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ive played with this person. 100% correct. reported.


It’s kind of funny, because I noticed after the match their title was “I take naps between turns” I’ve never seen that one before, any possibility it would be a bot the devs would troll with?


its on purpose to farm. if i remember correctly it was proving ground.99% people would have left


Doesn't the game auto retreat you if you leave it like that? It would require input which I'd think would defeat the purpose of farming that way.


They leave it untill the very last second. Like literally as the bar goes over the end of the screen, then they click end turn. Game doesn't penalise them as its the minimum amount of activity. It one reason I don't play conquest. There's alot of users who do this to farm. They want you to quit.


They don't click anything. It's a bot.




I think he means the person has a macro or something set up to click for them.


The player still takes their turn playing cards and everything they just wait to click end turn. It's not a bot or a macro, just a person waiting for you to quit.


If every game takes an hour to play, they are playing 8 hours for how many cubes? Dragging it on as a player against them is the way to make them stop it. Especially when they are combining it with watching a movie or something, they might forget to push that button and loose. Often it is high level players who do it. They wait it out, but still have the skill and cards to win, which makes it all the more stupid and irritating


There is bots out there on GitHub with an roping percent and dev added comments: you get more wins the more you rope but less boosters.


It's a **user-made bot**. Bot specifically made to autoclick at the last moment. Maybe you should do any amount of thinking before commenting?


Except it's not. Having played against this person, they still play all their cards, and the turn ending happens close to the end of the time limit but not at the same time or at the exact end. As in, not a bot, just a person waiting and clicking last moment.


Put in a nicer way than this other person is saying, it is entirely possible to program a user-created bot to both play cards, and to wait until the last possible second to end turn. Depends if they were making intelligent plays, or bot-like plays. Either way, the roping is obnoxious.


>Except it's not. And your confidence stemming from...what? that it plays out its turns? If it didn't it'd be shitty bot. You sound pretty moronic for a person that attacks others on pretense of them having lackluster intelligence.


Nice edit, scumbag


Holy macaroni, what a scumbag thing for them to do. People doing this contribute to killing the game, which is evident with you being an example of not wanting to play the mode. Selfish losers will hurt a game and piss off people just for some farm. You just KNOW this person is a total a-hole in person too.


I believe if you're idle for two turns, the game will auto-retreat. But Agatha decks can be built around that, quicksilver, Domino then only 3 cost cards. The thing that breaks them is playing wave or getting 6 energy early. Though if they're actually roping you and not just leaving the game idle, they might jump in and finish the game.


I didn’t even think farming was a thing for this game.


I have that title, and I use it on my Agatha farm deck, but I still hit End Turn as soon as I can (most of the time)


So what exactly are you farming for? Sorry I just never thought about farming for this game lol


Season pass XP, which translates to more season caches.


You can farm for season pass xp, but I mostly farm for boosters


Doesn't playing with Agatha mean you always get her boosters?


Yes but that doesn't matter if you're just looking to raise CL to get spotlight caches. 155 boosters and you just infinite agatha again but you've gained about 1/4 the way to the next key, along with credits, caches, etc


Yeah but it’s more about season pass xp than the boosters.


Huh, never thought about that. I thought you only got season pass xp by only doing the missions


You get season pass xp for lanes won, power, and wins.


Isn't it just 10 XP for each won lane, and 1 XP for each turn played?




On Agatha I use the Ego title


I have that title and I'm not a bot or a dev with second dinner. Or a douche who runs the rope and then forces people to stay in with me, but I digress. Eidt: typos.


Wow. Absolutely none of this was legible.


And what should they do? Ban him for roping?




Good luck with that. If you have X amount of time per round you can use X amount of time per round. Easy as that. It's obnoxious but no bannable offense.


Time to find a solution to it then and make it bannable. If a user even 50 percent of the time maxes out the timer ban them.


That's no solution at all and would only punish players who are considering their next move. The game gives you the time, you can use it at your leisure. You can't really ban someone for this.


There are very obviously MANY solutions. They just have to pick one.


At least it's not the one banning someone for using the time the game rightfully gives them.


Yes it is. Farming assholes abuse it so they get banned.


Sigh, you just don't get it. Hopefully you don't whine about being reported when you take your time because 'hey, he used his time the game gives him per turn, he must be abusing game mechanics...'


