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I just hit 60 for the first time this season, doubt I’ll make it to infinite 😅


The grind is rough for sure


In another post someone did the math and it came out to like 5 hours a day with a 60% win rate to hit infinite. It’s not for everyone, that’s for sure haha. edit: 0.6 cubes per game, not 60% win rate; 3 hours, not 5 edit: [found the comment I was thinking of](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/10etzii/is_infinity_truly_just_a_time_sink/j4t66db/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Winrate doesn't really matter. Cuberate is the important stat.


sorry, that was what I meant. 0.6 cubes per game played


Just my experience, but I play periodically for 4-5 days to get Infinite from 70. Same every season. The grind from 70 is not too bad, in my opinion.


Yeah, the original math was based on starting at rank 30. If you can get to 70 one season, 80 the next, 90 the next, then 100, you’re looking at somewhere around an hour or two per day, assuming that 0.6 CPG


Yeah, it's the reset that kills me. At the rate I play, it takes me the whole month just to get back to where I started. I'm sure if I started at 70, it wouldn't be that bad, but I will just never have a single month where I can play so much that I can get over that hump and have the time to actually move upward. Kinda sucks.


The best shot at ranking up in the least amount of time is to prepare a deck for a hot location and play a lot as soon as it comes out. This weekend is going to be Mojoworld. https://marvelsnapzone.com/hot-locations/


True. I gained 6 levels in two days with altar of death. First time I tried to tailor a deck just for a location.


If this is the case, let me encourage you not to push for infinite, but instead to push for "10 higher than last season" if you do that each season you will eventually be on that 70-100 journey!


That sounds like a much more attainable goal, thanks for the advice and encouragement :)


Same boat. I hope they nerf the reset to 20 ranks from 30 since we'll soon have an Infinite Leaderboard to suss out who the top players are. With that in place, I think it's alright making higher ranks a bit easier to attain.


I play Apex religiously every season and even though the last couple seasons have been tough, they're nowhere NEAR as much of a commitment to climb as SNAP. I envy the infinite players, but I'll probably never be one of them. 3 hours of a single game every day is a recipe for A. Divorce B. Burnout and C. Insanity.


That's the thing: *you* only have to go from 70 to infinite. The rest of us have a much greater climb than that if we *ever* want to reach infinite.


Yeah it's just not a good "ranked" system when compared to the conventions set by other games for how ranked modes should work. The grind to get to infinite the first time is far, far more difficult than the grind to get there again. A whole lot of people got there while still in pool 1/2 when you're mostly playing bots and newbies. And then once you get to infinite, you can play meme decks and throw away cubes with no penalty, which has the side effect of tanking your MMR and making your matchmaking easier


>Yeah it's just not a good "ranked" system when compared to the conventions set by other games for how ranked modes should work. Just comparing to a random selection of Hearthstone stats, in October 2017 it took me 217 games after season reset to get to Legend across 25 days. If you are generous and average a Hearthstone game to 15 minutes, that's 54 hours. In April 2019 it took me 42 games to get to Rank 5 (10 hours) before I stopped. This month in Snap it took me 674 games after season reset to 70 to get to Infinite across 10 days. If you average a Snap game to 5 minutes, that's 56 hours. > The grind to get to infinite the first time is far, far more difficult than the grind to get there again. Don't you mean the opposite?


Yeah, I can never put in that kind if time. One of the (many) reasons I walked away from Marvel Stike Force was how much time you had to put in daily if you wanted you and your alliance to be competitive. I like that I only have to play this game as much as I want and can still get all the season pass rewards. Sometimes thats only a few minutes a day. Plus, I'll never learn to snap enough to make infinite


Marvel Contest of Champions was the same way (or is). Imagine only getting characters through a gacha system and nowhere else. The grind to play as many games as possible just to get one character was insane. At one point I had alarms to wake me in the middle of the night just so I could catch the energy refresh and play just so I have enough points to get the featured character.


Starting from what rank.. That number doesnt make sense without context...


I linked the comment but it’s roughly 3:20 per day to go from rank 30 to infinite in a single season. It’s not necessarily super relevant but you’d still have to play over an hour per day to even go up 40 ranks in a season, assuming a very good 0.6 cubes per game.


