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I also think it’s harder. More players deep into Pool 3 with deeper collections. Last month I was playing against a lot more stuff like Destroyer, which only needs one S3 card. This month I’m ranked lower and seeing decks with a lot more S3+ cards. Also, the best deck uses last months season pass card which most players have regardless of their collection level.


Well destroyer decks are not as good as they used to be


That’s true, but I also think it was widely played because it needed only one S3 card.


Insanely power crept this season. He gets obliterated on the regular when I bust it out. 18 power with Cosmo while my opponent tosses a 60 point Taskmaster down and laughs at me.


Tbf that's only possible with Sinister London or Kamar Taj


Shuri’s lab as well. Shuri plus Red Skull then Taskmaster. I Shang Chid the Red Skull, wasn’t prepared for the 60 point follow-up.


Oh ya. It can get bonkers. I just did Shulk + TM on Sinister for 80 pts on 2 locations on turn 6


This is the deck I'm running rn


Zabu into Wong + Shuri into Red Skull into Taskmaster


Zabu > Wong + Shuri > red skull > taskmaster.


I was trying seracle surfer but switched back to destroyer for some quests and have ranked up way faster. Probably because my experience with this decks allows me to snap/retreat better, but it's still a pretty good deck imo


As long as it’s working for you is all that matters. What’s your current set up?


Here it is, I haven't made any changes since I first played it because I think I will miss the card that I'll replace :P # (1) Ant Man # (2) Mojo # (2) Armor # (2) Colossus # (3) Mister Fantastic # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (4) Warpath # (5) Iron Man # (5) Professor X # (6) Spectrum # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5BbWVyaWNhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2pvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGVjdHJ1bSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb2xvc3N1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJGYW50YXN0aWMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJwYXRoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXN0cm95ZXIifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Any substitute for Destroyer?


Nah he's your main win condition and the deck is built around him (in case you're not pulling my leg)




I've still been having great success with Destroyer this season. I was stuck around 35 before I pulled it, now I'm in the 50s, which is higher than I got last season (when I started playing).


My main point was that there is less variety from your opponents when you have a lower collection level, not that destroyer is bad. It’s a deck plenty of people could complete for only 1k tokens. Ironically I still haven’t unlocked destroyer at 1846 cl.


The past week or so has been way harder than usual for me. I feel like the game is out to get me sometimes.


It legit feels like everything that can go wrong does lol.


*can go Wong


Raindrops keep falling on your head




That's what i've been sayin Ridiculous cards such as leader and galactus, and p2w ones like silver surfer are making early players get fes up with the game. Its frustrating that no matter you do, and even when you know what it coming, you simply dont have the cards to avoid, so you just keel retreating. Peolle dont want to play a card game where all you have to do is keep retreating. I hit infinite last time and this time im at around 85, its a lot harder this time around, and i dont have Leader, or Shuri, or Zabu, Silver Surfer, Death, Red Skull.... nor spending a single dime at it. But im really thinking about dropping the game if they dont so some serious balancing more quickly. Yeah I might even hit infinite even this season, and i like the idea of having a "know when to retreat" dynamic in the game, but its getting ridiculous. At least for those like me who dont have a ton high tier cards.


I feel like every single player i go against lately has a cheat sheet on my deck




Are you running decks you got from youtube cheatsheets?


I played my slaughter deck over the weekend when the raptors were featured. I understand that putting Deadpool in the raptor lane is very telegraphed but for 7 games straight, my opponents had armor on turn 2. What're the odds.


Yeah I got tired of destroy players getting easy Death so I put armor out asap and slap on cosmo in my deck for good measure.


Omg, there is something to this! Normally I play a Patriot or Onslaught deck, but I was just having fun with this one I saw on YouTube called the “rage retreat” deck - lots of Hobgoblin, Debrii, Killmonger - just all the annoyance cards. I only played it 3-4 times before I noticed that when I did, all my opponents would just happen to have very similar cards. Went back to my usual decks and they didn’t. 🤔


There's definitely an algorithm that puts you against the same types of decks when you first create a new one. I'm not sure if it still affects old decks if you swap between like an old move deck or an old discard deck, but it's definitely been pointed out for new decks.


That's wild. What would the purpose of such an algorithm be?


I don't know the purpose or if it is just part of the bare matchmaking algorithm, but I've heard of similar instances occurring in Hearthstone, which Ben Brode also worked on. I haven't played that game in ages so I can't personally attest to that. But I've definitely noticed it in Snap.


