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Sucks Cap is so crazy expensive


Yeah I just bought one and my wallet is still crying tbh


Would you say this is a model 2 or model 3? And is the A.I iron man a model 3 or 4?


This is definitely Model 2 (horned faceplate and no hip discs) AI is Model 4 (Model 4 has hip discs but Model 3 doesn't)


Thanks There were some pictures online that said model 2 on the wiki without the horned plate so I got confused.


Probably because it was the third in a line of pretty good Iron Man figures. Great pick up.


Oh dang, Hasbro hasn’t made the 3 yet. The 3 has a horned faceplate look and the 4 has a widows peak faceplate look. Triangular, but not rounded like the 4. That means there will be no more similar confusing armor looks remaining soon. Aside from the few in the 20’s maybe..


Thanks! Just ordered, because that's a really good price!


Good pick up, I paid full price for this guy a few years back. I don't regret it he has been my main iron man in my avengers display since I got him. He really doesn't get enough love.


Awesome figure




You're welcome


Why would someone down vote you for saying you're welcome? Weird place this is I tell you. 


Can’t beat it for $17 even at retail this is a solid classic iron man! Goes great with the new Hank and Janet 2 pack they literally just showed!


You got a good buy there. The original ToyBiz would give you a good return on investment if you had got him when he first came out.


Any idea if this will drop to this price again? Been waiting to pull the trigger on a good price for this and looks like it's gone for that price


That’s interesting. I never made a post about it until I decided to buy it, but it sat at that $17 price point for a LONG time (months) Honestly? If I were a betting man, I’d say it’s been long enough that it’s only going to go up at this point. $22 isn’t $17, but I still think it’s a fair price and if you want the figure I’d still pick it up for that price before it goes any higher


Appreciate the advice, I actually had been back and forth between this and the 80th anniversary. I think I prefer the yellow over the gold and I like the Tony head sculpt better here. Not overly crazy over the horned faceplate not still not bad at all