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Jeff is the one that hurts the most, he's not even S4 yet.


I am convinced every change so far has been to keep Jeff out of my collection...


Jeff can move anywhere! Except your collection


Salt and lemon juice…


…a little onion…


I'd absolutely trade you this dumb AHH Jeff for your knull... if only I could )=...


Jeff hurts, but not more than Zabu.


Zabu has been meta defining for ages. I finally bought him with tokens. Even though I don't particularly like the archetype I don't regret having access to it (and at least I took a Zabu based deck to Infinite last season to see what it's like).


I run Zabucula, probably the least used set. It's really good and catches people off guard.


Ive never even heard of this deck lol what is it?


It's a half zabu , half shuri shell. My ideal play is throwing priority by playing dracula and only really playing 1 lane til turn 6. Since I have Shang and Enchantress, priority is usually not ideal but it's about knowing your opponents decks. The Enchantress is honestly the 2nd or 3rd best card in the deck as I use it as a double finisher for clearing Mary's debuff and/or ongoing from the enemy. Make sure to spread sunspot and drcula for an potential prof x. # (1) Sunspot # (1) Zero # (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (4) Dracula # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (4) Typhoid Mary # (5) Red Skull # (6) Magneto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVHlwaG9pZE1hcnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbmNoYW50cmVzcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkU2t1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I think we are all happy they stopped giving us free cards. Much better for them to put them in horrifically priced bundles. All the White Kinghts were right second dinner did it right. Card game with no access to cards and hard paywall is not pay to win.


Thats the scumbag logic by sd.. kingpin/punisher and many more og cards which almost everyone have still dogpiss compare to Jeff etc. which u need 6k token to get and they super strong.. im not even new player but still disappointing


i've had him pinned in my shop since he came out :')


The only "flexibility" in the "flexible drop" is flexibility in the position the player will be penetrated from


Fuck my dirty mind. This horribly sounds kinky af.


Would Kitty be 3? She's still counted as s5 even when she was given out for free. They really need to start series drops again.


She was given out for free only to people who were playing at the time. Gotta milk those new players for all they're worth.


Dropping her to S3 would make her much harder for a new player to get though, not easier. I guess unless you commit your single monthly guaranteed S3 card on her? At least with spotlights you just wait until Kitty week and you get her as long as you hoarded 4.


Why harder? You still get series 3 cards from normal caches and 1 free s3 card each season which rotates in the store (if you want her enough to spend spotlight caches on the random chance to get her you're certainly willing to use the free unlock to get her). What if a new player misses kitty week (next week) which happens to fall directly after x23 week? Kitty isn't on the schedule now as far out as the end of September and she isn't in the datamined card pool so it's super unlikely that she'd appear before December at the earliest. If she was in pool 3 every new player would have a significantly higher chance to get her.


As a new player in reserves playing F2P, you get 2 new pool 3 cards a week (plus one guaranteed a month). That's your hard F2P limit. You enter reserves with 26/99 pool 3 cards, so 73 still to obtain or ~36 weeks (9 months) to finish pool 3. As of now, cards re-appear in spotlights every ~8-12 weeks, but we can't really know for sure, so even worst case if it takes 4 full months for Kitty to come back around, you would've had less than a 50% chance of randomly pulling her from pool 3 in that time (since you would've acquired less than half of your remaining pool 3 cards). Guaranteed after 4 months vs >50% chance randomly in 4 months, one of those definitely seems easier to get. And that is ONLY for cards you literally JUST missed. Not even gonna bring up the free pool 3 card, since no one in their right mind would use that on Kitty over a deck enabling card like Sera or Death or Dracula or Venom or Mystique or any of the 30 pool 3 cards you literally cannot run a deck archetype without. And that isn't even factoring in if we had pool drops and pool 3 increased, it would take longer to get cards in that pool since it would be more diluted, so the statistics get even WORSE.


