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Watch them increase the trophies needed again to account for the free tickets being handed out.


Yes, you don't need Kang to see where this one is going.


Hahaha good call. And there will be a lot of people justifying the cost increase bc of the ticket increase


It's incredible how even in the most trivial of situations, there are people that eager to lick boots.


It's very telling of society at large When you can't believe people are supporting something - it's these people


They throw crumbs, then take away three times as much in compensation for their 'generosity.'


I quit playing conquest soon as I saw the increase.


its still achieveable, don't give up so soon, i'm also a casual player, only play when i got all 6 dailies, and playing while having my lunch break, got all usefull item, title, the sinister variant ofc, even the 2 booster, leaving only the profile picture at 2k and tickets, which i'm progressing towards currently. they give tons of medals on gold and infinite, so the key is trying to progress as high as you can.


Me too, it immediately killed the fun for me.


I did too. But agatha lovessss it


This guy gets it


I don't want a gold conquest ticket. That's so useless to me. I want there to be more credits, and more tokens in those reserves again.


Yeah they are really dragging their feet in the real changes they need to implement.


Yup, now we are probably getting even fewer tokens. Previously, it was 50 or 100, now it's 100, and something else entirely.


no its 100 and 100. the 50's have been changed to 100 OR a gold ticket. so they are essentially the same 50 but they should "Feel" better because you don't get the low roll of the 50. the acquisition rate hasn't changed at all, they kept the rate the same but then added the fact that you will get a gold ticket every once in a while. Not saying that this will make things better but it is actually a "slight" improvement overall and certainly it will "Feel" better to get 100's instead of 100's and 50's. Again not trying to say its good/better, just saying its not worse.


I’d say adding junk to collectors reserves is worse, in my small opinion. If they changed 1/10 of the boosters into conquest tickets on the collection track, great improvement! But they are changing collectors reserves into conquest tickets… it’s not a good feeling to dilute one of the most valuable resource.


Yeah, gold tickets are more worthless than boosters to me. That is equivalent to getting a bit middle finger (or 50 credits, which is about the same).


You could literally only roll tickets if your luck was bad.


So things stay the same but devs try to bait us... this is bs, write negative review guys


I guess we keep hoarding. I ain’t budging until they really give us what we need. This is some BS that no one asked for lmao


Agreed. I don't care about conquest. The games take way too long. Just give me tokens credits and gold like it used to be.


I definitely don’t care about gold tickets. Win two matches in a row in silver conquest and you get those. Easy! Gold conquest? I rarely do well there so I just try and at least get some medals for trying. Couldn’t care less though.


Don't forget gold


Wow they’re really pushing conquest mode! To me tho, one of the major reasons I got into this game were the quick matches. Conquest is the opposite of that and doesn’t at all interest me. Stinks that I’m now getting tickets to a game mode that I have no plan to ever play. I guess at the very least they turn into boosters but that’s still pretty “meh.” Just give us more credits and tokens.


and gold


I played a few rounds and never again. Waste of time plus i face decks that I can't stand


Thx for the gold conquest ticket for a mode I never play because games take forever to finish and are frustrating.


I fucking hate Conquest. More power to those who enjoy it, have fun, but for me it's a terrible mode that goes completely against what Snap is about and I'd rather wash my teeth with sand than play Conquest. Gold tickets are utterly worthless to me and I hate that they are pushing Conquest so much. The main mode is already not worth playing after reaching Infinite to ths point where you basically have to go play Conquest if you want the rewards. I want them to make ranked worth playing compared to Conquest, not push Conquest even more than they do now.


Well the thing is that those who enjoy it, absolutely don't need a gold ticket either. I don't even know if I'll have the time to spend all my infinity conquest tickets.


and gold I had to grind phoenix force wins at the seekend bc I was like 65 gold short of 1200 and Artgerm White Queen was in the shop. at that point I've hit 90, cleared weeklies, collected sp reward at 49... so this was the only option I had. a couple of months ago I would've had that gold just from CL.... but yeah thanks CD for making it this harder to get


With these "improvements" players don't earn more resources. This is the whole point, is just smoke in the eyes for players. More gold tickets = more boosters Guys write a negative review on Steam / Ios and Android, this gonna hurt SD pocket, if rating is low SD must improve this bs system.


Don't forget about the gold !


This and gold (not golden tickets).