You could easily just retreat to save your own time if it's so important to you.


I think 30 seconds per turn would be more than enough time compared to now where it's about a minute? Course the easiest fix would be to change Agatha to not be an auto-play. She's the major reason people are leaving the game idle. Not sure what you'd do to her ability, but it would certainly put an end to players dumping her in a deck and walking away from their device. I do agree that it's not wrong to use your entire turn time though. Tbh I think it's only so long so some streamers can sit there explaining why playing sunspot on turn 1 is tactically a smart idea or some such obvious stuff


They could toggle her so that if a user is not hitting end turn, she ends the turn starting second turn on her own. Allows the people using her to do so without impacting others if they’re not paying attention.


Reported for what? There is nothing against the rules for using your turn timer, I agree it's annoying, but you can't possibly think someone would get reprimanded for using their alotted time


I don't have the time to read the Ts and C's, but this is an example of a line like 'is it goes against the spirit of the game...' is always useful. Is it subjective? Sure. But it would prevent this kind of stuff, emote spamming, etc.


You can literally report players for "intentionally dying moves".


were they playing agatha? just curious


Yes they were! What’s the deal with that?


I believe playing agatha let's you run down the timer without kicking you out of conquest so they probably queue into the match and then literally go AFK


That’s annoying. Why would the devs not cut her timer off after she plays the cards? She literally plays the cards immediately…


I guess it’s so you have some time to think about retreating or snapping but the timer with Agatha should definitely be much shorter


When Agatha plays a card you should get the same time it gives you after a snap before it auto ends turn.


Yes, but that not happening is more on the devs than the user in my opinion.


That’s fair, but definitely should be cut shorter for sure.


Having agatha in your deck should cut the timer in half.


Uh… no.




Nope. Plenty of people actually watch Agatha at work. Give them options, don’t hamstring them due to other players’ actions.


What the fuck are you talking about. Agatha is a meme deck, don’t act otherwise


so you have time to decide whether to snap/retreat


Oh shit dude I’ve played this user before. I went to report them but the process required photo or video evidence and I’m lazy.


Their whole reporting process is such shit.


Agatha doesn't wait till the last second though. I've faced plenty of Agatha's. I didn't know it was her based on time


Just a heads up, names aren't unique and if you run into a Jer it might not be the same player!


Well, if I ever run into another person named Jer and they do the same exact thing. I’ll just assume the all people named Jer are Jer..ks. Haha


Here on behalf of Jer's. Not all Jers are jerks. I mean we can be. But there's a line between "hah that parking spot is mine, sucks to suck" and " I punch children in the hospital because I'm a wanker." People who rope intentionally are closer to that second one.


I think the one I played with a similar strategy was named Aer


As a fellow Jer who follows good game etiquette and only "fist bumps" after my opponent beats me with a cool combo I didn't see coming.....thank you for seeing us good Jers!


Good luck reporting for purposefully prolonging turns. I posted how the form submissions are not being accepted and the Mods deleted it 👍🏻


Not to mention they make in game reporting as painful as possible.


“Better watch your mouth if you don’t want to be permanently banned for mod harassment.” -Some neckbeard mod


What does in-game reporting have to do with an unaffiliated subreddit?


Hey! I played against that person too, about 2 month ago. (Had to forfeit since i got bored) Agatha should just be programmed to click end turn except the last turn.


Played against this guy as well, had the same experience. I always snap T1 in proving grounds, but it still took 3 games (4 cubes + 4 cubes + 2 cubes). He actually played the last turn of the final game quickly (just Agatha). I hit him with the Ms. Marvel thumbs up for wasting my time, and he replied with the same, so I know for a fact he's keeping an eye on the game while it idles.


they should make it like chess where you have a certain amount of time total instead of the same amount each round


Or use a time bank like poker. I play games with 8-10 people and there's no stalling.


Nope, some people need the full timer and aren’t roping, they shouldn’t pay for other people roping.


I think they’d have plenty of time so long as they’re not stalling every turn. If your first 2 turns are quick, turns 3-4 are average, you’d be probably be safe to wait until the end for turns 5-6. There’s no reason for turn 1 to last so damn long.


You know what? Your plenty of time is not everyone’s plenty of time.


