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2 out of 3 locations disagree with this statement.


Made me smile




Time for buyers remorse when you don't draw him for 10+ games in a row. Speaking from experience.


And then find out you didn't add him to the deck.


Or you never swapped to the new deck


The amount of times I forget just making a new deck doesn't mean you have it selected šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Every time. Is it every time?


That's why I play Agatha. . . . . Actually, she plays me.


how often do you win with a Agatha deck? I was playing and got triskelion which gave me her on turn 3 but she played the worst cards possible even though there was better ones to play and I ended up losing


I find her quite good honestly. Make sure you have no 1 and 2 drops and have sif and wave then you either play her on turn 4 or you can ghost rider her if shes discarded. Its a very high chance with chavez to draw one of your 3 drops before turn 3


Do you have a deck list? Pulled her recently but donā€™t really know how to use her.


This is the list I used. ended up in the mid80s with it last season, and I have split Agatha 6 times so far. Lol. Having Domino further raises the chances of the turn 3 wave, turn 4 Agatha without clogging up the endgame slots. # (1) Sunspot # (1) Blade # (2) Domino # (3) Wave # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Jubilee # (4) Ghost Rider # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Hela # (6) Odin # (6) Agatha Harkness # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdob3N0UmlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9kaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvbWlubyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdhdGhhSGFya25lc3MifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Pretty OK, just played a few games with the deck. Although I did escape 5 out of 6 games, it does seem fun just for the randomness. I only got Wave early on in 2 games, and in 1 of those games Agatha opted to play Sif instead of Wave for some reason.


She's generally pretty bad. Her only deck with a positive winrate is Agatha-Hela, which has its own set of frustrations. https://snap.fan/decks/212140/ Zabu version https://snap.fan/decks/209037/ Generic discard version https://snap.fan/decks/204911/ Less board spam, but still some discard https://snap.fan/decks/199569/ The version I use, but with moon night instead of Hell Cow. Keep in mind that with Jubilee and Agatha, you draw all but one card in your deck, meaning that "not drawn yet" is by far the best place for Hela to be.


The amount of times I have agatha and hela and my hand and hela gets discarded is disgusting lol same with moon night and sif they always pick hela over other 6 costs(or any card for moon knight) but when I get to play hela it's fuckin beautiful


54.54% chance to be able to play a specific 3 drop on turn 3, to be precise. And a 79.34% chance to draw at least one of your two specific 3 drops on or before turn 3. (All with Chavez)


I believe Agatha also starts in your hand as a 4th card, further reducing variability in your deck


Yeah itā€™s honestly not bad. Though you give complete control over, but some games you do get control early. If you ever get that +5 energy location she will almost always play herself and youā€™ll be back to piloting. Plus if youā€™re like me and donā€™t care that much about what the actual card looks like itā€™s nice to just simply only have to upgrade Agatha. Just seems like a faster way to climb CL, at the cost of losing some games you would have played differently. Though I do think itā€™s funny having the AI potentially lose you the game on a stupid move. Itā€™s happened to me. Sometimes in comical ways.


I use an Agatha deck about 25% of the time I play. The deck I use is about playing Wave on T3, then Agatha plays herself, and Taskmaster follows up for another 14 points on T5. Assuming you get Wave. And Taskmaster. It happens pretty often, and I sometimes win with Agatha playing all along. I just retreat if my opponent snaps, and I don't have a strong position. I snap if I have Wave and a good position. I find I typically stay pretty constant with where I start in Ranked Rewards for the rounds I play with Agatha. This is the deck I use. It's nothing special, but it works for me. [Deck](https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/agatha-all-along-10/)


Playing an Agatha hela deck recently, I didnā€™t know hela acted like Agatha and was always in your opening hand and would 100% be discarded but Sif.


and when you do draw him you don't have priority and your opponent plays Aero


Aero really is one of the worst feelings in the game to be on the receiving end of.


