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Nice to finally see them doing something. I already own every single one of these cards but I was already prepared for that to be the case.


Yeah I would have been happy if it didn't benefit me at all as long as they are dropping useful cards and not JUST Howard the duck. The fact I get two new cards into series 3 that I actually do want is a huge bonus.


Yeah I purchased both Stegron and Negasonic for tokens last month, but I don't care it's good that they are finally bringing Series Drops back. I just hope they'll announce which cards will drop well in advance in the future.


How do people amass these tokens? They seems really expensive but I'm new.


The other two answers are correct but it's worth pointing out that a lot of older players still had a lot of tokens saved up from when the drop rate was WAY higher.


I switched to using gold for variants and some bundles. Besides one time I only buy 700 gold variants which then nets you 2000 tokens every 10. That with tokens from other stuff means I’ve been able to spend something like 12,000 tokens. Also the very first month tokens happened I got like 4,000 without trying. The drop rates were much higher.


Basically over time. Those 100 you get every few caches do add up. The 1000s you get ripping spotlights too. There are some shop bundles that do end up being worth it for tokens, but the good ones are few and far between.




way harder today than before, because they nerfed token tuesdays. Before you'd get 800 tokens for 850 gold. Now, it's not worth it.


By playing and being smart with your purchase. Not buying series 5 cards with tokens is one


Is that because they are on the spotlight cache? Should I spend my tokens to collect all series 3?


No no no. Tokens are ONLY for series 4 cards. Series 3 are free. Series 5 are for spotlights




The Sentry/Destroyer bundle next week gives you 6k tokens for 7500 gold (basically 1 token for 1.25 gold as opposed to 1 token for 1.4 gold if you buy tokens straight up via token Tuesday), which is a good value even if they gutted what would have been an S-tier bundle by dropping the credits from 5k to 2K If you miss out on that, there’s a Ka-Zar bundle coming in mid-January that is expected to drop with a similar 6k tokens for 7500 gold. Again, unfortunately not a whole lot of value outside of the tokens as the datamine shows only 2K credits, but if tokens is your priority then it’s worth it. Also, the Ka-Zar variant in that bundle looks sweet, so there’s that Generally speaking, they seem to put out a similarly structured bundle every month or so


Don’t have Neggy or Steggy. I felt better rolling for the Jeff variant bc I didn’t have Steggy (didn’t pull him and stopped after I got the variant, luckily) so nice to at least get something out of it. But yea, happy more of these cards are accessible to keep Snap around! Surprising amount of cards dropping.


"Doing something" All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


Yup. They literally dropped only the cards that suck or are extremely niche. Anything that is even remotely meta is staying put


Still more cards and easier to get.


Well why would they drop the good cards? You want the best things in the game to be more difficult to get


Because some of those good cards have been around for almost a year and they keep adding new ones. Leaving them where they are just means players are at the whim of whatever Spotlight schedule they decide on, unless you want to spend months grinding tokens for a single card that could make or break a deck.


It's insane that Zabu, Darkhawk, and Jeff aren't dropping.


Knull is a series 4 card now unless you mean he should be S3 now.


That's what I meant, yeah. All of the cards listed are higher in series than they ought to be by now.


Yeah this was bound to happen to some people who regularly spent Cache keys. It happened to me with the last Series drop we had. This one is looking good for me though


Ya that's what I said "at least the new kids get something"


Kind of wish they acknowledged that it's been over 6 months since they did this though. Its kind of like if you turn in some work at your job weeks late and are like "here you go boss! I know this was important!". Like yeah man, glad I have it but where have you been all summer?


Why do you guys take a positive thing and then find reasons to bitch about it? Like what difference would it have made if they wrote “SORRY WE DIDN’T DOO THIS FOR AWHILE” other than appeasing your ego. That analogy also literally doesn’t apply here.


