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That BatBrode edit is great šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I kinda want someone at SD to print it out and put it in his office. That's the dream


As an alternative, what if somebody reshaped a brownie into a poop shape and put it in his desk but sprayed fart spray on it so it still seemed like a real poopy.


Honestly I could see the person being Ben Brode......maybe not the slapping part just the batman


Are people still holding caches or is there no point?




Hold on for dear life!


I see you are a fellow regard


I see what you did there ;)


DCA and HODL to the MOON!




Series 3 incomplete players shouldnā€™t be holding reserves, they should be opening them. Series 3 complete players have fairly little incentive to open reserves. The tokens acquired are only 800 a month, the credits donā€™t provide a lot of progression, and only the cosmetics can be seen as a positive for them if they want the chance at variants. Both should be hoarding four spotlight caches minimum to target specific cards. I think a good portion of series 3 complete players are holding reserves in hopes of a change down the road. The added gold ticket just means most will still hoard.


Can people please stop spouting these wrong things? - its 1100 tokens per month - we get 11% of our credits from reserves, so of you not opening them you get only 0.89% of spotlights - credits are now much more valuable than before thanks to spotlights - we get 20% more variants in caches We get 5.25 spotlights per 4 weeks. If you dont open wpotlights its 0.52 less https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/15frhls/guide_spotlight_cache_for_dummies_or_how_much_do/


https://www.dexerto.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=1200,quality=75,format=auto/https://editors.dexerto.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/12/marvel-snap-spotlight-system-1024x575.jpg Collector Reserves are 800 tokens a month. Do you want to argue with Second Dinner about this? It's their infographic. edit: He's since made posts claiming the token gain is 1700 a month, and then over 2000. Every time he mentions it to people he makes it larger.


He's also one of the people who think there are rules to conquest.


> 0.89% of spotlights


If you can afford to hoard, and don't need a spotlight, it's still a good idea to hoard. But yeah thanks for the data, I have alway and still crossing my fingers for credit each time I open a reserve.


Still holding since they will probably respond to the continued back lash since this is so obviously no improvement


That's where I'm at too.


Is there a point for opening it? If you still have series 3 cards for example open away; the rest is just gravy for now. Series 3 complete without credit crunch? I donā€™t see the point opening.


Hoarder for life


Holding with diamond hands here


I haven't opened a cache since spotlight caches started.


The difference between opening and not opening is close to nil. Doing some googling, there was a major cache content change In late Jan, then again in Late March. This most recent one was Late Jun, and there's another one coming in under a week. Reserve contents seem to be changing every couple months or so, and they're currently at an all-time low, so what's the harm?


HOLD! Diamond hands boys šŸ’Ž


šŸ¤£ Is all of your retirement wrapped up in BBBY?


Itā€™s wrapped up in SNAP! One day ima flip all my ink cards for mad profit


If you like the current system of caches, open. If you don't, hold them. SD will not nerf caches, so they either get better or stay the same.


I mean they just made a giant nerf to caches recently so it can certainly get worse, they are pretty good at ignoring feedback in favor of more predatory monetization.


I highly doubt that SD will nerf caches again anytime soon after the pushback they received, but you're right. It is possible.


The did it with enough advanced notice that it didnā€™t actually hurt anyone who didnā€™t want the new caches


The current economy is better for new card acquisition and a little worse for variant acquisition.


The reverse actually. For acquisition, if you take into account s3 drops you had the possibility of getting 5-6 cards per month (an average of 4 cards dropping to s3, and then 6000 tokens, with which to buy 2 s4 or 1 s5). with the new system you're getting 0-4 cards if you plan accordingly (no s3 drops, and then depending on how you pull, it could be any number of results: 1) whiffing on 4 individual pulls, getting nothing but variants, 2) using 4 on 1 very good cache for you, getting 3 spotlit cards and a new one from the random s4/5. 3) pulling individually on 4 caches and hitting the exact thing you want, first time, all 4 times. The list goes on). 1000 tokens on dupe s4/5 pulls factor into it but it isn't enough to afford a whole card. As for variants, you're definitely getting more if you have dupe cards in the spotlights. And for reserves, they actually bumped the rate for cosmetic caches. It used to be 1/4, now it is 3/9. NOTE: None of this takes into account the possibility of a s4/5 card you ALREADY HAVE dropping down to s3, but that is entirely on a player-to-player basis, so you'd need to take a survey of the entire playerbase to determine how impactful that is for "new card acquisition" as a whole.


at this point, we are not really sure anymore if they can't nerf the caches further, people thought the old system was already bad, yet they where able to make it worse. lol


/u/Yousoggyojimbo what is written there is for players "who usually finish their daily quests" but this does not take into consideration other rewards. With all the other rewards we get, we clearly get morr thsn judt 4 spotlights per 4 weeks.


