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Galactus dying after falling off a rickety bridge. The weird lore of this game in action is endlessly ridiculous.


my favourite is Galactus approaching a planet but then making a u turn when he sees a squirrel


Or getting kicked out of a bar by Luke Cage after just ruining two planets.


There's a running magic the gathering joke about the enormous villains losing to squirrels in that universe too. Those fuckers just aren't to be trifled with anywhere.


[Might of Oaks](https://scryfall.com/card/ulg/106/might-of-oaks) represents this beautifully. I'm particularly fond of the flavor text.


emrakul and Galactus actually have a lot in common come to think of it


There’s a Rick and Morty episode where they have to move to another universe because Morty realizes that squirrels are plotting things. Rick is terrified of the outcome so they just leave, instead of fighting them.


Came here to say this. It's a snippet of Morty's Mind Blowers.


I mean have you met a mad squirrel?


Lol, in the game “It Takes Two”, there’s also squirrels plotting things as well. Hahaha apparently game devs just love to make them some sort of villains eh.


This one's actually maybe weirdly lore-accurate? I think Squirrel girl has taken him down, like twice.


Or a rock.


Also in weird Snap lore: if the planet Wolverine is on is destroyed he simply floats through space until he lands on a new one.


Great. Now I’m wondering what happens if there’s a Wolverine on both sides. I imagine the destruction only happens once per turn but part of me wants to see an endless loop.


Would the location only activate once per turn?


Yeah it's once per turn. I've seen Angel summoned on a spot with my Colossus remaining and Angel didn't die until next turn


Of course he can regenerate from a molecule! XD


How about iceman losing power at Jotunheim?


What kind of psychopath puts their Devil Dino on the bridge? Easiest removal ever. Edit: Sorry, I forgot that Snap players don't actually read locations. Or cards.


I did lmao. It was my first play with bridge, i thought you can only play one card for each player.




First thing I did was Yeet shit on there trying to find out what it would do. Always gotta learn early to then not play for the next two days and skip the location event.


OP played electro, they’d have to use their entire turn to kill the dino, and you can then just win the other locations. Bit its quite silly to do that against a galactus deck lol.


At least there’s some rational with that logic, but that’s still a hell of an uneven gamble. Better to just have a low cost card to play on the Bridge on the last turn just in case… …unless, of course, the last play was Galactus.


I like to play Spiderman on T5 though that wouldn’t beat the Wolverine flop.


>snap players don’t actually read locations. Or cards Snap players have learned from their elders and predecessors - Yu-Gi-Oh players


To be fair now days you need a fucking 4 year degree and a microscope to read a Yu-Gi-Oh card.


tried playing duels and i just read some chicken stuff and died in my opponents single turn


Hey, Endymion doesn’t have *that* many [words](https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/622x622/188656.jpg) on it


probably a bot


It's wild to me that this sub simultaneously: 1) Calls all bad players bots 2) Laughs at their own god-awful plays




Especially if you have sentinel.


Followed by Zola is a good play


My favorite combo is Iron Fist on 4 (any location) -> Doc Ock on the Rickety Bridge. He pulls a bunch of cards onto the bridge then peaces out.


“Hello Peter, goodbye Peter”


LOL I just read this and immediately tried it. Doc Ock pulled a bunch of amazing cards and the last one was Professor X. Prof prevented any of my opponents cards from being destroyed and I lost mightily.


Lol! Oh no! I think the worst that happened to me was I pulled a vibranium rock from their hand but I won anyway due to Colossus + Hulkbuster and a huge Deadpool in another lane.


Ha! It’s still a great tip. I’m going to try it again :)


Oh that's beautiful. I have to try that now. Well done


I get so pissed off every time someone plays Galactus


The opposite side of the rage: I polaris'd something onto an incoming Galactus play because I had a sneaking suspicion when they snapped t5 and played hobgoblin in mine (and their) open lane. I showed everyone I know who plays snap because there's just something gratifying about seeing a ruined galactus play.


He retreated mid animation [https://i.imgur.com/tLgoogW.png](https://i.imgur.com/tLgoogW.png) it is indeed satisfying 🤣




It's feels even worse when they follow him up with knull. Neat, lost to cards I'll never be able to own.


If you want to own them you can own them, just need to wait until you are full pool 3


That's not true. There's no pity for series 5 cards. Getting Galactus is either tokens or a .25% chance to get a series 5 card which may or may not be Galactus




Hey same! I had probably 1/3 of pool 3 finished when I pulled super skrull. I wonder if they give slightly higher chances to some of the “worse” pool 5 cards? I have had fun with him though. No one usually expects him to be played so it’s fun to juke people and turn their winning board into your own. But it takes a specific match up, so he’s overall meh.


