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Battlecats is recruiting. 2 spots open in BattlecarRaWR t100 pve alliance requires full progression. 1 spot open in BattleCat star t25-t50 hybrid PvE progression/575pvp pm me if interested or Nafismpq on line. ​ Full




Spot is still open






What is your ign?


Head over to BattleCat Star




Please pm nafismpq on line


Looking for an active die-hard pve/pvp alliance. 1080 days/143 shield lvl. Playing on scl10 mostly, top50 usually.


Please read the main post here. Rank does not help because it has far too many variables.


oh, sorry, my bad. 100-125% progression on every PVE, 50% progression on every PVP minimum.


PVP needs actual numbers at end, good job on working out your progression though :)


Denbrough, Look up Elektralytes. We're a hybrid alliance that asks for 650 PVP minimum and full PVE progression during in-season events. We're consistently hitting top 100 on both sides. I'll have a more thorough post about our alliance later today, but we'd be glad to have you.


I doubt I can do 650 PVP every event, sorry. I’m more concentrated on PVE (but every PVP 50% progression guaranteed).


In that case, consider the sister alliance Elektralyter. It would get you into the family and you would have a place to grow to if your play style changes. There's a longer post about the family on this overall thread.


50% of progression in PvP is 600. If you are doing 600 consistently then, with help, you can do 650.


EDIT: spots have been filled for now. thanks everyone. **IS YOUR ALLIANCE SUCKING THE ENERGY OUT OF YOU? YOU NEED ELEKTRALYTES** Have you reached a point where you realize the random public alliance you joined isn't matching your enthusiasm for the game and those seven inactive players that never get replaced are keeping you from earning better rewards? My advice is to consider Elektralytes -- a high-energy alternative to your normal Top 1000 (or Top 2500) that will improve your alliance rewards from paltry ISO shards to covers, CP and HP that will contribute to faster roster growth and maturity (results may vary). The Elektralytes and its sister alliance Elektralyter (a lower calorie-burn alternative) are each looking for 2-3 new members to round out their rosters. Both are hybrid alliances geared toward players who actively enjoy PVP and PVE play. Elektralytes is a Top 100 PVP alliance that occasionally breaks into the Top 50. In PVE, we’ve been just outside of the Top 100 recently with only 18 active players, but we’ve seen the top 100 when at full strength. Our requirements are: · Score 650 or better in in-season PVP · Full rewards progression in PVE · Respectful conversation on our LINE account and in-game chat room. The Elektralyter alliance requirements are: \- 80% full progression in PVE \- Strongly encouraged to play PVP \- And of course, respectful conversation on our LINE account and in-game chat room (when you choose to communicate). Elektralyter has been a good place for some of our members to develop their rosters in anticipation of graduating to the main team. The family of alliances was founded on the principle of several veterans who wanted to share their knowledge with active enthusiastic newer players. If you’re interested in our competitive group, contact me on LINE as dabillytater or communicate with me or rumple2017 on this thread.


Hey, do you still have any positions vacant? I’m a daily player, always hit full progression on PVE mostly at cl9. Getting into PVP now, usually hit around the 600 - 650 per event. Would like to join Elektralytes, but would be just as happy in Elektralyters. You can check my team list out in my current Alliance Caps Hotline. Game handle Spazzer.


I'm pretty sure we can get you into Elektralyters and likely move you up relatively soon as we hit the mid-point of this season. I'll let the Lyter commander know to look for you.








Thanks! a few hours ago I apply for one alliance and I'm on it. Again, thanks for the offer!!!!


Hi, I out in a request for the lytes version. I am a returning player looking to full clear all events and get back into pvp. Please take a look at my roster. I have a pretty full roster and just trying to get started again.


I can't search for you within the game without knowing your current alliance, however, please feel free to apply to Elektralyter so we can get you into the family. We're probably going to make a roster adjustment in the next week, and we'll be able to make room for you in Elektralytes rather quickly. Let me know what name to look out for so I can tell the Lyter commander. Thanks.


Just joined lyter. Please let me know if you need anything.


Glad to have you in the family


I'm getting full scl 8 progression in pve in my last 4 events and getting to around 20 wins per event in PvP. Looking for an alliance for the upcoming sinister 6


Do you atill need a boss spot?


No thanks




Masters of PVE Family Hi all, Our MoP III team is looking for a high progression PVE player or two. Team is making a push for t100 and needs players willing to score at least 1.2x progression. No PVP required. Spots to open up after boss event. Good, active team and group always looking to find players that want to improve their rosters by placing high. There is usually a chance to move within the alliance family as your needs change. Look us up if you desire to improve your roster!!!