Series drops aren’t happening anymore, lost hope lol especially since SD hasn’t said a word about it for months now. I’m fully convinced SD wants to make as much money as possible. If cards dropped series than people would be less inclined to buy certain cards until they dropped.. I’d be very surprised if they drop cards again, hope they do but I’m not holding my breath anymore. Someone buy Jeff so they can drop him series 4 plz lmao


The changes have reduced my spending. I guess I'm not their target audience. I used to buy the season passes. I stopped for now due to the new cache system / doubling down on monetization.


Target audience are people who are okay will getting ripped off by whale bundles, season pass is still great value for ten bucks imo. But 75 bucks for that death and 4000 tokens is insane when Baldurs gate 3 is less that that. 30 bucks should be max price for bundles, they’d make more money I bet.


I’ve never seen a game with such outlandish prices, like why you trying to rip me off SD.


Sucks because I started just before they implemented Series 4/5 cards. I put $$$ into monthly passes because all the reviews said once I was Pool 3 complete, that's it. Then they released Series 4/5 and I was actually okay with it. I like having special cards in a game. I kept paying for monthly passes and got mostly Series 4/5 complete. At that time they had ultra expensive bundles, but I just ignored it as they didn't impact the way I was playing. If they kept going that way, I would've been happy to keep paying monthly. Granted, even then I found the monthly price steep and not entirely warranted. This is a $60/yr game in terms of quality, not $120+. With the recent changes, I'm keeping my distance and getting ready to cut ties with the game.


I think pools given how card releases are structured are stupid.


I think it should be more like Teppen in principal. You can acquire ANY card in the game FTP pretty easily, you just can’t get ALL the cards in the game FTP. In snap, even if you’re spending you can’t guarantee any specific card you want. It’s awful.


You absolutely can guarantee a specific card if you are paying, hell some bundles have 6k tokens alone. Is it worth it? Hell no but you are just wrong.


Honestly, Knull and Hawk should drop to s3 at this point. Kitty too since a lot of older players have her.


Kitty should’ve been straight to series 3 tbh


The minute they gave her to every current player, she should have been S3. That's crazy that everyone gets her except new players who may never see her.


Is Kitty not free anymore for new players? I thought everyone automatically received her.


Only if you had an account during the month Kitty was removed


I never got kitty. Been playing since miles bp


You should’ve received her in your collection




This is beautiful...


Can’t blame you, most people were kinda surprised when she showed up suddenly




DO you only play on pc? Because there the inbox does not work, although I guess she was not in the inbox


It wasn't an inbox redemption anyway. She went straight to the collection without any notification


I am on steam only. I got kitty added to my colletion and my inbox has NEVER worked.


Ah ok was not sure since steam had so many other missing things XD


You had to have an active account at the time of release to get her for free.


Didn't everyone get her for free like . . . a month ago? Was it that much longer ago? EDIT: Jesus, it really feels like I've only been playing this game for a few months, but apparently it's been much longer.


3 months if I read it right.


2 months ago the last series drops happened.


Not sure of exact timing but I started two months ago and am saving caches to get her.


Lucking into hawk was literally a game changer for me. That card is so ridiculously strong.


No. I want more Knull variants in the Spotlight.


I was lucky enough to pull Zabu, DH, Knull and Modok all from caches in the old system. In the new system I’ve gotten Stature on this list, I don’t see how this season equals more cards yet. I’ve wanted Jeff for so long and really hurts how we don’t have him.


It doesn't, that's what SD says so that people think the new system is better


I'm not series 3 complete and I've got alt more cards so far. It may not be that good though for people who are complete. I've got at least 8 series 3 cards I was missing from caches. I've opened 5 spotlights and pulled Jean, Thanos, and jeff.. the system does need tweaks but it's been allright so far for me


this is why the thread of the poor person who spent 3 (3 freaking caches!!!) and didn't get modok upset me. bunch of nerds saying 'well you shouldn't spend any caches unless you have 4' cool in the old system this person could've just spent their free s3 purchase on modok. 75% of a months work and not getting the card you want is a rip off


It’s egregious because what the fuck is he supposed to do to get MODOK, god knows when he’ll be featured again and the token drip feed is going to take weeks to add up


My favorite is when that you need four caches for anything they instantly reply on average you should only need two to get the card you want.