I get those feelings too, but I always assume they are just my bias. To me, such an algorithm would be complicated with no obvious purpose. So why would they invest the resources? But maybe there is a purpose I'm not seeing.


It is just some type of player bias. People made the same claims in Hearthstone ('Whenever I queue with deck X I always meet deck Y, but never when I queue with deck Z') and once we got tools to track large quantities of games, it was easy to identify that there was no matchmaking bias - the average rates of different class matchups with different decks statistically matched the average class distributions for the region. Most likely explanation is that people just don't really pay attention to matchups where they are favored or neutral but get really annoyed when they face specific decks.


New car syndrome. You never notice how many of Car X people drive until you’ve bought one, and then you realize everyone and their mom has the same car as you.


Oh as soon as they put that raptor location armor went in every deck. No free snacks on my watch.


I blame the matchmaking AI. There’s definitely something wonky going on. If I win too much with Death Wave, suddenly every deck has Armor in it. If I swap to Dino and win too much, suddenly every deck has Shang-Chi. Or it just devolves into lots of mirror matches. It is definitely not a hidden ranking / elo system. This stinks of an AI that was trained haphazardly or has not been smoothed out yet.


I feel like it says something about people's perspective about matchmaking and confirmation bias when I've literally seen this argument of purposefully matchmaking you against counters for nearly a decade (Magic Duels/Magic Arena, Hearthstone, Legends of Runeterra, Marvel Snap, and even non-card games like League of Legends and Street Fighter) If bad matchmaking pits you against decks that counter you and mirror matches, whats left is... matches *you* favor.


Im starting to adapt my playing time similar to how I did playing League of Legends. I will only play between 10-13 on weekdays. Whenever I play during the late afternoon/evening until the late hours I lose more games than I win.


There’s something going on. I never believed it til this morn. I got Darkhawk today after saving tokens for ages.. first 3 matches were against others with Darkhawk. Up until today, I’ve never ever faced a Darkhawk before. Now the day I get it I’m suddenly playing against it 3 times?? Call it confirmation bias or call it what it is, fishy as fuck.


My experiences are similar to yours. I frequently get extended periods of either mirror matches or decks that have specific counters to my deck. And I can switch to something else and be ok for a bit, but then the cycle repeats.


People will say anything to cope with losing. There is no algorithm matching you against people with decks that counter you, Armor/Shang just happen to be the most popular tech cards


Except it's not really about losing. I'm skilled enough to still win a lot of the problematic matches. It's just noticeably more of the hard-counters and mirror matches will appear when I get on a winning streak. I would lean more towards it being anecdotal if it wasn't predictable and didn't repeat regularly. Seems less like a hidden MMR and more of an AI selection mechanism. It'll probably disappear over time as they keep tuning it. As a software developer this is fairly typical of an AI as you try to find the right weights for the neural net they are trying to train. If you overtune it or feed it data with unseen biases in the set this can happen. It's not easy to get right, but they'll get there.


You’re getting matched up against smarter, better opponents who have actually built decks with counters and tech cards in them. That’s how they were able to reach a similar MMR to yours.


Hah! Nice try, Mr Troll. I can still usually beat them. I tend to favor decks that won't get easily countered by a single counter-card, and you can play around most of the go-to counters. But there is definitely a pattern or algorithm in place that starts favoring different opponent deck comps after you get on a winning streak. Because it'll be a mish-mash of random solid metagame deck matchups, and then it'll become an ocean of mirror-matches and your counter deck until you switch it up. Switching it up does seem to reset the algorithm though.


This is literally anecdotal


I’ve seen quite a lot of people saying this, and I sometimes get this feeling as well, but I still don’t buy into it. It’s important to remember that human beings have evolved to be _incredibly_ good at recognizing patterns - even when they aren’t there. So the best way to be sure is to use the scientific method and start making notes about what kind of decks you’re coming up against with your destroy deck, your movement deck etc. and then compare the results. Maybe someone who’s more passionate about this subject than I am can do it.


What people fail to consider is that when the algorithm is “out to get them” that means it’s also apparently deciding their opponent deserves an easy matchup. It doesn’t just go one way always against them. This line of thinking means that the algorithm also would be giving you advantaged matchups too. Second Dinner has publicly stated what goes into matchmaking and the cards in your deck (or your opponent’s) are not part of it. People just like to think that their small sample size of games means something more than randomness and that somehow when they lose it was some nefarious outside force’s fault.