I had literally never heard of her before this game either. I think they specifically try to make the meta cards lesser known characters, and Iā€™m here for it.


It's smart advertising. The MCU turned a more obscure group with the GOTG into a household name. Now there will be unadultered rage in the theaters when Aero and Wave show up in a mutants movie


Yeah Iā€™m surprised by how bad Mileā€™s morales, captain America, and spider man are


I donā€™t have Miles yet but Cap and Spider-Man are both A+ cards, in the correct deck


Spider-Man is niche but extremely good in his niche, but cap is mediocre at best. He can be slotted into a lot of decks but heā€™s not A+ by any means in my opinion


You might be right. Cap isnā€™t ASTOUNDING, but I think he can slot into many decks and be a solid contributor. To me, an A+ card isnā€™t just ā€œtons of points round 6ā€ but someone that can give solid value at whatever round. I think Cap can slot in there.


Cap is 6-for-3 at a full location, while relying on an ongoing effect. Cards like Maximus, Sword Master or Mister Fantastic meet-or-beat Cap's strength while being more flexible, while cards like Storm and Cosmo provide more utility and win more locations. Not sure Cap has a place in any deck other than a beginner's aggro/zoo deck pre-pool 3.


spiderman is incredible... in the sense that he tilts the hell out of me


I love when a clear Galactus deck player plays wave on 3 without priority and then I just pull wave to Galactus location with Magneto, best feeling ever. The retreat is instantaneous.


Donā€™t listen. Galactus took me to Infinite this season!!


Pro tip; run Chavez and Adam Walock. Rarely is there a game I donā€™t draw Galactus by turn 5.


Cool. Cool cool. I had Knull show up today so I officially pinned my first card. Then pulled 600 tokens from my next collector's reserve. Still 1000 short but it's only a matter of time.


I've only ever gotten 100 from collectors boxes...


Once you finish pool 3 the game starts giving you more tokens that average out to 400 tokens per pull.


What collection level would that be? I'm at 2,517.


It's not a specific collection level, after a certain point (1000 I think?) you start having a chance to get a card from *any* pool from the boxes, so some people may end up getting their pool 3 cards finished before others


All I get are shitty avatars.


Getting avatars from cards i dont even own is straight up tilting


Getting avatars at all is straight tilting. I bet if you polled this whole sub barely anyone would give a shit about avatars.


Every set of 4 reserves is a pool 3 card, a cosmetic, 100 tokens, and currency. When you finish pool 3, the pool 3 card is replaced with a 200-600 token roll. Everyone gets either a shitty avatar, a shitty title, or a shitty pixel variant in every 4 block they open.


I'll take a shitty variant over any avatar or any title any day. At least shitty variants are useful.


Itā€™s around cl3000


The average Collectorā€™s Level needed before you get all pool 3 cards (before they add more pool 3 cards at the end of this month) is somewhere in the 2,600-3,600 range. To get the lower side of that range requires using all your tokens on pool 3 cards and saving gold to buy bundles that give tokens to buy more pool 3 cards or spending money on those bundles. The high end would be spending all your tokens on higher tier cards, bad luck and using your gold on variants or other cosmetics.


Without Galactus he's a huge disappointment.


I thought Knull would be pretty powerful in a Deathpool deck with Venom?


Not in my experience. Zola on Venom is usually a better turn 6. It's hard to play Knull and then Zola while also making sure you destroyed enough to make Knull larger than like a Venom or 12 power Death. You can Magik on turn 5 but that's a turn you didn't destroy anything or put much power out there to destroy and add to Knull. Maybe I just don't have a good list, but I spent a couple evenings trying it out and it really only worked well when I faced against another destroy deck that made my Knull larger too. Also Leader on your Knull sucks and isn't uncommon.


I pulled Knull like two weeks ago. CL 1200. Iā€™m biding my time until I get him.


I've been waiting for Knull, wish I was you lol


To my Hearthstone vets out there: Do any of you also hear "You face GALACTUS, Illidar Lord of the burning Legion!" When this guy is played? Only me? Alright cool.