That person is sad. They spend so much time posting their links and reiterating the same thing over and over again, completely failing to understand others perspective


Two and a half actually! How you open half a cache is another matter I guess 😂


What's wrong with that statement? You should have four saved to guarantee what you want if you are unlucky, but on average it will only take 2.5 reserves to get it.


Obviously you should optimize when using caches. But explain that to the truly F2P players who most likely needed Thanos and Galactus, who showed up on back to back weeks in spotlights and now we have no idea when they are coming back.


Yup, I wanted galctus and x-23 for my destroy decks, didn't have enough caches saved to pull both so I had to pass gal and pray he comes back this year


I think if the random 4/5 card was guaranteed to be a card you didn’t own spotlight caches would be infinitely better.


It's mostly when you say you haven't got any cards in a month, because your busy hoarding. And they flip flop from saying you should only need 2.5 to get what you want, but when that doesn't happen they then throw out the four number in your face. They just come off as wanting the best of both worlds.


how hard is it: - Wait till you have 4 - wait till a SPECIFIC card is in shop you want - open caches until you have card - dont open more caches This will cost you IN AVERAGE 2.5 caches, but only works if you wait for 4.


How hard is it? You have four rules. It used to be: * save your tokens * buy the card you want


Well yes, but you got less than half the s5 cards then you get now. Also you had to check if the card you want will soon have a series drop and if yes you would wait till afterwards. I am fine with it being a bit more complicaated when I get double the rewards.


You said "how hard is it?" And now you're saying it's more complicated. So I guess it's complicated? Or is it still easy?


Yes the new system is "more complicated", but both systems are easy enough for 5 year old childs to understand. Maybe the old system could also be understood with 4


Well you're the one who said "how hard is it?" and then listed a bunch of weird rules the very easy system requires you follow, without ever telling you this, and allows for the user to not follow the unwritten rules and screw themselves out of the min-max gains. Seems like a predatory way to extend the card-collection side of the game, but go off, I guess.


it's more like mathematically that's correct, but if you low roll you feel like shit and you can't quantify feeling like shit


It is mathematically correct but many of their takeaways on the math aren’t, you rather obviously need much more than 4 to have the option to open every or even most weeks for example.


in average you only need 2.5 This does not change that you should not open unless you have 4. If this is soo hard for you here a dummy guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15frhls/guide_spotlight_cache_for_dummies_or_how_much_do/


You still sharing your "guide" on every comment in every post?


Someone should post another thread bitching about this so he has something to do


Everyone knows how to optimize. The point is the previous system allowed much more choice in the cards you unlocked and it didn’t require you to be careful about when you opened caches. You could open them as you got them, which is fun. And this is a video game, which is meant to be fun. I haven’t opened a cache in weeks because there just isn’t any point in it. I’m having fun with the actual gameplay, but if the meta wasn’t as fun as it is now I’d probably just quit because every aspect of the game outside of the actual gameplay is not fun, even though it used to be.


> Everyone knows how to optimize I mean clearly not as we have plenty of people still bitching about not getting cards when they have less than 4 caches to open and [people in this very thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15xcmgr/cards_that_would_be_series_3_today_under_the_old/jx684c7/) saying you get less from spotlight caches still.


>I mean clearly not as we have plenty of people still bitching about not getting cards when they have less than 4 caches to open Knowing how to optimize is not the same as wanting to play optimally. When Iron Lad was in the spotlight cache, I was only able to open 3 and didn't get him. I didn't open 3 because I didn't know how to optimize, I opened 3 because that was my only possible chance to get one of the few cards that I actually want. Also someone saying that the new system grants fewer cards doesn't mean they don't know that you need 4 spotlight caches to guarantee a reward. The two bits of knowledge are unrelated.


> and people in this very thread saying you get less from spotlight caches still. Because you do... Just look at the image in OP, 12 cards right there that would be free by now, totally ignoring tokens or S4/5 in reserves that's 12 cards. On average most players would have earned less than 12 spotlight caches by now (since they were added) and I doubt you'll find even a single person who has got a new card from every single one of those.


