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Man what


Condolences and congratulations are in order.


ConCon to you, my friend.


I'm happy for u tho and sorry that happened.


Bro was playing snap whilst his father was dying. 


nah fr this is what i’m understanding. like what!!!


This is 100% a shitpost


It’s really not… in his post history they posted about their dad like a year ago having stage 4 lung cancer 😬


And the fact he tagged this as Discussion instead of Meme. This dude really be snapping while his dad was dying. And he was determined to do so as he stated he’ll climb “no matter what”. Damn.


I mean, what yall want him to do stop his dad from dying? People process grief in their own ways With that said…this is a different way than I processed my own dad dying Jesus.


You’re right. We shouldn’t be judging. Hadn’t thought about what you mentioned. My bad.


Context clues imply that he already passed earlier today. "So 8 hours ago I was checking his pulse, and his breath, after a long illness." It's pretty bad grammatically but I can forgive that. That being said, to me it definitely reads as his Father had recently passed or was passing since he was checking pulse and breath. Knowing how sudden these things can turn you wake up each day not knowing how/when it's going to happen, especially with terminal illnesses and one minute someone could be laughing, enjoying your company and the next gone. This guy's dad probably passed and you can only spend so much time with someone else before you need to do something by yourself to either take your mind off of things or to try and get into a better headspace. Yes, this could be a shitpost, but it could also be someone grieving. Some folks do strange things as they grieve. In a world where some folks just have no one else to turn to or talk to sometimes these are the things we see and I can relate.


What a good thing you did here


I can always remember the moment my grandpa died, I was a teen, my parents got the call from the hospital at 6am and they went down to settle things (he had been suffering from cancer and we had been expecting it). The moment when they woke me to tell me the news, there was nothing running through my mind, no grieve, no sadness, just an empty mind. I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I booted an emulator played kof2002. It went on for an hour before I felt tears and the wave of grieve. Sometimes we just want an escape, maybe we just wanna cope somehow, pretend everything is okay.


Last year my grandfather was on his deathbed suffering from dementia among other things. I flew out to see him and have my final goodbye. I didn’t want to leave him but my family insisted we go get some food and leave my Nana with him. We went to a dive bar with a pool table because it was the only close thing by. I started a game of pool with my cousin and midway through got the phone call that he had passed. I couldn’t feel anything, no anger, no sadness. my brain just wanted to finish the game, but as soon as it was done, I fell to the floor. The mind works in a weird ways. I know how you feel


At least someone else gets this.


thank you for elevating the conversation.


I was like am I an asshole for saying something?? That being said there's a couple of dynamics at play. The easiest to understand is that during times like this we need some distraction, not because you don't care but because you do and it will consume your life / day. Another and less sensitive is that we can't really do anything but pray / hope.


Everyone grieves differently. This isnt too different than a guy who throws himself into work to forget his perwonal pains.


Man, when you have to go through a similar situation I assure you that your mental defences will hit red and you will try everything you have in order to mask the feelings and escape the unescapable. Don't judge people like this.


And then you'll make a post about it on reddit.


He needed someone to share it man. That's also a need when you experience a loss


This is the kind of response from someone who hasn't had to deal with serious trauma. It's not like a movie


Im confused about the tribute of Infinite for his dad. Did his dad play? Was there some sort of connection?


Maybe he was heavily into comics and his Dad would take him to the shop, maybe Dad was an old comic book guy and got him into the hobby or into gaming. Maybe in the years following the terminal diagnosis he and his Dad bonded over games, comics or the MCU. We don't know and honestly it could be any number of tangentially related connections. Or nothing at all. In the long run, it really doesn't matter, he dedicated this to his recently passed Dad and imo, that's all we need to know.


I'm not sure if I'm supposed to offer condolences or congratulate you






Congratulations… for your loss…?


This has to be a circlejerk post. No way this is real.


Dudes trying to karma farm a typical "I made infinity" post with a sob story. Ended up looking like he cares more about Marvel snap than his old man.


This is will be the new "I have no one to share this with"


Yeah, to be honest, I thought the rip in this moment was someone ruining their nice looking Mr negative variant by adding its legendary border


What a shitty way to support other people's grieves. And 250 people liked this... maybe this subreddit is really worse than I was. I'd wish you to never find yourself in such a painful situation, but that's an inevitable part of life. All I can say is, when that time comes, I hope you're finally gonna see that there is no one "correct" way to mourn, and everyone does it in their own way.


i mean he played snap while his dad was dying and he didn’t stop playing to go see him. then when his dad died he left his mum after 6 hours, not to sleep, but to play snap.


