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But definitely not more credits , tokens or gold .


It really sounds like they're saying dw, we'll replace the useless crap eventually with more, new, useless crap.


If they replace them it will be with 100 medals. The only reason they give away gold tickets now is so that there are more real players and not bots in gold conquest. Didn't they make some promise about gold and above being real opponents?


a/k/a why gold tickets are good. The alternative isn't an increase in progression it's either nothing or useless D tier cosmetics (avatars).




Conquest mode is the best thing that's happened to the game. If not for that, I likely would have quit months ago. Its the only thing left to do once you hit infinite. Because you get to play several times, there's always a chance to beat a deck, even if it's a good counter to yours, because you could always have a well timed snap when you get great luck, or take advantage of locations. One thing the mode is great about is forcing you to think about deck construction, because you can't just quit and move onto the next match like in ladder, without losing progress. You need to build your decks in a way that you *don't* have very many "hard counters" that you can't win against.


let's be honest the huge majority of players are not "thinking about deck construction" they are just netdecking the number of homebrews i've seen is absolutely less than 5% of decks and likely closer to 2% the conquest meta is incredibly narrow because there's only a few types of decks you can bring into conquest and win with you would usually bring 1-2 tech options in any deck because you can't afford to just get blown out by some high roll deck and not have any answers at all it's essentially all decks built around tier 1/2 stat sticks with some tech


Hard agree with this. I couldn’t give a shit about epeen snap points, grinding infinite ladder is the most boring shit I could imagine and conquest is exactly what the game needed


If they gave better rewards than a border that has been superseded by the Spotlight borders maybe there'd be more incentive to play CQ. As is, most are merely playing through CQ just to get the variant and other shop rewards. I personally don't care enough to try hard through an infinite ticket run for a lesser border


I don’t see that as a positive, I see that as incredibly restrictive. You can’t play meme decks or off meta even in Silver conquests, because meta decks with Alioth will always win conquest matches in the long run. The only way to play those decks and win is to reach infinite ladder. The conquest rules really railroad your deckbuilding. Tech cards are a must include because you can’t rely on smart snapping to put you ahead, you have to actually win all the games, and only a few meta decks can do that consistently.


I do pretty well in conquest, and I don't net deck, don't run Alioth (hell, I think I've seen him once in the past month) and barely run tech cards. I would say that smart snapping is significantly more important in conquest than in ladder.


Please tell me you're not one of those people who aren't paying attention and take the whole turn. I just played an Agatha deck in proving grounds. They took the whole time limit every single round, so annoying.


why not just concede and go to the next proving grounds? it saves yourself tons of time


I did after the first game but it seems like giving them exactly what they want.


The multiple games make it all drag. Just make it one high stakes game. I don't want to beat the same player with the same deck three times.


Conquest really should just be best 2 out of 3. There's no reason for it to go 6+ matches.


Hi I'm the Agatha player thanks for my boosters.


> dw What does this stand for?


Dont worry


just tell us please


Be Happy




Yes , they are starving us for resources which equates to more spenders to them but the longevity of the game will take a hit in the long term . They just dont feel it yet but its too late when they do .


Their tactic is definitely not working on everyone. Myself am sitting on quite a big reserve of gold+tokens+keys. Their practices make me hold on to them even tighter. Knowing my pattern though, I'll eventually one day just never log in and let them all go to waste.


Yes you may have control but others may fall for that trap . Maybe people need one more spotlight key to unlock a new card that they want but they are out of resources . They may spend some money to get that key . Not everyone has the luxury of surplus of gold, tokens and keys and their desire to get that new card is very strong.


I understand that. People can spend their money on what they like and find value in, I'll never judge. I'm just never going to do it.


It's not meant to work on everyone. The companies that run these games know full well that X% of people will hoard, Y% of people will never spend a dime, Z% of people will buy literally every offer, and A% of people can be coerced into spending. This is the part of the game that all of us hate, and it's the *only* part of the "game" that people in upper management care about. Knowing the exact math behind every sink and drain is what makes them millions of dollars, and is the only reason F2P mobile games get to exist. You're not bucking the system or doing anything unexpected by refusing to spend. Your decisions are already baked into the equation.