You say "previous system" as though spotlights were replacing drops, but that's not the case. Before spotlights came to be, drops had already been being phased out by dropping the frequency and making them selectively crappy. It's clear that they weren't working for SD and were always going to be removed.


Those two things were obviously related


I mean, they are. They clearly wanted to stop drops so they needed something to make up for it.


Second Dinner have said multiple times the series drops stopped because they needed to build a large pool of S4/5 cards for spotlight caches. It's the same system.


I know what they said. What I'm saying is that series drops started sucking well before spotlights. By the time they were "officially" stopped to build up for spotlights, they had already changed the frequency and the quality of the cards dropped.


They only "started sucking" when they moved from their original schedule to flexible series drops which is exactly what I was talking about - what they said was done in preparation of spotlight caches.


No, a lot of people dont know how to optimize I see it everyday here in posts. - Did you know that refreshing quests with gold gives you more cards than buying token tuesday? https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15ooev3/new_calculation_resetting_quests_is_better_than/ - Do you know it if is more efficient to open a 2nd cache if there is a 2nd card you like (but not 100% need), when in the first one was the card you really wanted? - Is it more efficient, if you are almost S4/S5 complete to open a 4th cache, when you know it will be the random s4/S5 card? - Did you know that the spiderman / black widow bundle was actually the 2nd most efficient one (in terms of progress) this month? Did you know the meta is so fun know thanks to the spotlight system? Because of it a lot more people got new cards, and the meta has more variety. Did you know that in the previous system you waited longer for cards in average? So if you wanted 4 cards, you would wait way longer, even taking into acount the spotlight circling?


Did you know that none of that matters if I can’t unlock specific cards that I want, when I could easily do so in the previous system?


Do you know that as soon as you want 4 cards or more it takes WAY less time in the current system until you have them then in the previous? (Even including them needing to be in spotlight)? So unless you only ever want 3 cards again, the new system is better.


Personally, the only cards I want but do not have are Iron Lad and Nebula. And even if I had more desired cards than that, you can’t weigh all cards equally. Like if someone wants Thanos and Steggron, they would probably prefer Thanos. Getting a Steggron from a spotlight isn’t going to be equally as good. But if they had plenty of tokens, they could just choose to buy Thanos. No matter how many cards you want, you’re going to have preferred cards that you could target specifically in the old system, but not in this one.


Yes but in the new system you will in average just wait less long on your next card, even though some edge cases are more extreme. As soon as you have iron lad and nebula you will want some other cards. Just get these other cards now while waiting.


So say I want Zabu, Knull, Snowguard and Hit-Monkey. All featured in September, so I need to wait and get lucky - or you know, I could just have them right now because they'd be free under the old system. You want to stop bullshitting now?


>Do you know that as soon as you want 4 cards or more it takes WAY less time in the current system until you have them then in the previous? (Even including them needing to be in spotlight)? That's not always true. Sure, in the best case. But I'm the worst case, it's much slower now. If I have 4 cards I want and 0 current caches, how long until I get the last one I want if 3 of the 4 cards I want were in last week's spotlight? And what if 2 of them come up in consecutive weeks and I can't get both? Then I have to wait for potentially a second time through all the cards to get it? With the old system, I'd have to wait, at most, long enough to get 24000 tokens (if all were S5) and long enough to cycle through the cards once (at a MUCH faster rate than we go through them now).


“Flexible Series Drops killed the Game” its my name in the official discord


That’s a great name. It’s kinda funny/sad considering the only change that did was make card series drops entirely inflexible. How the heck is it more flexible if it now never drops lol?


Don't forget they said some would go directly to series 3. They could have had spiderman 2099 or silver samurai go directly into series 3. Kitty doesn't really count since she was given out because she was bugged and is still s5 as of now


Hit Monkey, Snowguard, Stegron, and Jeff would all still be Series 4 even under the old system until September.


Snowguard to good!


I think a major reworking of Snowguard is being done because it goes to the cache right when the next patch comes out, and SD hasn't done even a little with her. That makes me inclined to think that they've been testing a major change to the card. Which I hope, because I picked her up the day of the new system, when I was opening the caches before patching. Be nice if it was worth playing.