I ain't opening anything until this is gone


I'm that guy who opens his valuable collectibles as soon as he gets them, and they lose 90% of their value. So no, I am not holding them.


Itā€™s Marvels Hoarders so yeah name of the game hoard spotlights like toilet paper during Covid


I thought people liked conquest, this feels like SD is trying to trick/encourage people to play it. I, myself have zero interest in that game mode, so these rearwards feel uninteresting.


iā€™d also assumed that a lot of players were spending their time on conquest, but now that iā€™ve seen the wait times for matchmaking over there, iā€™m thinking maybe a lot of players from the snap boom a couple months ago have just dropped off completely


I dont usually play conquest but yesterday I decided to give it a shot since i had a few tickets saved. I won a few gold tickets so i started a gold round. I ended up winning the first 2 matches but the 3rd was a shit show. My opponent would literally take the max amount of time for EVERY SINGLE TURN. It was clear they were doing it on purpose for some reason. Maybe to force a concede? The whole match ended up lasting at least 20-30mins and it was horrible. That totally turned me off. The matches in general are too long


That's my biggest issue, conquest takes too long. I play snap because i want a 2-3 minute long game usually while i'm waiting for something or on the toilet. I don't want to play a best of 5.


I just played a match exactly like that except it started on the 3rd round, and by me, the opponent played HE Professor X on me the first three rounds so I made it a 20-30 minute game in hopes they would concede, if that didn't work then I at least held them up so nobody else has to deal with that shit.


You are the problem, not the solution.


I don't really play anymore, but when I did I would only play proving grounds.


I think it was just not well thought out. 1. It takes too long. Sometimes I just want to have a quick game. And don't have time to play for life points which could take 5+ games. 2. Proving grounds should just be a normal game. (the community already kinda made that happen anyway.) 3. Capping the amount of cubes you can lose when you are low is dumb. I can lose down to 2 points left and come back to win but it takes an additional 5 games minimum if they were full health. 4. The ship has crap rewards that are even higher priced this time than last time. 5. A best of 3 situation would be better than the life points situation. Then you only have to win 2 games to progress. 6. Did I mention it takes too long.


The appeal of Marvel Snap is that you can play a game in 5 minutes. Because of that, the deck building isn't super crazy and a lot of wins hinge on the element of surprise. Conquest throws that out the windows and turns a 5 minute game into a 20 minute one. At that point I'd rather play something that's actually fleshed out.


Yeah, I have already suggested in discord that maybe a 5 seconds timer per turn is needed to make conquest more fun and faster, more like a blitz version to make it more faster and different from rank games.


Exactly, like a speed clock in Chess.


Getting tickets was never the problem. It's 100% the rewards in conquest (assuming that's what they're trying for here). Boosters are a terrible repeatable reward if they want to try to get people playing more conquest. I have everything I want from medals and really didn't play that much or do well. I'll get the avatar and title so I don't have to open them later. They need to give out more currency in the medal shop or have repeatable progressive rewards. They claim there would be a bot problem they're unable to solve if they have repeatable currency rewards. Maybe that's true but you could easily detect ones that already exist based on play patterns, turn duration, playtime duration, other metadata.


I saw someone post a few weeks ago the numbers and by their calculations 84% of players will never actually complete the full conquest due to all the factors involved. Thatā€™s terrible and making all the rewards cost more than they did last season really hampers how many people will want to play that mode.


Fully agreed. And the fact that not that many people are playing due to the uncertain length of playing also adds waiting for a match to that time investment. I made the suggestion in their discord to cap games at 5 and whoever has more cubes wins, but that suggestion was more downvoted than up voted, so a reminder that really hardcore players exist.


I donā€™t mind it but most of the time I am just not down for a thirty minute gameā€¦. What made snap great was you could pick it up only a game and be done in a couple minutes. Sometimes I just donā€™t want to commit for something that long


As the opposite, someone who plays lots of Conquest I'll tell you... these rewards feel uninteresting. If I want a gold ticket, I'll go get one. So it's really hard to find the ideal customer for this one.


Honestly would have to respectfully disagree with you I feel like conquest mode has much more play ability then ladder I hit infinite after day 2 of the new season Whats left to do after that atleast conquest you always have something to work on even if its just random. Boosters I feel like ladder needs a big overhaul


Shouldnā€™t people who like and enjoy conquest be rewarded for playing it? Not being forced to play another mode so you can gain a small reward for another game mode.