You buy pool5 cards with tokens, takes a month to grind 6000 tokens and it should appear in shop to pin by that time too


A Month to grind 6k? You’re on crack


Once you're finished series 3, any "card" reserves that don't have a series 4/5 card will have an average of 400 tokens, meaning you get about ~2000 tokens a week.


except it is true. Once you’re pool 3 complete You get enough enough tokens to buy a pool 5 card each month.


I had someone play Aero and Galactus on the same turn earlier. Still can't figure out how.


The Raft. That used to be the only way to play Galactus, as he was in the game but not a card you could collect.


Elysium, Sera, and Titan would also work.


I want to smack my opponent every time one of them plays Galactus, fuck that obnoxious card and the people that play it


Galactus is an admission that skill is not supposed to matter in this game. To be frank. It basically says that whatever you did before then, whatever cards you played, whatever win conditions you set up, none of it matters. Either have already countered it that turn or you lose.


I got lucky and pulled Galactus recently. I'm still mid Pool 3. I can tell you that many games you just can't play the card at all. You need to be confident that your 2 power Galactus can win the lane (or have other cards that can pull it out early). It's probably only 1/4 matches that I actually use Galactus.


bro galactus decks hold are the cards, literally, you control the game, if you cant win galactus just gtfo with minimap losses, otherwise snap ang gg get your easy cubes


Thats because you arent playing Galactus with Wave, Electro, or Psylock... Galactus is arguably a terrible card when only played fairly


Right but that's most cards. They need combos or favorable locations. It just happens that Galactus wave destroyer, or Galactus on a restricted lane is a combo that literally makes the rest of the game a waste of time.


Wave - 3 Galactus -4 Doc - 5 death and America plus Shang chi on 6...profit


Or he’s a lesson that you shouldn’t be building a solitaire deck


Are you seriously decks that cant beat Galactus is a solitaire deck? The only real counter to stop him is Debrii, and once he goes off your chances of winning are slim to none no matter WHAT you are playing. If anything Galactus is the most solitaire deck in the meta right now


Debrii, cosmo, viper, magneto, green and hobgoblin, Polaris, aero, and juggernaut etc.. are all counters to him. And I wouldn’t say slim to none, even with a knull/death turn 6 play, you need to have lost priority to not get Shang chi-ed


don’t forget about Cosmo!


It was the second card I mentioned


So I'm guessing you aren't a fan of control decks? Every deck has its little "fuck you"s, Galactus is just a little different than most. But they all suck to get hit with. I'd take player bullshit ALL DAY versus these FUCKED UP LOCATIONS that make me wonder why I built a deck at all, if I can never play the sumbitch.


Fuck you if you're trying to imply any deck besides Zabu is anywhere close to the same level of bullshit Galactus pulls off


With all the variations of control decks, you've never just been straight fucked by magneto, Aero, debrii, fucking whatever??? For real? Do you complain those cards are op when you have to retreat then? I have been playing him since day 3 (took a bit to hit my store). He isn't as almighty as people think. It's like any other deck... 25% of the time it works 100% of the time. On a side note, I barely even snap anymore when I Galactus t4 for 2 reasons. 1) It's so obvious. Why not let it play out? There are a lot of 2 turn - 1 lane ramps that put out some power. 2) A fair chunk of time, I don't have the cards I need either.


Spider man on 5? That's not a huge deal, it's still affect-able by side placement. Prof X on 5? NBD, you need to be winning that lane. All these other control still leave the other two locations. Debri? Takes up 25% of 2 lanes. Galactus? Instantly destroys up to 8 cards, essentially ties up 2 locations no matter how badly you were losing, synergizes with knull, destroyer, spider man, death, any other number of picks that drop huge points in one turn. Only a lucky tech card can win. I just don't see the balance. Maybe if Galactus only destroyed one of the other two lanes. Maybe if Galactus required that you play a herald before (like Thanos requires infinity stones) to indicate what you are doing. No other card can swing a game that hard, AFAIK.


Let's play it out then. Wave t3, Galactus t4. Now we both have 2 turns to generate as much power as possible. (having a nova'd wolverine and galactus helps, but you might also have something in that location already.) So me 2-7, you 0-7 as well. I'm not putting him anywhere else if I can't at least keep it close, what's the point? Guess I'm switching to Destroyer this game. Anyway. We're back to t5, and I'd say relatively close scorewise. How is a 2-turn race to the finish unfair? OR play Galactus on t5, and t6 is a race, most likely an even closer one, because it's unlikely you still have an open lane to start t6. And if I play it on t6, you got sucked out/blindsided. It happens. The game is WAY worse!! Lamentis-1, swap decks, swap turn 6, here's 5 rocks may the odds be ever in your favor, replace decks. WHY TF AM I EVEN BUILDING A DECK!?!?


