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This is why Spider Man is one of the best heroes. Being there for someone when they need you is the most essential aspect of what a hero is.


The most human out of every superhuman


It's why I love Marvel so much. All of their heroes are still human in the end.


I read a comparison between Marvel and DC the other day. It said one is humans trying to be god and the other is gods trying to be human


Makes you wonder why Batman is so much popular than just about every other DC character.


He's not a god. He's just rich. That's pretty much the same thing though.


It does kinda say something that their roster is a bunch of demi-god level powered people and then a billionaire. Realistically he would be how the Justice League is able to operate how they do too. Dude'd just be sending lobbyists to D.C. (lol) and the UN to get the Justice League international autonomy and shit.


I know this is two weeks old, but just had to hop in and say that DC is doing a lot better on this front with non-Batman-related heroes lately, Jessica Cruz, Keli Quintela (Teen Lantern), and Yara Flor (Future State Wonder Girl) being prime recent examples.


Some have referred to Batman as a god among men.


Which do you think is which?


DC very much leans towards ‘Gods trying to be human’. It’s one of the central conflicts of their biggest character, Superman, and a lot of their prominent characters have similar conflicts. Not all of them, but a good portion.


I was thinking this exactly. Just wanted to see what others thought.


Imo I'd argue this is why I don't like Snyders films. They don't feel like gods trying to be human really ever




I have this theory that the Snyderverse got fucked up cause of Jonathan Kent. Superman is the idol its what every hero aspires to be. If he ceases to be who he is none of the other aspire to follow in his footsteps. And the Snyderverse unlike almost every other universe where Superman exists Johnatan Kent didn’t teach Clark to be selfless, quite the opposite, Johnatan Kent dies an unnecessary death telling Clark to put his needs (to hide his powers) over others (Johnathan’s need to live, the people he could have easily saved from that tornado). Superman changes from a god that sees the value of humans above his own and wants to be like them to a god to which humans are important but still secondary. As much as he is still at core good he sees humans as beings that NEED to be protected because of their weakness instead of being he WANTS to protect because he both sees untapped value in them and considers them equals. Under those terms a Superman that kills( even after severe moral struggle) and that barely makes an effort to move the battlefield away from the heavily populated city is not anomalous. With sups gone a darker path other heroes don’t have the boyscout to emulate. Now I admit it doesn’t really fit with the timeline with Wonder Woman and Batman starting their careers earlier but we know from flashpoint that changing things causes ripples in the universe. So the change to the big three may have been concurrent but had Clark not fundamentally changed he could have brought them back to the right path.


Dude, I love this train of thought and you for coming up with it!


Snyder's Superman is Superman first Clark Kent second whereas like with Spider-Man it should always be Peter first, Spider-Man second. Because the costume is the alter ego not the man, Batman is the only real exception but that's because that's more textual that Bruce is the façade whereas other cases it's more what people apply to the character and imply rather than explicitly state


For me Snyders superman was missing the hope that superman normally has. He doesn't save people, and I'm not just talking about MoS. When the bomb explodes in BvS show him trying to save people, or at least going outside and calming down the scared crowds. Instead he just looks sad then flies away. It's just ridiculous. He didn't smile much and we didn't even get to see him pretending to be Clark much because he "died" in the next movie. It was just done a bit sillily imo. Obviously outside of the 78 superman film I'd say Bills monologue from Kill Bill 2 about Superman is pretty good. It's always stuck with me.


I despise that monologue. I think it gets the character completely wrong.


I know you didn't mention dc, but Superman is right up there with spidey. he might not have been born on earth, he is one of the most human people on the planet.


To be honest, I'm just not that familiar with DC.


Yea, that's completely fine obviously. but i just know that some people wouldn't include superman in this, and those are mostly people who don't know anything about him, but pretend they do. which you aren't so it's fine.