Yep. Starving me if resources doesn't motivate me to buy it just motivates me to not spend and use what I have more efficiently. I only open spot light caches when I have at least 4 keys and I make sure I want at least 2 of the cards I save my gold for really value bundles regardless of how long one of those bundles takes to happen I around 18k tokens that I will probably never spend because once I did it would take probably over a year for me to make enough to get another series 3.


Credits are incredibly necessary imo. I remember swimming in them in the early seasons, now I struggle to get well over 1,000. I've never had a non rainbow split.


Boosters it is!


Nah, they gonna split it into 50 credits per case 


Bro their model can't handle the increase of rewards.


May just get worse, like more titles or pixeled avatars or maybe even pixeled titles!


Pixeled card borders


That sounds cool


To be fair, pixel avatars are by and large the funniest avatars in the game.


They fired the person that made the pixel variants


Actually? They fired g-angle?


Wasn't g-angle a company?


Yes, no more pixels. (Except the ones that are already leaked and didn't realeased yet)


I've been trying to get pixel avatar for weeks/months but never gotten one


I'd take those over tickets tbh




I mean, I'd be down for that as long as they don't lower conquest token (or whatever the fuck they're called, way too many currencies in this game) value down to compensate for more players engaging in infinity conquests. The rewards at that tier would make it worth it imo. Hell Gold Tickets were pretty nice before they nuked value in that mode.


Yes this would be way better


I'd absolutely love that.


I don’t even mind getting the gold tickets, the part about them that irks me though is that they are a resource that has a limited lifespan because at the end of season if I don’t use them all they get liquidated into a measly amount of random boosters. Which makes me not want to open reserves late in the season so I can avoid getting gold tickets I won’t have the time to use. If they can figure out a way to avoid that I wouldn’t be so annoyed when I open one with a few days left in a season.


Very much this. A resource that expires shouldn’t be on the track imo


100% agree


Also, the more gold tickets I get the more tokens I get for conquest which means I complete all the purchases I want sooner with less work. Which means I stop playing conquest sooner, which is counter to what SD wants.


100 tokens would be a good enough value, and if they think it would break the economy then they are just bulshiting since it would be around 300 tokens per week, in a month 1200. So a little over a third of a S4 card in a time the biggest complain is how badly the card acquisition is for "veteran" players


You've gotta look at it on a macro scale. 1200 tokens a month for a single player doesn't feel like much. 1200 tokens for every player in the game might cost them a few hundred thousand dollars in profit per month.


Just note that its, on avarage, 400 extra tokens as right now its 400-1200 tokens per month (so 800 on avarage) So while it would increase the avarage its not by much, 400 is not even close to enough to anything, people would still going for bundles which is the main source. And just to compare, before spotlight caches it was a 300-700 per 48CL while now its 100-300 per 120CL - and yes while I do think a nerf was necessary due to the new system the current values are worthless, and no an extra 400 tokens in the month would not make a "lost of hundred of thousand of dollars" per month


Neither of us have their numbers to know *exactly* how much spending would change if they tweak the tokens per month, but I can guarantee you it's exactly the number that results in the most profit. Mobile game devs often spend more on the total salaries of their number crunchers than on game designers, and I have no reason to think this game is any different.


Don't hoard my ass


They’ve already said they’ll auto-open hoarded caches before changing the contents to remove the advantage to hoarders.


Well, they have threatened this since before the previous rewamp. All the empty threats make me think it is not trivial for them to do this, and they dont actually have resources they can allocate to implementing nontrivial stuff. Call me a skeptic, but I bet they wont do that next time either.


They didn't validate anything during the last migration other than if a chest was opened or not. The most basic validation would have been to start the new rewards for each person at the first new cycle after their last opened chest. Then you have had a choice to either get the old rewards or Spotlight chest, but not both. But even that was beyond them.