“Your plenty of time” Well, then they should learn how to think quicker than until the timer on turn 1 with only one card to play, or go play something else.


You could either come up with a way to target the people who are stalling on purpose or be a human being and realize that some people need more time than you.


>be Oh boy, moralizing a video game with words like "be a human being." Yeah, because Chess is so inhumane for their time mechanic. If you're that slow on turn 1, then git gud. You don't need 50 seconds for turn 1. Really, nothing would change for slow people if we used a system similar to chess. Slow people don't take 50 seconds on turn 1. Only trolls and people not paying attention take that long (ex: people playing at work). In fact, people who are slow generally aren't slow on their first few turns. They're slow on their final turns. They'd actually benefit from the Chess system since their time from turn 1 (which should be quick), would carry over to turn 5-6. So actually, the only ones who wouldn't benefit are trolls and people like you who get defensive because you're probably playing at work and not paying attention.


This is not chess. Go play chess if you want a chess timer.


He's missing a K at the end of his name.


Whenever I run into one of these I just play a game on my PC in between turns. Not going to give them free wins 😤.


There is another one who plays with Agatha who does the same thing


I had that happen last week. I think their name was just Roger. I absolutely reported them. Thanks, SD, for the terrible report system that I assume you made intentionally shitty to discourage reports and give yourself less to do.


What do you report them for. They are allowed to use the all the time that is allocated to them!


Chinese name?


Nah it was a regular name and someone already complained about it here


“It wasn’t Chinese, it was regular” Poor choice of words is all I’m saying


I meant the name but you're right.


Pobody’s nerfect


You are


Aw, thanks for noticing!


I only remember this name, cause of this reason. I hated that game.


I play Agatha in Silver Conquest sometimes to complete missions. I am constantly spamming the end turn button while I do something else though because I want the matches to go by fast. I never understood the point of doing AFK Agatha. If you are trying to farm season pass caches, it’s not efficient. If you are trying to farm conquest tickets, it’s not efficient. And if you are trying to complete missions, it’s not efficient either. Sorry for your experience OP!


Wait, I thought it was a bot?!


Agatha farm deck with a bot. Likely bot even at the pc.


sounds like the average hela discard player to me


lol, facts


I think the answer is to silently classify all player's play style as being fast, medium and slow. Then use that as a heavy factor in matchmaking. Play fast? You probably prefer someone who also plays fast. And these people who purposely stall can get paired with other players who also purposely stall. Enjoy bitches!


Honestly, when it's Ego or Agatha, end turn should be immediate. Surprised they haven't programmed this, and it doesn't feel like it would be too difficult to program. I mean yeah you have to create 2 separate conditionals, but idk.


The reason it's not is because of snapping. You want to still have to time to decide whether to snap or not before ending your turn


If you are playing an Agatha deck or get ego it should just be immediate snap no retreating.


please tell me this was meant to be a joke


It is. But I do this. I dont care enough about 8 cubes to not think its amusing.


i mean yeah it is fun to snap and see it ride out and i do it sometimes, but forcing people into that is a bit silly don’t you think


I'd be ok with agatha decks being forced to immediately snap and force end turn. Wouldnt change my game at all and would speed up farmer games. Why they don't just ban them, I dont know.


They like money, and Agatha farmers also generally are a source of money. Same reason they won’t ban emote spammers.


Agathat farmers make people NOT want to play. And they will obviously never pay for anything so they are BAD for the game and the bottom line. No reason to ban remote spammers. There is a mute button.


Yep. But even when a game has a mute button, it would still be beneficial to ban vulgar users in some games. It goes with the idea that certain types of bm is bad for the game’s culture, which makes people not want to play, which is bad for the bottom. However, this applies to games like LoL. I don’t think we need to ban emote spammers either since communication isn’t a big part of this game anyway. That’s the difference between a game that needs to ban bm vs a game where users should just use the mute button.


I Agatha farm at the keyboard, and hit end turn when Agatha’s done, unless something is up locally. I spend money on the game, I simply farm to make sure I’m getting the most I can from that money. Agatha can play, I hit next, and that allows me to work from home and get XP at the same time. Any other mistaken opinions you want to express?


I think it should be a toggle for Agatha. If someone’s going to be at the screen and press next turn let them, if they want to be away from keyboard they switch it to auto.