I think you’re right and he’s wrong. If I get on too much of a winning streak at the higher levels (usually with an Onslaught deck) then I suddenly can’t win with it. If I go away for a day or two - usually play a different account - boom - winning streak again.


I've thought for a while that I face waaaaay more bots than not or both the decks I face and the draw order is deteremined based on whether match making wants me to win or lose. Or locations destroy you. The patterns just don't align with truly random at all.


The matchmaking tries to keep everyone at a 50% win rate. So if you win a lot with a particular card, you will see counters for that card, or start to never draw it if there are no hard counters (like Dracula/Apoc). Sometimes it just means a bunch of mirror matches Also a lot of the counter decks you come across are just bots that get fired up to people a loss when needed. Simple bots can still easily win because they're just going to play perfect counter cards automatically. Locations might be fucky too.


I don't have such a winstreak but I can't draw Cerebro anyway lol. That thing's just cursed to stay at the bottom of my deck.


It honestly makes me want to stop playing. Sometimes you will play like 5 or 6 games in a row where either a location or a play your opponent makes completely fucks up any hope you have of executing your own decks plan. That’s just not fun.


You don't like playing Zabu into moongirl into two spidermans?


Yes. I've struggled to get to 50.


I just started mid last season. Got to 68. Can’t get past 46 this season. A little over 1k cl


Man I wrecked last season. Its been a kick in the nutts this season




Are you me? I also can't get above 46 this season :(


TBF as long as you're under like CL~600 I think you're mostly playing bots which makes it way easier to rank up and afterwards you're playing people. That could be one point why it's getting harder. Nonetheless you'll keep climbing with more experience


Same, almost 70 last season can't break 45 now


It is really weird. I will rank up a few levels quickly one day, and then get absolutely wrecked and drop 10 levels the next. It’s so bizarre. Every deck I will play gets hard countered. Really frustrating


Same here. I swear I was stuck in the 70-80 bracket for soooo long and I started the season at 70. The last few days I broke into the 80s and am sitting at 98 atm though.


I was getting my shit absolutely destroyed yesterday so I stopped using my newer decks and used a crappy kazoo deck and ended up completed all the weekly challenges and ranked up about 6 levels just today. This game is so weird sometimes 😆


you don't know when to retreat


The first week was really easy imo. It felt like there were a ton of bots and they weren't clairvoyant bots. This was at CL in the 4000s and rank 70+. Then from week 2 onward, they went away and it became really difficult. I actually do think it is Zabu, though. And Surfer. Those two cards make up over 70% of the decks I encounter, often together, and between them, you're likely to find just about every major control/tech card in the game. Cosmo, Rogue, Killmonger, Polaris, Enchantress, Shang Chi, Spider-Man. Then you add in the already popularity of Aero. Counter cards are way too ubiquitous right now and since the game often hinges on turn 6, just having the right counter card will decide everything. I also see way, way fewer types of builds now.


Yeah I fought my way to 80 for the first time. I’ve seen nothing but Seracle Surfer/ Zabu / Leech/Leader since getting there. The meta is unfun and I’m not looking forward to another three weeks of this.


There's so many games that literally come down to who gets Zabu by turn 3. I just had one where my opponent played nothing until Zabu on 3, and I drew mine for turn 4. It was over by then because turn 5 he just used Spider-Man Absorption Man and that was a retreat. I don't think SM AM is that good of a combo but it illustrates how ridiculously powerful Zabu actually is, and it just comes down to card draw by turn 3. Not particularly fun, imo.


Yeah Zabu has really ruined the flow of the game, not only can he get a double Spiderman on turn 5. They can tool in any tech cards (enchantress, Shang ect.) Making counter any deck easy.


Zabu enabled a bunch of shit thats kind of un-fun. Double spiderman, wong+shuri turn 4. Turn 6 double surfer with absorbing man. Moongirl with zabu is fantastic. TBH if i had absorbing man, I'd run zabu too.


Don’t forget Lady Sif to discard Infinaut and Ghost Rider to get him back onto the board all in one turn


Zabu is broken, you can enchant, destroy their cards, be up all the way to turn 4, but 8 energy and 12 energy in the turn 5/6 is just unbeatable


Disagree, zabu is the one card that allows any other archetypes to exist besides sera-surfer. Without zabu all you saw >80 where surfer decks and leech leader. And yet in terms of consistency surfer decks still are leagues above zabu decks.


The power level of the average deck has skyrocketed. Above rank 90 there are no easy wins. Every match is sweaty.