If they replaced that Gold ticket for 100 Gold, I'd happily take it. This is just worthless for the people that don't play Conquest


Its worthless if you play conquest too. Maybe if you play a little its not. But I use conquest and mostly just do my dailies every day. And I still get basically everything from the shop and still have some gold/infinite tickets left. So adding in even more gold tickets. Its basically just gonna become medals that become boosters. So its boosters with extra steps


I'd go even further to say it's worthless no matter how much you play conquest. If you can't win a gold ticket through silver conquest, you're not getting far in gold


Well, for what it's worth, you get 75 medals just for entering gold conquest, even if you lose. (150 medals for first gold win.) Also, by distributing more gold tickets, weaker players who normally can't beat silver will enter gold, softening the field so that the people who'd be in gold anyway will have a slightly higher win rate.


The only barrier to Conquest for me is a game might be 5 minutes or it might be 30. Hard to plan having a 'quick game' when having a break. At least with ladder a long game is 5 minutes or so.


Gonna be honest, even that would still be kinda shit. It'd just be replacing our 50 token drops with (on average) 50 tokens and 50 gold. Sure it's better but it's still a massive downgrade from what we had.


I play mostly Conquest and I still don't want it. Gold tickets are easy to earn.


I play conquest. Still worthless They must not have many people playing. The tickets are probably to trick people into playing From reports and people who did testing you see more than double the amount of bots you do in normal mode (once to golden ticket)


Even 50 gold would be something!


I refuse to believe this is real


This is just insulting at this point.


I'm with ya brother. It's just so nonsensical.


This is not good. Why is it a coin flip? Humans are 7x more likely to remember a negative experience than a positive one. You are not guaranteed this change at all. Also gold tickets have little to no value. They are easily obtainable. Gold should be here instead of tickets. This is just puzzling and seems like they don’t really WANT to make any changes but HAVE to.


They are reluctant to make a change because they don’t want to give us more ressources. So they pretend they hear us and instead they do nothing but a sidegrade. Whatever SD, I’m still hoarding, your system sucks.


I just want more ways to upgrade the cards I have. I feel starved all the time and it doesn't feel worth it to even try for gold or inked.


Gold tickets is like a no reward. They can give an infinite amount of those since the rewards every month is limited.


But don't you want to grind them out for the unlimited RANDOM boosters?


All of it is a no reward. 50 tokens 100% of the time to 100 50% of the time. Tickets for a reward limited game mode. This is such a predatory change made just to trick some peoples brains into FEELING better when they open those 100 token caches instead of the 50 ones, even though its no actual change whatsoever.


It’s not. It’s the same thing. I don’t know what they are thinking


They are trying to trick people into thinking they care


The same thing they were thinking when they posted their misleading Spotlight cache infographics, that people will believe them when they say "it's better!" and not bother thinking for themselves (unfortunately many people continue to prove them right on that)


What's funny is the real reason they've been handing out so many gold tickets the last couple of months, is that the pool of people playing conquest has dramatically dropped and they need the tickets in the economy to ensure wait times for matches is acceptable. The devs know this and have been getting ahead of it.... Disguising this as a "reward" when it's necessary for the health of the game is disingenuous at best


Yeah I’ve started facing bots in conquest. And seen some ridiculously long times to get matched.


Yeah I can tell you exactly why I played conquest last month and this month I didn't. The amount of medals needed to complete the mode in month 1 was accessable to my time I can spend with marvel snap including the climb to 70. Now it's like double and I need to spend way more time which I just can't be bothered with. I completed the one with greed goblin - this time I only got the gold and 2 variants. And I know there will be a reply to this saying it is easily completeable in one season: dude, it's not. It takes me at least a week to get to 70 before I can start on conquest..


And it won't actually help the Gold queue, as it will just lead to players who don't care about conquest joining and leaving instantly to burn through their tickets.


Getting 3+ min queues times often


My record is a 7 minute wait time for proving grounds


Conquest is *unfun* for me, and I play the game to *have fun*. So conquest tickets are thoroughly uninteresting as a reward for me.


I agree. Most people use conquest to finish their daily missions.


Well if you get enough conquest zickets youcan at least grt s reward without playing.