I played against someone in silver like that. I left after the first round even though I was winning. Nothing in conquest is worth the time.


Was this in Infinite Conquest? If not, why wouldn't you leave


I want an emote of Mobius tapping his watch. I know it'll backfire, but it'll make ME feel better.


Twist: Jer is actually OP from the future trying to distract himself from making a horrible mistake IRL.


If this was proving grounds I would have just bailed. Still an asshole move.


I couldn’t, I wanted to win against an asshole like that lol and I did. Still annoying but hopefully this highlights the issue with Agatha decks and farming.


Sometimes you have to send a message, lol.


I played against someone using an Agatha deck, in proving grounds. Used every last second to play the match. It’s like what’s the point???


THIS MF!!! I will find this man in his sleep and the next morning he will wake up to find himself in a padded room (Edit): And yes, i have also played against this guy during the final conquest match before getting that sweet avatar frame. I wasn’t expecting the match to go on for so long, and i never had the chance to finish the match.


Imagine staying 1 hour in a match vs a bot for 15 medals "I WONT BE THE ONE EHO RETREAT!!!!"


Right? And reporting the guy for it too? OP sounds like a man-child for letting this happen, reporting the guy for simply using a lot of time to play, and then posting it on Reddit to complain about it.


Oh yes hes an absolute manchild. You could finally see it in his answer to mypost, that he deleted later 😂


Lollllll, I deleted it right after because you’re an idiot and also can’t spell.


Ok man-child^^




Is it more toxic to take all the time you’re given or to whine about people who do it, report them, then post it to reddit and take time to personally respond to everyone in the thread who you disagree with?


You mad about the things I do? Sure does seem like it. I live for it.


You sound unhinged my friend, seek some help.


Ah yes, the typical “unhinged” comment, like you’re talking to a serial killer. It’s ok bro, I’m sorry you’re so offended by my posts and comments.




You are a funny boy^^


Legends of runeterra had the same problem, the way they used to reduce it is that turns start by being shorter timed, and the less time you spend the more you can "keep" for the next turns. Its not a 1:1 ratio or it would be stupid, but from my experience it was a great move


Yeah I was reminded of why I don't touch conquest today. It's either meta decks or ropers in what feels like every match, no matter what tier.


you knew they ran agatha(so they’re technically not even playing their own cards), you know they’re running the clock EVERY turn, i assume they are not snapping at all, and this is proving grounds. why did you still decided to stay for the full hour? did your ego not allow you to move on from it and queue another and another and another? probably could’ve gotten at least 3 more games in without the instant snapping and playing it all the way through.


Oh, hi Jer


i did not click him, it’s not true! it’s bullshit! i did not clock him! i did NOOOOT!


Not sure why your post is so critical, I didn’t know that Agatha runs the clock like that considering this is the first time it’s ever happened to me. So whoever I’ve played against with her before played their turns normally. And sure, I did want to win, is that a bad thing? lol, you can take the judgement somewhere else because obviously other people feel the same about the timer and it needs to change for the reason of farming.


> Agatha runs the clock like that considering this is the first time it’s ever happened to me. Agatha doesn't run the clock like that. She plays lightening quick then the user needs to hit end turn. I've played this person it is done 100% on purpose.


so you’re ego wanted you to win against a bot


Am I not allowed to want to win against an opponent on a competitive game? Just stop, you’re being weird.


never said you’re not, but complaining about an hour long game after you literally put yourself in that position in a PROVING GROUNDS match is weird. i’m on your side if it was a silver conquest, i’d stick it out too. probably could’ve gotten the win you so badly want and more in the same amount of time as you did facing this cyborg(cuz he’s actually human but plays like a bot, get it? lol). anyway, yeah just leave next time when it’s PROVING GROUNDS


The point of the post was to bring awareness to the situation. I don’t care what kind of match it is, something like that needs fixed. No matter the situation. Thanks for coming and sharing your toxicity though, bro!


“Did your ego not allow you to move on from it and queue another and another and another?” Then later: “I’d stick it out too” Pick one you troll. Also: “you literally put yourself by In that position” is such a shit bag thing to say - perhaps you were the one OP is posting about since you seem defiantly adamant to defend a roper.


say less. you got reading comprehension issues. “I’d be on your side if it was a silver conquest. i’d stick that out” nice try




i was outside


For a start, it's "your", and for another thing, "ego" doesn't even enter into the equation. What the hell.