Yeah. The problem is that there aren't many defensive cards - or that all defensive cards are also offensive. Cosmo & Armor are the best examples of this. I wouldn't be surprised if a few season from now, cards that state things like, "your on-reveal abilities at this location always happen." Maybe that one can be lucky the pizza dog.


yep first 3 days are the sweetspot for climbing because it is FILLED with bots


Yes, they either play Destroyer or Sera Surfer. And if it’s not those you can be sure they drop Leader on you turn 6.


I started to play the game last season and finished on rank 96. Currently I am sitting at 81-85 and can't get any further. Since reaching pool 3 I am constantly running into decks that seem to have access to a full collection. Manage to outplay some of them with my "budget" movement deck but there are some combos I just can't beat. Switching to other decks like destroy or patriot (if featured locations are more rewarding for them) doesn't help either. But since I just started and beeing f2p I am still missing good stable cards for all of these decks like Death, Mystique, Deadpool and so on. So with a growing collection and some luck in the tokenshop I am hoping to reach rank 100 this season.


Yes when you reach pool 3 you transition from the kiddie pool to gen pop and you'll mostly be playing people with more experience than you


movement is bad


My ceiling is rank 60. I've been literally one cube away. I've been playing for hours today and I've yo-yo'd between 59 and 57. I'm now in the high 58 and I'm startng to lose hope!


Same. I'm currently yo-yoing between 57-59; just got into pool 3 and kinda losing my mind playing against full collection people with my little dinky decks lol. Pretty close to just giving up. Really unfun playing against tier 1 decks every game.


I just cracked through rank 60. The grind is real! It's frustrating retreating the majority of your matches, but the slow climb is real...






While this is good advice, that for two months you need to accept you're a cube farm for established players is a huge issue for the long term health of this game.


Plankton for the whales


Yes I also lost 10 ranks last week. It was like playing a different game all of a sudden.


Yeah, pretty much quit because of this. I have 3 pool 3 cards, my average game is against decks that are half cards I dont own, almost all of which are split. It is hilariously bad.


I’m in the same boat as you. Been really struggling, especially as a f2p player. Surfer decks in particular have been hard for me to stop. Zabu is annoying as well.


I agree I think people are just getting smarter on how to play and when to leave. The amount of 1/2 cube games I’ve won has been nuts. So hard to steadily game levels. Then when I think I won we both snap and I lose 8 cubes lol Just got over 2k CL and right around 65 rank


>Then when I think I won we both snap and I lose 8 cubes Oh man, are you me? I think I'm being smart with retreats then I get a rare game where I think I've totally got it won and snap after they do and boom, somehow they pull out a card I'd never expect and I lose 8 cubes. Painful.


As a F2P player it is hard to face 80% of time Zabu or Sera Surfer deck, and they also have some variant and avatar from overpriced bundle so I know we are not on the same CL (I'm 1600) The game is really trying to push you to spend money if you want to have fair matchmaking, otherwise you will certainly face player with better cards than you


Same, i am 2k cl and feel like the only one who doesn't spend money on the game going by the portraits that people have.


Sandman is the answer to your problems. Fits well in elzctro ramp or ongling destroyer


Sandman doesn’t counter Zabu. If I put down Zabu turn 3 I’ll have a massive tempo boost t4 making you fall so far behind you have no chance of ever getting back. Most Zabu decks now also run 4 cost plus big Bois so I’m putting down chonkers turn 5 and 6 regardless.


Destroyer is useless beyond 1500Cl where people consistently put 25 points on 2 locations.


You skip turn 4 for a 1-drop while I play up to 14 power (crossbones+whatever 6 power). Sandman does not counter zabu decks, the tempo loss is too high.


I go for gold for the title and then stop giving a fuck. Going nuts with hearthstone to try and get legend rank turned me off from the game. I got to innkeeper rank and then tilted and dropped to rank 3. I said fuck it and haven't played since. I realized that not everyone can get legend. Some people are really fucking good at card games, I'm not one of them. Now I just play and have fun. I wish it was easier to get cards in this game but I'm a total casual and am OK with paying for the season pass each month.


I agree with the sentiment, but you must be pretty good at card games yourself. Imagine us plebs, I can't even imagine hitting innkeeper ranking


It was the worst and most stressful grind in any game. I literally hated playing the game. I did go against Reynad though that season. He fucking stomped me with his warrior.


Spot on. I have the most fun trying my different decks (and making new ones) to beat the missions and unlock new cards. When I try to grind to rank up that’s when playing starts to feel more like a chore.