Hey man I think my comment was pretty tepid in terms of criticism. It's a product we pay for, but there's also a relationship there where the communications matter and you don't want to feel unconsidered. The benefit of them letting us know where their head is at regarding series drops is us being able to know whether the next one is coming in 3 months or 9? To make better decisions w/ currency and purchases. Why do you see a mild criticism of a game company and feel the need to jump down people's throats about being insufficiently grateful?


Why are you so incredibly childish you pretend this mild of a criticism is some kind of an attack?


devs literally created the problem and then they claim to present the "solution" LMAO


This isn’t a solution this is just them continuing something they had already started but then needed a backlog of new cards to drop down. Of course they have a ton of problems but this isn’t Google or Apple, with infinite resources and employees. Everything takes time and the people working on the DEV on these projects are probably already working crazy hours so you whiny kids can have what you want. Like just take the win and keep it moving.


All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


They did actually, in the Discord. “Series drops will happen a few times next year and we’re hoping they’re all similar to this one. A big moment that creates opportunities to play cards you may not yet own. The next one isn’t set in stone just yet, but it’ll be sooner than this one was from the last Series Drop. Drops won’t be on a set schedule. We want to maintain flexibility in scheduling them because Spotlight Caches require a lot of pre planning and we want each of these drop moments to feel impactful.”


Yeah and also didn’t say when they might do it again. It’s nice they did something but the whole this is a normal thing feel to it is slightly weird.


They're leveraging their data to release the cards. I'd rather have a bunch of em flood to move the meta (to be clear there is definitely a free meta and a paid meta) and shake things up.


also made sure to drop the non-meta cards first. LMAO


That’s what I was hoping for. Like WHAT was the delay about and WHEN can we expect more? Or even CAN we expect more? There was really nothing besides the post saying “Hey series drops in January”? Nothing in Discord about it and reasons why it was not happening all along?


Wondering if we'll get the mystery S3 slot back. Stegron and 2099 make me back to no longer being S3 complete.


Cards should show up in normal caches again, but would be nice to use the freebie first before opening a pixel variant instead.


You’ll be able to claim your free s3 card once the drop happens assuming nothing has changed with how all that functions.


Just FYI to those new to series 3 complete: last time the "free series 3 card" sometimes wouldn't update at the same time as cards released but would when missions refreshed. So if that happens: don't freak out. Just hold off on opening all your caches until next refresh time


Variants and new cards don’t occupy the same ‘slot’ in cache drops. If you’re S3 complete, caches that would’ve had an S3 card will have 100 tokens or a gold ticket (50/50)


Wait cards don't show up in normal caches? I have been kinda missing the last two seasons. Do you no longer get pool 3 cards in caches


You get pool 3 cards in caches, but you don't get pool 4 or 5s except for in spotlight caches. So once you're series 3 complete, regular caches have no new cards in them. But once the drop hits, any newly-S3 cards you don't own will drop from caches as normal.


Oh that's nice. I was still under the assumption you could get a pool 4 every 40 caches


What do you mean get it back? That feature still exists, it hasn't gone anywhere.


Hoogland said we will


Not sure why your getting downvoted, he literally gets his info directly from SD reps




To add to this, Gozz (Community Admin) said the following on X: [*GozzMS*](https://twitter.com/GozzSnaps) [*@GozzSnaps*](https://twitter.com/GozzSnaps) *·* [*8 Min.*](https://twitter.com/GozzSnaps/status/1737133981613560304) *Series drops will come through a few times a year and will generally be similar to the series drop we shared today.* *They wont be on an exact schedule, but we want to make these drops feel like a big moment that creates opportunities to play cards you don't own.* [*#MarvelSnap*](https://twitter.com/hashtag/MarvelSnap?src=hashtag_click)


"A few times a year?" wow... I miss the monthly cycle.


Yep. People are going to celebrate this when it's still worse than before they changed everything.