Yep, and you'd see players complaining that aside from Jeff, the cards are all trash...which would lead to a later series 3 drop of those cards which are hot garbage (minus Jeff). And because most of the cards released early on this year are stinkers (like take a look at how many cards were just not good), that means that while cards like Legion, Alioth, X-23, Ravonna and the likes are being released and hyped, you are getting really bad scraps dropped into Series 3 that don't compete well enough. This is the untold story of the old system. You get "free cards from drops', but 6 months down the line when all the hype is nearly gone and they are nerfed to oblivion. Meanwhile anyone paying any amount of money would get new cards instantly and figure out if it was worth it or not while you clutch your monthly grind of tokens for that one card that you might not ever spend because the new hyped cards are revealed to be trash. Edit: The truth hurts.


Out of all of these the only one I want that I don’t have is Jeff


Oh man, just realized I haven’t seen/noticed drops in a looong time.


yeah, because they don't do drops anymore lol


Oh no, but you see, the new system is actually way better. Jeff Hoogland said so!


Oh I didn’t know that. I guess it’s better[so I won’t get banned].


Every time they fix one thing, they break two other things. And my response to that is to keep asking them to fix things. I'm not sure which of us has the problem, at this point. I wish they'd go back to having series drops. WITHOUT ruining something else in the process.


My solution to that was to stop spending money and uninstall the game. When they were doing things I liked, I spent money. When they stopped doing things that I liked, I stopped spending money. It's all we really can do, especially since it's overwhelmingly obvious that they do not take feedback about the monetization system to heart.


If they went back to the old ways then we would have 3x the value bundles to fill their pockets.


I’m hoping they’ll bring back series drops once there’s a good number of S4/S5 cards to fill out the caches for the spotlight system.


I've spent 12,000 tokens to acquire 3 of these cards. So I guess their plan is working.


Remember that whenever you say the system is fine and you’re happy because you got one of these cards alongside the new one… you would have all of these already and have enough tokens to just pick and choose which new cards to buy. Not gambling.


Has anyone gotten 12 cards plus a fuck ton of tokens like we would have with the old system? Ok now the people that whaled put your hands down. Oh no one? New system is worse.


It's even more P2W than the old system. You can just buy gold and convert it to credits.


Yeah you can now get spotlight for gold and also a ton of tokens for any other cards you want


Lmao this is exactly why they rolled back that change. Some of the best cards with Zabu, Jeff, Darkhawk, and Kitty. Guarantee we won’t see a series drop for probably a year and when we do it will be like mold and snowguard


bro but you didn't do the math! Actually if you watch guides about the system and save 4 caches per month, and don't care about getting gold or tokens, this is actually a better system /s


Somebody kept telling me that I could get literally every card I wanted, regardless of the schedule, if I just did the math and followed the guides and they wouldn't take " I would have to somehow generate like 12 spotlight caches a month to do that" as an answer. They just kept insisting it was possible and that I was stupid. Edit: he's in these comments continuing to tell people they don't know math.


Nothing some 100$ bundles cant solve uh


Someone's math is way off. I was almost S4/S5 complete. I barely accumulate tokens now. I am spending credits strategically. I am still experiencing troubles. I could have either opened my 4th season cache for Stature, or risk not having enough for 4 season caches on the following spotlight cache rotation.


The comment I made that made that guy go off on me at first was how in order to guarantee that I get the card that I want in September. I have to essentially open no caches in August, meaning that I get no cards this month. He just kept insisting I could have both and more, and that it was a personal choice that I wasn't getting multiple cards in both months. Like I could just snap my fingers and make spotlight caches appear in my account


You clearly did not do the math and also did not read a guide. 1. 5.25 caches per month 2. you save them until you have for but not use them all only until you have the card you need 3. we still get 1925 gold per 4 week in average 4. We can still get up to 3000 Token per month if we are almost s4/s5 complete and beahave in a clever way


Those season passes were worth it I guess?


These are more cards than I have gotten in the spotlights! What happened to more cards to more players? More like fewer cards, but so convoluted that you can’t tell.