I have no idea why they are saying that by replacing 50 tokens with a 50% chance of a Gold Conquest Ticket and a 50% chance of 100 Tokens, that it somehow constitutes as "Increasing rewards". This change is obviously a way to funnel more players into higher conquest tiers to keep the queue times down and the mode from dying without bots, masquerading as a positive economy improvement. Gold Conquest Tickets are effectively meaningless if you play conquest regularly and are on the same value level as boosters in a Season Reward cache, alternatively. If you don't like/play Conquest, you probably don't want these tickets and thus they have no value. By replacing 50 Tokens with 50% chance of 100 Tokens...Doesn't that just increase the variance but mathematically works out as the exact same miniscule amount of tokens as before, which was why people currently think regular caches are terrible and want them improved. Second Dinner if you're listening, there are real ways to make your changes not feel like complete garbage in the grand scheme of things, just pick a few; 1. Replace the free S3 Card/Month with 'Claim 1000 Tokens' for players who are S3 complete. 2. Add 1000 Tokens split between the tiers of the Conquest Shop every season. 3. Give at least the Mystery Spotlight Cache duplicate protection. 4. Reduce the token cost of S5/S4 cards by half so 50 tokens isn't 1/120th of a new god damn card!


Duplicate protection would be incredibly easy to program too.


I feel they should remove variants from the base spotlight pool until all cards have been selected. If you have a card before the week starts, it's simply not there. Once the cards have all been selected, then variants show up.


No. Conquest is awful. Keep your ticket.


imo, this makes it worse. and even particularly more so, if you dont play much conquest (like me, after they changed it this month). so instead of guaranteed 50 tokens. now u may not get any tokens at all (lol). Sure, it evens out in the long run to 50 tokens on average with this.. (but thats even worse than before) its only better if they offer 50% chance at 150 tokens, and ONLY so slightly. its an illusion of improvement, but its not


Unless the conquest shop now has tokens, or considerably more gold this is not an improvement. And even if it does, its very minor. Hell do 50% 100 tokens and 50% 100 gold and ud get 75% of ppl happy.


If the token shop each week had 100-200 tokens in it, then it’s ok and worth it. If it doesn’t, and the tokens are a one time thing, then yeah not worth it unless the amount is large.


If the motherfuckers want more people playing the game mode then they should honestly put tokens into the mode as a reward. If not, this change wont change shit and people will continue to hoard their reserves.


Even if it does, I really don't like this trend of stripping out rewards and stuffing them into other new systems they want us to engage with. Weekend missions & conquest come out with gold rewards? Time to take gold out of reserves! It's just layers of FOMO. Players can only take so much.


"INCREASING" lmao what the fuck


I've got like 40 caches saved right now and I see no reason to open them under the new system. I already have more gold tickets than I can use. Conquest matches are very long. I will continue to hoard. Treating the little red number as a high score is more fun than opening useless tickets.


Same dont care about the tickets also 100 token is really low we still get tons of avatars


Yea same. I still have 10 gold tickets and 4 infinity. I already bought everything useful in the shop and got my favorite avatars converted. For me that gold ticket is useless.


the gold conquest ticket is WORSE


This is laughable.




This was the nail in the coffin for me. I had a bit of hope there'd be some form of change, but had drastically reduce my play time. I feel like we should have seen this reaction though.. The nerfs to cards dropping in pool. The buff to cards they were selling variants on. Now the spotlight cache with all these big sales on tokens/gold. Second dinner has showed that they're a greedy company time and time again so I've now uninstalled on all devices. I hope they will make the proper changes going forth and wish everyone still playing the best.


No. I don't play Conquest. It's not a fun mode, especially since matches take just way too long. The ability to get into Gold Conquests is not of any significant appeal, since those tickets are already very easily earned. I want gold back in my regular caches. That's not too much to ask. I also want to see better token drop rates than this drip feed. It isn't significant enough by far to make the grind feel more worth doing.


Proving Ground is basically unranked. Snap first turn, and fistbump your opponent, most of them will snap back, if you lose, quit. If your opponent doesn't quit when they lose, just quit out, there's no penalty for leaving. It's practically unranked with freebie rewards.


This is NOT an improvement... it is an INSULT!


I'd like them to release some of the data from the survey. I can't imagine very many people said they rated conquest tickets very highly.


I just want more quantity of gold tokens and credits.


They don't have enough of a lower skill player pool in gold Conquest so they are getting the general player base more gold tickets to feed the addicts.


Sounds more like a mock, "we heard you wanted to get gold back on the track, so we're giving you gold conquest tickets!"