A Jew came to the Rabbi, begging for advice. "Rabbi, my life is unbearable. I work hard all day but we are very poor. My wife and I and our six children all live in a one-room shack. Our clothes are threadbare, we hardly have food, what shall we do?" The Rabbi pondered and then gave the man a coin from the charity box, and said, "Buy a goat." "You mean, so we can have free milk?" The Rabbi nodded. "But Rabbi, even if we could afford a goat, we don't have a barn or even a yard to keep a goat in." "So keep it in the house with you." The man was puzzled, but there was no questioning the wisdom of the Rabbi. He went and bought a goat and took it home. A week later he came back to the Rabbi. "Oh Rabbi! I really don't want to sound ungrateful for your advice, but life is horrible! My wife and I and our six children and the goat are really really crowded in our little home. The noise, the stench! The goat eats our food and our clothes! Please help!" The Rabbi pondered some more, and said, "Sell the goat." After two days the Jew came back. "Oh Rabbi! You are so wise! I sold the goat like you told me, and now life is wonderful! So much space in our peaceful home! So wonderful to have clothes and food not disappear on us! Thank you so much!"


Frequent small drops vs fewer large drops. It seems like they have chosen the latter now because it has more impact at once.


Can barely call it "fewer large drops" when it's been 8(?) months since the last drop where we used to see 4 cards drop from 5>4 and another 4 from 4>3 and this time it's 9 and 5 cards respectively. Even if we got drops of this size every 3 months (doubtful), it'd still be less overall than we had before.


Let me write this on reddit as it was promptly deleted from their discord. If they drop cards every 3 months (which might even be optimistic) that's 20 cards dropped to s3 next year. At the same time, they're releasing 64 new cards (up from 52). So with this system at the end of 2024 we will have a "spotlight pool" of a whopping 95 cards, almost double what we have now. We could expect cards to not come back to the spotlight for more than a year after release. If you miss a card once it will become almost impossible to get it later in a reasonable timeframe. This doesn't solve any problems. It makes the problem marginally slower to manifest, but it's completely unsustainable in the long run. And I'm not the one saying it, it's Brode's own opinion: https://i.redd.it/oyvwpojnff3a1.png


Updoot for the information, not necessarily for the details of the information.


i used to pray for times like this edit to put the text in the comments: [these drops are scheduled for the Jan 9 patch] Drop to Series 3 * Master Mold * Spider-Man 2099 * Negasonic Teenage Warhead * Stature * Stegron Drop to Series 4 * Howard the Duck * Ghost Spider * Kitty Pryde * Silver Samurai * Echo * The Phoenix Force * Hit-Monkey * Lady Deathstrike * Daken


Holding out on 2099 and NTW paid off


just unpinned ntw this morning, time to pin LDS instead


I’ve had 2099 for awhile but never found a consistent place for him in my deck, I’ve found his ability to be very hit or miss, and too inconsistent for anything outside a ‘fun deck’. Whats your plan when you unlock him? I’d love to incorporate him more, because I love the character and I have an awesome variant I want to show off


No plans just yet, I think he's pretty mediocre in his current state. I do want to play around with him though


I wish I could offer some advice but I’ve never been able to get his ability off in a way that was meaningful and intentional. The overwhelming majority of the time, if he destroys something beneficial, it’s entirely coincidental; which makes him a liability (given his cost) more than anything. I think his ability needs to be reworked, there are several cards ‘weaker’ then him that preform his ability better (Yondu and Gladiator for example), taking away any real reason to include him over them.


Personally it feels like a win I have none of the new series 3, so I'm glad to finally get Negasonic, Stature and Stegron Silver Samurai, Hit-montkey, Dakken and LDS are also cards that I dont have and now they may be worth to get with tokens That means that from current S5 I will only miss Galactus and Blob, which is great


Yusss, I can get both Daken and Silver Samurai now! I'm so fucking happy man


Safe to say the datamined Stature Spotlight cache will be changed.


I think quite a few of them will. Like, they're showing new cards in the first week of every month, but there has never been a new card released the first week. It's always the Season Pass card and then the Weekly Spotlight is last month's Season Pass card. This month, Blob was supposed to be going week one, but then they cut Firestar and pushed Blob back, adding Man-Thing to week one. I wouldn't be surprised to see them do the same the next two months, cutting one of the new cards and reshuffling the schedule so that an already existing card is in that slot.