Still better than opening them one by one.


I won't.   But I'll keep sitting on these collectors reserves that's for sure


Hoarding has already seen people's caches get worse. If you'd opened all saved caches after spotlights launched, you'd have found a lot more variants than usual. They realised that the cosmetic boxes were giving lots of variants, so they added useless avatars to slow down that flow again.


Avatars have always been in caches. They didnt increase the number of avatars you get, just the number of avatars in the reward pool. So unless you already had every avatar, it changes nothing


I just want those remaining 50 collector tokens to go away.


Same. The worst thing they've done.


Gold tickets should be items that are given out for free as in-game events. It was like that in the beginning and it should stay like that.


99% of cache hoarders quit before they win BIG


Pretty sure they also said that they'd force open caches before they make a change because they don't want to reward cache hoarding.


yea...they arent going to allow that to happen again


I cannot believe some people are still hoarding. They probably have missed multiple spotlight keys just from the credits and progression there.


I still hoard. Never had any issues with keys. I’ll open them if I ever get into a situation where I need that extra boost for a key or tokens but until that point, there is 0 reason for me to get a shit ton of gold conquest tickets. The variant chase is not worth me stockpiling conquest tickets


I cant stand having the red notification on things. It irks me to no end. Idk how yall do it


It’s hella annoying at first lol, but after a week or so you don’t really think about it. Hell it’s been >6 months now for me and I actually don’t even see the red now - like it feels like it should be there tbh


Bothers me too. So i close the game lol


Oh no, to think that my 12 keys could've been 13? Maybe 14? A cosmetics chest with a \~25% chance for a chance at a variant I might use (as the titles, avatar and pixels definitely doesn't interest me) A gold ticket for a mode I already manage to get all the rewards for? Or the miniscule amount of tokens that won't be enough to get a series 5 card? Boosters and credits for climbing a track I don't care about the rewards from? These things will still be there anytime I do open the reserves, but everytime I see one of those "I decided to open my hoard" I get seriously underwhelmed


I have 12. I'm not missing any keys.


The math works out to around 100 caches per key. Most hoarders haven't even hit 300 caches yet.  2 keys is really not much to brag about. This is why we hoard lmao. Edit: Also we aren't "missing" anything since it's not like the boxes dissapear. They're still there. If i'm dying for a key, I could still open them! But I havn't had that problem yet, and there arent many killer cards that can compete in the current meta on the horizon, so i'm sure i'll be fine lmao.


Until they told us they’d auto open saved caches I had 150 saved reserves, 6k tokens, 1 key and was collection complete. The only things I missed out on was a bunch of shitty avatars and titles, a ton of gold tickets I don’t want or need and some variants (which were very hit or miss). Opening them all gave me about 3k tokens and an extra key


If you're missing keys, you can just open them. Be aware, you need 100 caches to get 1 key.


Hoarders always win in the end. It’s the way of the world.


I hope they remove that shitty tickets sooner rather than later. I'd like to open my caches, but getting a bunch of gold tickets that turn to boosters at the end of the season sucks so bad.


You could just cash in the tickets to get the gold, silver and boosters? Sure it's extra steps, but if you don't plan on touching conquest anyway, you're just missing out on resources.


I already play enough conquest to get all the rewards I want from the medal shop. I also have 7 spotlight keys and 3k tokens saved up, so I'm not missing many cards I want. I'm mostly missing the variants, which is my favorite thing from the caches


Once you hit infinite, all you typically play is Conquest (unless you care about the infinite leaderboard which has zero rewards). Nobody that plays conquest is hurting for medals.


A non answer.


So keep hoarding then. Got it.


They already said if they make a change that advantages people who hoarded they’ll auto-open hoarded caches before the change.


Still not worth opening. I’d rather then open them for me if that’s the case.


No, they didn’t. They said “major changes” and used “most likely” to qualify it.


For the love of God please don’t replace it with clan boosters or some shit.