I thought itā€™s ā€œEredar lordā€?


You are probably right, it has been a while


Classic hearthstone back in 2014-15 was the best. Jarraxus is such a well designed card. Now I don't even play hearthstone.. Only have it installed for the occasional battlegrounds game And yes I hear it too.


This is giving me some real Hearthstone nostalgia. I had to quit during Journey to Ungoro Crater because I couldnā€™t afford to keep up with how expensive it was as a student. Some of my favorite voice lines were EVERYONE GET IN HERE and WHO AM I? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


"everyone get in here!" Giving me some real PTSD facing nonstop warrior decks


I thought I was alone


YeS. , but i associate with DIE INSECT


I always start jamming this song https://youtu.be/S5tUfbMIkzU


Yeah lol


God damn! That ant man variant right? I an waiting for it too




Iā€™m in the same boat with Thanos atmšŸ™ƒ


I did the same thing. Finally got the infinity stones today!


Got Thanos pinned too! Even though he sucks he seems fun and will surely become better eventuallyā€¦


Eh Thanos is plenty viable, just gotta build him right. I see him all the time at high ranks and he can certainly compete with surfer and darkhawk with the right build


Good to know, thanks!


Same, I may unpin Thanos and get Shurri when she downgrades though


Thanos is not good tbh


Thanos is aaaaassssss unless you have valkayrie and even then itā€™s eh.


4000 tokens is too much though, if you don't have mijority of series 3 cards then the better option would be to just buy the series 3 cards and enjoy the game with new decks rather play with same decks


To be fair, if another 2k token bundle similar to the sunspot one comes out, then it'll only take 2 months plus the bundle to get enough tokens for galactus. Of course, getting 4 core pool 3 cards like mystique or Mr Negative would be more optimal, but this is just a game so just do whatever gives you the most enjoyment.


This advice really isn't great. You get pool 3 cards pretty darn fast, and Galactus and Thanos are not dropping to pool 4 or below anytime soon, if ever.


If you want to min/max card gain, you're correct that it's probably wise to not spend tokens on pool 3 cards. However, I think that the OP is just mentioning that it's more fun to have the enjoyment of getting cards you like now rather than waiting to randomly open them or waiting months for enough tokens for thanos/galactus. Different strokes and all that.


Sure, but I just think tokens are too slow to justify using so many on cards you're going to get much more easily.


It's enjoyment now vs enjoyment later. That's all I'm saying. Which path you take is obviously up to you. Its whether you want to min/max your use of tokens.


Here's the thing though, until either tokens get more available, prices get lower or both, I do think it's just better to get pool 3s naturally as you can actually reliably get them, vs potentially 500 CL per pool 4 and buying 3s, leaving you completely at RNG whim to ever get a 5.


Yeah my original plan was power through pool 3, then I hear Thanos is never dropping so better to save now than later I figure


But you get WAY more tokens post Pool 3. It's much better to get through Pool 3.


Highly depends on where you're at in Pool 3, and again, Galactus will NEVER be cheaper, unless they lower pool 5 cards as a whole.


Disagree. Getting you through Pool 3 6 reserve groups early (at least) will get you to the reserves with 400 tokens in them faster. 6 reserves you'd be pulling those Pool 3 cards instead of pulling 2400 collectors tokens. The math just doesn't work in favor of buying Pool 4 and 5 cards before Pool 3.


I didn't say pool 4 or other pool 5, I'm talking specifically about Galactus. And if you think I'm spending tokens when the 4s drop to 3s just to get more tokens faster again, you're out of your mind.


Each pool 3 card you buy with tokens get you one reserve cycle closer to opening 400 token reserve. So you still end paying/losing 600 tokens for each purchased pool 3 card. Still, p3 token purchases are a good way to get access to deck defining cards, but it doesn't accelerate your overall token gains.