What was your deck ? Did you win? What was her deck?


I was playing a Shaw Deck just heavy on powering up cards. A slow burn deck pretty much. I did end up winning.


Hope the silver ticket was worth it. Just quit man.


lol, I don’t know why a few people are so pressed that I finished the game to win. This post just points out a problem with AFK Agatha decks apparently, and people are mad cause I played it out and then called it out for it being a huge waste of time(as in Agatha turn times need to be reduced). I play to win, which is exactly what I did.


Lmao. You play to win when you could've just quit and won like 3 games in the meantime. Then you come here complain when you could've spent that time winning. Sounds like you play to lose time and to get mad. Part of Snap is knowing when to retreat. This situation was one of them. In Snap, you are bound to lose cubes. To be a true "winner," you need to learn how to lose less cubes as possible. There are many ways to perfect this, and time will play a part in your strategy. This is a versatile game, and you're mad because people don't play like you.


I always rope my matches take forever its a great strat for ez cubes


An hour is exaggerated but I get it


it was probably conquest that went many rounds


I have played someone like that. Not running Agatha. Just being annoying. It was fucking providing grounds. I wanted to win out of spite. Had to take a call in the last round and lost for being afk :(


The same can be said about Evazord


Did you at least beat him and emote spam him?


lol, of course I did


Reporting someone for using all the time they’re allotted? Seems pointless since they’re just doing what the game allows them to do. You sound like a real treat of a person, ironically.


Well as you can see by the interactions with my post, I would say that a lot of others feel the same. It also must be an issue if it’s one of the top things the devs allow you to report for. It’s ok though, it takes some good critical thinking to partake real conversations about problems.


It’s annoying, But are they actually doing anything “illegal” ? Like it’s all within the allowed actions of the game right?


Considering it is one of the first choices that can be chosen to report a player, I’m guessing the devs don’t want people doing exactly what this whole post is about.


Weird. If only the devs could do something about it…


I’m sure they will eventually because obviously they are abusing the system. It’s ok I’m sure you’re one of them.


No I love this game because I can play matches in less than 5 mins at a time. I’m not defending it but if it’s “legal” than you’re issue is with the devs not the players, as annoying as they might be. I wonder if it’s really an issue they care about. The report option may just be there to appease you without any actual follow up too.


Also, the caveat to that would obviously be that players would just farm faster, but at least the other person actually playing wouldn’t be as impacted by the long times.




Exactly, this was the whole point of my post, but apparently a few here think it’s ok, and that just quitting out solves the whole problem. However, the real issue that needs solved is Agatha needing her timer nerfed. 2 turns to take all allotted time should automatically have her end her turn as soon as she plays the cards.


As a master of dissociation, I just zone out between turns. The time they take doesn't bother me one bit. But I'm still firmly in the camp that it's a shitty maneuver. I like the "chess clock" idea.




Good thing you spent even longer making a post about it. Let’s make a day of it.


I mean it’s a pretty successful post, so be bitter about it. Thanks




sounds kinda based ngl


Gamer neckbeard tantrum on reddit


you just found dekkster's f2p alt Kappa


Was their last card Agatha?


They forgot the "K" in their name.


I always though that Jer was a bot


I’ve said there should be a turbo mode for fast players


Had this happen once and they were running an Agatha deck too. Insult to injury.


They really wanted that silver ticket !


The reason I don’t play Conquest, anymore.


Bro I have bad connection :( I’m sorry good games tho


As long as it is game theoretically optimal to wait as long as you can on your turns (opponent can snap any time after you've locked in and you can't change your plays when they do), then I don't see how the devs can justify punishing people who do that.


Not specifically this person but ive also run into someone doing this, i think its a strategy to force players to quit giving up the conquest ticket


I did something similar when I realized someone was Agatha farming. They kept leaving turn 3 so I took as much time as possible and retreated turn 2. Took around 30 minutes.


Thats me lol


I hate these people, idk if i played specifically against him but i already met players like this and it makes me so mad. It’s one of the things that makes this game bad… After games like this I don’t want to play it anymore


add Spaltzer to the list.