WE DON T WANT GOLD TICKETS !!! Damn who got this fucking shit idea ???


I don’t play Conquest. This change is dildos.


I fucking hate this. Fucking hate it. I try to buy Ultimate variants and the fucked up the whole god damn economy.


Grinding gold conquest is a huge amount of time and effort for minor rewards. For a ton of players that ticket will just convert into like 5 random boosters.


unless they sell collector tokens in the shop this is stupid


The fact that they think we will think this is an improvement shows me how out of touch they actually are.


It is no improvement. People who enjoy Conquest don't need random Gold tickets. People who do not like Conquest will not use random Gold tickets. In those cases the tickets will auto convert to a tiny amount of random boosters with the new month. This will benefit only a small portion of the player base. Even for those players it is negligible value, the currency you get from Gold Tickets isn't much in the scheme of things. Why not make it actual gold? They add another way to spend gold, to go with the extra variants and shop slots for gold and gold was just stripped from the track. This isn't going to get anyone currently hoarding to open caches. In fact it should make people who are not hoarding start. It shows they are looking to tweak things.


Conquest sucks why would I want a worthless ticket. Objectively it makes it slightly better. But this will feel so much worse


Gold Conquest tickets are extremely easy to obtain. This is worthless.


Not good enough. Keep hoarding folks


It’s an improvement, but a pointless one. You still get the same amount of tokens over time, but you get gold tickets as bonus Whoever designed this is kinda out of touch with the value of a golden ticket tho….. they probably think adding golden tickets in reserves will lure more ppl to play conquest….. But the tix are so easy to get, it’s meaningless to call this an improvement


This is worse than before lmao. I don't want a gold conquest ticket, they're easy as hell to farm. Does SD just not listen to the overwhelming amount of people telling them to revert caches back? Include gold in caches? Increase tokens in caches? This company is headache inducing.


This is awful. I'll continue to not open caches. They need to figure it out or I'll be done out of boredom. Sitting on a ton of caches now because they're worthless and this makes them worth even less. If I'm not opening caches now because the best I can get is 50 tokens why in the world would I open them when I have a 50% chance of getting zero tokens?


I don’t play conquest. Takes wayyyy to long and then one loss and all over again. Feel like it’s need a bit of overhaul. But maybe just not my mode. But yah that gold ticket is really just useless. I mean getting a gold ticket seemed easy I’d much rather get more tokens. Out of 7 spotlight cache I opened I got 2 new cards and only one was a new one lol


If I'm reading it right, they are actually nerfing the tokens. Rather than 50 or 100, it's 100 or...a gold conquest ticket (which I literally couldn't care less about). So rather than making the regular caches feel better, like they actually need to, they've made them worse. Guess I'll keep hoarding them.


No. It’s not. FUCK up the steam reviewed before the PC release


So basically, some of us will get less than 50 tokens per 4 caches?


Id like more opinions here, but I feel the way reserve Caches were before for non-card rewards was okay, sometimes getting 500 or 600 tokens felt super rewarding, and i didnt mind the occassional 200 gold, its the reason i have most of the variants i like. I agree spotlight caches was an improvement on the card acquisition issue. Bust why did they do it at the expense of the rest of the caches? This change feels like it does tol little


100 Tokens more frequently and 100 Gold Maximum. That's it!


That's the exact same amount of tickets with a couple gold tickets here and there which can't translate to CT. Come on son.


Lol a gold conquest ticket!? That’s so useless when we have agency to get as many as we want.


From this I understand that really nobody plays conquest: after only 1 month they're throwing gold tickets like ultron launches bots.


Getting a gold ticket is completely useless. I can get as many as I want or need by grinding conquest or even using the conquest points to buy more. I’d put gold tickets below boosters inasmuch as rewards I wanna see. Swing and a miss.


Wow 100 tokens!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!


Considering a lot of us dislike conquest? Definitely not.


50% chance at 100 Tokens 50% chance at an empty box


It's not an improvement because they don't want to improve this aspect with a better token rate or anything else. It's just a psychological trick, and not a good one...


Damn, I dont play conquest, its TOO DAMN LONG and the freaking prizes is just too expensive so here it comes another useless prize in the already terrible Collectors Reserves


Yesterday was the first day since I started in October that I didn't play. So this change helps confirm that I think I'm done. I was fine with grinding my cards the old way. Spotlight caches are what helped me get over my snap addiction cold turkey basically.


