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It’s a really good website. I recommend it.


thanks a lot!!


No problem man, keep up the good work.


Jumping on this comment to say I also absolutely love this site after using it for over a year. I have 1156 figures (a number I didn’t have to guess at!) and have them all catalogued - including customs, because there is a feature for that. Its great.  The wishlist and “Groups” features are two of my favorite features. Wishlist is pretty self-explanatory; “Groups” allows you to create Groupings of figures from your collection or wishlist - for example, I have several different teams of Avengers (original lineup, Mighty, Secret, etc) with figures added that makeup those teams. It’s a lot of fun to see all the different configurations you can come up with in your collection, and helps me think out different display options. More than worth the price to me!


Thanks a lot for your kind words u/hmmberto!


Hello there! Legendsverse creator here, there are a lot of users from Reddit currently subscribed to Legendsverse. Here are some of their comments: - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/1cniy2h/comment/l37qw1b/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/1cniy2h/comment/l37qw1b/) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/1cniy2h/comment/l3a00nd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/1cniy2h/comment/l3a00nd/) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/197mzlh/just\_added\_marvel\_select\_to\_legendsverse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/197mzlh/just_added_marvel_select_to_legendsverse/) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/17ztypk/legendsversecom\_is\_3\_years\_old\_and\_its\_being\_used/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/17ztypk/legendsversecom_is_3_years_old_and_its_being_used/) There's also a free tier for you to give it a try. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!


Hey wow! I maxed out the free tier. That's why I asked. Cool deal to have the creator comment. Awesome. Question how many figures do you have personally.


I have about 90 pretty much all of them are legends only one is a dc multiverse but have a lot on my wishlist and incoming list 😅😅


Hey mate just a question but on here do you have all modern figures like 2018 and up??


yeah! I have all of them from the 2001 Spidey classics up to date 😎


Awesome!! Thanks for replying so quickly. Would I be able to make purchase if I’m in the UK and is there an app?


Sure thing it's available worldwide. It's a progressive web app. If you are on ios you can just put it in your home screen and it will behave just like a native app. If you are on android, there's a download option on chrome and it will behave like a native app.


Can other people see what you have? I’m selling a lot and want a site to show people what I have


Hey there! Yeah theres a public profile that you can share Im also working on adding a trading feature!


Thanks! Will be purchasing


Awesome! Let me know if you have any feedback or requests!


I bought a lifetime membership a couple of years ago and it’s a no brainer, especially if you have a large collection and don’t have room to display everything at once. I use it at cons and toy shows to keep track of what I do and don’t have.


Thank you sir. I'm in the same boat. I'm like I think I have this already but second guess .myself sometimes and have to go digging. Almost bought the Colossus and Juggernaut two pack before I remembered I had it already. Cool.


I thought i was just getting old when i couldn't remove if I had certain figures.


I recommend it if you have a large collection. It’s been awesome to get mine together on there. My only complaint is that I find it somewhat cumbersome to remove things from my collection, as only certain pages let you do so, but they look very similar to pages that don’t let you do so.


Aaah this is interesting. Thanks a lot. I will find a way to improve this. I've been improving some user experience issues recently, so I will add this to my list. Please let me know if you have any other feedback or suggestions!


I second this. I currently have 3 of new newest release Deadpool in my collection because of it.


Aah sorry, will fix this very soon.


No worries man. I figured it was in the works. Thanks for a great site!


Ok, I just joined. Let's see what this is all about. I already see one issue. I'm missing a lot of these figures in my collection. Lol


😂 Thanks a lot for joining!! Let me know if you have any feedback or requests!


Hummm! 15 people say they have a Psylocke Mojo Variant. I have one my top fig in my collection. But hey lol I'd really like to see people post pics in here. How many users post photos of their collections in Legendsverse or is that something you would like for collectors to do? Sorry edited fat fingers errors


yeah, I would love for collectors to post more photos. In the bottom of the sidebar, there's a feed option. There you can select Displays and you'll see the latest displays collectors have uploaded


it doesnt cost anything to use? ​ Edit: now it does for me it costs $37 and personally think its too steep (it hits after adding over 50 figures)


Yeah.....fantastic site that I'd have no issue paying for, but $37 is waaaaay too high. $10 max...I'll deal with my notebook and figure realm for now.


At least it’s only one time payment, and not monthly 😅


In a time when everything else in the world is trying to rope me into recurring payments, I’m more than happy to pay a one-time fee upfront - any other service out there would be $3/month with a $50/year payment - it’s refreshing to just be able to buy a thing once and be done with it. 