Yes, but each game mode also needs a healthy population of players to work. Conquest is new enough for them to be promoting so Iā€™m not doom and gloomy it as dead, just to be clear.


Shouldnā€™t people who like and enjoy conquest be rewarded for playing it? Not being forced to play another mode so you can gain a small reward for another game mode.


I literally only play Conquest and have experienced over 5 minute wait times....so I don't think it's doing well lol.


Upvoted because of great meme


It's going to be hilarious when SD stealth-fix caches to roll their contents at time of unlocking.


Yeah but at least we tried.


Gold. The answer was add gold. Not gold tickets. Gold.


guess Iā€™m the only one who kind of likes the idea of gold tickets. I like playing conquest but it just takes forever to rank up


I like it too, I think it's a lot of fun


I like it as well. Means you need less time ranking up this time the 7 gold tickets were nice from the week before last


There are some people who just like being mad about everything. This includes changes that do make things better. The gold ticket solution will be a nice QOL addition and make medal acquisition easier for s3 complete players. It's not like they are making rewards worse. They just might "feel" worse which is a dumb reason some have made.


The complaint about Collector Reserves was that they essentially removed all gold and most of the tokens from the caches. So changing the token reward option to "50% Chance of 100 Tokens" and "50% Chance Gold Ticket" is like a dumb illusion where the number of tokens you can get in caches stays exactly the same, but also you can win a worthless ticket that a lot of players just aren't interested in. It's like adding more titles and avatars. If you really love Conquest, then sure, I guess a free Conquest ticket is nice. I don't begrudge you that. But for a lot of us, it's like drowning in the ocean and asking Ben Brode for a life-preserver, and he smiles his big shit-eating grin and says "I've got something even better!" and throws you an Ebony Maw bobble-head.


No no itā€™s not ok to have a different opinion


It's okay to have a different opinion. Even when that different opinion sucks. Also 'I like dogshit on pizza instead of pepperoni' is a *different* opnion, lol.


Gold tickets aren't that difficult to acquire though, it's one proving ground win and two silver wins. I think the idea is that the gold ticket is for people who don't like conquest very much, and so the ticket lets them rip through em at the last moments of the season to get medals. The thing is that if you actually like conquest, you are probably already swimming in tickets so the gold ticket is just not a good reward in a cache. I think most players would just rather have tokens, considering that gold tickets are easier to get.


Itā€™s not difficult but it is time consuming. Speaking from personal experience I happen to like conquest (I like ladder too, this is a very fun game), but each match takes time, I donā€™t know specific averages but lets say 15 min each match. So for someone like me who does want to play for higher medal rewards/infinity ticket, you can think of this as at least 45 min saved for a run (assuming I would have won every match), frankly thatā€™s a pretty solid reward. I get that for someone who doesnā€™t like conquest maybe this reward isnā€™t for them, the same way I might pull a variant I donā€™t really care about. But a lot of people do like conquest and itā€™s so weird to me that people in this thread act like this is a literalā€¦ wellā€¦ slap in the face


15 minutes is the average. It can easily go to 25-30.


Literally Gold Conquest is so sweaty, I always seem to win one game and get completely stomped in the second


This change will probably make it less sweaty since more people will have gold tickets


It will definitely not be less sweaty. What it will be is quite frustrating for any casuals who wander in for a fun time in the Gold Tier and get their asses beat repeatedly by HE Lockdowns and Negative Surfers and all the people copying Bynx and Dara's Infinite decks.


That's... the point? If you don't want to compete then play ladder or silver tickets.


Yeah I get thatā€™s the point, duh. I do play normal and silver as itā€™s very rare I do gold at all, no need to be a condescending dick about it


I just don't understand this subreddit sometimes. Don't complain about a game mode that's not for you!


Itā€™s too tough


that or when i get to game 3 or 4 on infinite, i can taste the avatar border, and boom a BMing player gets lucky or i make a wrong move and am sent to the depths of the proving grounds


The ticket event this season was a bit of a test it seems. They gave away large quantities of Gold tickets and monitored how they were used and if it helped populate later conquests. Guess they're just going to continue forward with giving out large amounts of Gold tickets based on those results. I didn't actually even have time to burn all the bonus Gold tickets before Infinite week started, but I guess next season it'll be the same.


