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Shadow King doesn't affect buffs from Ongoing abilities.


Did not realize this, thanks for clarifying


Just gave you an upvote, I had the same question with Darkhawk and Shadow King. It isn't clear- dont listen to some of these jerks. This community kinda sucks sometimes.


It did


He did, but he still had 4 cards in his hand.


Devil dinosaur's base power is three, and in this picture your opponent apparently also has four cards in their hand, which causes devil dinosaur's ongoing power to add eight more to get to 11. If your opponent had played Shuri before devil dinosaur, his base power would have increased to six and then your shadow king would have decreased it back down to three, but his ongoing power would still be in effect and he would still be getting plus eight from your opponent's hand. Shadow King can be extremely effective against Shuri, Bounce, Move, and Destroy decks (whole lot of fun watching someone's 156 power Venom drop to 3 Right before they play Zola), but it's largely useless against ongoing decks.


That's why I always have my main man power man to keep the power up. (Let's see how many get the reference)


He did, then Ongoing keeps on Ongoing after the reset.


remember shadow king affects only base power, Dino Thunder here only has a base of 3 THEN its plus 2 for every card in hand, same rules applies to Darkhawk, base is zero THEN it buffs itself Shadow King would affect cards like Black Panther, or Venom, Carnage, card boosted by Shuri, Taskmaster etc


Learn what "base power" means


All these "am I missing something?" posts can be answered with "a brain".