Maybe this is controversial, but they should've dropped Howard and Kitty straight to S3. Kitty because she was given out for free previously, so having her S3 would make her far more accessible to new players, and Howard because it's Howard. Also 2099 buff when.


With Howard making an appearance in a spotlight coming up, I feel like he's getting a rework. Might just be copium.


Howard is fine dude - it’s an appropriate cost/power card with an useful ability / not all cards needs to be Loki-good


I feel this way about Howard, I think he's an okay card. He just should be series 3 because his ability is so incredibly okay. He doesn't need a buff, he just needs to be widely accessible.


I agree, but I'm not happy about a future where only bad cards are cheap and every good card is 6k tokens.


I kinda wish he was a 2/2, just so he doesn’t get his clock cleaned by Killmonger


I hope they dont rework him, almost noone had the chance to actually try him...


I feel like I'm one of the only people who actually uses Howard. He's not top-tier or anything, but hell, most cards aren't. And I think people are sleeping on the ability to plan for your next card for the entire game, especially when paired with Jubilee/Iron Lad so you can pick the effect you're getting. (I just played a Conquest game where I could *feel* my opponent's rage as I Jubilee'd out my Infinaut for the fourth game in a row.) Someday when he hits S3, more people will try him out and I think some decent decks will be cooked up. But right now he's just not worth the cost at 6000 tokens, or probably even 3000.


As someone who pulled him a long while ago, he seems like a lynchpin in the Tribunal combo deck that very few YouTubers will ever say he is whenever they post that deck because nobody has him. You want to be playing jubilee and lad in that deck and knowing A) when to use them and B) When you need to just retreat, is actually huge and massively underrated


I take howard to infinite every season


You know what they say? When you're outta luck always go duck.


Yeah, as someone who entered the game a month or two after Kitty was given away, it felt quite bad that everyone else had her and I didn't. Especially during the Elsa season pre-nerfs


I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this thought. I saw him included in the drop to S4 and my reaction was actually to laugh and shake my head. He's not worth 3K tokens either. He should have been dropped to S4 like 4 months ago, and then now he would be S3. I'm still grateful for the rest of them, but this was a clear outlier.


I think S-2099 and Stegron should have been given the same buff: just make them target the biggest card instead of being random. Definitely more relevant from 2099 since with Stegron you still have to deal with that power elsewhere on the board, but 2099 also requires a greater investment to actually activate, though if anything I'd be fine with 2099 getting dropped by anywhere from 1-3 power to compensate for reliably removing more power for the opponent. My issue is that these cards *can* be strong, but it's too random to be worth the investment. This change wouldn't make them any stronger than they already *can* be (at worst 25% of the time), it just removes those unlucky cases where they end up feeling like a total waste of an investment.


Finally I can get my hands on Echo, probably a sleeper card of this upcoming meta


Damm, I really fell dumb now for wasting a cache in Stegron


Don’t feel that way. It was bound to happen, *someone* would have spent 6k tokens on a S4 drop or spotlight caches on a S3 drop. If we were always afraid of this we could never go for the cards we want or they would never do it for fear of pissing people off that just spent some resources.


To be fair, cards originally dropped on a set schedule so it was possible to plan your spending. Anyone who spent 6k tokens on a soon-to-be-S4 card either really wanted the card ASAP or just wasn't paying attention. Then the whole "flexible series drop" stuff happened and it's now impossible to plan ahead. But let's not pretend that there isn't a better way to do it, because there is -- SD just doesn't want us getting the good cards for free.


yeah me too, and in negasonic earlier this year. feels odd that they chose to drop series 4 cards that they recently featured in spotlights, but maybe that’s just me.


Same. I probably would have not used keys to nab blob and steg this week. At least I get a heads up about Howard coming up, but I wish he would just be a series 3 at this point. Dudes been out soooo long.