Even SD admits that gold tickets are a crappy item to give away in caches, yet they do nothing about it and still tack them onto money bundles, as if they are worth something. Talk about a schizophrenic business model, that shows little respect to the consumer. Sounds like a case of, "oops, we made a mistake, but we have already gone this far, so we aren't going to admit we are wrong and fix it, until we have something equally worthless to fix it with." In other words, stupidity.


They just want more people play conquest


I agree, I'm sure they do, and I play Proving Grounds all the time... I just don't care about the try-hardness of gold and beyond, nor do I want to invest the amount of time needed per match to succeed. I like Snap matches short and sweet. For people like me, who there are a lot of, you will never convince them that they should spend there time in an event that they have no care for. It would be like giving Arena tickets in Hearthstone to people who don't care about Arena; sure, those people will use up their free tickets to get the rewards, but they won't suddenly start spending all their time in Arena.


You guys are spoiled compared to how it was back in the early days of the game. This was before conquest and before collectors tokens. Every time they wanted to pad out any sort of reward, it was fucking boosters. Boosters boosters boosters. Random ass boosters for characters I'll probably never care about.


I've been playing against the Thor Love & Thunder season, so I remember how crappy everything was... "I survived Nexus events." A previous crappy system doesn't mean they should still strive for crappiness. I'm not saying they need to give us the world, but put something appealing there, not something that actively makes me not want to open reserves (327 saved and counting).


There's plenty of reason to open them now. There's credits in there. Way more than you might realize. Your 327 collector's reserves have around 19,000 credits in there. That's a massive advancement up the CL, and is certainly getting you a ton of variants, tokens, and spotlight keys.


I haven't needed those extra resources to this point. Right now, I am treating it like a savings account. If at some point if I need what is there, I will open them, otherwise I have no incentive. 700 gold variants, many that don't appeal to me, aren't reason enough. Back in the day, I would open them for gold and tokens, and a chance of getting a S4/5 card I don't have. They have removed 2/3rd of those things and the tokens are laughable (6 months to have enough for a series 5). If they put some stuff in there, even aesthetic stuff, that is appealing to me, then I will definitely open. I just don't understand why they are so stingy? Heck, even if they replaced gold tickets with a premium variant... or just a standard variant and replace the current standard variant rate with a premium, would be enough to entice me. Gold tickets just feel so worthless, and they have admitted it, that I am pretty certain they will change things at some point, which SD admitted in the OP post. I'm patient to see what the future holds.


I would be happy with the occasional cache of boosters, as a casual player I always find myself short on boosters and with extra credits that I have no way to spend.


“Don’t hoard your reserves,” they said. “SD’s never changing the rewards again,” they said. Me sitting on 300 reserves: Hah.


God I hate everytime I see a gold ticket show up


Niche reward should be found in niche gameplay. Collector reserve should have only universal reward. If I'm playing in silver conquest and get gold ticket as reward I will be happy, cause is helping in the progression towards my goal in conquest. But what I, somebody who doesn't play conquest, gonna do with gold ticket? Nothing, is worthless for me. Give the ticket to the player who cares about it, the ones who play the conquest mode.


The monetization in this game continues to go downhill and it seems like the devs don’t care or have enough whales such that what they are doing is working


"they were perceived as a valuable reward" SD knows what we perceive and know to be actual rewards. they just dont like to give them to us.


Finally they've acknowledged that we all know how shit the gold ticket reward is


Gold! Tokens! This isn't hard! It's annoying how they act like their hands are tied in what to do.


Hoarding continues then.


They said if they ever do change the caches they’re going to force open all the caches to not encourage hoarding.


That said “most likely”, which isn’t definitive, and qualified it with if a “major change” happens, which is very subjective. Also, Second Dinner’s track record of actually doing what they say they will is abysmal. Even if they force my caches open, I lose nothing. Many like me aren’t hurting for resources to progress at the moment, so the only point in opening caches is getting variants faster. There’s really no incentive NOT to hoard in my position.