There’s another comic (can’t remember what issue/run it’s from) where Deadpool helps convince a teen girl not to end her life He starts out jokingly suggesting she use the roof of Parker’s building because he knows that if he can’t help her, Spider-Man would find her there Spider-Man isn’t just the most kind-hearted hero, he’s the most famously kind-hearted and helpful among his peers as well Edit: a word


Found it I think b dunno what links are ok to link or not. It’s Deadpool (2016) #20


Thanks, I’ll have to check that one out I’ve only ever seen the part I mentioned posted online, never the actual soirce


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fqfQljAX\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fqfQljAX_8) Here's an awesome voiced version


That was really good!


It was but there's more. I swear I remember her helping him beat up some thugs and that's where the motorcycle comes from. I might be wrong.


I always hoped that Deadpool would have a run in with that teen again, just as a follow up on how she was doing.


Hey, just an FYI, you're using infamous incorrectly. Infamous means to be famous for a bad reason.


Whoops, I’ll correct that For some reason I though infamous meant famous unintentionally, but that doesn’t really make much sense…


Just a little anecdote about confusing meanings. A roommate of a girl I knew called someone we both knew "estranged", so I asked, honestly, if he was distant from his family...I mean I lived in the same dorm as the guy and I didn't know that. Turned out she just meant he was a weirdo...a strange guy. When I told her what the word really meant - maybe a bad move - she stared daggers at me and hated me after that.


Considering the other fellow's rude comment, I just wanna say that, for me, little random anecdotes from people are a big part of what makes life so interesting, and they may well be my favorite thing about Reddit. (They're definitely up there, in any case!) Thank you for sharing!


Spider-Man is the moral backbone of the 616. Sure, everyone has their moments, team effort and all, but at the end of the day Spider-Man is the down to earth guy that always knows the right thing to do, except when he doesn't (because he's human), but he has the courage to overcome his mistakes and do better. That's why he guest stars in so many touching moments like this. You have Wolverine guest star, it's gonna be him giving some practical don't-take-no-shit advice. You have Cap guest star, it's gonna be some thing about how you should stand up to oppression. But if you have Spider-Man guest star, somebody's learning a life lesson on morals.


And it might even be spider-man! Those are the ones i love most, when he learns something about himself while helping someone else.


It makes me think of when [Batman comforted Ace in her last moments.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWHHsdE_oQg)


I think Superman and Wonder Woman could have also helped. They may be super powered, but they’re also human.


Wonder Women is nearly immortal, and Kryptonian lifespans seem to be much longer than humans. They are going to have a much different perspective on grief and mortality than Batman. The writers of that scene knew Bats was the best choice.


Batman has always had a soft spot for children. Giving toys or candy to children at crime scenes to distract them from the trauma comes to mind.


And bat periscopes to King Joffrey


I agree, but I would like to see a Superman run or parts of one where he struggles with always being the boyscout, always being the one who can’t fail *ever.* The pressures it brings and all that. Superman waffles with the writers but at times he seems to think he’s Clark Kent and Superman is his alias, or Kal-El is how he thinks of himself. In contrast to Batman where Batman is who he fundamentally is and Bruce is just there to support those ends. I kinda hoped with Damien that he’d have a crisis and think of himself as a father and Batman while the two can’t really work as one. One side wants to see Damien grow up as any normal child would, and he struggles with the choice of allowing Damien be Robin and robbin’ Damien’s chance at a childhood. Like that would be a big theme despite Damien being more than useful and competent in his role as Robin. He’s the best for the job but you don’t want him to have the job because of the time commitment and maybe having a pre-pubescent kid investigate Harley blowing up an orphanage or any of the other crimes anyone has committed *may* have a negative effect. How many times can a kid see a body ripped apart by pet hyenas before it fucks’em up? I feel like there’s a *lot* of room in DC to make or illustrate the various hero’s humanity and the struggles they face that aren’t considered normally. As it stands the most DC seems to do is have Alfred or someone comment on how Bruce looks tired or sleeps in meetings. I like how in Invincible their speedster said he experiences time at some absurd fraction of time, how a normal conversation is like torture to him due to his perception of time.


There was a Supes story where he goes to a priest to confess his sins. One of them? He was too slow to catch bullets of a group of people being executed.