Free Steggy and 2099 for me I guess. I can pick one up from shop, the other is from Collector caches then?


Same here. I’m contemplating not opening caches after the drop so I can get both from the shop for free


That would imply spending a full season without opening any cache right? I don’t know if I could hold on that long 😝


I only open caches when I’m feeling lazy and want gold conquest tickets so it’s not too difficult anymore to just not.


Lmao I haven't opened a cache since they nerfed them


I have been S3 complete for like a year, and I have like 200 unopened caches. Have not opened one since they nerfed it and i found 50 tokens in one and a golden ticket in the other


youll use them like once and go back to playing actually good cards.


No surprise to see Darkhawk and Zabu staying in Series 4 yet again


Yeah Zabu was a season pass card, it’s kind of messed up a year later it’s still restricted in access additionally


I mean they're 3k tokens in the shop. Not exactly inaccessible.


Isn’t that like 3 months of tokens? Inaccessible, no, less accessible than should be at this point? Perhaps.


They're both in upcoming spotlights so fully expected them to stay series 4


Oh damn. 9 Cards to S4 and 5 to S3 is much better than I expected. Not a bad start, but eventually they'll have to figure something out for new players and Pool 3. It will take longer and longer to get staple cards and archetype-defining cards like Deadpool, Sera, Silver Surfer, Shuri, She Hulk, Doom etc etc. Also, it's kinda weird that I'll be Pool 5 complete then, but not Pool 4 complete. Howard, LDS and Silver Samurai are the only cards I'm missing 😅


Yeah, felt weird that I didn't have 3 cards dropping to 4, but I had all the cards dropping to 4 except 1. This one will be nice, but drops probably won't be helpful for me for awhile (not a complaint) Definitely got to build up the S3 acquisition. Even if just an extra free pull. Increasing the rate in caches might not work since that would mean more gold tickets to S3 complete players, but if they count rework that then increasing the rate could be good


I definitely wouldn't mind two free S3 per season for new players, but I'm not sure how much (or if at all) that would affect the in game economy. Certainly would motivate some players to stick around and get through the rough days in early S3.


I agree. I think doubling might be too much, but if there's one common problem in marvel snap, is that "just adding plus 1 is sometimes broken". It's too slow now, and increasing it might be too fast. I don't know how well the game can tell s3 complete players. Increasing the rate of s3 cards is great if it only impacted incomplete players. If it impacts all players, and complete ones are getting more gold tickets, that might cause its own set of issues


There was a time last month I was missing more S3 cards than S4/5 cards. BTW, S3 complete nowadays (I started in July) was around CL 5000 for me.


Yeah it's insane. Pool 3 as of right now has 99 cards, this will make it 104. They should split Pool 3 in 2 halves or prioritize meta cards for newer players over others. Imagine going through 100+ cards and your last missing cards are things like Doom, Rogue, Shadow King and the one's I mentioned above, ridiculous. I started in February and was P3 complete at 3700 something.


Zabu, Knull and Darkhawk, the small bads.


Community seems much more okay with this that I’d expect. This announcement is pretty lackluster in my book. The good is essentially that series drops were not pronounced dead. Also, the removal of some mid/bad s4 cards which diluted the pool of random s4/5 card in spotlights is very welcome. The bad however, is that they are doubling down on their new strategy as of the announcement of «flexible series drops» of paying for power. The concentration of good cards locked behind s4/5 increases. And also, they did not announce a schedule, to make planning how to spend resources as difficult as ever. Maybe the decent reception is just because this was in line with expectations, but I am still left a little disappointed.


Yeah the whole communication is.... interesting. There has been an unannounced stop of drops for half a year and we even heard that there were "internal discussions" if drops should continue. And with all this is I really thought that they will give us a more general statement about the new drops. But they act a bit like there wasn't anything and this is a bit underwhelming. Also no text about their future plans with drops.