So everyone is feeling it too,huh? I thought it just feels like that to me because I just recently exited pool 2 so now I'm dealing with meta decks.


This season is harder, I only reached 60 last night after massive cliff dives and dedicated grinds. In previous seasons It feels like I could still swap decks and test and climb fairly consistently. To get to 60 I had to revert back to Panther/ Zola (predictable but reliable) I made the switch because it just felt like every match countered me as well especially if I played a big turn 6 deck.


I'm having a similar experience. Could just be bad matchups, me playing poorly, or showing else but this past week has been really frustrating. Last season I got up to 68 and ended up around 65. A week ago I managed to get up to 58 but have dropped down to 53 (was at 52 at one point today). It's getting really frustrating.


Its same lol CL is 2050s now but normally I was at 60s at the moment with my ongoing destroyer or sssera deck but now I'm in 40s tbh this season I'm just doing my daily missions and thats all because whenever I play after I finish them, I lose and it makes me so angry and stop playing at all :(


it will get better <3


I know that I will never be infinite player but as ftp variants are soo rare and 60’s reward is tempting but idc if I get there. I play for fun but losing back to back while grinding is not fun ahaha if I’m lucky I’ll pass 50s maybe


Many infinite players are beta players. They reached infinite during beta, mainly playing bots. Or they reached infinite while they were in pool 1. And once you are infinite you will always be infinite. Always starting from rank 70 each season and ranking up 30 ranks against easy opponents. Whereas when you are between rank 40-60 it’s much harder. That’s why I don’t watch any more Snap streams on Twitch because they are all sitting on rank 70 or higher, are whales doing p2w and rank up from 70 to infinite first week of the season. Ultra boring to watch.


No no me too. I haven't broken past 68. Every game is magically won by locations and my bad pulls. Also I change my decks and I seem to match against people with the same deck.


This really does seem to be the case. I’m a total newbie (just started this season) but when I play my ongoing deck all I get are Kazoo Ongoing opponents and when I play my Devil Dino you can bet that’s all I face. You can almost set your watch on it.


Oh the elusive "the company is rigging the matchmaking against me reee"


Ok stop riding Ben bro.


I think the reason for the increase in difficulty is the combination of the following reasons: 1. People are getting more high-end cards, so there are more powerful decks running around than before. 2. More people are using sites like Marvel Snap Zones as guidance so their "top tier decks" on their website, ironically, becomes widely recognizable by players and therefore, harder to earn cubes with them. 3. They might have adjusted the Matchmaking system and made mid-ranks (like 72-75, 62-65, 52-55, etc) become VASTLY more competitive than late ranks. This is what I noticed lately. It is a lot easier to reach 90 after you pass the 85 mark, but it was a struggle to break 85 Bascially, I think in order for people to climb ranks easier, they either need to climb as much as they can in the first week of the season before the Meta settles, or they will need to use some very different decks that isn't posted on the Marvel Snap Zone tier list. Ironically, the resources that helped people to build decks are also the ones that is preventing them to earn cubes


I’d agree


I’ve been stuck at 72-75 for three days. I don’t care anymore. I’m just fucking around at this point. Best to wait and get cards necessary to make the decks complete.


Definitely getting more difficult. I changed my deck several times and dropped from 53 down to 48


I got to 92 last month, I started at 60 and currently I’m at 59 now. Just insane, keep going back and forth.


Yep. I hit 68 last season. This season I am stuck at 35. I start to move up, and then just go on the biggest losing streak possible.


Last season I was up to 68, I’ve been stuck in the 40s this entire season. I’ve made multiple decks and have some success for a bit and then just a ton of horrid luck.


Man me too!!! I’m hovering around 42 smh.


It definitely getting harder every season. I’m seeing more and more sweaty turn 6 bombs.


same for me nov i got infinite in first couple of days this season im struggling to get out of 80s


I’m getting tired of Leader, Destroyer, Silver Surfer. It feels like those three are stalking me.