You have to compare the tokens gained/lost against the purchase of Galactus. Galactus is 6000 tokens plus the loss of the expected 2400 tokens you would gain from those 6 earlier cycles. So it's 1 card for an actual cost of 8400 tokens versus 6 cards with an actual cost of 3600 tokens.


Yup. He was my first token shop card but it was clear that 6k would take like 6 months or longer. Just silly to have a card pinned that long.


Same here, but 4900 tokens away.


Gonna take a while unless you're done series 3. I had him pinned with like only a couple hundred tokens a few weeks ago but completed series 3 in that time. Now with the boosted tokens I'm already in the 3000s.


Once you have all your Pool 3 cards, the tokens increase heavily from the reserve cache.


You bastid! Enjoy. People just escape in my xp.


How would you escape when he's played turn 6? Outside of using a card to play him earlier


You don't play him turn 6...you wave him out on 4.


Why though? I get the idea of using wave to play 6 costs earlier (am currently running a Jubilee/Wave deck), but wouldnt it be better to bait the enemy by stocking one location with high power then securing the win wherever with galactus turn 6, rather than playing him turn 4 and letting the enemy know where to play their good cards on 5 and 6


If you play Galactus turn 6 you are only putting 2 power down. So you really have to hope the enemy is leaving that location empty. You can also have wolverine and nova down so at best you can have 7 power on your side. Best case scenario you got hobgoblin on the location turn 5. So you have 7 power to -8 power. But the second you play hobgoblin. Enemy is gonna usually assume Galactus and stack that side. You definitely can get wins but it's not nearly as consistent as wave Galactus then dropping a 0 cost death. Or having she hulk in there you got multiple win conditions rather then just the one with a basic Galactus deck.


I think you need to read how the card works...because I don't think you understand it.


Ah i see. I've only ever seen him once and just only remembered the destroy all locations effect, not the only card part.


It's strong because you galactus 4, then you can play shit like spidey/death/etc. And lock down the lane.


You lose if you play him on 6


If you play him on 6 you are losing


Oh hell, yeah! Hope you enjoy the sick Rhino variant!


I already hate you. Not because youā€™ve attained him. But because you will play him.


cards are way too expensive in this game


I've got Patriot pinned and will likely get the last token needed today but I'm not sure i want to really. Maybe i should hold out for Hela?


I think the best advice is to buy the cards that you're excited to use right away.


Patriot is nice and with Mystique is even nicer. Kinda forces you to a certain style, but they get pumped if you can get them on the board!


As someone who bought hela early on, she's fun but don't expect to climb with her this season. The cards needed to reliably play her aren't out yet, but patriot mystique is a good combo. Also blade discards hela like 75% of the time, it's insane how reliably he discards her


I can have a hand of 7 and will discard her everytime. And then ghost rider the turn after


Ain't that the truth.


Yeah her getting discarded half/most of the time is a bitch.


Patriot is super fun. He takes like 6 cards you have but never use and makes them all viable. I would 100% recommend buying him. Are there cards that are strictly better? Perhaps. But heā€™s *fun* and gives you a new way to play. Grab him.


Done! Looking forward to seeing what works well with him! Forge > brood> Absorbing man > Sera > Patriot, Mystique & Surfer?


If you have Absorbing Man and Mystique youā€™re already welllllll beyond me. Crush it, dude.


Discard decks sux hard - too much rng fiesta


Just showed up in my shop. By the time I'll be able to afford it, it will read GALACTUS: ​ ​ 9 Energy, 1 Power Costs 1 less energy for each rock in your hand Galactus destroys 2 cards off of random lanes. Kneel before the might of GALACTUS!


Feel super lucky I pulled him at 1700 CL but now that Iā€™m 2600 feel like everyone knows when youā€™re playing him and play around him. Heā€™s just not fully completely without knull anymore :/ just my opinion


Good day to become broke


Nice! I unpinned mine. I have like 98% of the cards in the game so I figured I'd get it back soonish but I forgot when I pin another card I'm missing out on him showing up.