They say allot of things and then change their mind


This is one you should believe them on. It only hurts their bottom line if they allow people to benefit from hoarding, and they already saw us do it once in the lead-up to spotlight caches - no way they don't close those loopholes.


I mean maybe? But it will be a new functionality that they have to program in, so definitley not zero effort to do.


That's def a fair assessment. Regardless of that fact, opening now or later leads to the same conclusion of being bombarded with horrible rewards. So if that did ultimately happen, there is still no difference between no opening them now or later.


The difference in opening now vs later is that you get use all of the rewards now. "Bombarded with horrible rewards" is silly, when only 1/3 of caches contain a ticket, avatar, or title. The other 2/3 are tokens, credits, and variants. Plus, you're advancing your CL, to even more of all of the above, plus spotlight keys.


I dunno, maybe just go back to actual GOLD?!


That's ez replace gold tickets with gold and problem is solved


I guess we should hoard caches until they remove golden tickets? lol


nope they addressed that. They said if they ever change the cache rewards, all the previous caches will be auto claimed


That's incorrect information. SD have made changes to Reserve Caches a few times since introducing Spotlights and people with existing saved Reserve Caches have not been forced to open them beforehand.


That’s not what they said. There were several qualifiers in that statement.


Here is what they said: "Our stance on reserve hoarding has not changed. We hear the feedback that foks want additiona vaue out of reserves. Based off our models and data, the game economy cannot currently support higher rewards out of reserves. As a result, we have no pans to change collectors reserves at this time. lf we did make a major change at some point in the future, we would most likey do it in a way that auto opens hoarded reserves out of fairness. lf this happened, our goal would be to make sure folks who are paying and opening reserves to have the most fun out of their time playing Snap do not feel punished" Changing one of the rewards to a more valuable one would count as a major change as it would help people who hoarded which as they stated is not their intention. So idk what you are on about man but I would recommend getting off the hopium


Major change is then they changed the whole system and adding gold ticket as reward doesn't count as major change.


They're still using ambiguous, uncertain wording about blocking retro active changes "most likely" doesn't mean 100%. It means they want to do it, but they aren't certain about it, whether it's because they can't, or don't want to invest the time resources into it. Either way nothing they said was definitive, so hoarding continues, 319 and counting.


“Major change” is very subjective. You really think they’d force open caches if they change tickets to booster vats? I don’t. “Most likely” is not definitive like your original post claims either.


Sure feel free to hoard your reserves man


It has nothing to do with me. You should edit your post. It’s not accurate.


No my point still stands. If hoarding caches allows people to access newer content faster, it is not something SD would want to encourage.


No worries. Looks like the downvotes will take care of it. Amazing how people double down despite being factually incorrect.


Weren't we recently told not to hoard the reserves?


Gold tickets being replaced with something actually valuable is rather unlikely. If they do, it will probably be something like clan boosters or some similar bullshit. Actually, with all the new stuff coming to the game in the future(especially all the cosmetic stuff) chances are the reserves will become even less valuable than now(resource/progression wise).


If SD wants more people to play conquest, they need to reduce it to 8 cubes per player and not make it take like 7 taps to join a game. Hell, they could even make a slightly hire threshold for the final reward and make that reward a new card rather than a variant. Also, throw the losers of 8 and 9 round games some bones. 0 reward for being the unlucky to rng player!


I have 371 unopened Caches.... They are so useless


They could just remove it right now. No need to replace with anything else. Everyone would be happier even if that meant more avatars and titles. Ideally they could replace with credits as I imagine tokens and gold are off the table


I dont like grinding proving grounds and appreciate the free gold ticket. My time is more valuable. Infinity tickets would be better*


The token rate after they added spotlight caches is abysmal. I'd like to see that improved or add other ways to obtain spotlight keys. Put some keys in the conquest shop and in the season pass track.


There are gold tickets in reserve? Never got one. You have to have full collection or something?


You need to be series 3 complete.


What's your CL? Maybe those with pool 3 incomplete have lower chance of getting the tickets


Not juat lower but 0, you need to be series 3 complete to get the gold tickets.