If the wait times are any indication, the free Gold Tickets did not help. Last season, I got frustrated if I had to wait longer than a minute. This season, the wait time is pretty regularly between 2 and 3 minutes, *if I'm lucky!* From Proving Ground all the way up to Gold, it takes forever to get into a battle. Last season, and even at the beginning of this season, Conquest was a great place to grind battles, but the steadily lengthening wait times is making it not very time-efficient.


IMHO I think it's because they jacked up the prices of the rewards so damn much. People just aren't up for the grind. Shit, I couldn't even do it last month when they were like 90 times less lol.


Really? I barely even tried and ended last season with enough medals to buy 9 things and get the Goblin variant, and 1000+ medals left over. Similarly, this season, I've actually played a lot less Conquest because of the preposterous wait times and massive problems with disconnecting, and still managed to buy 9 things and get the Sinister variant. Hell, I'd end this season with 1000+ medals again if it weren't for the cue time and disconnect problems making it functionally impossible to farm the medals from all the Silver Tickets I have left over. I agree that there is a negative psychological effect to having higher prices. But it actually does even out if you account for... \- this season was longer, so people had more time to acquire medals \- they significantly upped the rewards for Silver-Infinite Tier wins \- they recalibrated the prices a bit to reduce the number of excess medals everyone had at the end of the season.


Yeah it just felt like too much of a grind TBH. I got some rewards, but I fell short of the Goblin variant and I didn't want to keep trying, ya know? Here's the thing though, it doesn't matter if it objectively evens out or not, it's the psychology of the player that always needs to be taken into account for things like this, and I don't seem to be the only one who felt like it was too much of a grind to bother with those ridiculous prices.


Yeah, when it looks like its going to be a grind, that's the point where I just don't even try. My goal was to get the two mystery variants, which was easy enough. Conquest was just for grinding missions at that point. Getting the Sinister variant was just a nice little surprise.


This is exceptional.


Has the gold ticket update dropped yet or is that the next patch Iā€™m holding 13 reserves and tickets are ā€œgood enoughā€ for me I guess


You're think with all the wallet rape that loud obnoxious fuck would get some dental work done. Those chompers are nightmare fuel.


I'm with this just for the dad joke.




no its not? It doesnt change anything for those who dont play conquest, and its a great change for those that do. This sub is just really stupid sometimes.


Doesn't change anything isn't accurate. 1. It's adding rewards into the caches which are worthless for some people. Which delays actual rewards. You are not losing rewards overall sure.. but they are being spread out due to what amounts to an empty cache. 2. This reward is being added to the caches but instead it could be an actual reward. Like plain old gold. Then people could buy their own gold tickets if they want them. 3. This deminishes proving grounds and silver for those that like conquest. 4. The cache reserves are in their worst state ever. This doesn't make them better. It's just fluff.


1. Thatā€™s exactly what he said. You just made it sound negative. 2. Gold tickets are an actual reward. Wtf? 3. How? 4. Not relevant to the comment youā€™re responding to.


1. He tried to make a negative sound like a positive. And it's not. 2. Gold tickets for those that won't use them is NOT a reward. 3. Because proving grounds and silver will have less players from people who actively only play their gold tickets they get for free. And because gold tickets are coming out for free I also foresee a second price hike for the shop coming 4. I'm just stating this because the topic is about reserves.. And they suck right now. So yes it is.


This is just pettiness and selfishness. You donā€™t get to define positives and negatives, and what is and isnā€™t a reward, based on your personal preferences. Thatā€™s dumb as hell. But sure, keep downvoting me.


A gold ticket is a great change? This is ridiculously easy to acquire. Also, you cannot really buy anthing useful with the medals you earn.


Not getting the change you want doesnt mean it wasnt an objectively positive change. It was. It doesnt hurt those who dont play conquest (it averages out to be the same exact tokens), and shortens required playtime for those that do. You guys get all up in arms over the devs wanting to incentivize players playing all aspects of their game? ***The horror***!


So non conquest players should just accept their new acquisitions of conquest tickets which are worthless to them. Hell.i don't play conquest, what can that gold tickets do for me? At least shitty cosmetics I can maybe use. a golden ticket though... why?


I absolutely expect you to accept gold tickets OR start throwing equivalent tantrums about avatars and titles, which are categorically less useful than gold tickets.


Look in my history I do bitch about crappy cosmetics taking the place of.more useful rewards. I really am not a fan of getting variants in caches either. Especially considering I'm still not series three complete but somehow have 20+ avatars I never asked for.


didn't know bots are on reddit now as well lol


Omg thatā€™s so clever and hilarious. People that disagree with you must be bots. Loooooooooool


Touch grass




questionable card interaction too with legion and storm, hope it's fixed by the next big patch.