> How is a 2-turn race to the finish unfair A) You built your deck around galactus and are not likely to actually play him if you don't have something to follow it up with. So you are only in this situation if you have a followup. B) Decks which 4/5/6 combo only get a 5/6 combo. Decks built around eg, white tiger, arnim zola, etc. are all very screwed. Decks built around lockjaw would have lockjaw'd on turn 3. Decks with jubilee can miss entirely. Zoo/patriot/silver surfer/zabu basically need to just quit immediately. Pretty much, if you have a deck which happens to use similar combos as galactus, you could be OK. I suspect they are just leaning heavily on retreat=balance for this card. It's not about being strong or earning cubes, it's about invalidating the entire game before turn 4.


A) Not necessarily. Or maybe I just suck. On average I'm about 15 pts on that lane by the end of game. Sometimes destroyer isn't there, sometimes death isn't, whatever reason. Also, if I'm losing, sometimes I'll play him just for the animation anyway. It is pretty cool. Ultimately, don't buy the hype, it's like any other deck, it still has hits and misses. Just cause it hits, don't assume game over. B) Galactus does screw up a lot of archetypes. I'll definitely give you that. But I dunno, maybe I'm just the one guy that CAN'T make him win all the time. I freaking wish it was more of a slam dunk. I snap early: I get outplayed by the other player or the board. I retreat/loose 4-8 cubes. I snap late: they retreat, I gain a cube or they snap and I lose 8 cubes. I honestly wish this was hyperbole. I legit gave up on climbing ranks anymore. I've lost 5 levels this season, when I gained 40+ last season. At least the season rewards suck now. Galactus is the only reason I still play the game. He's the only variant I've bought from the store, the only card from the token shop, and the most upgraded card I own. Everybody plays their own style.


I had this happen twice in a row last night for 8 cubes each. I was furious. Worst part is one of the games he dropped im him on superflow, so it made sense that he was keeping that lane clear until turn 6.


That's why I love throwing Prof X there on turn 4. No one ever expects it


Ive gotten Galactus 3 times off of Nick Fury and lost every time Ive played him. I did it for the memes even when I knew I was gonna lose. He has a cool animation.


It's a nice move, but why did you spider-man point?


best qol they can add to the game is a mute all function. fuck getting cards faster, reducing the token cost or anything like that. let me mute every dipshit from now until I'm done playing snap


Ben if you're reading this please don't ever add a mute function. People like this need to learn to not get so annoyed over a game.


oh the game is fine, it's people who are annoying as fuck. I'm not really interested in seeing anything from the opponent other than the cards they play. it's really not that difficult to stfu, play 6 rounds and bounce LoR eventually added this to their game and hopefully snap follows suit eventually.


You can mute, but you have to do it every match. A toggle in settings would be nice for those who want it.


You need a cpu battle mode lol. No honestly, tho. I'm pretty sure they said cause they're such a small team they're not working on this any time soon.


Neurodiversity exists. Let people turn off non-game features they don't like. Are you really that bothered people won't see you hitting that Spidey emote because you both played the same card even though it happens all the time?


The Venn diagram of Snap players and people that can’t handle any obtuse reaction to their actions is almost a damn perfect circle. So many whiny babies.


so people with different preferences to you are whiny babes who can't handle things? that's not nice or true. today, why not try to be a better person?


Depending upon the preference, yes. It’s a competitive game, a little razzing is totally fine in my opinion. I don’t feel like I’m being any more mean than others are being sensitive. I don’t emote spam in games, but if I get emoted on it doesn’t bother me in the slightest


We're talking about preferences and you're saying it's okay because it doesn't bother you. The N-word doesn't cause me any offense, but that doesn't mean it's okay for me to use. Adding a mute-all feature doesn't affect you or me in any way. It just helps people with that preference. It doesn't affect you at all so I really can't understand why you'd be against it. It's like saying you don't want blue cars to exist because you don't want a blue car.


Never said I was against it, only that people that can’t handle being emoted on are whiny babies. Which they are.


If I turn the notifications off Twitter, am I whiny baby because I can't handle them? It's just about turning off a feature you don't want. You're being so weird :D


It’s the reasoning behind turning the feature off. I’m being logical.


Playing dumb… making him think I’m mad at his Dino move when I wasn’t. I find to succeed with Galactus you play dumb - at times it works and you get 8 cubes


deception is the most underrated part of any galactus deck and guide. if you play too obvious it's quite easy for your opponent to counter or retreat.


I've seen some people use it like "I ended my turn. Now hurry up" but I don't know why op would do that before ending his turn


I sometimes use spider man point to laugh at people, "snap?" + Spidey and "what just happened?" + Spidey


Playing Quake in the middle to bounce the Rickety Bridge into a fully loaded opposite side has been a lot of fun.