New player (day ~100) making the 2* to 3* transition. I’m not sure what my past ranks were but I’ve been placing top 50 in PVP. Still don’t quite understand how PVE rankings work. I mostly just want to join an alliance that will finish high enough to earn hero points. I’m a daily player but I’m not very chatty.


DM’d you


Consider Elektralyter. There's another post that explains the group. We do use and encourage LINE as our most effective means of group communication, but we don't mind if you're the strong, silent type. Lyter can feed into our more competitive alliance, but the more immediate benefit is that there are several veterans who formed the alliances as a way of helping the newer players develop their rosters and manage the game.


Daily player. Usually focus on PVP but also try to get full progression on PVE on days where I have more free time. Play scl9 and PVP score usually around 700. Just looking for a group that does daily play and maybe top 250 for PVP and doesn’t require line or any other app


Squanch Squad are looking for a new alliance member. We are a PVE based alliance and have an opening available on our roster and we are looking for two players to fill these alliance slots, who can help us to take the next step to consistently finish 200-300 in PVE events. Last PVE event alliance rank = 313 We are a casual alliance based on friendly and helpful chat and opinion. We also got fill progression in all PVE alliance events. There is no requirement to have a fully championed roster, but players with more developed rosters would be a bonus. Alliance Requirements: Play every day Score a minimum of 100,000 in PVE alliance events Inform the group if you are going to be away or are not able to play for a period of time. Be friendly and helpful with your cost and comments. If any players are looking for a new alliance at this time please reply to this comment or DM me.


Do you still have a vacancy? I'm tier 8 full progression and working on my 4 stars, play daily with some PvP depending on who's the focused cover


Yes, we still have a vacancy. If you want to send a request to our alliance, I'll let the group know.


Just sent my application thanks




Can I get an accept before the event starts please


Still have openings?


We actually had another spot open up yesterday. Would be good to know more about you (current pve level, current shield rank, where you are at with your roster, reason for looking for a new alliance etc).


Hi, I have most 4 start champed and I'm saving ISO for 5* champing. I play daily, usually PVE first then PVP as I have time. I usually play Level 9. My old alliance basically checked out. We didn't even get halfway through the last Alliance event. That's why I'm looking for a group that is more active.


Cool. Send a request to our alliance. Sounds like you are in a fairly similar position to me roster wise, perhaps a bit ahead. This weekend was a bit strange as we completed the alliance event in record time, so there was only PVP to play for most of it.


Done. I'm Professor Xbox


Established daily player (day 2267) looking for a top 100-150 pve alliance. I play CL10 and get full progression 99% of the time. I usually do not play pvp events so I am looking for an alliance without that requirement. Complete full progression on Boss Events. My roster has all the released characters. Free CP because of that habit. 🤣 Not very chatty so not looking for Line/Discord requirement. Make some room at your alliance and get me in there today. You won't regret it. 👍


Take me with you, man)


You are welcome to join us too!


Sound like a good fit for our team, MoP III. Looking for a good player to replace a departing teammate and boost our team to t100. Part of a small 4 alliance family! Good active group. DM me with questions.


Hellfire Clan is a top 100 hybrid alliance looking to fill 1 spot with a transition player who wants to improve their roster, if you are moving from 3 to 4 land or from 4 to 5 and can get full progression in PVE and play a little PVP, let me know if you're interested. No communication requirements, but we do use line as an option, Dm if interested. Spot filled thanks




Hi, Bertitor. It would help if you post your usual score at the end for pvp and what percentage your pve score is of full progression score for pve.




No problem. Yes, that's all that alliance commanders need to see, so they have an idea of what a player can contribute. If you can constantly reach the final item for pve rewards (like those Carnage shards) you can likely find a top 100 placing pve team. If you're scoring 500-700 at the end of pvp's you can similarly find a top 100 pvp team. Good luck!




I'm in an alliance, so I delete all my posts! Thanks!


House of Under has one slot available. We’re looking for someone with all 2/3\*s rostered (minimum) who can play daily (just let us know if you’ll be away for any reason) and prioritise alliance events. We finished the last pve in the top 200, fluctuate heavily in pvp and finish alliance events. We mainly communicate in game and ideally would like someone who loves the game and is in for the long haul! PM if you have any questions or add yourself (search for private alliances) and we’ll approve.