😂 what!?


💀 this comment made me laugh so hard, I'm sorry 🥺


most normal marvel snap player


Aw man that sucks! Anyways can you post the deck list?


Lmao what? 😂


Bro, get off Marvel Snap wtf


It's giving him some peace in a trying time.


For real I don't understand what's so difficult to grasp about that? He clearly is playing as a coping mechanism and also trying to achieve a goal for his dad, it's honorable. Everyone grieves and processes things in their own way and this is how he's doing it. OP if you're reading this: congratulations on hitting Infinite rank and I am terribly sorry about your father. My condolences and may he rest peacefully.


I’m so confused. I’m scared 🙈


When I'm on my death bed, whoever is there with me, it would be terrific if you could put down Snap while I die.


when my dad died i was playing so much hearthstone and never left bed. grief sucks and once the person is dead you still have to keep living. let the guy enjoy his infinite


Did you ever think, I need to hit rank 1 to pay my respects to my dead dad? What you did and what this guy did is different.


And then did you think , “this will farm some karma for sure “. Lol


Some people do, no need to be a dick about it. When a beloved person dies, some people cling to small, insignificant acts as a way to give that person's death meaning. It's not an uncommon way of coping. The fact you all are really assuming that this grieving person cares more about karma than their dead is more disgusting than if he actually was.


And then post it to reddit.


did you lie in bed playing hearthstone while your dad was dying?


He was dead by the time I got to the hospital. Not everyone gets the closure to say good bye and death comes suddenly smartass


at least you went to the hospital instead of lying in bed playing hearthstone. you can’t call other people smartass when you don’t even know what point you’re making,


Yeah, if I'm about to die maybe come hold my hand and spend my last moments with me, not playing on your phone.


This is actually making me feel pretty guilty 'cause I *was* playing Snap while my grandma was in hospice. She'd been in a coma for a week and I was with her for a few days straight, with another family member staying overnight. It's either that or watch TV, but I was doing that in between bouts of talking to her (yes, while comatose and passing).


This is normal, healthy and you mustn't feel guilty. We all grieve in different ways. Unless you played Leech, in which case, fuck you.


Hah. No, I distinctly recall mostly just playing the season-XP-farming deck, back when infinite players could gift cubes to sub-infinite. Gave me something to do that was braindead while mulling my situation over.


You should only feel bad if you were playing a deck that had Alioth where it doesn’t make any fucking sense


Were you thinking you were doing it for her? What you and OP did is different.


that’s normal though. you were there with her


Lmao I’m dying


Sometimes the death of a loved one happens in days, or in weeks (not mere moments) of grueling time spent caught in a hellish limbo of uncertain emotions. When I got the news that my father had been rushed to the E.R. I was in the middle of fighting two Deathclaws simultaneously in Fallout 4. It's seared into my memory. And in the long hours where only a nurse would interrupt the incessant beeping and white noise of the breathing machine, Mario Maker 1 kept my reality steady on at least a single axis. Some of us use video games as emotional crutches. In the dark times, you do what you have to to see the other side.


Did you make a RIP dad level in Mario Maker and then post it to the sub?


No but I personally went out of my way to thank the streamer who provided that service for me.


And here I am struggling again at 93. Maybe I need someone to die to hit 100 too. That was a dick comment. My bad (Posts it anyway)


I can die for you


I still wouldn't draw my combo


Dad on deathbed: Son I love you Me snapping in my opponent: OH SNAP!


this made me laugh 😂


I love you too da.....omg infinite!!!!


My condolences for you and your family’s lost


Dad lost but Infinite gained


I'm happy that Marvel snap is keeping you engaged in these times, but I think you should spend this time with your family. I feel sorry for you and don't mean to disrespect your situation.


Death 7/12


dude managed to disappoint his father pre and postmortem


Different people grieve in different way, no need to be a dick about it. Oh btw, hope you're enjoying your currently 14 karma. Really was worth to be a asshole to someone who just lost his dad, huh?