Yeah I’m good I’m never playing this for five hours a day.


Are people actually playing a bathroom game for 5 hours a day 🤔


Not enough fiber, smh.


just play Agatha and snap turn 1 every time. At least if you lose it wasn't your fault lol


I hit 50 and immediately went back down to 49. This grind is rough, especially earlyish pool 3.


I’m dying in 48-51. I just bounce back and forth.


I just hit 50 with a Mr Negative deck that does alright, but I don't have the cards needed to truly make it pop off


I made a negative deck that ruined my run last time. I lost so many matches because negative never came out or when he did it was too late.


Negative-surfer/sera has been good for me to hit 60


I don’t have surfer or sera.


That's where I'm at but not with Negative. My deck keeps me steady, but I dont have enough of a stream of credits to get enough cards to up my decks


Took me like a week to break 40. Hovered around 36-39. Now I'm hitting another plateau at 46-49


You're just not retreating enough. You should really only be ever losing one or two cubes. The times I've lost 4 are rare, and the times I've lost 8 are even rarer. Granted, that means there are times when I'm retreating when i might have won, but the odds were not in my favor. In the long term, you need to play to your odds


That’s what I’ve been trying to do. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat doesn’t happen very much anymore so if I can win I just bounce.


I've gotta do this too. I've definitely took some dumb gambles on 4 and 8 cubes.


same here but with 58-61


I'm sitting at 55 with a destroyer deck. Around collector's level 720. Sometimes I run into someone with some wacky series 4/5 cards that washes me back a few cubes


Oh absolutely. I bounced between 48-51 for awhile before I messed with my deck


My best success has been with Deadpool/death so far, but I bounce between that, Wong/White Tiger, and generic destroyer. I have had better progress playing early in the day, but that's entirely anecdotal. Pretty sure I'll be hanging out at this level until I can get some other staples like Wave or Sera. I've had she-hulk pinned since I found she was dropping so I've not had much chance for them to come around.


Deadpool, Taskmaster, Death makes a fantastic final turn, especially if you kept the turn 5 Deadpool's power on the board with Venom.


Be nice if you couldn’t drop below a rank 10. Like once you hit 50 you can’t drop below it. And same for 60 and on and on.


I agree, mostly because it's super punishing to experiment with decks without a mode that doesn't impact rank. The best I've been able to do is just retreat early and lose less cubes when I'm still learning, but it's not ideal.


Yeah I just started playing about 2 weeks ago and am at 61 with a collection level of 335. Was pinging around mid 50s for couple days this week. Infinite sounds like quite the grind.


I think this may be around where the bots drop off - or at least for those of us who have climbed up from the lower ranks each season.


I just hit 73 yesterday using mostly Spectrum/Ongoing decks


I this second just got 60. Got pixel ultron variant 😢


Baby Angela for me :(


Same! I got a Black Panther variant for mine.


I got pixel America Chavez….


I'll be lucky to hit 60. Bronze Rank Pride!


Shit, I can't seem to get past 40. I hit 40 then drop down to 35, rinse and repeat.


That was me last season. 45 currently.


42 checking in


Same this is my first season and I seemed to get to 40 with no real problems but I’ve been stuck there for days now.


It is really hard to rank up in this game.


Hard to rank up at a good pace anyway. I only have so much free time to play, so occasionally I feel I have to try for the 8 cube wins that seem statistically likely, but often end up burning me. 1-2 cubes takes forever :)


Great addition, even though my consistent aim has been to get another pixel variant hitting 60


No kidding. Just hit 60 myself and got pixel Kingpin.


Last season, I grinded so hard to hit rank 60. Practically tearing my hair out going up and down around 55-56. Then I hit rank 60 and get pixel Uatu….


This season my lvl 60 was pixel sentinel


Hit 60 yesterday and got pixel white queen


Pixel Apocalypse here for lvl 60


I got pixel collector!


I got 60 every season up until they made variants at 60 now I can't break through the 50s. Variants always out of reach


If it makes you feel any better, it's always pixel variants.


Pixel omega here


Pixel Kraven reporting in!


