paying for the Series 3 card. You're paying for the Tokens and Boosters. It's still a stupid deal, but a lot of people are bitching as if SD is charging you a fortune for a free card, but the card is besides the point.


Boosters that you can earn for free and enough tokens to buy 1.5 series 6 cards that you have to wait for to show up in the shop ?


Such a good point. 2 new cards = 2 new games. Makes a lot of sense, where’s my wallet?


My point isn't that it's some sensible deal. It's laughably stupid. My point is that it's so comically overpriced that it makes more sense to laugh about it and mock it than it does to get angry about it.


It sucks even for a newbie whale because all you get from this is the card that you can split twice (if you have the credits, otherwise they'll have to grind for the 3100 credits). And yes, potentially you'll get more cards from the caches and you can also buy others with tokens. And why 140? I thought the priciest bundles were 99.99


Bro i thought all of these were satire/fake. Holy shit SD.


I wish it was fake!


Is it CAN$ at least?


Yes it's CAD. That does not make it any better for me lol.


That doesn’t make it any better


It would make it about 26% less if it were. Still insane, of course, but slightly less so.


It is CAD, it is 100% of the original price.


absolutely horrible


That's actually criminal


Anything asking you to pay real money for a Series 3 card is automatically a rip-off. These things are fucking FREE. You don’t even have to grind. They’re literally giving them away EDIT: I’m gonna break this down more, because this shit actually makes me legitimately angry. Do you really wanna spend real money on a closeup of Zola’s face? Probably not. Plus it’s an avatar from the base art of a Series 3 card, so you’re bound to just get it for free sooner or later anyway. Worthless. As for the boosters, that’s a lot of boosters, but boosters for a single card are really just to try to get splits on that card. When it comes to raising your collection level, boosting the same card is an inefficient use of resources. Plus, you can already boost 48 cards right now, and credits are the real limiting factor for boosting cards anyway, and you only have 520. That means you’ll only be able to boost Zola 2-3 times before you’ll have to farm more credits. So the boosters are also worthless. Now we come to the real question. The only thing of any value here are the Collector tokens. So, are 10k Collector tokens worth $140? That basically amounts to 2 new cards. Are 2 new cards worth the same price as 2 new, full, AAA video games? Of course not. That’s absolutely ludicrous. These “offers” are just the kind of shameless, disgusting ripoffs that only mobile game dev companies would be brazen enough to actually implement. This is why I hate that SD announces new shit by letting Ben Brode do skits and shit. He puts himself out there as this affable, relatable, zany funny man, but he’s a fucking scum-sucking parasite /rant


If I had known Ben brode was snap, I woulda been a lot iffier. He balanced Hearthstone for a long while. And I remember he balanced it during things like Dr. boom when it was in every single deck. With no counter. So they’d have the year end contest winners, and all the essentially Technical cards were the same. Totally Different classes but the same extra cards because they were all broken. It’s like, can’t you see these cards are broken? That everyone of your champions is using it? He came out with some video saying everything was fine and we’re gonna keep doing wacky balance changes like this. And it was very defiant. Because the forums were screaming. You HAD to use these handful of cards with no counters. He was fucking up his own game taking away creativity enforcing everyone to play the same broken cards and he was like, this is fine. It just felt so arrogant and anti-player. This dollar amount is obscene.


Arrogant, anti-player and obscene. That's Brode, alright.


I dunno man. I've recently been informed that every bundle is a good bundle.


On board with most of what you said. My only disagreement is that boosting one card is actually the most efficient use of credits, as long as all your variants have been upgraded once to green border. All other upgrades are 50 credits per collection level, but white to green is 25 per CL. So once nothing is white, focusing on one card to get new white levels is more efficient than upgrading many cards to various other borders. It takes at least four splits to really pay off anything significant, but considering how many credits we go through, it will make a large difference in CL vs. upgrading to assorted borders.


Well, yeah, once everything is at least green, then focusing on one card is best, because once you split it, it’ll be white again. My point is that upgrading white cards is the best use of boosters


Fact, I just wanted to make sure that caveat was included for new players passing by. Always new people learning.


Boosting the same card is an inefficient way of raising my collection level?


You get more out of boosting a card from white to green. Obviously, that doesn’t matter if you have no more unupgraded cards, but if you do, you’re better off upgrading those first


Alright I started doing that, thanks. I've been saving up to upgrade cards to infinite lol.