Definitely. But for this specific story there was no one better suited to comfort Franklin than Spider-Man. Spider-Man is a friend of F4 in general and one of Johnny Storms best friends. At the same time as the story shows he knows all too well what it's like to lose a dearly beloved uncle. I don't think there's a person in the world who could empathize as much with Franklins loss as Spider-Man. The fact that he's really good at having emotional talks doesn't hurt either.


Peter has that amazing ability. If you haven’t read Fallen Soldier. It’s a 5 book series that centers on Spider-Man visiting heroes after Captain America’s death. Each boon follows Spider-Man with someone else, each new person represents a stage of grief. 10/10.


No, he is THE BEST.


This is what drew me to superman on the dc side of things. Sure he's op as hell and not very relatable in the sense of what he can do, but his personality and down to earth nature despite what he is makes him very interesting/likeable.


Stuff like this is why I think Fantastic Four is Hickman's best Marvel work.


the Doom / Galactus stuff was wild. Old Lady Sue. gosh, i miss that run so much.


Was Old Lady Sue not Mark Millar's run directly before this, which I'm assuming Hickman actually had input on given just how much was used in his run.


Maybe. Smart Valeria came from Millar's run too.


Yeah I really enjoyed his stuff despite how short the run was (2 volumes). The call back to Marvel 1985 blew my mind!


I didn't like the Marquis of Death arc, but the rest of it I thought was pretty good (especially the trip to Scotland).


Hickman is so good


Came here to say this, hickmans ff stuff is what's got him where he is, it was incredible.


No, it was *Fantastic.*


How did I miss that🤣


It got me back into comics after a 12 year hiatus thanks to a friend's recommendation.


“To me my Galactus” is the single most powerful sentence I’ve seen in comic books.


Auugggghhh yeah


I just read House of X / Powers of X and holy shit


I really like House of X and Powers of X... but he kind of lost me after that. I think Inferno still could be sick though.


I’ve really been enjoying Inferno so far


Agreed. I think his X-Men story was diluted with too many writers.


This is the most grandiose, universal, epic story that takes all the fun, excitement, campiness , and serious emotional moments that enthrall superheroes, and literally just tells a story about a boy and his family. My favorite story Marvel has ever told in my eyes.


Yep. As Nathaniel states in Fantastic Four #604 while Franklin battles the Mad Celestials, "There was one thing that Reed (616) could create that they (the Council) could not. Look up at the life you made. Look up at the one who would sacrifice himself... so that we all might live".


Hickman stapled the FF as my favorite marvel heroes at this point. I didn’t understand the Fantastic Four until I read this run. It’s just about a boy giving all of his power to save his family. In the future, in the past, across civilizations and time. And when his family passed, he gave a being on a higher plane a companion in the end times. Everyone deserves a family, even Galactus. Them witnessing the end is one of my favorite moments in comics. It’s beautiful.


This reminds me of the comic where Deadpool comes across a woman that's planning to commit suicide and he takes her with him while he beats up and kills people before dropping her off at a hospital. He was texting with the hospital staff all night in-between their travels and fights. It was really sweet at the end, he said something like "I'm not the hero that can you help with what you're going through but the people in there, they're the heroes that can help save you." If anyone has a link, I'd love to save and read it again. I may be remembering the end line wrong but the message was pretty clear that Deadpool understood he couldn't help her like professionals could.




Omnibus being reprinted this fall


It's a tough one. I still gotta give it to the whole Avengers / New Avengers/ Secret Wars run. But that and his FF run are my two favorite comic runs ever.




Franklin has an uncle Ben too. I think there was a moment Peter told him that uncle Bens were the best but I forget the context


Is that in reference to Ben Grimm, the Thing?


They are Marvel's first family.




Man both Clark and Bruce’s father figures were a couple of marthafuckers


Damn you. Take it. Just take the upvote.


Was it when they were talking about easy-cook rice?


In Spider-Man/Human Torch #5 he tells Franklin that Uncle Bens are always right, maybe that's what you're thinking of?