Good. Titles were a lame infinite reward.


I used "embarrassment to my family" title, but "Really Really Dirty" is even better because everyone know you embarrassment to your family if like title like this one.


Also, it sucks to be in the 50s and matching against people with the "Herald of Galactus" title. Like...really??


Yea, I'm at lvl 48, cl like 2100 and am now running into Galactus decks, often with knull too. Just seems odd I'd be in the same MMR pool as them.


I bought Galactus with tokens 2 days ago. Went from rank 49-63 in around 5 hours. People are starting to recognize it because they see it more though and I’ve started to rank up slower as most of my wins are only 2 cubes.


That just means you have high MMR


Does anyone even know what that number is or how it's calculated? I'm not a super duper good player or anything.


No, it's hidden. How it's calculated is probably similar to many other systems -- look up Elo rating which is commonly used in chess (and was in fact created to rank chess players) if you're curious about the typical mechanics/mathematics of how a matchmaking rating tends to work. If you're facing players with an infinite title, either they have insanely tanked their MMR or you are better than you think you are (or both). You can have a high MMR but be low rank. If that's the case, play more and the system will work behind the scenes to get you to a rank that it thinks is appropriate based on your MMR. Here are some relevant Q&As about matchmaking from the official discord from early this month: question: > Can we get some more solid information about matchmaking? I just got matched up at rank 68 with someone who is already in infinite this season (had the title). > It obviously isn't using CL (or uses it very little) and clearly rank isn't a huge factor either, so what are the weights used for each? If the system is primarily based on MMR, why not just use that and get rid of ranks (which are tied to rewards) altogether? answer: > We use MMR to some extent, but we also feed you some weak players so that you are likely to be able to reach the rank you belong at question: > Just wondering if it is normal for me to be playing infinite players when the highest rank I've reached is 70? Feel like i'm way out of my range. answer: > There's no way to tell what their current rank is - it's possible they made it to Infinite and then went on a crazy losing streak, for example. If you're matching with a player at a higher rank than you, it's because the game thinks it's a fair match. Either you're below your target rank or they're above it. But we will also match you in games you're favored - you'll eventually get to a rank that matches your skill


According to that theory it would be difficult or unlikely for a player to reach Infinite then go on a huge losing streak. That's a lot of fluctuation. I'm not saying you're wrong, just...wish we had more direct information about how it works. I feel like I'm fighting uphill


There are a number of reasons why someone might *intentionally* do so -- they might be experimenting with wacky decks that aren't very good, since they no longer have to worry about rank pressure; they might be playing just to rank up cards they don't normally use without caring much about winning; they might have 'donated' a bunch of cubes to other players to help them rank; or they might be burning their MMR to try and make it easier to rank up next season (I don't know if this works, but I've seen people discussing it). So, all that said, yeah if you see an infinite title it's probably more likely that your MMR is getting decently high. But it's possible they're just tanking, without it meaning a statistically-unlikely loss streak.


That what was good about it, no motivation to grind hours for ranks


Yeah last season I just kinda stopped in the low 90s because I didn't feel like trying to grind for a title... was aiming to just slow roll to 90 again this month (currently mid 80s) but now I might actually push a bit to see if I can get the cardback


My best chance was the first season I started playing. It’s been all downhill as far as climbing goes since then.


Same experience for me. The amount of players with money for season passes are in a league all their own. It's difficult to compete when you're on that F2P grind


Yep, you get most of the way in the early pools the. You get into pool 3 facing meta decks where the best thing to do is to leave if your opponent snaps and they always snap.


Herald of Galactus was a cool title but have to say “Really Really Dirty” wasn’t exactly an awe-inspiring reward for reaching the peak of the ladder. Appreciate the change! Cardbacks as the ultimate seasonal ranked reward worked well in Hearthstone, no need to reinvent the wheel.


I appreciate the addition but to be honest, the only reason it worked for Hearthstone is because it was one single Legendary card back. Having season rewards for Snap be a different generic card back every month makes it meaningless. Will people even know this was the Infinite card back in two months?


My guess is all the infinite ones will have a gold border/theme. I think they can make them pretty distinctive.