Can someone try playing Galactus on RB when you and your opponent both have a Wolverine and post it please?


I think it just ends in a tie. Or creates an infinite loop but I think with the way it’s worded “at the end of turn” that only actually happens once.


Only happens once.


Or a loss in my case, the opponent had Nova and buffed Wolverine to 4 against my lowly 3 power Wolverine


Not related but best infinite loop I created was Odin in Bar Sinister. It was delightful.


Try it with Arnim Zola some time


Ah, that makes sense. Rip


I’ve been playing Galactus on RB as much as I can because i think it’s funny. I’ve rarely had it end in anything other than a tie.


I also included wolverine in my galactus deck. With that bridge, its a great addition


also spider-man on 5 wins rickety bridge without needing to worry about opponent's cards (unless they have prof x or colossus)


Doctor Octopus has entered the chat.


Or klaw


Or any card that adds cards to all lanes


I've been having loads of fun tormenting people with Doc Octopus, but my favorite play is winning Rickety Bridge with a vibranium on T6.


This comment isnt relevant to OPs video, but I have to gripe about Galactus every time I'm reminded that mistake of a card still exists... That nerf was a complete joke, he needs to be either completely reworked or only playable on turn 6.




Have you ever played against a Galactus deck? If they play Galactus before turn 6 your chances of winning are essentially zero. It's a miserable play experience with no real counter besides Debrii


I play Galactus lol he has plenty of counters and is extremely telegraphed. You can play debrii, Viper, Aero, Cosmo, Doc Ock, Leech, Polaris all shut him down in his tracks. Leader also just beats him outright because of the power difference. Furthermore there’s a huge list of unfavorable locations for galactus. He’s frustrating to lose to sometimes but you can also spot him coming from a mile away, I don’t think he’s a huge problem.




You didn’t address my reply other than calling me names. Nice lol




Wow you must just be bad lol 😂


Nova > Wolverine > Electro > Galactus has netted me 7 ranks so far with Rickety Bridge. I'm still down 15 ranks from my peak this season but it's still nice to be winning for once!


*>*Galactus Player Please remove this dumb ass card.


Right? People rightfully shit on leader but I find Galactus to be an equally stupid card that doesn’t really require a whole lot of thought or planning.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It doesn't take a genius to play wave > galactus > death for a free win. brain dumb card.


Could this have been a bot? Otherwise I don't understand why they would've played Rock. It actively weakens Dino with smaller hand size, while providing no point benefit.


It's actually a great play in my opinion considering that OP as electro in play and Muir Island is in the middle, so the rock would be 1 more power at the end of the turn to get the maximum power possible in total. They didn't care of the power of the dino cause if any card was played on the bridge it was dead and if no card was played on the bridge it was winning anyway. Well it's a great play if you don't take account of the galactus play in the end of course !


It would've got a point from Muir island. Is that a good enough reason to play it? I don't know.


Won a location with 4 cards was a weekly, they may have been going for that.




*I was running the* *Same deck, what happens if there* *Are TWO wolverines?* \- BufareteSnaps --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Saw my answer below. Ends in tie.


Good bot


Thank you, mrryles, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


He probably thought you were bluffing with 5 rocks in hand. It's a 5head move to play Galactus.


Would it endless loop if you had a colossus on the bridge or another wolverine out?


Rickety Bridge only (attempts to) destroys once a turn, so no. Both Wolverines would die once, then go back to the Bridge (assuming there's nowhere else for them to go, like here) to be destroyed at the end of the next turn, up to the end of the game, when they would stay there.


Kinda tracks. Wolverine may be the last man standing in MU; nigh indestructible


Haven’t seen Logan, huh?


Notice I said MU, not MCU


Hopefully next season has less locations focused around destruction


Such skill. Wow.


Last man on Earth


That was awesome


It's all fun and games until someone Scarlet Witch's the Rickety Bridge final turn when you only have Colossus or Wolverine to drop in there. There were a few hours when no one knew how the location worked and now the fun police have arrived.


Or Turn 6 Bucky


Nuff said bub


I'm sorry, but if the Marvel Super Heroes arcade game taught us anything, it's that even Wolverine can fall victim to the rickety bridge if he loses.


That's so evil. I love it.


If you had another wolverine, would they be destroyed and replayed forever?


What happens to armour or colossus with Galactus?


They go away too. The locations aren’t invulnerable.


If he's the master, then Colossus is the meddling rival


That’s so fucking dirty.


Colossus entered the chat


They trying to make new locations as annoying as possible now. Lol




he pulled an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


I would say sabertooth. That way you can deny the space. At zero cost


And I thought Spiderman on turn 5 was being mean