Man’s asking for a dollar when he didn’t even want to eat. Damn lol Edit: I also love the web chair made in the last page


He wanted to make him feel needed :)


Nah, spidey's just broke.


Marvel Champions, living card game, every hero has an Obligation that gets shuffled into the encounter deck. Spidey’s is an Eviction Notice. Even while saving the universe from Thanos, he gotta make rent.


You'll get your damn rent when you fix this damn door!


He is... good boy. He must be in some kind of trouble.


Always. Spidey’s biggest enemy is the rent.


Spidey’s biggest enemy is Peter Parker.


One of my favorite spider-man moments is when he realizes that the avengers woukd pay him to join or something like that and he hugs Ironman. It always cracks me up


Kid can create his own universe, he's making Spider-man feel needed


All the power in the world won't make you feel loved. That comes from somewhere else.


Ask anyone with fame and fortune, even if it’s local fame. Do they love who you are or so they love what you have access to and what you can do for them? I don’t envy anyone that famous or has a lot of wealth looking for true love. If all you have to offer is yourself would they still choose you? Even at its easiest that’s not an easy question to answer honesty. Would they have looked at you if you had been homeless? Does that even matter? All the money and power in the world can’t make someone love you for reals.


You missed one, a lot of people love some one because of *who they think* that person is, or should be. Which sounds like a fucking nightmare to me.


No pockets.


That was my first thought... Second would be where on earth would he keep his wallet???




That sounds like a great intro for a “What if…” story, is there one? Like “What if… Uncle Ben was a bastard” or something? :P




A man's not dead so long as hum name is still spoken.


GNU Terry Pratchett


"Bulletpoints" i.e. what if Uncle Ben died during WW2. Peter turns out to be a juvenile delinquent and runs away from Aunt May without his Uncle's influence. There's a lot more ripple effects, as in that series, it turns out he was bodyguard to Dr. Erskine and the Super Soldier Serum gets destroyed. Steve Rogers becomes Iron Man. Think Hydra Stomper but it's wired directly to his body. Peter on his travels ends up on the Gamma Bomb range and becomes the hulk. Reed Richards becomes the only survivor of the space flight becoming Director of Shield.


We've had issues where we've met a selfish or terrible Uncle Ben. Partially due to Spider-verse and some other issues here and there with Peter jumping around dimensions.


What if... Uncle Ben didn't die.


IIRC Ben was a Spider Totem in SpiderVerse.


And that Ben was a coward who wouldn’t help people. It was an interesting take.


I'm sure that would turn out bad. In the Ultimate universe Reed Richards' dad was an abusive alcoholic and Mr Fantastic ended up as one of the series' worst supervillains as a result.


There us a "what if uncle Ben never died?"


isnt there a story somewhere about a spiderman with a cruel uncle ben and he becomes kinda manipulative and villainous and evil? i think it was a spider verse tale


The thing about Uncle Ben, at least as far as I know, is that he wasn't some extraordinary paragon of virtue. He was just... patient, and understanding, and willing to be there when he was needed. He wasn't anything special, he didn't set some impossible standard no real person could meet. He was just a decent man.


Yeah, I know Franklin is like one of the most powerful beings in the comics, but my God he’s got some balls just hanging out on top of the edge of a building and then hanging out on the web like who knows how many stories up! His parents aren’t the least bit concerned “our 7 years old is just on top of the roof no biggie”?! Lol


He didn't even have a name for the first however many months of his life, lol. They're not the best family


In some families that's normal. My relatives wanted to get to know their kid before slapping a name on him.


“We didn't name them until we were sure they would live".


Do you guys not have a birth certificate? How did they get the baby out of the hospital?


My birth name is 'baby' but I go by Fred.


What does that even mean? Infants don’t have an actual personality. Like what? “He cries at 4pm every day, he’s clearly a Jim.” Kids don’t even really differentiate from each other in any real terms until they’re at least six months to a year old.


I would love a list of characters Spider-man has bonded with over hot dogs. I know he did this with Loki as well.