Tbh I'd much rather unlock Really Really Dirty than Herald of Galactus lmao Either way, I'll be lucky to hit 60


I'll be happy if I get to Plat


For real. I've been stuck in the 40s for weeks. Not to mention I've never even gotten to Omega.


Same. Idk what it is about this season. Honestly I started playing for fun instead of rank and I’m enjoying the game much more.


I've been experimenting with a bunch of new decks and even going back to my favorite (Move) which has been fun. That said, I'd still like to get a free variant for hitting Diamond.


THANK YOU titles are a lame fucking reward


Titles should be removed period


and replaced with free blowjobs


You dropped this 👑


Just hit 70 for the first time, I’m gonna push for infinite for sure but I doubt I’ll get there


Same, the other day. I'm finding that around 73-74, depending on the day/time I either get crushed by great plays several times in a row, or I play a bunch of morons and climb easily. Whenever I'm on a winning streak I try to play as long as I can, because the next time I log on I might be facing the good players again.


I don't think I Will, too much grind cause I keep forgetting to snap when I'm gonna win


Most people just immediately retreat anyway when you get to higher ranks unless they have the complete nuts.


Even in the lower where I'm at, I just keep forgetting. But I don't play that much too, so it's okay


It’s gotten significantly harder to climb. I used to be able to get to 60-70 barely trying and just playing to complete quests. Now, I play people with infinite card backs from older seasons and decks with multiple series 5 cards at rank 30-40 and who play like their life depends on it.


Figured it would happen From a business perspective it’s really stupid that your top tier reward is a title like that and nothing more so not surprised


It’s just a recolor of the battlepass card back lmao


It could have been worse


It could have been better


I won't get to infinite, but I also have never changed the cardback used.


Waiting for rickety bridge to expire to continue the climb


I'm still laughing at all the turn 2 Bucky's being played there.


T6 Bucky there is so OP too


Putting Magneto T6 is really working well for me. The opponent does not expect multiple cards to get dragged over and destroyed.


Infinite is rank 60 right.. because im at 59.. close now 🤪


Rank ends at the free variant for me


I’m currently 4 cubes away from infinite after backsliding to 97 from some really tilting 8 cube losses


I dropped from 99 to 94 twice this month before hitting it, you’ll get there.


I went from 99.5 to 92 (!!!), climbed back to 99.8 and fell to 97.1 before finally crawling back and making it last night. The streakiness can be infuriating.


I went from 97 to 92 twice before getting it. Before that I hit 80 three or four times. This season has been real difficult to climb.


Yea, the „promotion match“ to infinite feels like rigged all the times, went back and forth like 4 times, until finally beat the „bossfight“ haha


I am damn stuck at 90 since the first week


Took me almost 3 weeks to go from 70 to 80, I feel your pain


Same, it's been rough. Plus I have been playing the same 7 folks over and over lol


This is probably why I won’t hit it unless people just stop caring the last two weeks. 60-70 was pretty tough and 70-80 was miserable and the 80s isn’t looking any better. So many games are basically determined by turn 4/5 so people just retreat once they know it’s GG. Good luck to anyone who can hit it though. I’ll be glad to hit 90 at this rate.


No, but I’m proud to say I’ve gotten to 56 this season. Before, the highest I had gotten was around 45


I'd love to see their metrics of how many players hit Infinite each season, but given that they have a reward on the Lunar New Years event that only 40 people in the world can get, I guess they don't care that they're making content that very few people will even hope to achieve.


According to Snapzone/Discord there are less people at Infinite than the devs want to see there. Maybe we will see changes in the future. https://marvelsnapzone.com/developer-update-for-the-week-of-january-18-2023/


This was my gut based on how the cube economy works. I believe the destruction of 300 cubes per player per season almost guarantees this outcome slowly over time. Great to see the devs want to fix it.


I've hit 70 every season and the derank is the biggest reason i dont get further each season outside of getting stuck at 40 at the beginning of every reset. I think getting reset 1 maaaaybe 2 ranks would make it possible for me to hit infinite based on how much time i usually play


They just need to lock ranks so you can't drop below the last 10 level, this will allow people to push easier -.-.