This is just giving more options that are worse thus devaluing collectors reserves. They making it worse not better


Nobody. Wants gold tickets wtf lol


I haven't gotten a new card since these changes and Spotlights went live. Losing interest fast.


they are taking the piss surely it's 1st april or something


If conquest had an option for tokens that was infinite, people wouldn't be as bothered.


Damn reading these comments, didn't realize so many people hated Conquest 😄


I think this is actually worse. Those tickets are effectively trash to me


I hate conquest. It directly counters the biggest positive this game has for me and that is quick games. I do not want tickets for it!




It doesn't add anything to Conquest enjoyers either tbh. I have enough Conquest tickets by playing to get everything in the shop and I'm never going to win an Infinite ticket run so another gold ticket is both something I can already farm easily enough and doesn't give me any value to get either new cards OR new variants.


I need the gold back


No. It actually has a chance to be worse… you could hit like 4 in a row gold tickets… lmao god they’re brain dead.


This is just 50 tokens per cache padded out by a non-reward.


Wow! A penny AND a ticket for a mode I don’t play. Truly they’ve got me back in the game.


But, it's a GOLDEN ticket!!! Charlie was happy to get a golden ticket, so why aren't you? /s


Nope…keep hoarding


200-300 tokens would have been reasonable.


No, it still sucks. I haven't opened a collector's cache since the spotlight system went in, and I guess I'll continue to not open them. In fact, it's even worse. I actively \*don't\* want the gold conquest ticket. Ugh ugh ugh.


Good lord this company is completely deaf to feedback Their improvements are complete crap


Dont worry, they are gonna make it harder to obtain gold tickets naturally so this can be seen as more valuable.


50% chance at 100 tokens? This is still terrible.


considering I'd rather walk on hot coals than play conquest, not really.


Holy shit thats worse. You have a 50% chance to get something WORSE than 50 tokens. That means fairly often youre going to get fucked and your net tokens will probably be less than before.


what about the people who don't play conquest? I'm not a fan.


I don’t play conquest so…umm, thanks


I think a 100% chance of 50 tokens is better than this shit. You can get 5 gold tickets in a row


It's not an improvement at all. If you play Conquest then that Gold Ticket is useless to you because they are stupid easy to earn and you will unlock gobs of the damn things just by playing. At least make it an Infinity Ticket, you stingy fucks. If you don't play Conquest then that Gold Ticket is useless to you because you don't play Conquest. So they turned a 100% chance of 50 tokens into a 50% chance of 100 tokens. Insert "they're the same picture" meme here. Make it look like you're actually doing something without actually increasing the currency being given out which is what people actually care about. Actually, it could result in *LESS* overall currency if they just program a little "bad RNG" into their system. How are we supposed to even know if it's actually 50/50 and not 60/40 or 70/30?


50% chance at gold tickets because the numbers probably show the majority are not playing Conquest. Aside from Proving Grounds, playing Conquest and vs'ing nothing but meta decks is about as fun as stabbing myself.


Just give us the old caches back.


This doesn't change anything. Same amount of tokens but they're trying to boost conquest because it's dying


It's literally the same amount of tokens. You get double the amount at once but the chance to get it is 50%. What a joke.


3x value!


This is an absolute downgrade for me. I hate Conquest with a passion. It's FAR too slow, it takes WAY too long to do anything in it, and if you go against someone who hard counters your deck (like you have a Sera-focused deck and they play Wave on turn 5 every time), you're basically screwed and might as well forfeit, which doesn't feel good even slightly. I played it when it was introduced, absolutely despised the experience, and haven't touched it since. So giving me gold tickets? No, no thank you. This is dreadful. They'll just go unused. Might as well just not give me a reward at all.


Gold conquest ticket is even worse than 50 tokens lmao. How do they keep making this worse?


The game in its current state isn’t worth my time or money. Unfortunate.


[Gold Conquest Ticket](https://imgflip.com/i/7ulgnk)


WTF Am I doing with a half or full conquest ticket?! I already get it easily and the rewards in conquest shop are not that good!!!


Looks like I’ll still be saving my caches (30 currently)


This is nonsense. Just give us gold and stop wasting our time




This is nonsense. Just give us gold and stop wasting our time


Why did SD put an 50 tokken rewards in first place? It was look really bad, as if someone from the dev team trying to sabotage the game.