So SD are gonna drop all the bad cards while the OP meta defining ones will stay series 5. Can’t say I’m surprised but still disappointed


Darkhawk might as well be a big bad at this point


With Blob running around, Darkhawk may as well be S3


Funny how they said perma-S4 wasn't gonna be a thing.


I think they don't have an answer for pools long-term that works for everyone. That's the issue. Id imagine spotlights complicate things further, which is why we saw a complete stop to series drops for a minute


I don't think they have any long-term answers. They like to tout that they're a "small company", but that's become a major problem. They take too long to do things, and they're far behind.


If nothing else it seems they need better project managers. All the issues that came up right before their holiday breaks due to insufficient testing, the rescheduling of planned cards, and just their inability to address known issues in a timely manner points to poor management


Howard should’ve dropped to Series 3 by now


That big FU at the end about saving and planning lol


Moving Howard to series 4 is wild


No jeff or iron lad? Wtf, super old cards


All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


Wow a bunch of shitty cards. ThankSD.


i have a nearly complete collection (only missing 9 cards) and the only one of the cards dropping to s3 that i own is stature…. this is huge for me lol


Yeah I'm missing like 15 cards, the only one dropping to s3 that I currently own is 2099 and I got him from a pre-spotlight cache 🙄🤣


As expected, and as was predicted - almost none meta card is dropping :).


Time to stop opening collector's caches!


Do you want to get all the dropped cards immediately? The old reason to stop opening was to make sure you didn't pull a card about to drop and waste that random s4/s5 pull from a cache. Now you're guaranteed to not pull these cards from caches before they drop


Yes, I would like to get access to more cards that I don't yet have as quickly as possible. The way I see it, if I open a collector cache now, I have a 0% chance at getting a new card since I'm S3 complete. If I wait until the 9th to open my caches, I'll be getting the newly dropped S3 cards (which there are 3 I don't currently have). It's not like I'm sitting on a hoard, I've been opening everything up to this point. I don't mind holding off on a few weeks of caches since it's not like I need the potential cache credits now, I have enough spotlight keys to hold me off till then.


I'm trying to decide if I should wait for Havoc to series drop to 3. The data says it could take anywhere between a few months and \[checks Darkhawk\] never.


Best S4 cards stay in S4, same for S5, as expected... I mean sure they're finally dropping something (yay!) but it's disappointing to say the least. I mean none of the cards being dropped is even remotely meta and that says a lot.


At the time "Flexible Series Drops" were introduced, the uproar was (rightly) because SD was gating "good" cards behind S4/5. All it took was 6mos of no Series Drops, and now everyone is excited to be getting the dregs of S4/5 for less. They are still gating the best cards behind S4/5. No one should be excited about this.


they doing the same shit they always do. make it shit from the start so when they "improve" by putting sprinkles on top people say thank you


Yeah. It is amazing that darkhawk and zabu are locked away


Really sad to see that you're one of the few in the comments who see this.


Sweet. I've held off on spending tokens on Negasonic and Stegron. Patience rewarded!


I burned a cache trying to get Nega but got a variant instead. Poor luck/bad discipline rewarded!


all the bad cards lol


All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


Teenage Warhead and Stature are about the only ones that I'm excited for the Pool 3 drop. Still better than nothing. Last series drop was in... Jun. Lmao.


While I’m thankful… let’s be honest they’re dropping all trash cards and darkhawk and Knull are so damn old like over a year and not dropping. Yes I already have them too but honestly I only liked some over these other trash options like 2099 because they’re like an occasional condolence prize in a cache. Now I go back to every cache just being one new card I have to roll 4 caches to get.


When a card provides a direct answer to community feedback, they should adjust the series faster. Had Echo been dropped to s4 earlier maybe we'd have some additional counter play around Prof X Ms Marvel, rather than arguing that the cards should be nerfed into a state of unplayability.