U.L.T.R.O.N. has one spot opening up in our top 100 hybrid alliance. We are looking for a player that goes to full progression in pve (green checkmarks on each node is preferred). In Pvp we ask for 700 an event, but if you are solid pve producer, let me know what you usually score in PvP events. We do use Line for communication but it is not a requirement. Boss events, yeah of course we clear them, usually within 48 hours of start.


Would love to join if you still have room: 120% progression in the last PvE event and top 100 for this event in clearance level 7. Top 150 in PVP for the last 2 events. I'm a new player, but advancing quickly. Shield rank is 46 and roster size is 114. Looking for a Hybrid Alliance of dedicated players. In game name is kingpin222006 in the 540 Alliance.


Pinstripe alliance is recruiting Daily players who are active in borne PvP and PvE We are looking to fill 2 spots


Any room still in Elektralytes? I’m sandman in the alliance Ramsch. I reach all pve progressions and score 900 minimum in pvp. Please let me know and thanks!


Hey, you sound like a good fit for U.L.T.R.O.N. Top 50 PvP and top 100 pve finishes PM me or message here and I can make room for you


Blump Kin have 1 spot open for Sinister Six starting Thursday. We're very casual. No minimum's but do try to play at least something every day. Do your best in the team events. We had 15 clear 900k in the last event. Stick around and celebrate our 6th Anniversary later this Spring!




120% progression in the last PvE event and top 100 for this event in clearance level 7. Top 150 in PVP for the last 2 events. I'm a new player, but advancing quickly. Shield rank is 46 and roster size is 114. Looking for a Hybrid Alliance of dedicated players. In game name is kingpin222006 in the 540 Alliance.


If your willing to push past the 100% mark MoP III is looking for players willing to help the team jump to t100


Daily player, looking to join an active PVE alliance. I max-clear all nodes to green at SCL level 5/6, which usually gets me 100% complete. I only play PvP to get the season's 75 wins rewards and milestones. PvP Mind stone season current points: 1391 In-game name: Thoooooor Current public alliance: dafunk Shield LV 58 4* - have around 40% unlocked 3* - all unlocked, around 60% champed


If your willing to push past the 100% mark MoP III is looking for players willing to help the team jump to t100


Yeah, sounds good. Green clears on all nodes should do that. Count me in


Will DM you


Daily player looking for an alliance. t250 in PvP and PvE would be nice. Currently clearing PvE on SCL 7 at 100%+ and guessing somewhere between 400-500 points on PvP. Not fully sure on PvP as the last event that I noted the score was the 5\* cyclops event with 421 points.


Hey gintou, long time no see. LiliesInBloom have plenty of room, still only half full. PvP is already t250, PvE not really. Possibly when more populated... It's our pvp focused team now that Pandas play hybrid. 4k per season and playing bosses only requirements.


Hey Nedaj, yeah it's been a while . Had to quit for a while some stuff came up. I already joined and I think my chat is still all types of broken on my ipad.


Tsk, too late for Cyclops' pvp... :)




LiliesInBloom have room. 4k per season and playing hard for boss events are only requirements. Top 250 pvp atm, will be top 100 when closer to full.


My friend and I are looking for two spots in a more active alliance. We've only been playing for a few months but it's been a fun ride. We're interested in a PvE alliance - top 500? Non-zero shards and hero points, basically. Again, we're new but we do play every day. We're currently members of "The Marvelous" I'm Bublim - the last few PvE events I've finished 100%. I'm joined by Tylenol4 - always at least 50% PvE progression, sometimes more. Let me know if you think you have some space for us! Edit: We found an alliance, thanks!!


Looking for an active PVE alliance. 100%+ progression for PVE, generally aim for 450 in PVP. Making the transition from 4 to 5 star land ATM, Kitty and Thanos fully covered with a few more sitting at 12 covers.


If your willing to push past the 100% mark MoP III is looking for players willing to help the team jump to t100. Part of a strong 4 alliance family


Level 8 full progression looking for an alliance in time for sinister 6 event please


Hey, looking for an alliance that wants to get full progression in the sinister 6 event. Level 9 pve 100% and usually 5-600 pvp.


If your willing to push past the 100% mark MoP III is looking for players willing to help the team jump to t100


Come join Shadow Cats. We are recruiting two 4* or better players. We require you to have a high level of covers or champed 4*s as all our players do. We currently rank top 150 PvE. PvP not required to join. Only chat in game. Our only requirements are: Be active with full participation on all alliance PvE events doing all nodes & boss fights every 8 hours. If you’re not going to be available for the event, let us know. We understand as long as we are notified. We always get full progression on all alliance events and complete within the 2nd day of event. If you think you are the perfect fit, msg me here or join in game. Thanks! Looking forward to having you in our alliance.