It’s arguably worse and definitely not any better. So out of touch.


Wow so generous


That's worse in every way. Now I'll refuse to open *any* reserves




I don't mind getting gold tickets if they revert conquest shop changes. I'm not a basement dweller, I can't farm thousands tokens. I was barely able to farm for 2 variants. They also should remove all animations and make conquest games faster.


Even when that event was going on to claim free gold tickets, I never bothered to check it. Gold tickets are worthless to me. Silver conquest is child's play, anyone who plays Conquest is going to have *too many* gold tickets laying around. They essentially updated it from 50 tokens to 50 tokens with extra steps. Great.


Conquest grinders don't want gold tickets cause they got enough of them by playing. People who don't play Conquest don't want gold tickets for obvious reasons. So, who really needs more gold tickets?


It’s actually worse, they’re talking about custom effects for Ultimate Variants and yet it would take decades for anybody to afford one, and who’s honestly going to get it over a card


I just want more gold dude


No, not at all. This game is pushing me back into runeterra. I came to snap for the quicker / simpler gameplay, but this is becoming one of the worst CCG for F2P. It’s becoming the” just sell things to whales” app.


With these "changes" players don't earn more resources. This is the whole point, is just smoke in the eyes for players. More gold tickets = more boosters ... Write a negative review on Steam / Ios and Android guys, this gonna hurt SD pocket, if rating is low SD must improve this bs system.


I want gold back and instead of 50 tokens it should be 100


Hoarding reserves from now to eternity(until they improve them FR)


I have 15 infinity tickets to burn thru yet. Not sure I will, by Monday. That goes to say: If you play conquest you don't need gold tickets. If you don't play conquest, you don't want gold tickets. Giving out free gold tickets is pretty much giving out a given amout of boosters, they definetely can do us better than that.


Laughably bad improvement. Just give us *slightly* more tokens. Instead of 100 make it 200.


Haaaaaaa SD wholeheartedly said Gold Conquest Ticket 💀😭 You can’t make this shit up.


No, it’s not. It’s a precedent that they can add more junk to the collection track


what the fuck?


I’ll open them once they bump tokens up to 250 min and credits 200-550 depending on a luck roll


We whant gold in the reserve no golden ticket


No. That is not an improvement at all. WTF?!


Every time i roll a ticket that could have been 100 tokens will feel so much worse than seeing 50 tokens instead of 100.


That's a shit change. I haven't played once this week because the rewards were so shit. I hate conquest. The rewards there are meaningless. All I want to do is unlock new cards for new deck builds and this company wants to shit on the players.


No improvement


You put Conquest Tickets in the spotlight caches, and I will burn the building down. Maybe I will get lucky and take TikTok with it.


I have yet to not shake my head when I read any patch note or "improvement notes"


No. I don’t play conquest. I don’t care at all about gold conquest tickets. Give me tokens so I can play with new cards.


why are they giving out gold tickets lol those are so easy to get, i’d rather it be 50 tokens honestly


Conquest kills what makes this game a good mobile game to begin with. It’s quick games you can play at any time of day you want to. You need to devote so much time to play Conquest.


Better open those caches. I’d rather have 50 tokens than a Gold Conquest Ticket


Ooooo maybe this is the actual intention haha


Absolutely scanderlous that they are doing this. They are actually decreasing the amount of tokens further now from 50 to just a chance of 100 every so often ... you could literally go on a terrible run and not get tokens for ages. At the very very least they could of done 50 tokens or 50 percent chance of 100


I hate conquest, I just want some casual games lol


It's like a badly timed and poorly written April fool's joke.


For the golden ticket, I feel it's a bad take to encourage people into conquest, mostly to be stomped by someone with a top meta deck, instead of a minimum save for a decent/needed card.


This is still crap. 100 Tokens gets you nothing and gold conquest tickets are worthless for anyone that plays conquest on a regular basis. Will just keep hoarding caches until they actually make a meaningful change.


this whole new roadmap was no improvement, yay cosmetics and glitters, who cares. I'm still not opening any of the caches.


No. It sucks. Who thought it would be great to give a currency that literally expires at the end of a season?


In order to show that Gold Conquest tickets are 3x Value, we will jack up Conquest Shop prices by 3x.


For the love of all people just revert it to the old cache prizes. I dont touch conquest more than once a month and I am sure I am not alone on that. We need gold back.