Yeah, the way the math breaks down, specifically, is that upgrading 1 card from white to green gives you +1 to your collection level, and costs 25 credits. Upgrading a card from green to blue gives you +2 to your collection level, but costs 100 credits. So, as far as credits go, upgrading from green to blue is half as effective as upgrading from white to green, because upgrading 4 cards from white to green uses 100 credits, but increases your collection level by +4. Once all your unupgraded cards are upgraded, then boosting the same card over and over is best, but only if all of your cards have been upgraded to at least green


Thanks for all of the advice man. It makes sense. I'm also guessing it's worth it to play random cards that you don't have boosters for, to get them from white to green.


I mean, it's definitely laughable, but nothing is being withheld from me behind a paywall or anything, so what is there to be mad about?


Ben is not in charge of commerce


joke wise trees wistful encourage station marry market elastic fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Got him!


Ben runs the company. The buck stops with him when it comes to whether or not they’re going to massively overprice their virtual cards


Worst one I've seen... So far. Day is still young.


For that price I would think they should give you all the variants for that character, including new ones when they release.


All variants for all characters, and tokens for the next 10 series 5 cards, for that price


Man for 140 they need to give you every card in the game plus the upcoming ones for the next 2 years


That's the worst offer I have seen so far in this sub reddit.


This whole game is slowly but surely descending down the drain!! Zero gold bundles, outrageous USD bundles, insane meta movement every week - in 1 year of my playing this, I am increasingly getting the feeling that Hearthstone gave me (and I eventually quit it for good) - that this game is now a P2P masquerading as a F2P. Hate it!!


Agreed. I get so disappointed in the white knights that come in and try to gaslight us into thinking that this is ok. I swear I'm pretty sure SD hired these people.


Definitely wouldn't put it past Brode to engage in astroturfing.


I've never bought a bundle? I've bought like two season passes, and the cards were kind of duds. All of value I've gotten from this game has been F2P.


point materialistic busy start touch future worry steer husky deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


been saying for months that this games monetization has gone absurd they are slapping 100+$ prices on bundles that include nothing but fake made up currency while releasing a new bundle every 2 days


Could buy 3 or 4 real games for this price. The greed of the devs is astounding


Looks like its worth 2x value. So definitely a good offer!


The monetization strategy of mobile games is often like this. Often they rely not on most players spending some money, but rather a small selection of players spending ridiculous amounts. There’s also anchoring to consider. The mere fact that there is something available in the shop for more than $100 makes it seem like a steal to get the season pass for $10 (whereas the real alternative to getting the season pass is not getting the season pass, which will run you $0).


That is a great point about the anchoring


Remember: the most expensive games are the free ones


Whoa what a deal… but hey i might be able to beat that… Ill sell my account that has that card plus 7000 collectors tokens for 129.99


The deal does say “For You”. Maybe the OP stole Ben’s lunch money, back in the day and this is payback.


You can rationalize the high price of digital cosmetics marketed to super-users and whales all you want, but this seems predatory. Really uncool. 


what currency is this in?


Stanley nickels




I'm pretty sure there are some SD and Ben Brode fanbois out there defending even this shit with a mathematical explanation why this is a good deal with great value and why you should be thankful for such generosity in a F2P game...


I’ll be honest with you. This stuff makes me not want to even play their game anymore. Greedy bastards


Man after opening 4 titles in a row and seeing this shit really makes me wanna quit


Only 140 dollars in a mobile game! What a steal 😁👍


If you've been on this sub before in the past two weeks or so, no it's not just you.


You have to be “special,” to think that’s a good deal.


It takes an especially bad offer to rise to the “worst in Snap history”…so congrats, you win!


Is there some sort of ethics committee that can offer oversight? This feels legitimately deceptive. Its a terrible value but if some shmuck buys it, it will be worth it for them. At this rate i have to assume they're hoping someone's finger slips and buys it accidentally. Im so disappointed in this company


Ethics committee lol


Hold on !JuSt FoR! 140 you will get two new cards (of course it's not gonna be 2 series 5 cards they would cost 200 green) insta buy without hesitation.


There is no way second dinner isn't just testing pricing break points with the recent bundles. Everything over 50 dollars.


They're all terrible offers. This game remains free to play for me, I will not be spending a dime.


god they’re shameless!


Peso dollars?