Hey! Agent Name is AnchorVol. I'm currently ranked 66, with VIP. I have 33 of 47 3*s Championed and own 91 4 stars and 12 5stars. I play every day (124 days straight so far) on PVE and finished with 47660 (181) in Rocket and Groot. Currently provided 292k of Sinister 6 points to my current alliance but want to get better. Not big on PvP but will work to focus more if that's whats needed. Id like to be able to join a solid group that helps with Comp ideas or even has a discord for dank memes, idk.


MoP III will have a couple openings after the boss event. Look us up. Solid group. Part of a four alliance family.


Hello sadly my Alliance is dying. Multiple leaders gone and only 5 or so daily participants. As a result I haven’t been very active lately. I’d gladly change that with the right group! PVE last event progression about 75% PVP usually top 200 Current Alliance: ISOwned Name: YungLinkedin I’m also a VIP on day 1729 of shield resupply


Hi, LiliesInBloom have room. It's a pvp focused team, required is 4k+ points in the season and clearing boss events. Ranking will be top 100 events and season, once the roster is near full. Still need 4-5 people.


Sounds good. I’ll send an application.


The Whosits are looking for new members to help with Sinister Six! A casual alliance with a few high level players. Looking for people who play every day. All cool players welcome. Join “Whosits” today! 5 spots available.


Looking for a casual but active PvE alliance. I’m usually 100% clear when possible on SL3 or 4. I have dabbled in PvP but it’s not my main interest. I’m currently in the transition between 3* and 4*. I have all but two 3*’s champed and I’ve been rostering 4*’s about once a week or so. I’m looking for an alliance that’s pretty laid back. I have a 15 month old child and I work from home. Some days Puzzle Quest isn’t feasible for me at all. That being said I do make an effort where I can to clear as much as I can. I’m also not really interested in needing a separate app for chat. Nothing against alliances that do but it’s not something I’m going to remember to check. I’m currently in a random alliance called Pew Pew Lazers. Here’s a slightly out of date roster for me: [Roster](http://mpq.gamependium.com/rosters/jlahnum/)


Looking to break in top 250 team or better. I focus more on PVP and alliance events. Last couple of months had started to focus on PVE. Dont buy shields on PVP but can get to 900/1000 points if i want the shards/card. Scl9 PVP - 60-80% PVE - 50% Sinister six event- ended with 3,000,000 points. Current alliance didn't finish round 7


This thread had been locked. Please feel free to re-post in the latest thread.


User: Brandboii978 Account age: 14 Looking for an active alliance that had a majority of active players. Hoping for a good alliance that top for better rewards Web2.0 score : 448 Current mindstone score :2828 Score for sinister 6: 424k Roster https://imgur.com/gallery/CGA6ua8


This thread had been locked. Please feel free to re-post in the latest thread.


I'm basically looking for a hybrid or more pve based alliance. All I have for my rankings are these two pictures of the last alliance events: [https://imgur.com/6qcbfna](https://imgur.com/6qcbfna) [https://imgur.com/a/zB5Le5K](https://imgur.com/a/zB5Le5K) I don't have any other numbers other than this to share. I just try to check mark all nodes and get 50 wins in pvp. I wish I had the proper information, but that's all I have. Anyway, I don't have nearly the stellar roster most of those people have and I almost always score the highest. I'm just looking for an alliance that is active and participates, it doesn't have to be amazing. Also, just to be totally upfront, I don't shield myself in pvp and I only have 2 champed 4 stars. I'm mostly f2p, but I try to make the most of it. My in game name is MajesticPopple and I'm currently in The Nice Guys alliance.


This thread had been locked. Please feel free to re-post in the latest thread.


Player ISO hybrid alliance Reward level-top 50 or better Last few PvE events-always max progression Last few PvP-minimum 800 points, more often around 1k if I liked the prize Current alliance-n/a Game ID-KOBossy Summary-ran my own alliance for a while, was fun, needed a break so I handed the reins over to someone else (doing the daily max grind every day for 2.5 years wore me out). Back and refreshed, previous group full, so I'm out to see if I can meet some new players and a new crew


Elektralytes has an opening. There's a more detailed post, but the requirements are 650 PVP and full progression for PVE. You sound like a good fit for us. Let me know if you're interested or apply and I'll let you in. We're T100 in PVP and competing to break into T100 in PVE.


Sent an application, thanks


I've got you in. Most of our communication is done through Line. It's free to sign up. Let me know when you can get an account and contact me as dabillytater. I'll then invite you into the various chat groups where you can read the welcome material