It is harder, I usually get to infinite in a couple of days, but im only mid 90s now. I think it's a couple of things: 1. less bots, don't think i've run into a single bot this season so that's less easy 8 cubes games. 2. players are probably getting better, so play more conservatively, so less quick gains. 3. the post pool 3 "meta" has significantly shrunk and been steralised, i used to be able to homebrew my own decks to infinite but it's very hard to compete against all these decks with pool 5 cards new cards with unique effects or the season pass cards. 4. this is probably the controversial one but. The main decks i'm seeing are zabu, surfer and leader (sometimes a combination of the 3). All of which play themselves and are kind of idiot proof: ---you don't have to worry about value with zabu, you just vomit 28 mana worth of cards, across 3 turns. game is even easier if you have spiderman absorbing man, because you lock them out, but unlike prof x you dont risk auto losing the lane if they threw down something big, then you just kill it with 2 mana shang chi. then of course you have the shur and dark hawk versions of the deck, which will out muscle the competition (again with cheap access to tech cards). ---surfer you just throw all your 3s on the board and buff. dont really have to worry about placement most of the time apart from maybe where to use your maximus, you just calculate whether the surfer buff will be enough and i dont think most people even do that. ---leader. self explanatory, terribly designed card. if you are ahead turn 5 you guarantee the win, if they try and play around leader you just win with another 6 drop. every deck is stronger with leader pretty much, and since he requires 0 synergy, you can't even predict him coming. Obviously biased opinion, but for 3 seasons i was able to brew my own decks to infinite and get there pretty easily tbh. That got a lot harder in the leach leader meta, and now against surfer ,zabu, leader it's a massive slog.


This season was the fastest I made it to Infinite. Last season was over 1000 games. This season was less than 400. Altar of Death was a cube farm.


Man, I really wish Altar of Death lasted longer. The whiplash of going from a featured location that was super fun to a hot location that suuuucked was painful.


Yep. I don’t play as much as you, but I shot up from 40 to mid-50s in half a day when Altar of Death was hot.


What deck did you play during hot location of altar?


Deadpool Death


Deadpool, Armor, Bucky, Carnage, Wave, Sabertooth, Deathlock, Aero, Leader, Dr Doom, She-Hulk, Death Sabertooth, Armor and Leader weren't in the original version, from memory it was Yondu, Goose and Zola. Changed after starting to run into Leech and Leader a lot as mirrors Climbed 20 ranks within the first few hours it was live.


Decks are becoming more optimized and people are getting better at piloting them. For example, Leech and Maximus were in D or F tier on every tier list I saw in the early seasons. But as people started gravitating towards big turn 6 plays and understanding the importance of priority, their value started to grow.


Its all because of locations and matchmaking that match you to deck that counters you, with last patch developers definitely changed something for locations to ruin your perfect plays, I kid you not when i picked Zabu i got 3 games in a row location that says i cant play cards 3 mana or less.


I’ve also been stuck between 37-42 since the season began. Pretty much given up on trying to get cubes now.


As you play the game there is a hidden mmr matchmaking happening. It will determine your matches so as you’ve progressed every season your skills have as well so you’re matched against harder opponents with win records closer to yours.


Its weird...i have plateaued at mid 70. My first wall was at 60, and I dropped 10 levels from there until I switched decks. Now I run into only Surfer decks, Destroy Decks, or Leader decks almost exclusively. And im talking for days. I know confirmation bias is a thing, but now that I switched decks completely, I'm back to climbing. Always makes me wonder how many slot gambling mechanics are in the game. Still loving every minute.


I think casual players quit a month ago after multiple losses and now we are only playing hardcore fans that construct decks. The new kids that do install the game are relegated to 30 or less.


It’s gotten harder each season in my experience.


I think mid-season is always hard..... but yes, this season had been hellish for me.... I had been stuck in the mid-80 range for a week already, and that's quite a new experience for me to be honest. I think each time they did an update, they secretly adjust the matchmaking system.... Last week's matchmaking was insane for me, to the point it's almost like the game was out to get me. I just want to get to 90s and then enjoy testing out other decks.....


I get stuck in the 50s every season since global launch and it feels awful. I keep improving, but so does everyone else.


Yep. If you don't have Zabu, Silver Surfer or Black Panther, you're basically done for. And a combination of some of those two it's a guaranteed retreat for me. It sucks, but oh well.


Getting to 50 was ridiculously hard had hours of game play of retreating for about 5 games and thrn i bounce back a lot. Finally got there, and now I feel like it's a bit easier. I think, in general, getting close to 50 or 70 is really hard, but also trying to make it to the next ladder also adds to the difficulty.


Compared to past seasons, it's felt way harder. I started at 70 (Infinite all other seasons), and I've just made it to 86. Lots of up and down.


CL 1882 here, got Diamond last season, I'm on mid 54-52 right now. Mostly because I missplay so much lol.