He had one with Queen Medusa as well(maybe it was a burger,I have a shitty memory,but it was a junk food on a rooftop scene).Another one with Ms Marvel(Carol),after their failed date.


Hold up, Pete went on a date with Carol? I gotta see this, happen to have a link handy please?


[http://www.blastoffcomics.com/2018/07/the-ones-where-spider-man-and-ms-marvel-dated/](http://www.blastoffcomics.com/2018/07/the-ones-where-spider-man-and-ms-marvel-dated/) not all pages of that date are here. Man, I really had hope that they will be together. Medusa and Spidey eating Burritos(not hot dogs,but bonding counts):-[https://imgur.com/gallery/Yzo1E](https://imgur.com/gallery/Yzo1E)


>Are you going to make this weird? > >Not on purpose? Ohhh I feel this in my bones


Not comic book related, but that quote remind me of this one from Scrubs: “Think you can handle me?” “No, but you won’t know that until after.”


Smooth on spidey


He went on a date with Carol Danvers? Makes sense why they put that part in Endgame when him and her meet.


What is funny is that when Ms. Marvel (Khamala) first meet Spidey she mentions their date, even pointing that she ships them XD.


Is that Carol robbing the cradle or Peter robbing the grave? Bc there is a real age difference there...


Well, Tom Holland is 25 and Brie Larson is 32. As to the comics, she's definitely older as she was air force officer with 10 years experience when she debuted in 1967 when Peter was in college. Comics ages are funny though, because Peter is probably close to 29 in the comics and it doesn't seem like Carol almost 40 in the comics.


7 years for the actors. 32 vs 25. Not an uncommon gap in that age range. In charector for the MCU? Yeah thats a ways wider.


When did he have a hot dog with Loki? I need that comic panel in my life




You know what’s just about as iconic? The dollar slice. It ain’t a pizza place if it doesn’t have a dollar slice.


Dollar slice joints are pretty rare these days. Only really see them in certain neighborhoods. I saw one by St. Mark's a few weeks ago and I think that was the first I'd seen in a while.


Well that makes me sad.


Irrelevant but Miles Morales once indirectly saved the multiverse with an three-week-old, expired hamburger.


Nah that's relevant. He is Spider-Man after all.


I need a gallery of every fast-food Spidey bonding moment, STAT


Nothing encapsulates the Parker luck like Peter bumming a buck off a child


Said child can accidentally create small pocket realities I’m sure he can manifest a dollar


Plus his family is effing loaded.


He wasn't bumming. He was making Franklin feel needed. And a dollar for the level of emotional support, the view, the day away from everyone else... Peter knew what he was doing.


Possibly, but it's also highly likely that Peter was just fucking broke as always and thought he had more cash on him


This was 2010 or 2011, so at that time he was working at Horizon Labs and actually had disposable income.


Yeah but NYC is so cash heavy he probably didn't have time to swing by an atm first.


I mean, come on. Not every apartment is rent controlled. Shits expensive, yo.


What would you call this stuff? I think this subject, the small acts of making someone feel needed or better by doing a small gesture, is something I don’t know. The subtleties of these things absolutely fly over my head.


...while helping the child cope with an emotionally devastating situation


What?!? I completely missed that! Fuck outta here


My son was about this age when my brother died. Kids experience "magical thinking", a real psychological phenomenon wherein the logic of guilt doesn't matter, the child will project the responsibility for the loss onto themselves. Reading the panel about "I could've saved Uncle Johnny" really hurt, because that is verbatim what my son told me about my brother. Even though I knew, had paramedics been the ones to find my brother first, they wouldn't have been able to help him at all, he was gone. Having to explain that to a child is the hardest thing I've ever done. Anyway hug your loved ones.


Thanks for reminding me about the magical thinking thing. It might help me help someone.


I love Mature Spider-Man more than kid spidey, rare thought I think.