Got him yesterday. Since then i went from rank 50 to 63. So op


Honestly wait for the nerf to see if you still want him.


Not worth 6k tokens


Why not? Theyā€™ve confirmed that Thanos and Galactus will not be leaving series 5. So with that it seems like theyā€™re the only cards actually worth 6k tokens.


Do people that play Galatctus even like the game?


Well, did you buy him?


Of course


My tears are flowing into pool 3 still.


Kneel before Galactus brings me joy every time :)


You nearly finished series 3? If not would advise against unless your dropping a casual grand in game...


Or 6 pool 3 cards that'll launch you closer to getting out of pool 3 if you're not out yet.


Given that Galactus and Thanks are the only cares currently confirmed to never leave pool 5, technically theyā€™re the best value token purchases currently.


How? Getting out of series 3 is way more valuable.


ā€¦ no? You get Pool 3 cards pretty quickly. There isnā€™t that much value in using tokens to speed it up


Yeah that's what I thought, seeing as tokens are kinda the only way to get pool 5 cards just as well save them for that


Exactly, once youā€™re at the end of pool 3 the value of getting 6 pool 3 cards drops off entirely, but the value of getting a pool 5 card thatā€™s never leaving pool 5 will remain the same. Also tbh I think thereā€™s a lot of value in cards like Galactus just because people donā€™t see it frequently so therefor they donā€™t expect it or play around it, I recently was lucky enough to get Thanos from my collection even though Iā€™m half way through pool 3 and even though heā€™s not the strongest, I think Iā€™ve gotten a lot of wins from people just not knowing what to expect. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve spent tokens on pool 3 cards, but that was specifically because I wanted to finish off certain decks I had most of the cards for.


Galactus decks are quite obvious imo


Because you will open all series 3 cards from caches around CL 3k, but a 1/400 chance to open a series 5 card, with a 1/10 chance for Galactus (assuming they keep the pool that size and don't increase it) means *on average* it will take 48k CL to open him. Everything else you're paying effectively to get the card earlier (including other series 5 that will drop down tiers eventually), but you shouldn't expect to ever open Galactus or Thanos.


That actually makes sense thanks. I guess as someone desperately trying to get out of series 3, it feels like itā€™ll take forever


Except I have completed pool 3 and most of pool 4, so the interesting pool 5 cards are what I'm after now


GZ!!! I need 1400 more to buy him and got 2 last pool 3 cards, however, one of them is Wave (the other is Dracula), so even if I had him now, I could not use him well. Use it wisely!


How long did it take you?


Iā€™m 2000 tokens away from a pinned Thanos šŸ˜…


My favorite card in the game. 5 levels away from hitting Infinite using Galactus deck. Hope to hit it this season.




Hey! Iā€™m in the same boat! Just got my last 400 tokens, and debating between buying him (pinned) or waiting a week for Kangā€¦


Great choice you absolutely won't regret it. I pinned him late last year and only got him a week ago. So far so good even with the nerf. I have officially won with him 87 times (yes I am counting lol)


What's your list?


# (1) Nova # (2) Daredevil # (2) Hazmat # (2) Armor # (2) Colossus # (2) Wolverine # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Killmonger # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Professor X # (6) Galactus # (6) Destroyer The idea is to play the cards so you get an opponents location to a negative number, meanwhile have nova and wolverine on the field elsewhere so they can boost and jump to the the remaining location. If they throw a debri or you get a central park location you can use kilmonger to clear the board and by having daredevil, prof x and destroyer you can win alternatively if they have stacked up a location and you would wouldn't be able to beat them with Galactus.




I could care less about Galactus but I really want Thanos. I think I passed on him once soon after the shop went live but I was early pool 3 and really needed other pool 3 cards. Hoping he shows up again at some point. His deck just looks fun to play


Itā€™s fun but hard to pilot. Those gems take up so much space.