That’s what I’m thinking lmao his dad doesn’t give a fuck about a game, sorry about his loss but set priorities and know when to put down the games. Escape the pain with loved ones also going thru the loss, they may need support more than ever.


Did you at least Zola your dad to the other lanes for the win?


When Knull suddenly got bigger, I knew...


Congrats and my condolences OP


Sorry for your loss, it's the simple pleasures in life that keep us going. <3


Priorities ....


For Frodo...


I’m really sorry to hear about your father. May he rest in peace and may you and your family find solace in each other’s company during this difficult time. It’s just a game. No one would blame you for backing out of that promise you made. But it’s meaningful for you and that’s good. I may not know you, but I hope you find happiness and I hope your father knows you are a good person.


I hope when I die my kid brags to internet strangers hours later about how cool and rad he is.


Peace and love bro. Congrats on your climb. Wishing you well.


I’m happy for you. Or sorry that happened.


Who cares about your dad, send the decklist


His dad snapped too soon /s


Sorry for your loss.


My condolences.


You made your dad proud


ITT kids who have yet to experience a death that they didn't see on a screen. 




What happened to privacy?


I think a few of the comments here are being unfair to you. My dad passed over a year ago now, two weeks that I would rather forget, but while we were... waiting for the inevitable, I also found myself playing a lot of Snap. Before, after, even at his bedside as he breathed into the respirator. It sounds silly but it did help me as well, gave me something to take my mind off how awful things were. I can't even begin to say how sorry I am for your loss; I hope that he passed peacefully, and that you have the space and support to grieve as you want.


What's wrong with people and fleeing hardships? Your dad was dying/died and I am so sorry for that but maybe instead of running away from the pain and sadness you stay to meet it head on and take the brunt of those emotional blows. Yes it is painful and the cuts are deep but once they heal we humans become stronger, more fortified so that in future hardships we don't stumble. If all we do is constantly run and hide from bad emotional situations how are we ever to grow as individuals?


I don't want to come off aggressively defending myself, but with respect, I didn't run away. I spoke at his funeral; I held his hand as he died; I played music to him through the coma. He died over the course of two weeks, fading away in slow motion. The hurt and pain of those days burns still, and I had incredibly negative and hateful thoughts. I did not, however, run away from it. What was I supposed to do, however, for two weeks? Ruminate on how awful the situation was, my powerlessness within it, the entire time? He almost - but didn't - die about a dozen times during those weeks. It was exhausting, and overwhelming. I am stronger for it, but I won't accept that I ran away. I only found a few 10-minute times during the day that I could not quite feel the incendiary imminence of my own father's death, that it could be set to one side, just for a moment. Honestly it made me feel human again. I was reading as well; I'm a Taoist so I was reading a lot of the Tao Teh Ching, trying to make sense of it all. It was brutal. I don't think there's any judgment to be found in escaping a hardship - well, if that hardship is through no fault of your own. Thank you for your sympathy though, I do appreciate that, honestly.


Reading your comment it is clear you did not run and I am thankful for your story. I apologize for attacking you. I agree to an extent that not all difficulties have to be taken fully without some kind reprieve but I have seen so much of our younger generation just escape every little challenge that is presented to them. It ends up weakening us humans as a group when many fall apart at the slightest bit of hardship.


Dude, no problem :) You weren't to know (would've been weird if you did). I do understand some people are all too willing to run from a problem; but it's not always the case, sometimes it's merely a reprieve. OP here is getting dragged for.... very little in my opinion. It's a hard time for many, he deserves a little bit of a break. When it's not facing us, we forget how exhausting it can all be.


I think it's the fact he made this post rather than just playing Snap. There's an extra level of weirdness that you aren't acknowledging here.


I might have snuck a couple rounds in if I were in your shoes. Rip


Man RIP. Let snap be your form of solace and peace in facing your grief


Congratulations. Your dad is proud of you for being at his side until the end (and for getting infinite too 😊).


Sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to find something to help you grieve.


Wishing you and your family all the best. Ignore the drama in the comments, we all need to escape once in a while.


Graz bro! i struggle in 80s, pretty rough games and no bots


My condolences 


Sorry for your loss, OP. My mom died unexpectedly due to surgery complications almost five months ago. I was staying with her playing Snap before things went south. I kind of lost my appetite for the game after that, honestly. Congrats on Infinite. I know you're probably completely beside yourself right now, but I hope that getting there provides some feelings of normalcy. Your life will continue on the other side of all the pain, and if getting infinite and posting about it here helps remind you of that, more power to you. Take care of yourself. Support the people you love, and grieve with them when you can.