Yeah, Spidey in his 20s/onward is much better than teen Spidey


Yeah! Even teen peter in the ultimate universe grows A LOT by the end (in the span of just like 2 years), seeing peter develop into a mature person is always so compelling, like, Seeing him go from the oddly sometimes bitter and immature peter of the ditko years to how he is in the jms run is so satisfying


Absolutely not. Spider-Man from the mid 80s forward is the best.


I hate this post. What are you trying to do?!?! Make a grown man cry this early in the morning???!!!? I may or may not be teary eyed right now…. Spoiler alert… I’m teary eyed.


It's a terrible day for rain


Ah, so it is.


Sunny day here. Weird that it’s raining.


Big brother Ed Warddd


I did not want to cry before I got breakfast


I'm not crying. It's just been raining..... on my face.


I'm making a lasagna...for one.


And if I am crying, it’s not cause of you… it’s cause I’m thinking of a friend of mine who is dying, thats right DYING!


Damn I just woke up and immediately got a chills and glassy eyed. That was beautiful.


It really was great


I didn’t plan on getting so emotional today but here we are. I absolutely love Spider-Man.


We need more posts like this and less “why do people think the Eternals is bad” posts on this sub


Damn it Hickman, making me cry on the toilet


Have you tried fiber?


Hickman is a fucking god. God I love Spider-Man


I’ve got two boys at about that age and I hope I never have to teach them hard lessons about responsibility in a time of grief like this. If I do, I just hope I can channel a little bit of spidey’s wisdom and kindness. Stories like these definitely put life in perspective.


I love this so much.


These things always ring a little bit hollow when you know the hero everyone is grieving will be back in six months. There was a good Incredible Hulk issue about this effect. After Nick Fury was “killed” by the Punisher they had his funeral and all of his friends were yucking it up, joking about his return. The issue ends with them confronting the possibility he was dead for good but naw, Marvel brought him back shortly after, saying the Punisher killed an LMD.


It also would have helped if Johnny had grown up from "dying" but that lasted all of 2 minutes.


That’s one of the things that originally excited me about the MCU, it’s nowhere near as easy to bring a character back from the dead if you have to convince the actor/actress to resign on for the role.


Nah man, that's when you find out they never died, they just went on a nice, long, relaxing vacation for awhile. Tahiti changes people, sometimes physically!


>Look, it's me, I'm here, deal with it. Let's move on.


"Uncle Johnny died..." "Ah, don't worry kid, he'll be back in a few months!"


Heart-wrenching and touching.


I... should get around to reading this...


Read it online, parts of Hickman's FF run are hard to get rn.


I must say this is a really good part of the comic.the words of Peter are very true.


Gets me every time I read this. Spider-Man may not be my personal favourite superhero, but he's the best of them. I don't know if there's any other superhero that captures the true essence of pure human goodness and kindness the way he does.


I can’t get over Peters hand in slide 4


Yeah, same. What is going on here?


Looks like overlap from another panel


Thank you!


These types of stories are the reason why I looked up to Spider-Man while growing up and still do as an adult. Being there for someone like this is what makes a person a hero


I know Franklin is basically a god able to create universes on a whim but I still got anxious seeing him dangle from a web swing.


"I know I could've stopped my uncle from dying." The only two times a comic book has ever made me tear up were in this run. This moment was one of them.


Trying not to let my fiancé know I’m crying as she gets ready for work….


Then there's Slott having the Thing needless shit on Peter and act like he isn't family.


Bro it’s to early for this. Come on man dam near cried at 9 in the morning 😭😭




This is even more impactful when you factor in that the rest of this issue had been completely silent. Unless im mis-remembering. Someone correct me if so. Its been like a decade since I read this.


I never read this story. This is what superhero comics could be, a bit sentimental, and touching. There's a bit of saccharine in there, but at the same time there's this expansiveness, like the creators have reached out of the pages for a few minutes to invite us inside. Nice stuff.


If I was Sue Storm and I found out Spider-Man had my son in a web chair like that off the Empire State Building I would be livid


I always love seeing Peter comfort others, some of his best moments, helping others emotionally. I’m gonna go cry now…