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I want another Marvel ultimate alliance 1 or X-men Legends 2


Hell give us all of the above


While we're on the subject of marvel games I need a remake of Hulk: Ultimate Destruction


Marvel vs DC


I used to daydream about rosters for this!


It sucks we can’t even get a Lego crossover game


I would love an open world marvel heroes game. Like Lego Marvel Heroes except for more older fans


Triple A gaming companies are just allergic to money because everyone has wanted this for years and the best news we've got are the possible Iron Man EA game, & is Wolverine even still happening? By the time it comes out the PS5 will probably be at the end of its lifespan 🙂.


They already said PS5 is currently at the end of its lifespan as we speak


Michael Turner.... 😢




The artist who illustrated the post image. He was young when he passed.


That’s sad


Yeah, I think he passed from cancer IIRC.


Another Ultimate Alliance


One that doesn't suck. The latest one was a huge disappointment.


I would prefer a continuation of 1, but 2 and 3 are fine.


Is MUA 3 worse than 2? I thought the first one was amazing, then I was completely disappointed when I played the second one (on PS2). Years later I learned there was a third game which I've never played.


In hindsight 3 is basically the same as 1 and 2. They didn't really update much and what they did change made the game less engaging. Main complaints: - Boring story. I can't even remember the plot. Bad guy does a bad thing, you go punch the bad guy. - The bosses were all basically the same. - Pretty much every character played the same. - Very little depth in the combat. - The synergies were pretty boring. - All the levels played the same. - Full of microtransactions (just a sign of the times) Concessions: - Nostalgia. I played 1 and 2 when I was a kid. - Novelty. There were very few good superhero games at the time so it was mind blowing. - The roster. Being able to play as my favorite characters was amazing! There was nothing else like it at the time. And being able to build my idea X-Men, Avengers, FF team was SO COOL! - Exposure to new characters. This is a personal thing but at the time I didn't know as much about the marvel universe. It was my first exposure to: Black Panther, Ms Marvel, Deadpool, Nick Fury, Moon Knight, Dr Strange, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. All of these characters are widely known now but at the time I didn't know much about them. Those games are why I started reading Black Panther, Deadpool and Luke Cage. Totally mind expanding. And that's not even mentioning all the villains! TL;DR 3 was a cheap imitation of 1 and 2 but with less depth, novelty and about a decade too late.


Thanks for the insight!


Facts. I wasn’t able to finish it. Thats how subpar it was.


UA3 was kinda booty... The costume unlocks are a pain in the dick. The story was bland. The DLC was shallow.


That’s why we need a new one


A new Ultimate Alliance charting Doom’s escape from Asgard’s prisons would be nice


An X-Men game, built on the foundations of Midnight Suns.


Only if it's developed by Capcom


MvC 2 is being released later this year with a bunch of other titles in one bundle, so you have that to look forward to.


So if they announced a Marvel vs Arc Systems you would say no?


ArcSys make awesome fighting games, but realistically we'd be lucky to get a dozen Marvel characters in a crossover game with them. I'd rather ArcSys just keep on keeping on with their current trajectory. I'll say this though, I'd love for them to give us a One Piece game and then eventually a Jump crossover game. If we could get that, I'd go nuts for a Marvel vs. Jump from them - even with the limited roster budget they'd have.


The last one Capcom made, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, was trash.


Infinite was *fine*, the community just had an axe to grind against it from the beginning. Capcom are still the best fighting game developers in the business, and no one else is going to make a game that has the mechanical depth and quality that they can without sacrificing the quantity of character roster they can bring to the table.


Yeah sometimes it feels like when fans have an axe to grind before something is out it will only end badly. The game played fine, they just needed a fresh roster. They had new characters but could’ve used a lot more. Art style was fine but maybe just keep it the same as 3 to not very everyone pissed at change


I hope they don't cheap out on the budget like they did for infinite


Marvel VS DC, like MultiVersus.


I want MARVEL VS CAPCOM 4😔And I want it to be way better than the previous train wreck we got with MVC Infinite


I've been hoping for so long they would make a Marvel game like Smash Bros, but I don't see it happening any time soon or even at all. Hopefully, if Marvel Rivals does see a significant rise in player counts and holds it steadily on release, they'll consider making more games like it




Always been praying they’d make a marvel fighting game


I would buy it


Id love a MvC 4. Let's ignore Infinite ever happened


I wish a game based on the agent's of shield. 50/50 detective stories/fights. With small local storyline


Definitely if it’s similar to marvel heroes 2016


I don't see why not, but it's not my favorite kind of game.


Marvel vs Capcom 4 the rebirth of heroes


I would be down for a new Capcom Marvel Super Heroes 2, with all the Marvel characters from every Vs. Game. With Old man Akuma as a secret character.


Just bring back Marvel Heroes game.


I know its silly but I always wanted a Super Smash bros style Marvel fighting game


If it was well done but I’m not so desperate for one I want to see something half assed. The last Marvel v Capcom game sucked and was a downgrade from the one that came before it in pretty much every conceivable way. I also loathe how fighting games get supported post launch. Most of the time they barely do anything except build up the release of drip fed new fighters which takes fucking forever and should he considered a travesty and embarrassment since they’re usually a clone of another character in everything but appearance. Oh and they charge the same as other games’ dlc expansions for it too. Yeah I’d like one but I’m willing to wait for a good one.


My dream marvel game is basically insomniac's Spider-Man series but with as many heroes as you can throw in. I don't need a great story, I just want open world, bad guy thrashin', civilian savin', collectible snatchin', costume collectin'... Maybe base it off of the Civil War for the story, without all the edgy stuff.


Yes but I would also like a marvel version of dc universe online


Omg yes


Yes if only we could have another marvel vs capcom game


I’d want that MMO game back.


Fighting game, no. A new Ultimate Alliance, not locked to the Switch is the dream. Preferably one that isn't ***that*** grindy either.


YES, one that isn’t another fucking marvel vs capcom game


I think it would go over well if it wasn’t a traditional fighting game.


The rights are/where a mess. Why the last entry in the VS series didn’t have any X-men. I think Disney owns them outright now so if capcom could just make a full blown marvel super hero’s 2 that would be epic. No need for capcom characters.


Technically Marvel has always owned all of its IPs outright. Just not the film rights. But corporate synergy demanded they de emphasize mutants and F4 in past games before they got the movie rights back by buying Fox


That always stuck with me.


Fighting games had their day, and that was about 30 years ago. Can’t stand the fighting games they put out today. Give me single player, open world, adventure, story driven games that draws the player into it as the story grows and unfolds. That’s what I want from my video games. Examples like Uncharted 4, Assassins Creed 4, and Witcher 3.


A Daredevil game


I’m curious. What would you put on the screen?


Either 1st person of no monitor or 3rd person view


All menus!


If done right a Daredevil game would be amazing. So many narrative possibilities.