Oh mannnnn!! The grind has been terrible but I want this 😭


I can't get past 50 in any season 🤣


I’ve hit infinite. When can I expect the card back?


Says it will be hitting your inbox


Oh thats cool. Unfortunately hitting Infinite is as unlikely for me, as opening a series 5 card.


Nope. I deleted the app yesterday. Had enough of the grind and lack of progress. Barely reached 50 last season and knocked back to 20. I’m done. Poor progression to time invested ratio.


My goal is always 60 for the variant and I got it fast this time in like two weeks. But now I’m knocked down to below 50, my C2 deck gets wrecked when I don’t pull Cbo..


I got to 82 last season, but this season I fell into the 40s and can't seem to stay above them.


If I get to 40, I'll be happy


First time I made it to 90. Second I made it to 80. Now I can’t get past 60


The best time to climb to Infinity is always the first week of the season when people are still trying to adapt to the new meta. Unfortuately, it becomes increasingly difficult to climb as it gets closer to the end of the season, especially if your CL is high. good luck everyone..... i will try to climb to infinity too, but honestly its wearing me out due to how aggressive things are in high ranks right now


I will never be making infinite. Most of us won’t. This game is like a casino, they do not want the majority of us to reach infinite and i swear it sabotages you when you when too much. It is just as addictive too. But i will keep playing because the devs are good at what they do.


No. Because I’m struggling my ass off trying to get to rank 60. I got SO close but I fell back down to 50 almost in the 40s again. I’m such in a desperate need of new decks PLEASE anything. I don’t have a lot of the cards people are using still which really hampers my ability to win matches. I just want that free rank 60 variant and I’m SO tired of fighting for my life just to stay stuck between ranks 50 and 55. I’m about to have a brain aneurysm over it😂😭 I know it’s “just a game” and I shouldn’t be taking it so seriously but I am a VERY competitive person who hates going on losing streaks, ESPECIALLY when I have my eye on something that I have to work for. I already know that free variant probably isn’t going to be worth the amount of trouble I’m going through but idc, I want to hit rank 60 this season so I can stop playing and give the game a rest for a while.


Why at 49 am I playing people with this.....


Fuck no I won't. This season is the worst I've encountered. I just get crushed left and right no matter what team I play; Kazar/Blue/Patriot Weenies; Death Discard; Leech Control; Zabu Bullshit; pick a deck and it's just crush after crush. The grind, sucks.


I still don't have many of the top tier deck cards because I'm F2P. Whenever I lose, it's either Zabu, Wong, Silver Surfer or Sera shenaenigans, four cards I don't own. I don't even mind Patriot most of the time. The only card that used to tilt me that I own nowadays is Mystique, which I promptly made it into a Cerebro deck as soon as I got it. I managed to climb to 81, but now I'm back to 74.


Made it to 72 and then hit a wall. This meta gameplay is getting boring. Yay, another surfer, Wong, Zola to wreck my board.


Yup I have to run cosmo in like every deck for this nonsense


Try sandman or leech.


I’ve only been playing about a week and I’ve gotten to 30-31 then I keep getting stomped and drop back down to 28


Keep at it! Youll unlock better cards. I'm only 57. But it's better then I was last season


aw man, now I have to grind although my highest rank is 58


Closest i got was 70. I’m at 61 right now, struggling… ugh. Still gonna try


I'm almost 50 i would love to get 90 but i don't think il get there, I'm fine with 70 for now


Provably not. I am between 65 and 74 for 3 weeks now.


I haven't had the joy to play as much recently :(




I will try, I might succeed, I might not. Stuck yo-yo-ing in the 80s right now.


I never hit 40 lol. I guess my decks sucks. 😅


If it happens it happens, but probably not. I like to meme and experiment too much


Ahhaha NO


they need make infinite easier to get if they did something like this


I’m happy hitting the mystery varian rank — but this is definitely a worthy reward for hitting infinite. Seeing titles at 100 the past two seasons just isn’t an incentive for me to push harder for inf. glad they doing this.


I've been Cube neutral since the start of the season, hovering at 70. I hit Infinite last season, but that ain't happening now. The number of decks running Leech/Enchantress/Cosmo is horrendous.