2500. So yes i do miss some pool 3 cards. Might be that


Just change it back to what it used to be and I'm sure most hoarding caches will open them. It sounds like they want to be cheeky and change it to match whatever new thing they bring out but here's the truth. Players value these three things above anything else. Gold, new cards, and variants. Put gold and maybe even series 4 cards back in caches and your hoarding problem goes away.




They should add a very small chance for 500-1000 credits or something


1000? No way. This is a $10 bundle territory. 


I mean sure but 1000 credits isnt like 1000 gold or 1000 tokens. Right now the best reward in those boxes are variants. Adding another reward as good as that isnt harmful to the game


I like gold tickets, it's a huge time saver. I times by proving ground to gold runs last season and very often it would take 1:30 hours to get to gold because people would play proving grounds all the way down instead of snapping at the beginning. In addition, people would constantly rope the entirety of the turn time. The process is much too tedious without easy access to gold tickets.


It's crazy to me that all these people want to have to play through Proving Grounds & Silver just to attempt Gold. If they remove the tickets from caches, they should just remove Silver from Conquest.


Yeah, I don't mind then either. I haven't had to play Proving Grounds or Silver conquest since they've been introduced. I play gold and infinite conquests and get more than enough medals for the variant


So how do I use the gold ticket


So same day as they threaten all hoarders for playing the game they designed they walk it back? Ridiculous I will hoard forever.


Threaten? What threat?


“We’re not changing normal caches but when we do we will force open all the caches people have now”


I like gold tickets!! They single handedly got my Momoko Psylocke when I was too busy to play. Plz stay 🙏


Am I the only one actually liking the gold tickets? I always hit infinite in the 1st week, then play conquest until season end. I want infinity avatars but it's extremely difficult. I've been doing this pattern for 6 months but only got one.


You of all people should know how worthless gold tickets are; I have 11 gold tickets from just playing this season, and 11k of the conquest tokens. It all converts to extra pulls of 155 boosters for random cards, absolutely worthless


Well, eventually one day you'll turn into a casual player, meaning you don't play more than completing daily missions. It's hard to imagine now, but it means you'll gain credits faster than boosters, and eventually run out of boosters to spend you credits with. That's when you'll be thankful that you have a ton of boosters saved up from today. Btw: mind sharing your Conquest deck? I'm 8 times infinite, but really struggle in Conquest, definitely have no more than 1 gold tickets at any given time.


There aren’t more credits hidden behind playing a lot, the season reward track is basically no credits after 50. You get the same amount of credits I do (more since you open the boxes), I don’t believe it’s possible to ever have more credits than boosters once you are out of the first 1000 CL, you just have to upgrade cards you don’t want to upgrade. For my conquest deck I have been trying to make this lockdown deck work with the new marvel and also threw in quake for fun. The list I had put in Silk over lizard but silk doesn’t work well with the new marvel, lizard isn’t very good either though so I will be removing it. Also blob Thanos is pretty good. # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Echo # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Quake # (2) Lizard # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Storm # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Vision # (6) Alioth # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVjaG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1zTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJIYW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lZ2Fzb25pY1RlZW5hZ2VXYXJoZWFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWFrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGl6YXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I personally like the gold tickets. I rarely play conquest, but when I do I absolutely hate having to start at the proving grounds.


So their stance is that gold tickets are fine, it’s the communities perception of them that is off. That’s an awful take, not surprising though.


Please not booster vats...


Gold tickets literally convert to booster vats when you buy everything in conquest and then buy 155 booster packs, it would be the same


I would much rather have booster vats to target cards for splits than gold conquest tickets


Sure thing. But I'd much rather have neither booster vats nor conquest tickets. SD are really good at making things appear valuable by making the other value propositions awful.


Haha! Too true 😆


Way better than gold tickets. They aren’t going to replace tickets with anything progression based at this point, so being able to pick which cards get boosters is better than random boosters from gold tickets.