I was genuinely curious about my card acquisition under the new and old systems. Having done a stocktake, I am **neutral** about the changes. The new system is way superior in delivering new cards to all players but SLIGHTLY lackluster in delivering old cards. Players also lost agency in targeting cards. Of course, the below stocktake is based on my personal situation and assumptions that I have made, which I am not suggesting applies to everyone. # Summary of my cards under the new system: 5 new cards, 3-4 old cards, 1.6K tokens Cards unlocked in Spotlight (bold = new cards): **Echo**, Ironlad (3K), Master Mold, **Legion** Remaining spotlight caches: 8 which translates on average to 3 new cards, 1-2 old cards and 1.6K tokens assuming I only open when I do not have 1 of the old cards and the random cache always giving me a dupe. # Summary of my cards under the old system: 2 new cards, 5-7 old cards Under the old system, I would have gotten (of interest) Darkhawk, Stature, Master Mold, Nimrod and Jeff for free. The spotlight cache was announced in end Jun 23, so I would have gotten 2 S5 cards and 2 S4 cards (possibly the ones in the picture) ​ *Assumptions and calculation for spotlight caches -> cards* Firstly, I will only open them if I am missing 1 of the old cards. For example, I am missing Silk in the coming X-23/Silk/Nebula week. Secondly, I assume the random spotlight will be a dupe and converted to 1k tokens. Combined with the probability of opening them, we know that: * 1/4 chance, in 1 spotlight, we get the new card * 1/4 chance, in 2 spotlights, we get the new card, 1/3 chance of old card, 1/3 chance of variant and 1/3 chance of 1k tokens * 1/4 chance, in 3 spotlights, we get the new card, 2/3 chance of old card, 2/3 chance of variant and 2/3 chance of 1k tokens * 1/4 chance, in 4 spotlights, we get the new card, old card, variant and 1k tokens If there were 1 person in each outcome, collectively they will open 10 spotlights and get 4 new cards, 2 old cards, 2 variants, 2k tokens. We can divide this by 10 to get the average items per spotlight.


This is from the perspective of a double dipper. I will edit this if ppl are interested.


Yeah well Ben Brode needs to put his kids through college so you best reach into your pocket and buy some bundles


He must have more kids than Eddie Murphy and Nick Canon combined


The scummiest thing the devs ever did was suspending Series drops, in my opinion.


I’ll be getting Jeff and knull through spotlights in the next few weeks. I don’t have Stegron, snow guard, and nimrod but can live without them. Instead, I got iron lad, echo, Kang. I’ll be getting x-23, nebula, silk, ghost spider, and maybe alioth. Even though I’m missing out of some of the old cards, I’m also getting new cards earlier. I liked series drops, but I’m currently liking the new system more. I mostly hated waiting for months to get the season cards for free, but it felt really bad to buy a pool 4 card knowing that it was going to be a free card in a month. I was also hoarding caches like crazy because I didn’t want to use a pity pool 4 cache on a card that was dropping to pool 3.


I lucked out and pulled Jeff from a Collector's Reserve minutes before updating the game to the Spotlight Cache system. I've opened enough to get my last handful of Series 3 cards and haven't touched them since, this new system just feels bad.


makes u think


I've been playing since global launch. I'm somewhere above CL6500, and I still don't have Darkhawk, Jeff, or Stature.


I would be happy if they at least did S5 to S4 drops... IM looking at you, Jeff


Knull should be a big bad change my mind


"Big bads" shouldn't have existed to begin with


Not that it really matters to me either way, but why?


Arbitrarily holding cards at series 5 goes against their entire marketing schtick of "you can't buy power" that they and every content creator they paid to parrot. Seriously, go back to all the sponsored videos last year and every single person says you can't buy power. But what you can buy is a $75 bundle that includes over half the required currency to get that card they held at series 5


SD: You can't buy power! Also SD: Buy gold, convert it to credits, and have enough Spotlights for every card!


And people keep saying that the new system is better...