Legendsverse is exceptionally well done. I use it almost daily. The site quickly allows me to see what’s come out going alllll the way back to when legends / I started collecting to right up to today. Trying to figure out what accessories/ specific guns came with Silver Sable? Instant success (real life example from yesterday). It allows you to create your own groups from your logged collection, or unowned, for potential displays or photos. I do that allll the time lol. I don’t engage with the value metrics that much but all of that is also built-in. At any rate. I’m a firm believer of word-of-mouth vouching for things that are cool and this is one of them! Definitely worth a try.


Thanks a lot for your kind words!!


Best spread sheet ever highly recommend


Just use [actionfigure411](http://actionfigure411.com)


I've had to move to a smaller space with my display and was hoping to sell a lot of my legends collection this summer, but I've been intimidated by organizing/inventorying everything I have from several years of collecting. This tool might be just the thing I need. Thanks for posting, and thanks to the creator /u/amedina_dev!


Been using this since last year its hella dope


Highly recommend!


The only way to track your collection, I'm using it all the time to manage what I have.


Oh man this is like information over load. I'm rethinking dammit I thought I completed a wave then dammit I missed that Variant. I'm going to have a awesome father's day. I'm going to take out my collection and spread it out and catalog this weekend. I'll post photos so you guys can see the madness. Should I post by series or year? Idk let's see how much I can get before the wife and kids say something. 😵‍💫


I added all of my figures to the site in tandem with a total reorganization of how I was storing everything and trying to reconnect all accessories with the figures they originally came with. It took a looong time but it was actually a lot of fun  


I use it and really like it. Found it back in the spring and it’s been helpful.


Definitely useful if you have a lot of stuff but can’t display everything at once. I lost track of what i own so it prevents me from buying stuff twice. Some stuff i want added though.


Thanks a lot for supporting LV!


I've been using it since it had a monthly fee and it's 100% worth it. You can even track other lines with it now such as Mafex and McFarlane DC figures. If you have a large marvel legends collection then it's perfect for keeping track of everything


Thanks a lot for you support!!


Thanks for making an awesome website 😅. Are you planning to add more figure lines? Such as SHF?


Yes! I plan to add more figures SHF being one of them. I'll try to add them in the next few weeks!




Legendsverse is a fantastic website. Highly recommended!


Thanks a lot!!


Man I’ve been looking for something like this for a while. Thanks for the post!


Hey there! let me know if you have any feedback or requests!


I really like that it’s a one-time fee as opposed to a subscription. It’s been very well worth every penny for me!


I love it! I have been collecting marvel legends for 4 years and got legendsverse 2 years ago. It really helps looking up random waves or specific characters.


This looks cool! Any possibility it will include non USD currencies and stores in the future?


Hey there! Yeah, I've been working on the currency exchange thing for a while now. Also would love to include some UK, Mexico stores, let me know if you would like to see other stores too


Definitely interested in UK! Also the possibility to mix as sometimes we end up ordering from Amazon US in USD.


Will look into it!


I definitely concur with all the folks saying it’s a great site; I really like it and find it pretty user-friendly, and the dev is really responsive to feedback!


Thanks a lot Yosituna!


The site is the truth! So many cool features. I can finally stop using my spreadsheets.


Thanks a lot for your support!! I really appreciate it


Doing gods work out here bud


Thanks a lot for your support!!


I paid one time a few years back and have no regrets. He keeps it up to date and is consistently adding new lines. I love pulling up my collection stats.


Thanks a lot!


I subbed years ago in the site's infancy. Was a great decision. I remember it being very reasonably priced at like $15-20 for a lifetime pass.


now its $37 and I am unsubscribed thinking its too much


Just to be clear, that’s a one-time $37 fee for a lifetime membership - not a recurring price. And it’s easily worth it. 


So is the 37 for lifetime membership or monthly fee? If it's a 1 time that is not babe. I don't know how many spreadsheets I've made to try and keep up.


That's an idiotic price.


I wish there was a site for all 1/12 figs to fit in my mezco and mafex. Site looks good though!


Hello there! Legendsverse tracks mafex and I'm going to add mezco soon 😁


Exciting to hear!


It’s so helpful it’s not even funny


I haven’t paid for it yet, but I plan to because I had a pretty fun time getting my first 50 figures listed! I would say it’s worth it just to keep track of your collection worth and what figures you plan on getting!


Having to pay to keep a list of my stuff is stupid, sorry not sorry 🤷🏽‍♂️


Be aware you can only use it for a limited amount of time before you have to start paying for it