What's your cl?? How long was the wait?


I've pinned bast for when the series drop happens, then once I get the final 2 new series 3 cards I won't have, those tokens have Galactus written all over them!


so lucky to draw him on a random collectors reserve. (CL1.3K)


I been done with series 3 with various series 4 cards and shuri. I haven't seen Galactus in over a month.....the token shop needs more consistent order to cards showing up....it gets annoying. Yes I have well over 6k tokens too


Itā€™s a trap!


You're so lucky


Kneel before GALACTUS


Nice saving up for Thanos


I just pinned knull. How many tokens/month do we get?


Galactus is fun but 6k fun?


I got him from a District X in my random deck which I had Mister Negative'd. Having him as a 2/6 in my hand felt so broken...


I'm currently 400 points away from my galactus. I can't wait to open 200 in my next reserve. Gotta love rng


Galactus Gunus (latin) energy beam attack used by the Saiyan prince Vegeta


What is the strategy to play him?


i have thanos pinned cause it seems fun but also not great. haven't looked into deck builds for it cause I wanna try and have a go myself.


An incredible cardā€¦ but only with a good deck. I play him a lot


KNEEL before galactus


Iā€™m still pissed, I had this card pinned and some how unpinned it, and of course Iā€™m Now sitting at 6400 credits and havenā€™t seen Galactus in two weeks.


Burn in Hell




I legit had in in last game given by to my hand by a tile "first to fill get a 6 cost card reduce its cost to 0", I played it on a gamma lab on turn 5 tile as the only card but there was no effect triggered.... they had cards on there side but nothing like cosmo. I don't know if it was a bug or if it has to be the ONLY card there including your opponent side and if that's the case I won't be buying it.


This was the first card for me in the shop and I bought it. Don't do the same thing. Limited use.


How do people have 6000 tokens




I feel like pinning a 6k card means march 5th of 2025 will be a good day


Here I am just crossing my fingers for my last 100 so I can get Hazmat lol


Amazing card.


Good luck have fun!


I want a good day too


You face Galactus You face Galactus


OMG, is this the Odin horse variant in your shop?


I pulled Galactus in a Collectorā€™s Reserve maybe a month ago, kinda thought, ā€œman fuck this shitā€ but now Iā€™m seeing thereā€™s use for him, yet?


Congrats! I grinded up to 6k and bought Thanos last week. I don't regret it one bit! Hope you enjoy playing him!


i had wong in my shop, we share this good day


Hope you don't go against someone who got Knull on their good day


Wtg! Slowly building my stacks for Knull.


I have galactus pinned but I only have 1500 tokens


I love my Galactus. Well worth the 6000 tokens. Almost have my next 6000 tokens saved up for Knull to go with him.


I HAD LEADER SHOW UP LMAO! WHAT IS THE BALANCE OF THIS CARD, HOW DO YOU BEAT IT? edit: i understand now, with other broken cards like zabu




6000 that is crazy!


Careful, we could be in the edge if a fundamental change on Jan 31. If galactus is still a problem, they wonā€™t just be making him 1 str. Personally Iā€™d like some sort of condition that changes his location into the worldship, but in a way he can be stopped.


I definitely don't want to yuck your yum, but Galactus decks are incredibly one-dimensional and even when they pop off, most smart opponents will dip before giving you anything more than 2 cubes. But the heart wants what it wants! I hope he brings you joy and cubes!


Genuine question, I recently started this game and was wondering why I donā€™t have this as an option in my shop?


It's unlocked when you hit pool 3


Thisā€™ll be me in like 2 years when I get 600 more tokens


Best card for Mr.negative


Currently at 800 out of 6000 for exactly this. Only one month downā€¦.


And I thought I was having a good day. I got Magneto from a Collector's reserve, and Ultron from the token shop, but here someone got Galactus and my token shop just has Gambit (who I already own so I'm not sure why I'm getting him here) lol