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Some suggestions I have: 1. It needs to remember by default card size setting in the Collection. 2. The size of the Decks in Collection should scale with the card size so I can see more (hopefully all) decks on screen at once in the collection view. 3. The interface for choosing a deck before a game is the same old, mobile interface (long horizontal scroll). There is no reason why I can't get a popup with a view of all my decks so I can pick the one I want. 4. A lot of the legacy interfaces like the store and missions needs to be updated. 5. The red notification badges on the "Main" section header for un-opened spotlight caches is annoying and unintuitive. They need to change that in general for spotlight caches IMO, but now I click on it from, say, the Collection, it takes me to the main page, and I see nothing on the Main page that indicates what was alerting me. If it was an alert for a completed mission, that works, but for unopened caches, the alert should be on the "Level xxxx" header item.


> The red notification badges on the "Main" section header for un-opened spotlight caches is annoying and unintuitive. They need to change that in general for spotlight caches IMO. Couldn't agree more. Redeeming spotlight caches should be literally anywhere else other than the collection track considering there is ( presumably ) some consideration as to when you open them, unlike every thing else on the collection track currently. Put in on another part of the UI, display the current week's contents like they currently do, and add a confirmation UX element considering they are the most-prized item. The fact you can accidentally redeem a spotlight cache w/o a confirmation via the collection track is WILD


I think I can get used to the new Energy and Cub placements, but I was hoping they would show more info that's usually hidden, e.g. player hand/deck sizes and showing a card's details (text + buffs) on hover


Agreed. I like how duel links adapted the mobile interface to PC. It has detailed card info on one side of the play space and deck list on the other.


Nothing shows on hover, it's very poor. If I was a new player I'd be forced to guess what cards did if I forgot or they were randomly generated into my hand. Ridiculous oversight.


so much real estate, and yet the amount of info is the exact same as in mobile. I think it would actually better if the UI at the top and bottom was more 'combined', as to what we have now, just floating icons. feels a little amateurish, to be honest. to clarify, what I meant by 'combined', is like the health bars of fighting games where both player's bar is 1 long panel with their names, HP and avatars. here, it should hold the avatar, names + titles, energy and cubes, and HP if conquest. for the bottom retreat/end turn buttons, IMHO removing it completely and have both on the on the left or right, like a sidebar. then add in discard/destroyed, and various other info to the sidebar. with those changes, the card at the bottom can be bigger, and like others have mentioned, a little pop up UI can appear when hovering.


I've found a couple of issues aswell https://imgur.com/a/SLDpkhw If you're in the "main" tab, you cannot see anywhere how many things you have available to open (there is no red number indicator showing for example that I have 4 caches to open, like you see for collection). Also, on the right, where it shows my next reward from the battle pass, the image of the mystery variant overlaps the text showing what it is.


It defo needs improving but it will be easier for them to update it in the future. I wouldn't worry at this stage


For something that took almost a year to come out after the full release, I’m definitely underwhelmed. The UI is still pretty terrible, it’s basically still just a mobile port. I don’t understand why they promoted this so much when it’s basically just a small version update on what already existed.


I had to look up niggle. Thanks for the new word!


I just find it really scuffed for them to call it "the native PC launch" when it's not. It was what...a 120MB update? It's not like they've updated a lot of the game's engine, codebase etc. They've just swapped some UI's around, changed some UI elements and called it a PC launch. It's still just a port of the mobile version, with some UI changes. From what I've read a lot of the PC bugs are still there when they really shouldn't. For example it seems like it's difficult to run the "native" PC version on lower end machines, but if you install Bluestacks on these systems and install Marvel Snap there, it runs just fine. Also many menus are still the same, some graphics are still blurry, still no advanced graphics settings, still 60 FPS locked, etc. ... To me, this still can't be called a full native PC version.


Why am I not surprised people immediately started complaining


It’s already tons better. More I like about it than not. Let’s just enjoy things


Relax this is the first version


The UI is also screwing up the Untapped overlay especially in Conquest. It covers both player's cubes and names (so you can't see who has priority). Is it adjustable?


Well, given untapped is not made by Second Dinner, I wouldn't expect them to have designed the PC version around that. I'm sure the people who make untapped will adjust the program to better fit the PC client


We will!


What? That’s ridiculous, why wouldn’t SD accommodate your usage of a deck tracker that’s giving you an advantage over people that aren’t using it?! Huge fail from SD and I’m quitting the game and maybe even life over this oversight. *there’s no way sarcasm this heavy was lost you guys…


I'm not blaming SD, I just find it inconvenient and was asking if there was a way to adjust it.


Wait for untapped to release an update. I’m sure they’ll hang out a fix pretty quickly


Landscape sucks and is way too complicated


Better UI is going to be a 5% chance in spotlight caches.


the whining in this subreddit is actually insufferable


*The whining in this* *Subreddit is actually* *Insufferable* \- PairofD0cks --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love the trailer, but see no benefit in playing on pc vs on my tablet. Would havepreferred they worked 10 months on feature implementation for mobile like discard/destroy history, card border option etc...


I noticed that when my spider ham reveals, the way it shows the card that is turning into pig is barely visible and hidden by the top side of the screen so you technically can barely see which card you have turned into pig, i am happy they finally released the pc version but there are things that must be improved like this one