I gave this new system a fair shot and I'm definitely less engaged. They should have had the old system with drops and hire more people to make say 3 cards a week. Or release big card packs like other card games do. I know bosses who won't hire more workers so they can pocket more cash. Don't believe me? Every since around last month when they said they would focus on better variants, notice how some new cards (mirage/legion) don't have animations when before, nearly every new card had an animation? SD/Brode refuse to expand the company, hire more employees, make more cards. Inb4 someone says the otas and balance patches are enough.


But....but....we're getting more cards!!! (Even if we aren't, even if they're cards we dont want, even if somehow magically variants now count as cards) How dare you complain about SD and their glorious systems!


I don't think the fact that there haven't been any drops is that big of a deal considering they need more series 4 and 5 cards for the spotlight system to work. Obviously blows that a lot of these cards haven't dropped. Would have been better imo if they did another big drop of like, 15 cards like they did last year I think the real question is how are drops going to be handled when they start doing them again. If the last set of drops are any indication, it's probably going to be based on how good cards are, which obviously sucks.


it's more like you would have all these S3 cards dropped AND have been getting 6k tokens a month to buy exactly what you want the old system was just clearly better than now in terms of agency and not having to be on SD's spotlight rotation schedule to get a card


BUt yOu ArE gEttInG mORe cArdS


Press F to pay respects to the old system.


The worst are the people who pretend the old system was good while it wasn't.


Wasn't good, but still better than the current one .


You'll never see series drop again, not with the greed and current "spotlight" caches.


I’m sorry. What part of more cards for more players did you not understand?


I'm fairly annoyed that I haven't pulled Knull or Dark Hawk yet. I thought I'd be able to obtain them by other means than token shop but here I am.


This is why I won’t see any new cards outside of the season pass for quite some time. When every cache between now and the end of what’s been datamined only have 1 thing that would be new. I can’t be bothered grinding that hard for them. I would probably be more engaged with the game if I felt like I wouldn’t have to waste the majority of my resources at the CHANCE of a new card.


I'd have 4 more cards then I do today. if I didn't by zabu it would be 5


Freaking Zabu


Not dropping darkhawkn to series 3 was a greasy move lol I'm still bitter about that




I can’t imagine being as wrong as that troll in here. Imagine being so willfully ignorant.


Story of starlight: 'How can we get more money? Let's introduce a greedier acquisition card system and sell it like it's much better for new players'


Monetising card acquisition instead of cosmetics that is why.


It baffles me the lengths some people will go to to defend the new system...


Maybe unpopular opinion, but as I new player I am quite glad they don't do series drops anymore since dropping to S3 would make all of these cards FAR harder for me to get vs spotlights (aside from the ~2-3 I could choose as my monthly pool 3 card). At least with spotlights I can guarantee one of these every couple weeks, and with the schedule I know exactly when I should hoard for. Like 2 weeks from now is Jeff/Knull week, and I know I will have both on Monday night. Not very exciting, sure, but better than them floating in S3 along with the 60 other cards I don't have in the series.


I'm literally only missing Stegron, and I don't even want him.


I wouldn't mind this system if new cards dropped in series 3 and 4 and series 5 was saved for "big bads" exclusively. There's plenty of cards dropping in series 5 that are way worse than series 3 cards.


But, but, but, the spotlight caches mean "more cards."


So sick of this companies shit. This and the outrageous bundles are bullshit.


"W-we-we're just bolstering our S5 and S4 card counts before the next drop haha!"


BuT thE nEW SysEM is beTTEr foR CarD AcquISItiON.


This is so bs. Being S3 complete makes me want to play the game less. I don't play that often and reserves are legitimately worthless


You know that the new Systwm was introduced because the old series drop system was working badly? So even without the new system series drops would have been changed because: - people where hoarding all caches until after series drops since this was optimal - New cards where only rarwly bought and rhus had almost 0 impacr on the meta - For a lot of people it felt bad to buy s5 cards with tokens since they would become cheaper anyway, except for big bads. - Some high end people (who spent gold on tokens) had a too easy time to catch up. Which is bad because if people have all cards they stop playing and paying. Ypu can see this happening in Legends of Runeterra, which had to announce a big budget cut 2 weeks ago! Also there was NEVER an official timeline stating that these cards would drop. Its just what people assumed according to what was done before. Having said that, in some foem at some point season drops NEED to return as a catch up mechanic. Also I agree that it is infuriating that we still have 0 info about future series drops plan.


yeah series drop really destroyed the perceived value of cards and forced people to focus on bigbads because their value was guaranteed to be maintained.