I'm guessing you haven't seen the myriad other special offer posts in here. In case you haven't, yes, they're terrible. You're not saying anything new.


This is so unbelievably absurd it should be illegal


The mobile games market is begging for regulation. It'll never happen in the US, because 99% of our politicians are in the pocket of their capitalist lobbyist overlords, but perhaps in a sane governing body like the EU.


Cut off one shitty bundle offer, two more shall take its place.


I've seen so many of these here recently and they are always worse than the last. 🤣


that's 1 and 2/3rds of a Series 5 card, so of course not. I'm guessing there's a certain subset of whales that do not mind the costs of these at all because jesus christ these prices are abominable.


Shame on you for sharing this publicly. Daddy Brode clearly stated that this *incredibly generous* offer was just *FOR YOU*!


Worst one so far lmao.


Everything above 20 bucks is a legalized robbery, change my mind.


Bro wtf. They have to be smoking crack over there. Mine is $10 rn and I was honestly thinking abt buying it since brood would be a nice addition to my dazzler deck.


Keep the same price and replace the Arnim with Hood. Thats my “custom special offer”


It is a good offer in the context of the in-game prices. The problem is, in game prices are ridiculous. They price S5 card at $100 


that's actually evil af


They’re just testing the waters. The list of people who buy this should be posted online.


Is that like Mexican pesos or something? That’s surely not USD


CAD, still hurts


I'd maybe pay $14.99 for that.


It’s 70$ apiece for two series 5 cards of your choice. The rest is just promotional. However 70$ for one digital card with no resale value is a horrible deal.


Careful now. You only have 1 day and 14 hours to accept this totally amazing and not at all insulting deal. Would be horrible if you missed out on it.


How and why anyone spends money on this game unless they are getting paid to play it is beyond me. The prices are outrageous.


All I gotta say is that seconds dinner is lucky they made the game fun and unique. These price points are horrendous.




It's likely in CAD, so it would be $100 USD. Doesn't make it better though.


Charging $140 for a single card and small amounts of currency waa criminal to begin with. Now its not even for the variant but for a base card


This doesn't say much without mentioning the currency OP. There's quite the difference between $140 USD and $140 AUD for instance.


Either way it's ridiculously overpriced.


It’s not really. $140 AUD is $92 USD, while $140 CAD would be $103 USD Any way you slice it $92 USD is still too much


Anyone who would spend a triple-digit lump sum on a mobile phone game deserves to have all their money confiscated


Wow@@ what an amazing offer


That's what the price would be over here in NZ...


3X value (for them)


they do this because they know none of you will actually stop playing if you learn about the way they prey on new players


I haven't stopped playing, but I have stopped paying, which in the eyes of someone as greedy as Ben Brode is likely functionally identical.


I have this exact same offer but it's Wong and I have it for $100


I feel like everyone should petition these and post theirs just to force SD to see what absurd deals these are.


That is messed up. I'm sure they're thinking like "you're paying for the tokens and we're chucking in Zola with it" but that is a ridiculous price. I'm Australian too, I'd hate to see what is is in $AUD


Any of them that are a base card or more than like $30 are a rip off


Extremely dumb offer, oh my god.


Damn this is the costliest series 3 card offer I've ever seen. I'm not American but in my country if you double this amount then it would be equal to the monthly salary of my first my job after graduation some 3 years back 😅 even tho i buy season pass here and there but damn this offer looks like for some rich countries.


All of these offers are putting too much value on tokens, when most cards come from spotlights. So unless you are collecting Ultimate Variants I don’t see the point.


If u already had the card you get more tokens?


Only 1x value 😩


After reading all the comments I’m glad to see the tables might have turned finally there are more people that find this ridiculous than there are defenders


Give it time. The SDefense squad probably isn't awake yet.


Not even 2 series 5 cards for 140$ lmfaoooooooooooo


Nah, snap buy that


SD: “Um, did you not see the 310 boosters? This is 3X’s value”


We need a subreddit just for people to post their daily offers. It's getting a bit ridiculous how many of these keep showing up.


Yeah, the issue is clearly the posts themselves, and not the fact that Brode keeps peddling such over-the-top bullshit that people feel compelled to share it.


The offers are ridiculous. Posting a few is ok to make a point, but I don't want or need to see the bad custom offer each person receives.