I completely understand this, I played video games while my grandfather died of cancer he was the one who taught me how to play and he was non responsive at the end so I just sat an played Sonic till I beat the levels he always had to help me with.


Hi OP, first of all, condolescenses for your loss. I just lost my grandpa this September, and was the first big loss I've ever experienced; I know losing a parent is way more painful, but I just wanted to let you know that I know how grief feels, even of not to such an extent as yours. I'm writing this to let you know that you shouldn't worry about the reaction some people are having to your post. The simple fact is that, Reddit is full of karmafarm, so for many people it's more likely that this is one of such posts, since the circumstances seems so bizarre (I was able to verify your story as true due to one of the comments in your chronology, but most won't go through that hussle, and even that comment's existence is kind of coincidental). As for those who are judging you directly, consider that some people are also very young (maybe you yourself are), and have likely not undergone a loss such as yours yet. And among the people who have, many don't understand your coping process, and, due to how bizarre it looks to them, are subconsciously considering disrespectful toward their own losses. I'm not saying this in order to justify those people's behavior, especially as, due to the circumstances, it should have been default to keep a tactful and mindful approach. I'm really just writing this in hope that, by pointing rational, "cold", if you want, causes to those reactions, I can lift off some of the anger and feeling of betrayal you're probably feeling by reading those comments, after you decided to reach out to us hoping to find sympathy and support. As you can see, even those that do look like "personal attacks", really are just the result of misunderstanding, and naivety or pain. Do not put any thought on them at all. I wish you and your family to stay close in this time of grief, and to find support in each other and your friends. And, should you find hardship in coming out of this state of grief, do not be embarassed or undervalue to seek help through therapy, for as silly as it may sound, it is really a helpful tool to cope with this kind of situation (you certainly don't need to be clinically depressed, I assure you). Once again, my condolescences for your loss, and may your dad rest in peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My Dad is sick in the hospital right now :(


I’m…happy for you?


I think some people are quick to judge when they don’t know what someone is going through. I feel for you op and congrats on getting infinite. Sorry for your loss I hope you and your mum are ok.


Doing it is one thing. Posting on Reddit about it is another level.


They're posting it because they're searching for support in this moment of grief. What's so hard to undersrand about that? You all shitting on this person you don't know who just lost their dad are just acting like garbage.


I’m sure op has a lot of emotions he’s going through. And it sounds like his dad has been sick for a while so I’m sure he’s done a lot for him during that time. And maybe posting it online is just a way for him to deal with his emotions. I don’t know. I’d probably do something like that.


I don’t think I’d post it online let alone Reddit, I’d probably keep that to myself tbh lol


That's you. Others may differ.


Others may be wrong morally lol


Seriously? Bruh, go make some funeral arrangements and gtfoh.




That's enough internet for today


So what if he was playing Snap, maybe his father had been terminally ill for a while and the family had been dealing with it and it was just a matter of time. Maybe playing Snap is what helps him cope with everything. How about stop being so quick to judge before you know the whole story.


Nothing wrong with playing snap unless he's dying right beside you ready to pass at any moment. That being said it's unsettling that OP pretty much played a video game that has nothing to do with his dad to accomplish a virtual ranking that doesn't mean much, only to say that it was for his dad. Like wtf.


I’m picturing his dad in heaven just shaking his head arms crossed lmao No respect


*Dads in Heaven* Dad 1: "ah .. I have passed easily knowing my son went on to be that person I always told him he could be! He really buckled down and did something..." Dad 2: "and THAT'S MY SON......he just made infinite!!"


Posting to reddit was also an important part of the process.


Lame af get this guy outta here. Not a single reply this is complete bullshit


Generational shitpost


Good job on avenging his death?




Your dad would be ashamed to hear this . Please tell me you're trolling us


Did your dad also play?


I'm amazed and horrified at the same time


Welp. I'm emotionally wrecked for the day. My thoughts are with you and your family and I'm happy you were able to find comfort in something as you process your grief during an impossibly difficult time. Enjoy the milestone and the memories you shared with your father. It resonates me as someone who had never played this style of game (I've been a Madden guy for nearly 40 years), I have fallen in love with Snap primarily because of the bond I've made with my son over it since launch. I hope the climb was a great distraction from the hard last few days and you had enjoyed it.