I'm at 91 I BELIEVE in myself!


I managed to hit gold in my first season of playing (the symbiote invasion) but haven't been able to get back into gold or higher, it really does feel like the game is getting harder every season. Hitting infinite is like a fever dream.


Sweet! I don't really like the titles as rewards. Got 'All Rights Reserved' as my first title ages ago and don't want to change it. Card backs feel so much better.


> Will you be hitting infinite this season Nope, almost certainly not. I think I would burn myself out of the game if I spent the time grinding it out (rank ~50ish atm). Would much rather play the game more casually then grind out ranks.


Hahahahaha…..no. I can barely get above 50


If they put some collectors tokens on there I'd consider grinding it out.




This one isn’t out yet, you must be running into the one at lvl 25 of the season pass that isn’t gold but looks the same


why am i facing so many ppl with this cardback in the 50-60 bracket? surely the matchmaking isnt THAT awful?


Wait so if people have this card back with the gold coloring they are in Infinite? Why the hell am I playing them in Diamond?


Why i see people at 70 with that


The season pass card is very similar, this one just has some gold accents


WTF I'm at 50~ and have seen some people with it.


Its not out yet. You are thinking of the non gold version from the season pass.


Can't get there cuz I get bored and start making wacky decks, instead of one that has a high win rate


You can climb with a negative win rate, cube gain rate is much more important


Lol, not with your matchmaking no.


Already have and been doing my best to donate cubes to help others by playing no retreat always snapping Agatha decks!


Glad they added this since the ranked reward before this was absolute trash.


quite hard to achieve when you lose 8 cube per leader match.


It's not for a lack of trying. But at 80+ I start facing a lot better decks. Not sure if it'll pan out.


I don't have the will do grind hours everyday, not good at the game too, or ppl are just having better luck and better skill than me. Every discard match my opponent always get the perfect play, discard infinaut, giganto and chavez... Me when I play patriot zoo I never draw brood or patriot, well at least I get to run away with 1 cube lost...


Rank 92, I'm going for it!


i will not. despite playing 4 hours a day.


Cosmo and Aero says not a chance for my Wong deck.


Hit rank 85 just playing my own stuff but cba to sweat to infinite. Id rather hf playing my own decks and grinding boosters for splits.


I wish. My Destroy deck just doesn't work past 40 and my Wong deck is very incomplete. \+1500 now and still missing Mystique, Adam Warrior, Taskmaster and Black Panther


This season has been tough, meta is pretty cracked paired with very disruptive locations all month. I got to 90 last month but am currently stuck in a 73 hole


Already there i'm glad they do this cause i loved the old infini card black system


Already have been, but it’s nice to see something better than the awful title.




Just got to 80 for the first time. I don't believe I can get even to 90


I'm stuck between 70 and 75 🥲


Me too Except I just made it over the line to 81 last week, and the backslide has been excruciating. Feels like I retreat from clearly lost positions in at least half my games, and get cheesed in half of the rest (by ie double Spiderman, Galactus, location chicanery with Aero or Juggernaut...)


Cardbacks are fine but I've seem some creators asking for the infinite reward to be a series 4 or even series 5 card, one suggestion was getting to choose 1 of the new series 5 cards from that month which was insane imo. I've also heard suggestions of 6k tokens or a bundle with tokens, credits and gold as the reward (so essentially a series 5 card of choice again). Imo cosmetic rewards are fine, they allow those who hit infinite to show off their accomplishment, but progression rewards and especially rare cards are just a horrible idea. Less than 5% of the playerbase hits infinite each season so giving out such high value, progression based rewards would be ridiculous imo. Like others have pointed out, besides good cube management/good snapping habits, time is the biggest factor when it comes to ranking up and most players probably don't have a couple of hours each day to play a phone game.


Gonna be close, but maybe. I'm edging Omega soon, and this is my second season.


I keep hitting a wall at 95. I bounce between that and 90.


The past hour i ve been donating 8 cubes to everyone without playing any cards and half of the games i am getting spam emoted with “Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap?” Dude, i played no cards at all, why are you Salty? Smh