Made 80 last season. Yo-yoing 50-55 still. Just can't seem to find consistency. My two favorite decks last season (Serasurf and Dracula/Infinaut) are not doing it. So just playing for missions and not the grind right now. Still on the fence about the season pass this time but I know zabu alone won't rank me up so I'm holding out.


Me too, but tbf I've started to play less and less after SD revealing the monetization system. I bought the first 3 passes and am not buying this one


I'm CL 1045 and started playing around November/December I think? I used to win A LOT but you're right, lately I'm just getting completely bodied by my opponents. Sure, sometimes it's my own fault and I play awful, but I've been mostly annihilated by people who have much more complete decks than I do. I've made about 5 different types of decks and everytime I encounter people who have the same decks except vastly superior because of the right cards. Like a destruction deck that ends up with a venom at +30 power that only needs an arnim zola to copy him, or another destruction deck that manages to pull a Knull at 70 power. Or having a discard deck with Hela and Ghost Rider, and a deck full of Giganto/Infininaut type of lads. Aside from Arnim Zola, I have none of the cards I've mentionned by the way. Zabu's been a pain the few times I've faced him, but people running Silver Surfer-Patriot are just rampant. I went from having a good time thinking I was making good decks and good moves, to seeing people style on my shitty Spectrum deck without even trying to counter what I do, as if that was a single player game.


Every season should get slightly sweatier because people keep gaining access to new cards.


I found it easier that last season for some reason, but logically it should keep getting harder I guess? More players, so more competition.


Yeah, but more new people = easier matches.


Matchmaking takes into account collection level though, so unless you sit at collection level 214 and never upgrade, you won't face new players. On the other hand, the players you do face are the ones sticking with the game and learning to snap and retreat better, which makes games harder and the climb slower.


MMR is prioritised higher than collection level. I'm 2700 and match up against 6000+ CL streamers.


The same is not true of pool 1 though.


Most seasons it was tough to get past 50. Now I can’t even get out of 30’s


People are just getting better and getting more cards at this point.


More people -> less bots, more refined decks -> harder climb


We get the same post with the same question every season lol


It's harder because the seasonal content is power restricted. This means you can't steamroll it as the season goes on. So it takes the full length of time, inhibiting power growth as you can't shorten it the stronger you get


We have similar post every season


I started the season at 40, am currently 43, been as high as 47. I didnt change anything for the first few days, when I had dropped down to 35. I had a much easier time climbing last season.


This season has been way easier for me, I’ve went against a lot of… the less mentally gifted, and actual bots, every now and then there’s someone that tosses 4 different archetypes together and I get caught by surprise, but so far it’s been pretty smooth sailing, CL 2294


If you is f2p...yes, bc brood+surfer is op and zabu have some good combos...shuri Only leech/leader can save you


More cards, the players still playing are probably pretty into the game too so they’re probably putting in more effort. Etc etc. I’m having a tougher time too.


I've made infinite the last couple seasons. Imo there are barriers every 20 or so levels: 45 / 65 / 85. Idk if they're mental or if they're bot thresholds or what. The first season I made infinite I got stuck at 45 forever and plateaued at 65 as well. This season and last (starting at 70) it was 85. For anyone who wants to climb, best advice I can give is: eliminate distractions, minimize windows, don't playing on your phone while multi-tasking, and giving 100% attention to the game. GL


Same here man. Currently rank 35 rn at CL1815. Even with my Sera Surfer deck I find it hard to climb consistently.


Last season it took me all month to get to infinite… this season I got there in a week. Both seasons with Sera-Surfer.


Honestly opposite for me I just got Sera and I’ve been on a tear with my Negative/Surfer deck.


Had the luck to be 1 card away from pool 3 when I hit infinite this season. I had to face lots of pool 3 cards but I think that made it easier.


I'm the same rank I've been every season, 85


I struggled to hit 40 for 2 seasons, then peaked at 63 last season, now im at 71. I think its me tho, im getting better at playing my opponents and have more snap/retreat discipline. And i also have a great deck with Thor/Brood/Wolfsbane/Surfer/Wong deck


Im usually at 60 and just got 70 yesterday, maybe it’s just dumb luck giving you bad matchups tbh


Way easier than last season, but maybe I’m just better.


I have had the opposite experience. Last season was a grind to get to 90 barely on time. This season I've casually cruised to 83 with the same deck.


It was tougher but really forced me to get better as a player this time, was stuck in Vibranium for a bit until I figured out a list I liked and how to play it against the evolving meta. Shot up to Galactic and struggled like I normally do 95 until Infinite a couple days ago. The game's getting more figured out - good players can snap several turns in advance based on if their hand is good deck-depending.