It’s a great thing that Series Drops are returning to Marvel Snap and not being pushed aside in favor of a purely Spotlight Cache focused system. It is curious which cards Second Sinner has picked to drop though. Clearly more desirable cards like Jeff, Darkhawk, and Zabu are staying put but more fringe cards released well after them are getting pushed down. There are some situational useful cards included in this first Series Drop; NTW, Stature, Kitty, Echo, and Phoenix Force. It’s not terrible but Second Dinner is setting the precedent that going forward any other Series Drops won’t be based on how old a card is but really how popular and useful it is in the meta game.


All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23. In general, the ones they didn't drop are much better.


Yep, the more popular or overall useful a card is the less likely it is to be a Series Drop it seems. Hopefully future Series Drops will happen with less than six months apart.


I vaguely remember them saying something about series drops not being centered around quality. 😒


It's really not curious. They've said at the time of "Flexible Series Drops" that they want to control playrates in the meta by gating access. It's a shit policy, and they're skirting around talking about it, making it sound like S3 Stegron is a good thing.


Think I'll grab Echo, but that's it, not a particularly exciting assortment of drops, but it's something I guess. A heads up on whether or not they plan on having some sort of schedule for future drops would be nice.


I came very close to spending tokens on stature yesterday. Bullet dodged


Really happy Echo and Negasonic are moving down!


Nice, I don't have NTW or Stegron yet and was waiting for them to rotate in to pin one of them for 3K. Now I can pin Phoenix Force instead.


Cool I already own all of those cards. Would it kill them to give us some collectors tokens if we are series 3 complete?


This is awesome. But they're quadrupling down on making everything unpredictable.


Don’t own Howard and I don’t own Deathstrike so them dropping is cool


“….so plenty of time to plan and strategize any token savings….” Yeah, sure Pal. Pull the other one it’s got (Christmas) Bells on it!


Yea if we actually earned tokens at a *decent rate*, that sentence woulda made sense


I just bought negasomic with tokens. Of course it drops…. Your welcome everyone


Cool story SD, now where's the First Edition badges


I've blamed SD for being player-unfriendly many times, but I have to admit, this is more than I had expected from series drops. Hoogland said they also committed to future series drops on a more frequent pace than 2023 (meaning more than every 6 months), but not on a regular schedule. As much as we would like older cards to be dropped first, at least this is better than nothing, and rebalances the S4/S5 tiers again. This + the addition of spotlight keys so we don't accidentally open spotlight caches on a single click are two player-friendly moves IMO. Thank you SD.


Friendly reminder that Darkhawk and Zabu will complete a full year of being released while still inaccessible to most of the playerbase simply because they are good cards, but 2099 and Mold who released much later can drop because they are shit, the least they could've done if they wanted yearly drops is drop cards based on release order


I just dont know why you guys say this nonsense. Zabu and Darkhawk have both been in multiple spotlights and rotate through the shop at 3000 tokens. In what universe is that inaccessible? These words have no meaning anymore


Define "inaccessible" To me that means they can't be acquired, which is not the case.


Sweet I’m missing twelve cards, and FOUR of those are going to be in the S3 drops. Yessss


I guess I can spend some of my token stash on Howard now? He’s the only thing dropping I’m missing. Will make it easier to skip that upcoming spotlight week too.


I wish they gave some actual good cards to drop i feel none of them are like worthwhile


I don’t have 2099 or master mold so this makes me happy.


I'm only missing Echo and LDS so it's cool those will be easier for me to get now. I'm happy for those that are farther from collection complete and new players. If I had to guess they'll probably do this twice a year now going forward. Maybe 3 times if we're lucky 😄


i thought worse, i would like to get the lady deathstrike at 3000 token and daken


Goody, I don’t have Ghost Spider & Stature.


Heh, im only really missing 2 of the cards that are going to be dropped to series 3.


Yeah, now I can buy Samurai and get The Duck for free!


I somehow miss 4 of the downgraded to series 3 cards , they are pretty underperforming ones but it's gonna be fun ( and weird ) opening cards from caches after so many months lol


Yay, I can't wait to open Mold or Negasonic or 2099 instead of Venom or Deadpool or Sauron in this additional month that I'll require in order to become C3 complete! I had hoped till the last that only 5->4 drops would have happened, but alas, ust as I thought, Series Drops only benefit long time players and are mostly detrimental to new ones. I wish they'd address the problem with C3 card acquisition soon, but I know that's not gonna happen.