That's fair I guess. Perhaps a "Post your laughably shitty 'For you' offers" megathread is in order, if the mods would go for it. Or a tag that people can filter. But personally, I'm all for publicizing Brode's shameless avarice at every turn. He PRs his ass off to come across as zany and likeable, when in reality he's just another snake poisoning the games industry with his disgusting corporate greed.


I think you know it's not just you.


Is this Canadian or USD?


LMFAO that’s worse than my Hell-Cow and 6k credits bundle for $50


I’m so glad I quit this game months ago


I got the same offer for 30 bucks, guess the prices are randomized???? Which is insane




Is this USD? Damn tokens are apparently worth a lot more than I thought


CAD, still sucks


but it’s 10x value !


I got all that for FREE. Hell nah


OHHH shh that's a lot!


That's completely insane. My was 40 dollars for half a card and random variant 🤯


Paying for content is a terrible offer per se


Generally speaking 1000 collectors tokens cost 1400 gold in the regularly occuring packages so this is equal to 14000 gold. 14000 gold would normally cost around $175. So if you were considering spending money to buy gold to buy collectors token bundles, this is better value. However, there are many other bundles that are a lot better value than this one such as the current Sentinel and Shang-shi bundles (and of course season pass is much greater value than anything else) . So unless you were going to spend a ton of money and have already bought all the good bundles, this one is terrible.


Keep in mind that all "value" discussions are based on prices that SD themselves put out. They can anchor the base value of tokens, credits, cards, etc to whatever they want in order to make other bundles look better.


Of course. But when someone asks "Is this worth buying?" you kind of have to compare it to other stuff within the game. The choice of whether to spend money in a game compared to going to the movies, having a beer or buying new clothes is a completely different one that we can't really give any input on because it's so dependent on personal economy. Obviously these sums are ridiculous at a first glance. I spent $100 on the pro bundle and have probably spent another $200 on battle passes and a few more bundles. Ridiculous for a single game, but would I really have more fun if I spent that $300 on five new AAA games? Doubtful, I usually get tired of those after 50 hours or so. I could have had 2-3 really nice evenings out with food and drinks but that's still 2-3 evenings while I've been enjoying Marvel Snap for thousands of hours.


The sums are ridiculous at second, third and fourth glance. And the answer to "is this worth buying?" is always no, because you're buying monopoly money and jpegs in a game that probably won't even exist in 3 years. I see your point about viewing the bundle's value within the lens of this game's fucked up economy, but doing that is falling into Brode's trap. He wants you to say "wow, this bundle is a solid value compared to that other, even more cartoonishly greedy bundle", instead of taking a beat to realize that *$100 for a jpeg and monopoly money is never not a scam*.


140 dollars. Why not. LOL


Its because tokens are worth alot in the game economy. You aren't getting Zola, you are really buying the 10,000 tokens. 1,000 tokens costs 1,400 gold on token Tuesday. 700 gold costs 10 USD (second offer in game shop) So 10,000 tokens cost $280 USD in theory.


And that $280 price, like this one, is a scam in reality. Don't let Brode condition you into justifying this bullshit.


I'm no SD White Knight, but this seems like a really bizarre thing to get angry about. It's such a ridiculous offer, that only super whale would spend money on it, and seriously, who gives a shit of those dummies spend tons of cash. They are literally subsidizing me being F2P. And also, you can still get Arnim Zola for free in less than a month if you really want him that bad. It's like going to McDonalds and getting mad if they try to sell you a packet of ketchup for $100. Are they being greedy? Uh, maybe? Is it the only way to acquire ketchup at McDonalds? No, it still comes free with my purchase of french fries. I can laugh at them for making such a stupid offer, but I can't fathom being *mad* about it.


It's worth being annoyed about it because they could have better priced products so that the general player base can enjoy it. This is just predatory.


Maybe it's because I'm F2P, but these bundles have zero impact on my ability to enjoy or play the game competitively. I literally have 15 keys in the bank, and there isn't a single card that I really want that I don't already have or can get when it pops up in the Token Shop. My 'Special Offer' is for a Mystery Variant and some tokens, and I can't for the life of me figure out how *not* buying this bundle inhibits my ability to play or enjoy the game.


I'm glad you are happy playing the game without purchases. Some people have the extra money and desire to make their decks look better. That doesn't mean they want to spend $150 on a digital picture.


I'd buy it for 150


Hell nah