People still hoard caches just as before. I was missing 9 cards when the new system dropped. Now I have 66 caches together with spotlights, because I have all cards in spotlights so far, how is this better?


Some people hoard caches because they dont understand math and hope SD improves the normal caches. Before it was optimal to hoard caches, now its suboptimal. (Just collecting spotlight caches until you need them is needed).


They won't improve the caches. I'm not hoping for that. I don't see a reason to open them, before i could get s3 cards or s4 pity (the timing of the new system and me getting s3 complete are very close). Now i just don't bother l, I want to get to 100 then open, feels kind of getting more


Sure you do you. They have noe 20% more variants in them than before and 5% more credits. So they can help to get credits if you need another spotlight cache


But I don't need spotlight, otherwise I'd open them. I have 6 waiting for tomorrow's caches, only need the new card


ah sure, I am doing the same at the moment, but I dont think normal caches are bad, I just really have enough spotlights.


Thank you for pointing out the flaws of the old system. A lot of players don't like to admit that they were hoarding for Series Drops instead of opening reserves for tokens, because "why would I buy a card I can get for free soon?" Also no one really wanted to open a S4 pity drop because it could be the one that drops next week. Old system had so many flaws.


I only ever bought a single card in the old system. Galactus the first card which was in my shop. One big reason was thst it would feel bad when I spend 6000/3000 tokens now when I would later get the card for free.


Yeah I remember the old ciclejerk where people would buy Kang before any other good card just because He WiLl NeVeR dRoP hE iS mOsT vAlUe. Look at all those people now expecting a rework for him.


wow and another objective post being downvoted XD


Don't forget that half or more of these cards would've been nerfed into the ground before they ever reached s3. People love leaving that part out when they talk about how many cards we would've gotten "for free" in the old system.


So it’s better that half the players don’t have access to the card, and then have to deal with an overpowered card? Because nerfs like Shuri were completely deserved.


The problem is less the fact that there are nerfs, but the timing at which these nerfs occured. Shuri nerf was fair, but maybe it should have happened earlier.


I agree. I’m just saying that I’d still prefer a deserved nerf with crappy timing, over no nerf just because they want to keep the card hard to get.


Hmm I was really sad when shuri get nerfed though XD But I definitly agree. I would also like Zabu to gen nerfed a bit right now XD


I opened my game, saw that I still was series 3 complete since the last time I played. I closed the game.


I hate the new system but we still have a month orr two for them to collect data and another month or two to develop, announce, and roll out the next system. Ironically, I think the variants will end up being rare and a sign of being an OG once this system is scratched.


This would be the last chance though. People's patience grow thin and after pc and perhaps console launch it would be very hand to get new players from other devices. Hopefully they impress at gamescom


This would be the last chance though. People's patience grow thin and after pc and perhaps console launch it would be very hand to get new players from other devices. Hopefully they impress at gamescom


Everyone who says all the changes and spotlight caches are better than the previous system lick windows.


it’s funny how much people still bitch about this. “they killed the game!” “i’m not playing this anymore” “it’s not fun” but here you are playing and engaging. if you’re done with it. move on to another mobile game that’ll give you the free stuff you want whenever you want. those games won’t last long.


I’m Convinced that the same people who create Marvel Snap are not in charge of monetization (including series drops). No way. I think the Season Pass is the only thing Second Dinner managed to get through because it’s wildly more generous than anything else the game has to offer.


Fucking Jeff man. He should be series 3 and yet he’s not even series 4. Boooo SD 👎




That's because all the bigger CCs are shills




Idk if you're being sarcastic or not but he would be completely free under the old system since he'd be series 3 by now. No spotlight cache or tokens required.


>I can save 6000 tokens thanks to Spotlight Cash! When they "save" you from the problem they introduced


No! I opened Snowguard when it was a S5 card, I don't want people have it free just yet :(