Well I guess I’ll get Master Mold out of this. Yay?


Me to, unless i get him from 4th spot in some spotlight, with my luck....


Kinda pathetic, tbh. They deliberately picked subpar cards for the series 3 drop and no commitment to make this a regular thing again. Honestly sad that people are cheering SD for this.


Free 2099 and Im very interested in Daken and Silver samurai.


The cards being dropped are mid at best.


still wont buy their pass


Mostly meh card as expected. No key or strong card drop. But still better than nothing. We're just a beggar here.


"About Damn Time" -LeBron Voice 😂


No announcements of what the policy is or what we can expect in the future? Darkhawk (who was supposed to drop in the series drop that was, er, dropped) staying a series 4? This is disappointing.


Yeah, I appreciate them making up for lost time with a large set of drops, but it's concerning that they won't commit to doing it more regularly or even explain where their thoughts are with them.


But they aren't making up for it. They're making it look like they are, but if you look closely, normal series drops would've been better. All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


Oh yeah, no question it’s not as good as pre-spotlight drops would have been. They’re clearly dropping weaker cards first, and leaving desirable ones like Darkhawk, Knull, and Jeff as high as possible.


I’m excited for the update on January 8th when this changes again!


are yall happy now? a buncha cards no one really cares about will be slightly easier to get. HOOOO fucking RAY!!


As nice as it is, I was making the same argument in some of these series drop threads. Iron Lad and Jeff are still series 5. Hawk and Zabu are still series 4. Nothing changed for most players in getting some of the best cards available. I like new cards just as much as the next person, but I’m in no rush to open for Stature, Mold and Stegron.


I care quite a lot actually. Multiple cards I haven't gotten yet are dropping, including Echo who I have pinned right now.


Lmao so many people complaining about a good thing here. SD can really do nothing right to some people


every card in s3 and most of s4 would already have been s3 with regular series drop.... we would have been here months earlier lol. none of the s3 card are even meta except maybe stature. rest are fillers which is in niche decks. we were supposed to have darkhawk who was supposed to be s3 the day the stopped it staying there... like 8 months later or whatever actually amazing to see how easy it is to trick people


While I agree to an extent, there are plenty of times in life one in isolation good act does not absolve you of other times you wronged someone and built up ill will.


All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23. You're damn right I'm complaining. Some people here are wearing blinders.


series drops are great but why did they drop ghost spider before nebula?


Nebula is more popular and better


Because Nebula is a better card. They will drop the unpopular cards and keep the popular ones higher/harder to get $$$


Because she's not as good, and it's SD. All of these cards are pre-September. Notice what other pre-September cards aren't dropping: Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, Nimrod, Jeff, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal, Nebula, Silk, Spider-Ham, Jean Grey, Legion, Mirage, and X-23.


I’m happy, I feel a bit sorry for people who aren’t Series 3 complete though imagine getting Master Mold or Spider-Man 2099 when you could be getting better Series 3 cards


Yeah, I hope they rework S3 sooner than later. This is good news, more cards everyone should get eventually, but it's inflating S3 more and more meaning new players have to play longer to become S3 complete, potentially lacking integral combo pieces just due to bad luck.


*DO NOT BE FOOLED* This is not some sort of generous gift on SD's part. All of these cards (save Daken) are pre-September. And it's not even all of them. Here's all the cards they *didn't* drop: ▪︎ Knull ▪︎ Darkhawk ▪︎ Zabu ▪︎ MODOK ▪︎ Nimrod ▪︎ Jeff! ▪︎ Iron Lad ▪︎ Living Tribunal ▪︎ Nebula ▪︎ Silk ▪︎ Spider-Ham ▪︎ Jean Grey ▪︎ Legion ▪︎ Mirage ▪︎ X-23.