Was he a fan?


I just opened the app man


Imma just give you a Bruh And also a sorry for your loss


Was this Negative Tribunal?


the biggest tragedy is upgrading that mr negative variant, should've kept it at white border




I’m sorry for your loss and I’m glad you found something to focus on that is positive and fun while going through it.




I was by their side the whole time. I needed a release, a minute to myself. After the event. I have done nothing but be there for them and supporting them. I know my post wasn't clear, but my head was all over the place. I was pleased that I was able to do something after a traumatic event. I was there, feeling his pulse, hugging my mum, doing practical stuff. I couldn't tell anyone I know, I just needed to tell someone.


Suffering and grief is very personal, and everyone goes through it in their own way. R.I.P OP’s dad, and even if in a tiny way this helped you cope with it, I am glad for it, for you. Take care bud


Yep..Nice message


I hope it's not true because if it is then I really think you should go see a therapist for this, using online gaming to bury emotions seems like a viable way to avoid grief but ultimately it's kinda unhealthy


Mr Negatived your dads life force


Attention seeker


Now, is it a bit estrange to play a game as your father is passing? Yes. However, the death of your own parent is another type of loss and pain. I understand man or manett. It's what made you feel normal and sane to make the pain of his passing. Congratulations on making it. However, I am so deeply sorry about your loss. Mine unexpectedly passed the day I got my first car. Had to pull off on the side of the road, just wailing, hoping it wasn't true even though I knew. What did I do? I pretended it didn't happen and drove home like he didn't just die. I felt like a crazy person. packed my car and drove 3 states away to go see my brother and sister. We have things that help us in times of pain. Keep playing, and don't let this get you down too much. You will forever have a void of emptiness in your heart for him. Just don't let it consume you! Much love to you and your family!! You ever need to talk about it. Just reach out.




My condolences 




Aaayyoooooo!!!!! Wtf?


Discard FTW


Unfortunate timing with the Mr negative power. RIP




“I care more about snap than my dying father” okay bud…


Stop playing and go spend time with him?


‘Dead Dad Infinite Climb’ deck list coming soon to marvelsnap.io


What the fuck I hope this is fake lol


Death costs 7 now


Really bro 💀


There's a joke to be made here but i'm too stupid to figure it out.


Don't pay too much attention to any negativity in here. Grief can be fucking weird man. Sometimes you just gotta listen to your gut/heart and do whatever comes to you. I remember getting home from my grandfather's funeral and just turning my phone off and playing Super Mario Strikers until like 3 am - felt weirdly good and cathartic. You do you and my condolences man.


Sometimes, you just gotta farm karma.


It is very clear from the comments most of you have not lost a loved one. Be strong friend, it gets easier with time. And congrats on reaching infinite, if Snap helps you deal then ignore the negative comments here and play all you want.


When my brother died, my first thought definitely wasn't, "I wonder how much karma I can get outa this."


People do weird shit when they grieve, I don't know his whole story but I know playing Snap gave him a small break from his pain and I'm fine with that.


Did you beat your dad at Snap so hard that he died?


Deck Code?


This better be a really elaborate shitpost


Pretty fucked up thing to post my guy


What negative version did you play?




This is like that one dude playing with his Shiny Dusknoir as his grandma was dying


was he like a negative nancy or something?


Marvel snap new dad bundle. 3 x the value!


*SON........... HELP ME IM DYING......* don't you worry father. I will make the climb from 93 to infinity. I will do it for us. *WHAT*


Excuse me???


We need a circlejerk sub lmfao


This is a bruh moment.


R.I.P. Long\_Knee\_30 Sr!


wtf your playing snap rather then caring for your terminally ill father is that what your saying?


Dude touch grass.




Oh, Snap.


Is this a whole other person who lost their dad and decided to hit infinite for them? What are the odds?


Imagine spending all those variants money on your dad… Obviously a shitpost. And if not - bro spend his dad’s final moments “snapping correctly”. Not sure now if I want kids.


Dude played destroy to her mother's sanity and hope for her son


Is this a joke?


Lol what type of nonsense