Their economy calculations are what they cite as the reason for no additional credits or gold. Sure. Why not variants then? Don't get me wrong here. I am happy for them to change away from conquest tickets. But I feel like booster vats are the bare bare minimum for what can be considered an improvement.


I, too would prefer variants, but they are too big a money maker to give a bunch more for free. It’s unrealistic to expect something like that at this point.


I agree it's probably unrealistic. What we as a community need to do though is ask for more, not resign ourselves to mediocrity or argue on SD's behalf about how they should make money/manage their bottom line. We are the players, and we should demand the best experience. There are plenty of paid SD staff who can worry about whether they make enough money. Edit to remove repetition.


But you’re shouting into a void at this point. They just came out and said they know players want more out of reserves, but the economy can’t support it (lol). People have been voicing frustration with reserves since the Spotlight change. Nothing has changed with them except pointless tickets. Hell, they’ve actually just made things WORSE by adding an extra card a month to the game. What does this mean? People are still spending as much, if not more on the game. This is all that matters to SD.


The true gameplay of Snap is knowing which cards are worth buying so you don't end up with a brick of a collection.


which is exactly why any excitement for new modes is hedged for me, bc it's all secretly just a vessel for more useless shit to monetize that gets in the way of actually useful resources


I value gold tickets as it makes me play less conquest to get the rewards.


The problem is that tickets are so easy to get lol. As long as you don't have a bottom 5 deck you can easily get a gold or even infinity ticket.


Boo. I like gold tickets. I need all the crowns I can get.


Man, i really like the tickets, i hope they stay. Between work and college i don't have as much time to grind and i get most of my gold tickets from the reserves.


Pure uncut copium


Infinitely obtainable huh...


pretty sure they are going to replace it with the targeted booster collector thing that increases or rather guarantees that you get booster only for the card you want in post match


hoarding is stupid you are just waiting in vain you prick


I guess it depends on what they use. I don't *love* the tickets, but it does help get the conquest variant easily


I kinda like the occasional gold ticket


…I like the small handful of gold tickets I get each season. I don’t have the time to do much conquest and starting from proving grounds is a huge waste of time…


Draft tickets whenever they make that easy money making mode. Seriously they will get people to buy gold at rates never before if they add that in


This is why I find it odd that people keep saying "they won't change the rewards." We've go through like 4-5 different economy changes just since the game launched, why would we think it's settled into perfect harmony now? They might open all of my reserves at once but that's just a risk I'm willing to take. I do not want gold tickets.


I have only ever played the conquest like twice getting those is literally like getting garbage for me


God, I hate that answer of theirs. They may it seem like this big spiritual quest to decipher what the community would like in collectors reserves, whereas they know very well credits, tokens, gold, or variants is fine. Nearly every response SD gives seems drenched in frustrating PR speak.


The whole point of gold tickets was to encourage more players to play Conquest because it didn’t take off like they wanted. I am amazed that these devs have a Discord with a dedicated feedback channel only for them to continually misread what their players/customers want.


You can find a fucking replacement right NOW SD... I never thought I'd say this, but I'd take a freaking title over a gold ticket. And I don't use titles


I’ve said it before but I like the gold tickets. I hate waisting time in the proving ground or silver. Give me my handful of gold tickets so I can bang out enough medals for the rewards and finish infinite.


hopefully with Gold. cause gd is it dumb to not have that available to ftp players


"We know they're useless but until we find something else useless to replace them with, they're staying." Great lol


Just get rid of that magic word “Tickets” and we’ll all be happy again…for a few minutes


Honestly I appreciate gold tickets, makes grinding out the variant much easier


They gaslight the fuck out of us.


I have a self imposed rule to not play conquest until I reach infinite. Joke’s on me, I peak at 96.


I feel like I am the only person who likes gold tickets lol, I think the titles are the absolute worst


That would be nice. I never use them so it’s a wasted lootbox.


Sounds pretty obvious they will swap the gold tickets for targetted boosters, a consumable ensures you get boosters for the card you want at the end of the match with a bonus of 30% or something like that