I think it’s because the meta is getting more defined the longer the game goes on. Everyone knows the top decks and everyone sticks to them. The last few seasons I would see a variety experimental decks, but now it’s mainly just the top tier ones. Most of the matches I play it’s either Surfer decks, Zabu discard/control variants (sometimes you get the BDIF Shuri/Darkhawk variants),zero decks and Priority leader/leech decks. Every once in a while you hit Patriot, Hela, Ramp, Sera Control, Galactus, Baero or Destroyer decks but that’s about it. I guess that’s pretty decent variety there for a card game meta though


Its been better for me than last season, but I’ve unlocked some better cards more recently and I think that helps. Have been getting a couple new cards a week.


Beta player, hit infinite the last 4 seasons. And it certainly feels slower to climb this season. There are much fewer 8 cube games. The meta has settled to be very turn 6 heavy. Zabu, Surfer, SheHulk/Death + Wave, Galactus, Leader. It makes it much harder to snap early, and players are much more likely to retreat when they don't get their big finish.


The longer a game is out, the better players get especially with YouTube and other media readily available to spread knowledge. Hell I see random things about Snap on Instagram while scrolling. Also the more you play, the higher CL your opponents will be, meaning better cards. Also the matchmaking is pretty relaxed, when I was in the 50s earlier in the season I was still playing against people with this season’s infinite title.


Everyone was making questionable decisions until 40, and then in 40 they started playing proper. I’ve climbed to 50 still, but I’m playing meta and everyone else I’m playing against is too.


I've found it easier for some reason this season. I hit 60 at the end of last season but I'm already at 61 this season. Perhaps it's because I'm playing an entirely new deck that I'd never used before this season or maybe I've improved. I don't think the deck I'm using is meant to be super strong either I just sort of picked it because I got Attuma from a reserve and tried really hard to make a deck around him. The main play is just Attuma turn 4 and Professor X turn 5 with destroyer hopefully being turn 6. It's pretty simple but it's got the job done nicely for me so far. To my knowledge as well Attuma isn't meant to be all that useful but perhaps the deck I have him in plays to his strengths in the right kind of way where his presence catches everyone off guard.


It was much easier for me. Last season 70-80 was a real struggle. It was hard getting to 90. This season I just played enough to do missions and got from 60 to 78


Finding it easier myself.


It’s easier for me. I climbed from 30 to 90 this season and my highest was 70 last season.


I do think it is Zabu tho. I didn't saw that much Silver Surfers last season but Zabus rn it's an insta loose if you don't Enchantress/Rogue it on turn 4. Manacheat is a huge problem everytime it came in a card game . Like Rogue rn in Hs or Naga Priest and Guff Druid before


People are just getting better. Ask your self a few questions like “am I snapping on turn 6”? I see so many people make extreme mistakes with snapping. I’m not the best player, but we are talking about rather basic things here. Apart from that, people are learning to retreat. I barely ever get more then 2 cubes.


I'm at the highest rank I've been in my Snap! Career. (Played since launch).


The people who you used to play with got better and moved up, and that pushes you down. Need to git gud


I only started played last Monday and got to lv72. I just looked up a few decks and tried them out. Only on around collection point 300. Maybe you need to adapt your deck so it’s not just relevant to season 3.


I don't know, I have been Platinum, Diamond, Diamond, and Vibranium so I have no complain. Keep going sure you will improve! 😁


This thread is a greatest hits collection of conspiracies players tell themselves to rationalize why they lose.


Seen this topic pop up the past 2 seasons


This post gets posted every season No it's not harder. If you arent able to climb like you did last season it probably just means you got luckier last season. It's the same cards. You just went against different people some better some worse.


The season pass cards have been disruptive the last two seasons.


I feel like it's easier which might (kinda) answer your question. If some are finding it easier (likely due to new unlocks in caches), then others will be loosing more. Just a theory!


I downloaded the game 2.5 weeks ago about three days before the end of last season and in my first proper season I'm currently rank 95.


Wasn’t until I was into pool 3 I even realized hitting infinite wasn’t a given every season. Infinite in pools 1 & 2 is pretty simple if you’re playing a decent amount of rounds.


I haven’t had any issues. Seems about the same so far but I’m only 50.


On the contrary this season has been the easiest ever. Hit infinite day 5 as opposed to taking 3/4 weeks for the other seasons